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Hey, my name is Killer7 and I'm currently creating a story focussed Visual Novel named "My new Family".
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  • You can request up to 2 Custom arts for My New family with a Character + Pose of your choice!
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  • Access to My New Family and My New Memories betas as soon as they are available!
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  • In addition you can request up to  5  custom arts for My New Family each month OR 1 Custom art for My New Memories. The My New Family custom arts can contain as many characters as you want while the My New Memories art is limited to one!
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You love all the girls!

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Public post

Hello there you wonderful and extremely cute people!

Another week, another month, another progress update!

Let's jump right into the games!

I made some decent Progress on the next prequel day which will probably lead to the first release of said prequel. I was figuring out how to do certain events and ease the newer characters to become more of the "core" members, like Amelie and Rei. Since the MC never met them before ( as far as he remembers ), it will be a very new experience for me to write "friends" like that. It was easier in My New Family because of the whole roomate scenario but for MNM, I can't rely on that, so it's going to be interesting to introduce these characters first as friends, then as good friends and then as love interests down the road. Especially Amelie is a tricky case, having a rough childhood with very bad experiences regarding men ( I feel like that is usually the case with some of these characters in my games and to be fair, it's always nice and emotional to write them like this ). After a certain event her and the MC immediately connect, though, and he is very interested to hear why she is studying music. Todays render shows Amelie at the MCs place, where she will meet Bethany for the first time as well ( In this case it was Sabrinas doing since she loves to introduce new friends to Bethany ). They will have a nice and long talk before the MC goes on his date with Rei - Where Amelie will try to give him some tips regarding that ( not that she has any experiences with dating either, it will be the first time for the MC as well ).

I also worked a lot on Chapter 4 again since the progress on the prequel was going a little slower. I managed to start to write a super cute event with Lena, where we will see a side of her that we never really saw before. Usually she is very tough and upfront, but this time the MC will bring her to a place that will spark a lot of emotions in her, leading to some rather deep and serious talks between them, especially regarding their future. With the MC having all his memories back, Lena will also not be an optional Love Interest anymore, but if you still don't want to spend much time with her because you don't enjoy her character that much, you will still have the the chance to do so. Just remember that the canon route is that they are a couple ( for Yukikos sake alone ). But yeah, this event will hopefully make Lena warm up to some of you amazing people that didn't like her that much yet. With Anna being awake and her pregnancy, things that seemed impossible are now not impossible anymore in the MCs eyes and he will do his best to show Lena what he means with that. That's all I can say for now, but I'm really looking forward to you amazing people playing this part of Chapter 4 and then telling me if I wrote it in a way that makes sense or if it will just be a little weird!

And I think that's it for now. I will update you guys as soon as possible, like usual, and a first playable demo for the prequel will also be out very soon ( probably this or next week ). It will be a shorter version of the first beta that was available for supporters, but it will give you an overview on all the characters etc! Until then, stay awesome, like usual!

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An interesting combination. . .

Posted for $5, $10, $15, $20, $30, $50 tiers
Unlock Tier
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Hello there you wonderful and extremely wholesome people!

Another week, another progress update!

First, I want to say thank you to all the positive comments on my rather personal post from early sunday morning. I really appreciate all of you amazing people who commented on it. I feel like if I didn't know I had the best community ever, I'd have sunken into a deep despair, especially since everything was so up in the air ( like my finances during that time, what happens if I can't continue to work etc ). So, really, thank you!

Okay, let's jump right into the games.

Like last week, I made some very good progress on this "day" of the prequel. There are also a few changes I made to the house where the MC, Sabrina and Bethany are staying in ( since Jessica is on a school trip ). I noticed that the asset in general is good, but I kinda feel the same about it like I do with the house in the main game - It was lacking a bit more personality and warmth. So, the house will receive a similar treatment with new wall colors, a bit more furniture and pictures and all of that fun stuff. Todays render is Sabrina in a supermarket though, where she is going with the MC to buy some groceries and snacks for the weekend. This is going to be one of those more emotional events with her where Sabrina will start to realise that her feelings might have shifted over the last few years to a direction that lead to what you know from the main game. It was a gradual progress and didn't happen over the course of one day, but since the other girls that they met together seem to have a big interest in the MC, Sabrina started to notice why they do and that she kinda has a similar view on him nowadays. Meanwhile the MC is going through the same, trying to brush these off because of the emotions he is developing for the other girls, but he as well is slowly realising that there might be more between them than they think. I think with this I can also tackle something that a few of you wonderful people didn't really "like" in the main game, that there wasn't a real buildup with Sabrina. It already "happened" and now you get the opportunity to see the way that lead to this.

I also was able to work on Chapter 4 some more, finishing the very long introduction event of Karla, Emily and Caroline. We learn a few things regarding the twins that will be very interesting down the road. What do you think is their view on the whole Yukiko situation, for example? Since the MC and Anna told them way earlier than they did with the other girls ( you remember how happy they all were back then, even though it has been so many years ). Emily on the other hand wasn't the biggest fan since they only told her and the other two gingers after Manny ( MCs father ) passed away. You will notice some similar patterns between Emily and Jessica, but not as extreme as the blonde devil, I think. Emily is just extremely emotional when it's about the MC and since the three of them were always kinda left out ( especially these last few years ) she felt even more left out. So this is also something the MC will have to get her out of, this mindset of being left out - But this is why they build the house right next to the house where the MC lives. It's going to be a lot of fun to have these characters be discovered by everyone and I honestly can't wait to see how much you'll like ( or maybe dislike ) the three gingers. People that have a certain faible for well developed bosoms will love them, though, I'm 100% sure of that.

And I think that's it for now. Thank you guys again for all the positive feedback on the rather personal post, there is a lot more I could have written but iwas already so long. If anything comes up this week I'll let you guys know. Stay awesome!

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Oh Lea. . .

Posted for $5, $10, $15, $20, $30, $50 tiers
Unlock Tier
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This is going to be a post where I will mostly talk about personal stuff. It's not going to be about my games, they will just briefly get mentioned. It's totally fine if you are not interested in that, I just like to keep the people that are up to date.

It has now been 9 months since the police seized my equipment based on false allegations and faked evidence. 9 Months where I was basically stripped off something that defined my personal and work life more than I thought it would. And while the culprits finally got their jail time after everything they have done to me, the main piece of shit is still out there, getting pumped with crypto money by his family, enjoying his live in thailand to the fullest, fully knowing that the international arrest warrant won't get him there, since thailand doesn't have a extradition treaty with Germany. The only hope would be interpol, but I'm not betting too much on that. For now, this absolute piece of human trash is still out there and he lives in a country where you can live like a king for not a lot of money - compared to Germany. The police knows all this, I hope, and I also hope they monitored his social media accounts ( that are gone, for now ).

But that is not really the thing I wanted to talk about. It's more how I personally feel being treated by the German law enforcement or rather, the cops. You see, the accusations of crypto scam were always super weird and vague, since I don't even own a bitcoin wallet. My lawyer and I talked a lot about my work and he said that this could lead to problems as well, since the police will check my equipment for anything they deem "not okay". Even though the evidence they have so far is super thin ( just photos of screenshots of an unknown phone, still ), they treat me like a super extreme criminal. We suspect it's because they can't get a hold of this piece of shit in Thailand so they do everything they can to put me in a bad light.

My games are available on so many sites on the internet. I have been on Patreon for almost 5 years, My New Memories is on Steam since 2021, so no matter what the investigating police officer may think she finds ( I know her name, thanks to some letters I got ), my games are perfectly legal and don't break any laws here in germany. I even told my lawyer that, even though he advised me to stay calm and maybe stop working on them for now, until all of this is over. But this is never going to happen.

No matter what a police officer, a state attorney or the highest judge in germany may think, I will never stop working on My New Family or My New Memories. These games were able to create huge communities on so many platforms - Be it on Patreon, on Itch, on Steam , Twitter or Discord. There might be a time coming where I have to rally all of you amazing people to confirm that my games are not what someone might want to make them out to be. I don't want to go into detail here because some of these things are still only being discussed with me and my lawyer, but I'm sure I can count on you if it comes to that.

The thing is, it has been 9 months. That is a very, very long time. The last My New Memories update, Chapter 3, released in May 2023. It was the biggest and most intense chapter so far and my dream was always to reach this point in the game - Anna waking up. I think I said this a lot of times already, so sorry for repeating it again.

While I was able to release a few things during these 9 months its still nowhere near what I'm used to and capable off. Getting my stuff taken, or rather, my harddrives since I really dont care about other PC Hardware, it was hard to be myself. I was able to complete My New Family and release the Christmas special. But that was also 6 months ago and since then... Nothing. My plan was to have the prequel out way earlier, preferably in May, especially after the feedback has been so good, but here we are.

My plan is that once I'm done with the next "ingame day" ( the weekend ) I will release it as a playable version for everyone. No more betas. There will be a demo coming earlier that will give you a short ( ~15-20 minutes ) preview of what you can expect in the prequel and the prequel itself will most likely be as big as the first version of My New Memories. My initial plan was that the prequel will be a one time thing - One game from start to finish. But after all the feedback I got and with not knowing how long it will take until I get my harddrives back ( trust me, my lawyer and I will do everything we can to get them back, no matter what it costs, and the chances for that are still just as good ), I want to have the prequel as something I can continue to work on.

Now I'm talking about the games after all, I guess. Here is a simple thing though that you can keep in mind: Once I have my hardware back, I can bring the prequel to a "closure" at any time. That doesnt mean the game is done and no one will ever hear from it again, but I can put an end to what I'm working on right now, release it like that and then finish Chapter 4 with all the renders. What that means is that the prequel can continue even after I got my hardware back, if that makes sense. I can continue to tell the backstory of the MC while also telling the story of the future, with Anna, the ginger twins and Karla etc. It would kinda mean I work on 3 games, I guess , My New Family 2, My New Memories and My New Memories the beginning... But I feel like this is exactly what I need right now.

I think once I have the demo released for all of you, you will understand what I mean. And then you can decide if you think this was the right decision or if making the prequel was a mistake right from the beginning. Really, if you think like that, share these thoughts with me as well, I'm open for any feedback.

But yeah, I guess I just wanted to share how I feel right now. These last 9 months have been tougher than I thought but the fact that the prequel got so well received already by the supporters helped a lot with feeling better. It's still different on a day by day basis, sometimes I feel okay, sometimes I really don't feel okay, especially when I remember how I'm being treated and handled by the law enforcement right now. That one person there can basically hold my live hostage because she thinks that my games might contain things she deems inapropiate is a very bad feeling, especially when I see how she handles these things right now. My biggest hope right now is that the state attorney comes to a differen conclusion, but we didn't hear anything new from her yet ( they were on vacation, apparently...).

Sorry for this rather long post but I feel like sometimes I have to get these things off my chest. I really can't put in words how much each and everyone of you mean to me because it's you guys that actually made me keep going. Like I said, if I wouldn't have such a big community and so many amazing people that talk to me, I would not be here anymore. I would probably have left the internet completely and falled into a deep hole again. So, thank you so so so much, really. I know I say this a lot but from the bottom of my heart, thank you.

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Hello there you wonderful and very cute people!

Another week, another progress update.

I have something more personal to share this week, but I'm not going to do it in this post because it's going to be longer. It only losely involves the case I'm involved in and is more about how I'm personally processing everything these last 9 months ( Jesus, it really has been that long already huh? )

Okay, let's talk about the games now.

I'm making very good progress on the third "day" of the prequel. I feel like having the second beta out for all the $5 and higher tier supporters really helped with getting even more feedback regarding the direction I'm going. I wasn't completely sure in the beginning, esepcailly since I know how important these characters might become in the main game down the road, so I'm glad that what I'm doing so far is working out. If we take someone like Lea, for example, she will be a girl that introduces the MC to certain kinks he further develops with Anna. Since none of the prequel girls are mentioned in the main game ( because I didn't know there would be a prequel ) and the backstory of the MCs life is not told directly, it will be such a good way to give you new story twists down the road that hopefully will leave you surprised - in a positive way ( like Yukiko, for example ). Todays render shows Rei in the Cinema. If you remember, I used to make a render like that with Sabrina ( but told you to think its Caroline ) and since this cinema asset is pretty good, I decided to reuse the scene and just put Rei in there. This will be for their date, if you decided to go that route with her, and it's going to be very very cliché. Think of the classic first date in a movie theatre with things like "Is MC going to pay for her? Will they hold hands because of the armrest?" I feel like it's nice to do something like this for a change, since I never really did these things in My New Family before. I hope I can pull it off but I'm having a good feeling.

Speaking of good feelings, Chapter 4 is coming along nicely too. I finished work on a super funny and lewd scene with a certain ginger - The one that likes to chill in saunas. This event was probably one of the best I made so far in My New Memories, where you are just casually being nude and lewd with Lina. I feel like I want to expand on that, not only with her ( in this case it will just be her ) but with the other girls as well. It's a nice way to show them off but not in a weird or creepy sense, more like a "Hey, we're having an emotional and wholesome talk while just being naked". Lina is the perfect character for these things because of her open mind and more or less direct approach with things. The talks will be about this and that, but it could be that she had a good idea what happened between the MC and Sarah in the night - Maybe it wasn't the first time? Who knows, I'm not going to spoil it, but you'll see what I mean once you get to play Chapter 4.

And I feel like that's it for now. Like I said, I'm planning to post something more personal in this week as well, it's going to be a long post and it's totally okay if you don't care about these things. I feel like the progress updates should be more for the games and if something like these personal things pile up, I rather put them in a seperate post from now on ( small updates here and there will still be posted in the progress updates, though ). And if anything comes up I'll let you guys know, like usual. Stay awesome!

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If we reach this goal I will start to post some very lewd renders for My New Memories for all of you supporters! Renders we won't see anywhere else!

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