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is developing Accursed: Emma's Path
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0.1.23 RC is Live for Toe Dippers

What up!
0.1.23 is now live for all supporters!
Also, I'm working on a hotfix that should go up Monday or Tuesday.
-Mr. MegaloDEV
Remember: The Toe Dipper page is redundant for tiers above the "Toe Dipper" tier. You'll want to be on the Snorkeler+ page.
The Public version will launch on the 28th!
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0.1.23 RC is now live for Snorkelers+!!

Note: Let me know if you have any issues downloading or accessing the page.
It's Friday! What better way to celebrate than with the final 0.1 release, 0.1.23!
A Quest for Sophie
You can pick this up on day 10. This is technically a week 3 quest but well for this patch you can play it now! ??? is waiting...
2D Art
Lots of 2D art added.
Day 1+2 Updates
Just about every scene in day 1 and 2 was touched up. A couple will be added with the A "hotfix".
Blacksmith Intro
 This has been specifically updated with unique CG art. Also some cool BGS! 
Sprites and Busts
Four new sprites have been added. Read the notes below to find out who! Also all busts have been updated to the optimized system. The old busts are still present as there are still calls to them in various scenes. The old busts will be phased out and removed in a future update.
Both the "Healing Room" and Church Interior maps have been updated.
Cursed Realm
A small new scene has been added to the 2nd visit. Oooo.
And more! Scroll down to real the full changelog below for more details!
Next Update
First up I already have a hotfix planned for a couple small things I didn't have time to fix in time. Plus if anything I don't know about. I also want to improve one more scene in Day 2 that I'll sneak in here.
After that we've got our first snapshot for 0.2.24! As stated before this will be a large patch and therefore have a longer than usual patch cycle. We have three snapshots total planned for it. Lots of ground to cover!
Estimated Upcoming Release Schedule:
0.1.23 RC | Toe Dippers | 6/14/24
0.1.23 RC | Public Release | 6/28/24 
0.2.24s-1 | Snorkeler+ | Mid-End June
Changelog 0.1.23 RC (Includes notes from snapshot)
  • added 2 CG sets
    • ??? H-CG set
    • Blacksmith Intro set
  • added 2 new CG scenes
  • added 2 new maps
  • added new placeholder map: Dark Forest
  • added the remaining optimized VN busts
    • Barkeep
    • Blacksmith
    • Cassandra
    • Duke
    • Hermit
    • Hilda
    • Lily
    • Lorraine
    • Lyra
    • Mayor
    • Priest
    • Seras
    • Sophie
    • Uzul
  • added four more custom pixel sprites
    • Lorraine
    • Mayor
    • Priest
    • Seras
  • added some further polish to Demonlord magic scene
  • added several more icons in various locations
  • added a new BGM track for the evening/night/midnight slots on the main town map
  • added alternate "no" option to General store 2 scenario
  • added alternate "Defer payment" option to Hermit week 1 visit
  • updated scene: "Waking Up in the Church"
  • updated scene: "Kazuma Mountain Trail"
  • updated scene: "Onsen Entry"
  • updated scene: "The Hermit"
  • updated scene: "Hermit at the Church."
  • updated scene: "The Curse."
  • updated scene: "Cursed Realm 1st Visit."
  • updated scene: "Everything Has A Price."
  • updated scene: "The Golden Barrel"
  • updated scene: "The White Wolf"
  • updated scene: "Meeting the Mayor"
  • updated scene: "Bath 1"
  • updated scene: "The Blacksmith"
    • contains the new CG
  • updated scene: "The Magic Shop"
  • cleaned up some of the post-mayoral party dialogue
  • added small flavor text if you re-enter the church when finding the hermit.
  • added a 60 fps cap
    • Feedback requested!
  • changed a few pronouns to just be the proper noun to reduce confusion.
  • improved map reactions to time of day
    • stores now close at night
    • a few more non intractable NPCs appear and do different things based on time of day
    • tints should more reliably change based on time of day
  • updated credits
  • fixed an issue where Emma would walk all the way to left when talking with the Mayor.
  • fixed some issues with the Hermit week 1 visit
  • fixed some issues with the Cassandra training 2 scene.
  • fixed a scene that didn't play on the morning of day 3
  • fixed a bug that allowed you to progress to day 7 without attending the party.
  • fixed a bug during the general store week 2 event where busts overlapped the CGs
  • fixed issue with general shop dialogue line not playing
  • fixed an error with Garland not showing up after talk to Hilda on Day 1.
  • fixed some dialogue that displays twice when sleeping the first night.
  • fixed pathing and overlay issues on blacksmith map
  • fixed floating face in cross intro
  • reduced volume of NPC footsteps
  • various small bits of polish and optimizations
  • fixed A LOT of typos
Save . zip Included
All saves correspond to a respective day.
EG Save 1=Day 1 morning
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0.1.23s-1 is now live for Snorkelers+

Send me a DM if you have trouble accessing the page!
Hey all!
Through sickness, crashes, a dead computer (RIP), interviews and platform shakeups we bring you a new snapshot.
This snapshot itself is focused on Day 1. There was a lot of work to do on cleaning up the dialogue and adjusting it to the new system. Some scenes are altered to give them better context or improve conversational flow. In some cases, there is even some new content.
A few scenes even had to be recreated as well due to the updated maps and being some of the first scenes added to the game.
You should also notice a smaller file size. That's intended as we are optimizing the game's assets.
We've also locked the game to 60fps which is what the game engine internally updates at anyways. Let me know if this has positively or negatively affected your experience. In my testing so far, it has been a small net positive. Particularly on high refresh rate displays.
There is a LOT to finish implementing for 0.1.23 which should hopefully ship this weekend. Such as A SPICY new H-CG starring everyone's favorite ???, ???! (Catch the WIPs for that and more on discord) Plus tons of polish (specifically quests, corruption and tutorials) and I'd like to extend the polish to day 2 if there is time. Hoping we are able to squeeze in the next set of sprites as well!
Time to pop some more antibiotics and get back to work!
Changelog 0.1.23s-1 RC
  • added new church interior map
  • added new healing room interior map
  • added a 60 fps cap
        -Feedback requested!
  • added optimized Priest VN bust
  • added optimized Hermit VN bust
  • added optimized Lily VN bust
  • added optimized Hilda VN bust
  • added optimized Cassandra VN bust
  • updated scene: "Waking Up in the Church"
  • updated scene: "Kazuma Mountain Trail"
  • updated scene: "Onsen Entry"
  • updated scene: "The Hermit"
  • updated scene: "Hermit at the Church."
  • updated scene: "The Curse."
  • updated scene: "Cursed Realm 1st Visit."
  • updated scene: "Everything Has A Price."
  • updated scene: "The Golden Barrel"
  • updated scene: "The White Wolf"
  • added small flavor text if you re-enter the church when finding the hermit.
  • changed a few pronouns to just be the proper noun to reduce confusion.
  • fixed an error with Garland not showing up after talk to Hilda on Day 1.
  • fixed some dialogue that displays twice when sleeping the first night.
  • fixed A LOT of typos

The public build for 0.1.22 RC will also go live later tonight.
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0.1.22a RC is Live for Toe Dippers

Toe dipper release coming in hot... fix. Ahem.
Let me know if you guys find any more bugs or if you have any general feedback in the discord!
Changelog 0.1.22a RC
  • ​added a Kazuma's Prologue Quest questlog
  • updated gallery map
  • fixed a pathfinding error with the church door
  • fixed a name error during Sophie's Quest
  • fixed an awkward location during the sophie quest
  • reduced Grimnr's overuse of cleave
  • buffed hobgoblin
  • goblin fights revised during Kazuma Prologue Quest
Remember: The Toe Dipper page is redundant for tiers above the "Toe Dipper" tier. You'll want to be on the Snorkeler+ page.
The Public version will launch on the 14th!
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0.1.22 RC is now live for Snorkelers+

Note: Let me know if you have any issues downloading or accessing the page.
Hey all!
It's Tuesday! That means it's patch day!
2D Art
The Cassandra Training 2 scene, along with its associated CGs, is now available. Additionally, the Blacksmith Job is playable—refer to previous snapshots for more details. We've also introduced new busts for Seras and Grimnr, and updated various other busts.
Prologue Updates
Every scene in the prologue has been touched to some degree. Most notably the Finding Cross scene and Camp Fire scene. Next we'll be smoothing over the dialogue in Day 1 along with one very important context improvement to the story/setting.
Still plenty to do here but I've messed around with stats and stat growth scaling. The game will have a soft cap at level 50 and hard cap of 99. Probably the next major item I need to nail down here are skills and at least some better placeholders for animations and sounds.
Dialogue System
I've made a lot of improvements here under the hood. Slower devices should no longer have issues with sporadic characters flying everywhere as their busts are loaded in. Adding in new dialogue is also significantly faster from a development PoV. For now this newer system is only in the prologue.
Lots of new sprites. Seven to be precise! We'll just have two more batches left after this which you'll see implemented over the next few updates.
Cursed Realm
I've updated the map here. We are still using placeholder tiles for now. The current plan is to get custom tiles done for crystals and then we'll update the rest of the tiles as well. Their design will match the Cursed Realm CG's monolith.
Prologue Quests
During the prologue you'll be able to complete a small quest with Kazuma. We are also in the process of implementing one with Cross but we are still waiting on a few mechanics to be completed first.
And more! Read the changelog below for more details!
Next Update
0.1.23 should be a much quicker turnaround compared to our last few updates. It'll mainly be due to there only being one snapshot this time but also I'm going to force myself to focus on the corruption system and balancing how various scenes play out/are triggered and Emma's reaction to them. Of course we'll be getting some H-CG scenes and more playable days!
Estimated Upcoming Release Schedule:
0.1.22 RC | Toe Dippers | 4/30/24
0.1.22 RC | Public Release | 5/14/24 
0.1.23s-1 | Snorkeler+ | ~5/3/24
0.1.23 RC | Snorkeler+ | ~5/17/24
Changelog 0.1.22 RC (Includes notes from snapshots)
  • added 2 CG sets
  • added Cassandra Training 2 scene
  • added playable blacksmith enchanting job
  • added corruption gauge to main menu
    -various events should increase it and once it fills up Emma's corruption level should increase.
  • added Seras's bust
  • added Grimnr's bust
  • added new expressions for Emma's bust
  • added Kazuma prologue quest
  • added new "Battleground" scene
  • added new Lyra Sprite
  • added new Cassandra Sprite
  • added new Lucian sprite
  • added new Cross sprite
  • added new Duke sprite
  • added new Hermit sprite
  • added new Hilda sprite
  • added Battlefield Map
  • added Cross Prologue Quest placeholder map
  • added Kazuma Prologue Quest placeholder map
  • added training room placeholder map
  • added 3 new music tracks to dance event.
  • added Combat-Off mode
        -just wack em!
  • added new menu option for toggling combat on or off at any time
        -default setting will be "off" for only this snapshot.
  • added new dialogue system
        -should remove wonky behavior when new busts slide in over older ones.
        -also adds support for greying/tinting non-speaking busts.
        -updated all dialogue in the prologue to this new system
  • added Grimnr boss fight
        -should be easy mechanics-wise
  • updated cursed realm map (still placeholder)
  • updated/rebalanced all stats (not final)
  • updated Kazuma prologue dialogue
  • updated Cross prologue dialogue
  • updated love scene dialogue
  • updated Demon Lord encounter dialogue
  • updated castle storm dialogue
  • updated Demon Lord H-CG dialogue
  • updated Demon Lord encounter 2 dialogue
  • updated 2nd Eye Text
  • updated Finding Cross Scene
  • updated Camp Fire Scene
  • updated Garland Talk Scene
  • updated Demon Lord's bust 
  • updated Garland's bust
       -Also added new props
  • updated Kazuma's bust
  • updated Cross's bust
  • added a tiny amount of zoom which should help reduce shimmer.
  • added a wooden dummy to the camp map
  • fixed some events that showed the older pixel art for Cassandra and Lyra
  • fixed several lines that repeated in the first visit to the Golden Barrel innroom
  • fixed a typo in the merchant quest
  • fixed a repeating line in Cassandra's Training CG
  • fixed a missing word in the butler's text when visiting the mansion
  • fixed a pathing issue on the camp outskirts map
  • fixed a freeze when doing the pot cleaning quest
  • fixed collision issues on camp map
  • updated plugins
  • improved overall performance
  • fixed several typos and polished even more dialogue
Save . zip Included
Save 1= Day 1 Evening
Save 2= Day 2 Evening 
Save 3= Day 4 Morning 
Save 4= Day 6 Morning
Save 5= Day 7 Morning
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0.1.22s-2 is now live for Snorkelers+

Message me if you are having trouble accessing!
Hey all!
First, if you aren't on the discord you might be wondering about that video. The trailer is sent and honestly I think it came out really good all things considered. Worth it for sure. During it's production I also went ahead a worked on some stuff I had on the back burner. Namely updates to our game information/synopsis/etc since some of that was needed for this project. They'll go live at some point in the future.
OK, now let's get into what is in this snapshot.
The major focus for this snapshot was polish. Basically every line in the prologue was combed through and I also took the liberty to copy it all to new word documents. This is great as a reference and will make things like official translations in the future much easier. 
Related: I've actually been experimenting with a way to make the game more easily translated via unofficial means too. The idea being someone can just drop a language "mod" into a specific folder and a new language option will appear in the main menu.
The latest set of new pixel art is also in for the Duke, Hermit, Hilda, and Cross. Plus one more!
After some requests for it, I've also added in a way to turn off combat completely as well. For this snapshot combat will be defaulted "off" to test the feature. All future versions of the game will have combat defaulted "on". You can also change this in the menu.
Additionally, we now have the Kazuma prologue quest in. I may make modifications to it for the RC release though based on feedback.
In the full release of 0.1.22 you can expect the new CG that should finish up in the next couple of days or so. Coinciding with that will be a repeatable training event that will raise stats. You should also see the Cross Prologue Quest and the next iteration of the corruption system and cursed realm.
Estimated Upcoming Release Schedule:
0.1.22 RC | Snorkeler+ | ~4/19/24
0.1.22 RC | Toe Dipper | ~4/26/24 
0.1.23s-1 | Snorkeler+ | ~5/3/24
0.1.22 RC | Public Release | ~5/10/24
Changelog 0.1.22s-2 Snapshot
  • added Kazuma prologue quest
  • added Combat-Off mode
        -just wack em!
  • added new menu option for toggling combat on or off at any time
        -default setting will be "off" for only this snapshot.
  • added 3 new music tracks to dance event.
  • added Cross Prologue Quest placeholder map
  • added Kazuma Prologue Quest placeholder map
  • added improved Battlefield Map
  • added new Cross pixel art
  • added new Duke pixel art
  • added new Hermit pixel art
  • added new Hilda pixel art
  • added new Grimnr pixel art
  • updated Kazuma prologue dialogue
  • updated Cross prologue dialogue
  • updated love scene dialogue
  • updated Demon Lord encounter dialogue
  • updated castle storm dialogue
  • updated Demon Lord H-CG dialogue
  • updated Demon Lord encounter 2 dialogue
  • updated 2nd Eye Text
  • fixed some events that showed the older pixel art for Cassandra and Lyra
  • polished even more dialogue
  • fixed several typos
Save . zip Included
Save 1= Day 1 Morning
Save 2= Day 2 Evening 
Save 3= Day 4 Morning 
Save 4= Day 5 Morning
Oh yeah check back tomorrow for a new content priority vote!
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