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Hey, my name is Killer7 and I'm currently creating a story focussed Visual Novel named "My new Family".
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  • Access to an exclusive Discord Channel where I sometimes post lewd (uncensored) custom arts!
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  • Access to My New Family/My New Memories betas after Sandra/Sabrina supporters! This means when I release the 2nd Beta for My New Family/My New Memories, you get access to the first one and so on!
  • Access to an exclusive Discord Channel where I sometimes post lewd (uncensored) custom arts!
  • You can request up to 2 Custom arts for My New family with a Character + Pose of your choice!
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You love My New Family and/or My New Memories and want to play the betas as soon as they are available! As an extra, you can also request custom arts for My New Family! Here are your benefits:

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  • Access to My New Family and My New Memories betas as soon as they are available!
  • You can request up to 3 Custom arts for My New family with a Character + Pose of your choice!
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You love My New Memories and My New Family and want to get benefits for both of the games!

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  • In addition, You can request up to 5 Custom arts for My New family with a Character + Pose of your choice!
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The Household

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  • In addition you can request up to  5  custom arts for My New Family each month OR 1 Custom art for My New Memories. The My New Family custom arts can contain as many characters as you want while the My New Memories art is limited to one!
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The Harem

You love all the girls!

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  • You also get to pick your own discord rank! Just message me your desired name and color! This rank will be unique for you only! *You can request 5 Custom Arts for My New family AND 1 Custom art for My New Memories each month!
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Hello there you cute and very wonderful people!

Another week, another progress update!

First I want to say thank you again. I feel like I'm doing this more often than usual but it's also how I really feel - Super grateful. The comments and messages I received on my post from last tuesday were amazing. Now that this step is done I really hope that the case in general will move forward and I will be able to get my stuff back as soon as possible. Fingers crossed and again, thank you from the bottom of my heart guys. Lots of love for each and everyone of you!

Okay, let's talk about the games.

The first prequel Beta is now also available for $5 supporters. I changed it up a little because I needed as much feedback as I can to continue work on the prequel. So far all of the comments have been very very positive and people seem to really enjoy what I'm doing with the story there. This is of course the ideal scenario for me because now I can focus even more on expanding the story the way I wanted to. The second beta might even be ready this month - I'm having a blast writing the next part of the story. Especially Rei, a character that is very important to me, seems to be getting a lot of love and curiosity. And of course Katharina, Lea's mother, has seen a lot of fan love as well ( as Lea herself too ). Sabrina and Bethany are a given and Jackie's story seems to have touched a lot of people as well. The only uncertain part is Amelie but I'm sure I will get there for you guys ( the second day will show a lot of interesting sides regarding her ). Again, thank you guys for all the feedback so far. If you have any concerns, thoughts etc, feel free to message me here or on Discord, I'd love to hear everything you guys might have to say. Todays render is Lea in the morning of the second day!

Of course I also worked on Chapter 4 again. If I hit a small wall in the prequel I just switch over to the main game and continue there. It's kinda what I did with MNF and MNM in general , just so I avoid a possible burnout. But I have to admit, it has been a long long time since I even felt close to having one. I mean, I had the break I had to take mentally after everything that has happened but I feel that now, with all the positive feedback I got regarding the prequel, I'm almost fully back and I can't even describe how good that feels. Of course there is always this lingering thought in my head that I want to continue work on Chapter 4 and I miss all of the main girls so much - Especially Anna and Yukiko. But working on the prequel filled me with a lot of hope and passion again, something that I feared was gone forever. I can't wait to hear your guys feedback on Chapter 4 once you play it.

I also started to create some of the characters for MNF2 already. I'm gonna go the classic way, though, so I started with Sandra and the twins ( since Sandra was the first character I ever made ). I don't have anything to show yet but it won't be too long until you can see how Sandra will look 18 years in the future. I mean, not that different if you paid attention to the MNF story, but different enough to say "Man, Sandy is a hot milf".

And I think that's it for now. Progress on the prequel is going way better than I expected and like usual, if I hear anything from my lawyer or the court, I'll let you guys know. A little shorter progress update this time, but I feel like we can use one of those from time to time, right? Stay awesome!

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Hello there you super wholesome and extremely sexy people!

Another week, another progress update!

I think the lewd Bethany render I posted on the weekend was one of the best I made so far, comperable to the Sabrina render from the week before ( that I posted in a similar pose on the weekend for everyone on twitter etc ). I feel like toying around with lighting can be a lot of fun and those two renders were very different from my usual ingame stuff. I think that is exactly what custom renders are there for, though, to be very different from the stuff you see ingame.

I didn't receive any news yet and I'm most likely going to write a new email to my attorney on wednesday, asking if anything returned. I think they are still catching up on stuff after the holidays, but to be honest, I have no idea how these people work. My suspicion is that they start to let work pile up ~2 weeks before Christmas and then work this pile off with the start of the new year. So who knows if my thing has been answered yet or not - I'll keep you guys posted and keep my head up to not let it get to me. It's getting more and more difficult though since I set my own deadline for this shit.

I was able to work quite a bit on My New Memories, though. I realized that while the main focus of Chapter 4 will be the family being fully reunited again, I also want to tell a few small backstories for the new characters. So todays render would be Caroline in the Cinema with the MC ( replace Sabrina with Caroline in your head, if you can ). Her and the MC used to do this a lot when he was visiting them and there is a very special reason for that - Something you will find out once you go there with her. It will be one of the few times the MC is not staying home again because I feel like that could end up being boring. I mean, imagine staying at home all day and doing whatever the hell, right? Yeah, that's a very weird thought...Anyway, Caroline is the more outgoing of the twins, so this will be a more laid back and fun event instead of emotional. Even though they are going to bring up certain things of the past, it will overall be a cute event. I also want to show the big difference ( no pun intended regarding her breast size, if you remember ) between her and her twin sister, since it's not that easy to tell them apart just by their looks. Once you get to know them better it will be very very easy though and I feel like Caroline will connect with a lot of you amazing people like Lina did. Think of her as Linas other older sister because they are much more alike than her and Sarah are ( which makes sense given the fact what Sarah had to experience ). So yeah, I'm super stoked to see you guys play this event, I really think that Chapter 4 is going to be the one I always wanted to make, especially in terms of wholesome and cute stuff.

And I think that's it for now. I will update you guys asap if I get some positive news from my lawyer and if its negative, you will hear about it in next weeks progress update. I have some more stuff to share soon that is not about the case, but rather something I got because I'm full of copium. Stay awesome, you amazing people!

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Hello there you wonderful and very attractive people out in the world!

Another week, Another month, Another year, Another progress update!

Well, I mostly want to write a small recap of 2023. I expected it will be longer, but since there is not that much left to tell regarding the bad stuff that happened at the end of 2023, I mostly want to talk about the good stuff that happened.

2023 was a very interesting and mostly amazing year for me. My New Memories finished it's first story arc and one of my most anticipated moments finally happened with Anna waking up. Ever since I released the first playable version of MNM this was the one moment I worked towards and I put all of my heart and hope into it, hoping that you guys would be as touched as I was when it finally happened. Now I can fully and truly work on My New Memories how I always wanted ( at least in terms of the story, rendering is a different thing at the moment, as you know ). I feel like My New Memories is on a good way and I can't wait to release Chapter 4. I'm still motivated like crazy, even through all the shit that has happened.

2023 Also had the final release and official "ending" for My New Family. After working on this game for over 4 years it was probably one of the most emotional moments of my life when I released the epilogue. Of course the work on My New Family is not done, but it truly marked the ending to the first game. I think I succeeded in creating a game from start to finish that I always wanted to play - wholesome, slice of life, no drama and lots of cute and lewd moments. Characters like Sandra, Lucy, Alice, Becca and the whole household in general truly mean more to me than I realized. I know it's just fictional work, but creating this game basically started a new life for me, helping me out of a deep hole that I was in for a long, long time. My games give me a reason to wake up every day and not just stay in bed, letting the bad feelings take over and fall back into the hole my games and you amazing people helped me out of.

If I remove the last 3 months of 2023 then I'd say this was one of the best years of my life. But you know what happened at the end of the year and since we don't have time travelling, it is sadly my current reality. I put all my hopes in this month that I at least get one of my crucial and essential ssds back, the only thing that really matters to me now. All the other hardware is replaceable but this one harddrive basically contains the stuff that keeps me alive, without it I..Don't want to know what will happen to me. The next 30 days will basically determine if there is a light at the end of the tunnel or if the current downwards spiral continues. I will stick to what I said last week and will not make a big announcement or fuzz about it. Let's just hope that the next 30 days and the start of 2024 in general will make things better.

I'm back to writing for My New Memories and my motivation is as high as it was before september 2023. I want to create new content, I want to continue the story. Sometimes, there are phases where I just start to look back and realize things I'd rather not see right now. For example, that this is the longest time between any game update I ever had. This is not how I want to see myself, even though this is out of my control, but it's what the mind does to you. I guess I just don't want to be seen as someone that is lazy or doesn't appreciate how lucky he is to do this job. And while I know that you amazing people most likely don't see me as a bad person, I myself start to see me as one. I constantly think back to what I could have done to prevent this - have online backups of all the assets. Have an external ssd outside of my living area... All the stuff that you only realize when it's too late. I know better now, of course, and I know what I will do once I have access to my files again, but that doesn't help me now. And I think the worst part is how utterly helpless I am because I have to rely on other people to do their job, that I can't accelerate things and that the people that are basically holding my life hostage are most likely not working as fast and effeciently as they could. To them this means nothing, to me these files mean everything. But I will not let this drag me down even further. My mind sometimes wanders to dark places, which is pretty normal, apparently. I'm currently in the process of seeking professional help regarding the trauma that occured during the raid, sometimes that I didn't even realize is happening to me. I thought I could get through this without it but I guess there is no harm in seeking help. That is at least something I can do.

But I don't want to end this on a negative note. If there is one thing that 2023, especially the end of it showed me is that I have the best community in the world. The incredible support you guys gave me after I broke the news to you throughout these last months is something I never experienced before. It feels like I have a second family in you guys, that always aims to make sure that I'm feeling... Good. That worries about my well being and wants to do their best to help. And there are no words in the world that can express how grateful I am for this. It's not only the work on my games that keeps me alive and afloat, it's mostly you guys telling me to keep going, to not lose hope and to look forward to better times. I think without you people, I'd be in the deepst hole of despair right now. Like I said, words can't express how grateful and happy I am to have you guys as my players, as my friends and as my family. Every comment, every message is a helping hand and I love you guys so much for this. Times will be better, I hope, and I know that it's getting tiring. Nonetheless, I will keep going, thanks to all of you amazing people.

Todays render is "Bethany" ( it should be Karla ) and you will have a longer talk with her on her first night back. There are a lot of things you and her never talked about before regarding the relationship she had to you and your sisters. If I had to compare Karlas personality to someone I'd say she is a lot like Becca. She never gave up on getting a true connection to Jessica and Sabrina, but she also never pressured too much. I think the realization will hit both of them that a lot of years were wasted with being bitter about something that Karla had nothing to do with. In the end, MCs parents divorced because they both wanted it, and the one person that can't be blamed for anything is Karla.

And I think that's it for now. If I receive any news this week I'll let you guys know asap, like I promised. Until then, stay awesome, and happy new year again! Let's hope it will start better than 2023 ended, alright?

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Hello there you super cute and very wholesome people!

Another week, another progress update!

This one will be a little shorter since there is not that much to talk about. I didn't get any news last week regarding my case, but to be honest, I didn't expect any ( be it positive or negative ) since it's the end of the year, and usually before holidays, these people tend to work less than they could. I think the earliest I will hear anything might be in 8 days...When the new year already started. It will almost be 4 months by then and I will still do everything I can to get that one SSD back. If I'm not getting the SSD back in january I will pause my pledges starting in february, since this is starting to get really on my mind ( and I don't want to bore you guys with the same "no news" every week, to be honest ). 5 months is a threshold I don't want to cross, especially if it's literally just that one god damned ssd that only contains daz3d files - And only those. Don't worry, I will survive for some time!

Okay, let's talk about something more positive now. The Christmas special. Like I said in my post from yesterday, I usually don't do updates like that, but I feel like given my current situation, it was the best thing for me and for you amazing people as well. I just wanted to do something that I can put out for you guys to play, so that little christmas special was the right call. I hope you guys enjoyed it, I had a lot of fun making it and I'm still constantly learning and improving to make MNF2 look even better. We'll see how that goes but I'm confident I can pull it off!

Todays render is a special Christmas one that I hastily put together. I hope you guys still like Bethany and Sabrina together in a cute Christmas outfit.

I will now return to writing fully on My New Memories again and I should be done with the full Chapter 4 script in the coming weeks. Then it will "just" be waiting, but I'm very high on hope ( or copium, as some people may call it ) that I will get that SSD in January. I already said a few times that chapter 4 will be huge and I expect that rendering will take me 2-3 weeks once I have all my assets back. Like I said, it's only about that one SSD for me now, they can take however long they want with all the other stuff ( my pcs etc ). So everything my lawyer and I will do is to get that SSD back asap. There is no reason that they won't, but you never know with the law enforcement here...If I make a post that literally just shows a red portable samsung SSD, you know I'm back in business.

And I think that's it for now. I hope I will have more to say next week but for now. I wish all of you amazing and cute people a merry Christmas and happy holidays! In Germany, we celebrate Christmas on the 24th but I know that in a lot of countries, todays is the big day! So I hope that all of you are able to enjoy these days with your beloved ones. Stay awesome!

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Here it is people, the little My New Family Christmas special. This one happens a few months after the ending of the epilogue, with all the children born etc. Usually, I don't make these kind of seasonal specials, but since I'm not able to fully work on My New Memories at the moment, I decided to at least give you guys this to build a small bridge until I can return to it in full effect again. It's a bit longer than your average MNF day, so I hope this will give you a smile during the holidays!

Also, you don't need any saves for this one. Just start a new game and enjoy! But you should have finished the epilogue, or nothing of this will make sense!

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I will try to post a Christmas Render as well soonish. Will most likely only be MNM though, since you have the Xmas special for MNF, right? I really hope you guys will enjoy this one!

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Hello there you very sexy and extremely cute people!

Another week, another progress update!

Last week, after the rather heavy post regarding the case I'm currently involved in, I asked my lawyer to write a new letter to the state attorney. This time we literally just asked for the most important portable SSD to be checked and handed over back to me - The one that contains all my DAZ3D assets. This is literally the only SSD I care about, the other one is also "important", since it contains all my renpy configuration files etc, but I can work without that one. We told the state attorney that it literally only contains files for rendering, so I hope we'll get a positive answer this week. Not sure if they will say anything at all though, with the holidays coming up they probably take it even slower... Once I have that SSD back I just have to buy a new pc and I'm 100% back in business. So all my hope is on that at the moment.

Okay, let's talk about the games.

Cute and lewd render with Bethany this week, I even made a version that I posted on Discord and Twitter. I think this week I want to include Bethany and Sabrina again.

The Christmas special is coming along nicely and the release will be ready on the 24th ( That's when we celebrate Christmas here ). It has the length of an average MNF day but contains a loooot of wholesome and cute dialogue. The girls will talk about their thoughts regarding Christmas and especially Becca will have to say a lot about it. After re-reading some of the script I realized that it's pretty emotional, but in a good way. They will overcome some of their earlier traumas once and for all and especially Alice will be a big help in everyone getting the ultimate Christmas spirit up. Keep in mind that the special will follow the true ending and it will assume you went for all girls, so if some of them show up that you haven't romanced, you now know why. You will also learn some of the names of MCs daughters, which will serve as a teaser for MNF2. It will just be a lot of talk about the newly made parents and some ginger wholesomess as well. Just imagine all the cute stuff you usually see in one MNF update all packed into one day - So watch out that you don't overdose on all that super sweet and corny stuff!

For My New Memories, I'm currently still in that phase where it's super difficult for me to write more for it. I think it will be better after the Christmas special is released, but I'm still preparing "empty" scenes already that I can just load up and add the characters I need once I have that very important SSD back. I basically load the scene, add Sabrina ( or Bethany ) into it and then just give her different poses that I will use for a scene with Yukiko, for example, where I will just replace Sabrina with Yukiko once I have her back. Todays progress update render is a scene like that, Bethany will be replaced with someone else, which will make it so I can work on those scenes way faster compared to making them from scratch again once I have my stuff back. Thanks to Satida for that suggestion. Oh, I also planned that there will be a longer event with Sophie in Chapter 4, kinda comperable to the one you had with Yukiko in Chapter 3. I feel like Sophie didn't get a lot of screentime just on her own yet, so I want to change that. The same goes for Olivia, I feel like now that Anna is back, she can truly start to be herself again. Hope you guys will look forward to that!

And I think that's it for now. I'll keep you guys posted if we get an answer from the state attorney, be it positive or negative. Until then, stay awesome, you amazing people!

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