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Quentin Franchi
Quentin Franchi
Creating "THEg", a third-person action-adventure bondage game
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Quentin Franchi
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Devlog June 28 2024

It's time... It's time for another devlog!

So what happened? Take a look at the videos i have uploaded to see how each described section currently looks like in the game.


In the game, your bound and gagged or free character, can have different stances:

  • Standing

This is the default stance when your character is standing, she can walk, run and jump.
Saying that your character can jump is quite the stretch, since i only implemented it today. 

  • Crouching

Like many stealth games, you can crouch! This is supposed to reduce the chances to be seen by characters in the world and heard by the sounds you are going to make while walking.

  • Kneeling
Kneeling stance

Kneeling, this stance doesn't allow you the move, you can only stay on your knees which is a nice position for some naughty activities. ;)

Currently it doesn't have any purposes for the prototype really, aside from hiding behind something i guess.
  • Laying down
That one might have a weird name for it's purpose but basically it means that your character can lay down on the ground and crawl, even if your character is all tied up, nice!
Laying down will also be the default stance if you are in tight spaces like vents, if your have you ankles crossed or if you are hogtied for example.


In previous devlogs, you might have noticed the other beautiful lady in the world. This naughty one is a guard AI. Guard AI? Yes, guards! It's the only type of AI behavior that will be present in the prototype.

These naughty girls will be patrolling and if they see you, ooh boy, they will chase you and tie you up.
It's so nice of her to tie you up! ;)


Yes, i know what you are thinking, right now, this crazy french guy is making words up. But wait! Let me explain!

These are items that can be thrown by characters, this is mainly used in the game to distract patrolling guards, if they are in your way and you don't have the time to wait or they decided to stay in your way just to be annoying. You can throw stuff at them.

Restraints: Zipties

Finally! Another restraint type we can play with!

Zipties are one of my favorites restraints. In the game they don't take as long as the ropes to apply but they are hard to struggle. Struggling out of these it will take a quite some time.

The easy way to get out of these is having to use scissors to cut your wrists zipties first then you can untie yourself. If you don't have scissors... you are helpless, ooooooh yeah! Just kidding, you still have the option to use sharp corners in the level to help you out.


I haven't talked much about self-bondage in the previous devlogs. Self-bondage in the game is there for our own pleasure because let's be honest, you want your sexy girl tied up huh? ;)
Zipties selection on the self-bondage screen

You can choose to restrain you character with restraints items in your inventory. They will show up on the left of the screen.

Annnd that's it for this week!

If you want to ask questions, share your thoughts, follow the game progress or just talk with us, i made an Official Discord server, come and join us!

Have a nice week-end!

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Quentin Franchi

In-depth Devlog June 28 2024

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Quentin Franchi
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Devlog June 21 2024

I have been told my devlogs were a bit too long. Can you believe that?! So i have reduced the public version of the devlog. You can check out to full version in the in-depth version.


- Basic interactions

This is what you are familiar with in majority of video games. Your character must face the object or the character you want to interact with.

You want to open the door, sure go ahead. You want to talk to a character, be my guest.

- Aiming interactions

These are interactions you can only do when you are aiming at an object or character with a specific item.

- Nested interactions

I needed to implement what i call "sub-interations", a curious little name only for nested interactions. These allows you to do, well, other interactions while being in one.

- Interactions collision shapes

I also added different collision shapes for the character interaction "hitboxes" depending on if the character has her arms restrained or not. If your arms are free, which is a shame by the way, you can interact with what's in front of you.

If you have your arms restrained in the back, oooooh boy now we're talking, you have to move your sexy ass to have your hands in front of the object you want to interact with.

Speaking of hands...

Body control: Arms control
Finally a first implementation of the arms control! Well it's not quite finished nor polished.

This allows YOU, yes you my dear, to control the arms of your lovely character to either
struggle or interact with objects that could be out of reach.
Interaction in arms control
I've uploaded a video to show you how it looks like.

Oh yeah, there's stealth mecanics in this game by the way. As you can see on the video, a first implementation of the hiding mecanic has been done. Hiding in the game will prevent your character from being seen by guards.

The current implementation make the object in which you are hiding transparent. This allows you to see what's happening around the object you are hiding in and see your sexy character struggle helplessly ;).


I'm experimenting with a new way to move the character. I'm not sure if i'll keep this but basically, your character will always be aligned with where you are looking at with the camera with a few exceptions.


I didn't talk about the quick access menu. This is just a quick way to equip items, if you don't want to open the inventory and equip the item from there. Another video has been uploaded to show you how it looks!
Quick access menu

Improvements were also made in general to handle a little bit better on how the game pauses.

That's all for this week!

Special thanks to all of you who joined the discord and gave precious feedback.

If you want to ask questions, share your thoughts, follow the game progress or just talk with us, i made an Official Discord server, come and join us!

Have a nice week-end!
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Quentin Franchi

In-depth Devlog June 21 2024

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Quentin Franchi

In-depth Devlog June 14 2024

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Quentin Franchi
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Devlog June 14 2024

Hi! Welcome back to the second devlog of the game.

The character

There it is! The reveal of the new character design! I've been struggling with how i made the last character, it was okay but i had issues with how it looked and how she behaved, i could teach her a lesson... but that's not what i mean. ;)

It's more like how parts of the body were moving when animated, how clothes were following, made and more... i had to redo a bunch of stuff but i though i'd remake the character from scratch, that would be give a cleaner and more attractive female character but of course that's only my humble opinion.

I decided to look around for base meshes of characters that i could use, well as a base! I stumbled upon nice characters made by the awesome arzvel.

The modelling itself was the only thing that interested me, the characters were too cartoonish for my taste and the skeleton was wayyy too complicated to have it in a game.

So i basically removed the skeleton and added, removed and changed the mesh of the character until i had something that i could be happy with.

And damn, i like this character, i can't wait to make her struggle on more restraints in different positions.

For the clothes, i've made bra, on panties, a camisole, skirt, leggings, a turtleneck sweater, a turtleneck sweater dress and high heels knee-high boots. The screenshots only shows the dress because, it was the best way to test how i could make restraints work with or without clothes.

Did i mentionned that the pressure effect / tight effect is here? If you look at the screenshots, you could see this effect on the legs but should be obvious for the skirt and vagina of the character with a crotch restraint.

Making the animations was nice. I like animation but oh boy, i'm not a professional. While i'm currently happy with the movements and the restrained animations. It needs more work for sure.


I guess it is pretty obvious, i like heels, high heels, high heels boots.

I finally found a way to make it possible the have multiple heels height in the game, including flat shoes and bare feet, if that's your thing.

At first i thought it would be too much work but i'm happy to say that multiple heels height are here baby! It's not fully implemented, it's only a fixed height for now but it shouldn't be too hard to do the rest.


Not much has been done here since i was focused on the 3d stuff to have this character. What i can say however is what has been done in the past that i didn't share with you last time.

Characters in the game share the same behaviours, in a way that the player could possess any of them without an issue, just like GTA 5, if you ever played it with a mod that change your player model with a pedestrian, it works kind of the same way here.

The idea is that in this game, what you can do, the AI can do it as well, except for a few things of course. You wouldn't want an AI to pause the game, quit the game or even download a car!

Ahem. An alert system and vision system has been done to give the ability to see to AIs but also to give you some time to realize you're being seen with an indicator similar to Cyberpunk 2077.

The breast size and separation is implemented but not available in the game UI, keep in mind that breast and butt size and separation will cause some visual issues, i already limited the sizes so you can reduce or increase the sizes to a generous but not huge sizes, the maximum is still pretty big.

Now i'm improving how characters moves while free or restrained and i will try to implement the new stuggle system.

Speaking of the Struggle System, i think i've found a good way to make you and the character struggle any kind of restraints, introducing the head, arms and legs control! Crazy idea, i know!

You will be able to choose which restraint to struggle and it will start the head control, if you want to struggle a ballgag for example, also, the arms control could be used to take items that are out of reach for your character when the arms are tied, on a desk for example.

And yes, i would love to implement a way to interact with your nose and your mouth like trying to use your phone to call for help but man, there's already a lot to do. It can wait a bit before i'll try to implement it.

The hard part is to do it though, and for that, i need to improve my interaction system once again, damn it!

There's a lot of interactions, interactions on yourself, interactions on someone, interactions on something and interactions with something. I struggle to find a good way to make you interact with the character and the world without having a mess in the UI and controls.

I don't want to be a simulator, it's a an bondage video game damn it, i'm here to see sexy girls struggle in their sexy outfits in sexy bondage!

Plans for the release of the prototype

I feel confident that i could implement all of the basic stealth features and bondage gameplay features i wanted for the prototype at the end of June and mayyyybe, maybe release the prototype at the end of July. Only time will tell if i could pull this off.

My number one priority on this prototype is to provide you a clean prototype with a small section of the story with several features so you can see a little bit of what i've imagined. Of course, this will only be a prototype so, no fancy story stuff.

And i think that's it! For now at least. I hope you liked the devlog and keep in mind that i do everything by myself, things might change and some things might take more time than others.

I saw there's already subscribers and i haven't even finished the prototype yet, thank you so much guys, i really appreciate it.

If you want to ask questions, share your thoughts, follow the game progress or just talk with us, i made an Official Discord server.

If you want a more in-depth version of this devlog, you can check, well, the in-depth version of it!

Happy week-end!
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