Please confirm you are at least 18 years old of age. Otherwise leave the website.
Updated on 05 дек., 2022 17:32
Публичный пост
Этот графический и текстовый материал был создан исключительно с художественными и развлекательными целями ИСКЛЮЧИТЕЛЬНО ДЛЯ СОВЕРШЕННОЛЕТНЕЙ АУДИТОРИИ. Материалы могут состоять из или всключать в себя сцены, оскорбительные для отдельных пользователей. Если вы не достигли 18 (восемнадцати) лет, или если данный материал воспринимается вами как оскорбительный, или если пользование таким материалом нелегально в вашей стране или культуре, ВЫ ДОЛЖНЫ НЕМЕДЛЕННО ПОКИНУТЬ ЭТУ СТРАНИЦУ. Все участники изображённых сцен вымышлены и не имеют аналогов в реальной жизни. В ходе создания графических и иных материалов никто не пострадал. Все изображённые участники являются как минимум совершеннолетними, даже если это выглядит иначе. Всё, что происходит на изображении или в тексте, совершается по согласию сторон, даже если это выглядит иначе.
Hi there!
We are Nobre Lobo and our goal is to combine the immersive elements of RPGs with adult content to create a fun Action-RPG with immersive erotic elements and amazing graphics!
Kalyskah is an Adult Action-Adventure Role-Playing Game where you control Kalyskah Karnstein, a noble lady of a long-dead vampire family who wakes up after thousands of years of slumber. What awaits her awakening is a world that has changed for the worse. It is up to you, the player, to help our heroine (or anti-heroine, if that is your choice) fight back or embrace the chaos and gain back control of her lost powers and abandoned followers. The game features an immersive combat system with RPG elements, an open world where you can experience quests with multiple endings and occasional interactive sex scenes, for those who play their cards right...
The open-world is under development and it's getting new quests and enemies as we work on the game.
In our current demo, the player controls Kalysakh as she makes her way through a linear dungeon. We are working on the surface world of the RPG, where Kalyskah ends up after fighting enemies and solving puzzles throughout the dungeon. The world we aim to present will provide players with quests and freedom to explore. Initially, this will mean a small area outside the initial dungeon, however, we will be increasing the explorable region with steady updates that will come once every two months. Our 25$ subscribers have access to scripts and uncut voice dialogues before they are implemented on the game, the $10+ patrons always have access to the latest game demos, and the 5$ subscribers have access to the latest demo one month after its release and participate in debates that will help us to shape the final product and also have access to NSFW screenshots of WIP pictures of the game’s development. The public version will be one or more steps behind the latest demo version. If you are not a subscriber, you can download the public demo by following this LINK. But we recommend you to get it through the itch app since it will auto-update the game when you have a new version to download. If you are a subscriber, we'll be monthly releasing posts here with demos of the game for you to download through google drive. The latest download link is this HERE.
We also started to release Visual Novels, the first one features a hot adventure Kalyskah and Mershya did in a Jungle. You can download it HERE.
You can learn more about the game by following these links:
We aim to make a deep RPG experience, with an immersive world and a plot that puts every interaction into context, including sexual encounters which will flow naturally from the dialogue. We want everyone to be able to play and enjoy the game for its gameplay, regardless of whether they are actually interested in the NSFW part of our project.
Join our community! Feel free to jump right into our Discord chat. We will show you game related stuff that we are currently working on and talk with you directly about our games. Support included!
And as for the short-term future, check out our roadmap by following this link.
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