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Hey, my name is Killer7 and I'm currently creating a story focussed Visual Novel named "My new Family".

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Hello there you wonderful and super wholesome people!

Another week, another progress update!

Let's jump right into the games again!

I've been getting in a super good workflow again which makes me very happy. I was mainly writing stuff and making renders for the next prequel chapter. As you might have guessed, the event where Rei revealed who her cousin is will be a little longer than usual and it will end up with a cute little animation in the end. Can't say more, but what I can say is that the dialogues they will have is going to be something I have never really done in any of my games before. Rei already knows a lot about the MC, Bethany and Sabrina. But she barely knows anything about Jessica and, even more important, about MCs father and his new family. She is interested to hear about how the parents of the MC divorced and why Sabrina feels the way she does regarding their father. I think I did a decent job so far, where the MC tells her basically how it all started and where him and his father are standing relationship wise now. Keep in mind that Karla and the twins are already a thing there, but that basically only the MC and Bethany know about it, so it's going to be an interesting little event when the MC ends up telling Sabrina about it. Still, I personally feel like it's good to give the MC a father that is not an asshole for once. He will also talk about Jessica, but won't mention that he suspects that Jessica might have feelings for him, since he isn't sure about it yet. This day is going to be super long because I feel like the prequel needs those days from time to time - I will change stuff a little up. So you wont go through every weekday or something like that but I will rather make it so certain days in university are interesting and then the weekend has interesting stuff again. In the evening of the first day you're going to spend some time with Lea and her mother, as you can see in todays render! And I can promise you that Chapter 2 will be even longer than Chapter 1, and that it won't take nearly as long to release.

I also worked some more on the main game again, basically connecting a few strings during the dialogue the MC has with Rei to the current time, where Karla, Caroline and Emily ( His step ... Landlady ... and two... Half roomates... ) are already thinking about moving to the new house. Right after the event you have with Sabrina you will go to Sarah, as you know if you played the snippet, and this event will just be as long as the little snippet you played. Like I said, Chapter 4 will be huge, which will be needed after the extremely long wait you guys had to endure. And don't worry, it's not like I will keep waiting it out forever. I'm already looking for people that did amazing jobs recreating daz3d characters so I can set a date in my head where I will say fuck waiting for the police woman to admit that she is wrong about that SSD drive and just recreate the characters. But for now, I still like to stick to what I said and wait to see if things will look better in a few months. I hope you guys understand that.

Regarding My New Family 2 I'm kinda stuck at the moment, creatively. I know that a lot of you amazing people are waiting for this and I can 100000% promise the first (long) chapter will release sometime this year. You guys know that I always want to give the best "first impression" on releases, that's why I was so happy that you guys love the prequel that much. It means that I will continue to release longer updates etc, even if it means work on the update might take a little longer. It's totally understandable and 100% fair if you don't want to wait that long for updates or game releases though and I would never be mad if you decide to stop to support me and move on to other games. Never feel the need to keep supporting even though you're not really enjoying my work anymore ( or how I work in general ).

And I think thats it for now, people. Nothing new regarding the case yet so I'm sticking to my lawyer who said "No news is good news". If anything comes up I'll let you guys know as soon as possible though! Until then, stay awesome!

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Hello there you super wholesome and extremely cute people!

Let's jump right into the games again!

You guys have no idea how extremely happy I am that you amazing people enjoyed the snippet I made with the Sabrina event. Now I'm seriously considering making another one with a very long Bethany event ( including some lewd fun with her that will result in an animation that would be in the snippet as well ), but I'm not 100% sure on that. It really warmed my heart to see that so many of you were happy to play this super small event you will experience in chapter 4, reading that even though you wish it was the full chapter, you take the snippet just to remember... Well, the game, I guess. Reading that people missed this story and my writing was such a good feeling, it really helped me get through the tougher times again. Thank you so so much for that. But before I work on a Bethany snippet I'll continue to work on MNF2 and the next Prequel chapter!

Speaking of prequel, I'm making super good progress on the script again and I'm hopeful that the writing for the first day of the chapter will be done this week. That means I can start rendering next week and release the first beta of Chapter 2 for supporters! Todays render is from the earlier part of the day, where you go to a Madi Café with Rei to talk more about your families. The MC didn't really tell her that much about Jessica yet, for example, or even the new family his father started. All of this will lead to Rei to talk more about Anna as well, of course, and the MC is going to be extra careful to not mention anything. After all Anna must have her reasons to not mention that she already found the love of her life back then, right? At least thats what the MC is thinking. He is struggling a lot with his emotions for her, especially with the new love he is experiencing with Rei and Lea. I really enjoy writing the MC like that, where he has to learn about those feelings, before he became the more confident man he is in the main game ( even though not as confident because of the amnesia, but it'll come back ). I don't want him to be an arrogant cocky dude who knows that all girls will fall for him, but I also don't want him to be someone that is too shy to say what he wants. It's a fine line and I think I'm walking it well so far. As you know, I really really dislike asshole mcs that are mean to their girls. I can keep my promise that this will never ever happen in the game.

I also worked a tad bit on My New Family 2 again. I feel like I'm getting the bigger picture of the story I'm writing now, which helps to not think too much about the engine I'm going to use. With how the story ended in MNF1, it's going to be challenging to introduce the new girls to the circumstances of their ... Let's say, Landlord and Landlady situation. I don't plan to make a girl be super repulsive regarding these things, but I also don't want it in a way that it's just natural that these girls will fall for the MC as well. I guess he has to work for it, just like he had to in MNF1. Still, I think especially with the tenant he has with Lucy it's going to be a lot of fun. I mean, can you imagine her calling him super stupid pelican? That will be funny.

And I think that's it for now, people. Thank you so much again from the bottom of my heart for all the feedback regarding the snippet. It really took a huge burden off my shoulder to know that you guys loved it. If anything new comes up regarding my case I'll let you guys know. Until then, stay awesome!

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Hello there you super cute and very wholesome people!

Another week, another progress update!

Let's jump right into the games again!

As some of you may have noticed, I was finally able to release the small snippet for Chapter 4 for supporters. As I said in the post, it's a long event with Sabrina where you will have a lot to talk about. I will release this snippet for everyone shortly after I made this post - You can grab it directly from the Discord. If you have My New Memories on Steam the snippet will be available in the Beta branch - Right click My New Memories on Steam, Hit Properties and then you can select the Beta under "Betas". Keep in mind that you should not save during this snippet and that you will eventually replay this event. Still, I hope you guys will like this small preview to Chapter 4, the feedback from supporters has been very positive!

Now that the snippet is done I went back to the prequel and continued to work a lot more on it. After the big reveal from Rei things have been shook up a little, but I don't want it to be the focus of this chapter. Since the MC started two relationships ( if you decided to go that route ) it will be more important for him to continue to hone his feelings towards Lea and Rei. Still, Anna is constantly on his mind and I'm going to explain a few things to people that never played the main game. Todays render is Lea in the evening at MCs house, where she started to be a very regular guest. The big reveal from Rei will more or less stay between him, Rei and Sabrina, mainly because it's not that big of a deal for Rei and for the MC it's pretty important that this stays "hidden" for now. I also plan to involve Katharina a little more into MCs lovelife, since I always liked the trope of the sexy neighbor "teaching" the MC. Think of Mary in MNF, I guess, just a little more perverted. After she heard how the MC lost his virginity to Lea she is super excited to finally amp up the pace with him, something that will also stir up some thoughts in Bethany. Like I said a few times by now, the prequel is there to make sure that you get to know the MC and all his nice traits before he married and started a family.

I also worked on MNF2 again, it's mainly writing some stuff though since I'm super hesitant to boot up Honey Select 1 or 2 to start working on these characters. It's more of an self inflicted issue, I think, because I want to make sure that the characters still look how they did in MNF1, just...Different, I guess. I mean, it's going to be 18 years after the end of MNF1, usually people don't stay with the same look for that long. Given the special "powers" the MC has they won't really age ( like it's explained ingame ) but I'm thinking of giving them a bit of a glowup. You'll see what I mean once I can get over myself and start fully working on them. Lucy and Sandra are my priority, so if I have something to show for, those will be the first 2 you're going to see.

And I feel like that's it for now! I can't wait to see your reaction to the snippet! Don't hesitate to share any feedback you have on the Discord or anywhere else, I'm super excited to read about it - Even if you hated it! If something comes up I'll let you guys know, like usual. Stay awesome!

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Hello there you wonderful, cute, sexy and extremely wholesome people!

Another week, another month, another progress update!

I have a little update, not regarding the case where my stuff got taken, but regarding the case where I had to appear in court as a witness/victim. The supreme court in germany denied the appeal of 3 of the 4 suspects ( since the main suspect fled to thailand ), which basically means their jail sentence will be in full effect now. That was very good news, on a personal level.

Let's jump into the games!

As you probably have noticed, I wasn't able to release the snippet in february, contrary to what I promised. I'm extremely sorry for that, I think I underestimated the length of it a little ( even though it's only about the length of a MNF day ). Maybe it was a little bit of "overwork" before the first prequel chapter release as well, but that is still not an excuse. But I have very good news, I have fully completed the script for the snippet and now only have to make the renders, which should easily be done this week! So if you were a $5 or higher tier supporter in the month of february but stopped to support in March, please send me a DM so you can play the snippet ~2 days before I release it for everyone to play. Like I said in other progress updates, this little snippet will talk a lot about stuff that happened earlier in that (ingame) day, so if you don't like to get spoiled ( things like the talk with Jessica a little, the MC talking about Karla and the twins etc ), and rather want to see it when the full Chapter releases, then don't play the snippet. I can highly recommend it though if you want some fresh My New Memories main game story! Todays render is Sabrina sitting on the couch, shortly after Bethany left to give the MC and her some privacy.

I also worked some more on the script for Chapter II of the prequel and I'm still super happy about the fact that you want to see more of it - At least until I can fully work on the main game again. My current idea is something related to Jackie, since her backstory is a good explanation on why the MC and Anna never hid the fact that they adopted Sarah and Lina ( once Lina was old enough to know about this, Sarah already knew right away of course ). Jackie already explained this a little to the MC, but will go into a deeper talk with him during an event they will have after the MC tells her that Anna will eventually come back.

That is not the only thing I'm working on though, like I said in other progress updates, I'm still a little torn regarding the engine I want to use for My New Family 2. I think it will all come down to a poll I'll make where I will show characters and you can decide which one you like more. It will most likely be Lucy and Sandra how they will look in MNF 2 using Honey Select ( they will look a little different since 18 years will pass ) and Honey Select 2 ( which will be a completely new look for them ). Lucy is the most loved character of My New Family so I think it's important that you guys get to see her and can then decide with your vote what you prefer. Of course it all comes down to what I prefer to work with in the end, but I will take every bit of feedback into consideration.

And I think thats it for now. My mental health has been getting better over these last few weeks and the extreme feeling of being down and not being able to do as much as I wanted to is basically gone. I'm very happy that I'm back on my usual work routine, even though I'm still struggling with this hell of a case against me. Still, I'm very confident that I will be able to release more updates this year than last year - Which is not difficult one would think, since it took me almost a year to finish the first prequel chapter. But yeah, new prequel chapter ( maybe even 2? ) + MNF2 + hopefully Chapter 4 ( once I get my stuff back it will be very fast ) will all happen this year. Thank you guys so much for your continuous support! Stay awesome!

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Hello there you extremely sexy and very wholesome people!

Another week, another progress update!

The script for the little snippet is almost done and I'm already firing up the renders in the background. I added a pretty deep talk that the MC has with Sabrina ( this all happens before you get the "flashback", the whole scene in general is very very long ) where you get the option to share your feelings with her open and honest... Or not. I don't want to get into too much detail of this talk, but it will be mostly about Sarah and her past. Like I said a few times, this snippet will talk about the things that happened the day before ( the Mike incident, if you want to call it that ) and I think it was the right decision to pick this event and not one with Bethany only. You will get a lot of information on what happened during this day already and my hope is that this will make you even more excited for Chapter 4 in general. Just keep in mind that there will be some "spoilers" of events that already happened during that day, so if you're not a fan of that then I can not recommend playing this snippet. Like I said though, my hope is that you will think "Damn, that happened earlier? Now I can't wait to see it in game for real!" since they won't talk about anything with too much detail, the MC will just mention stuff like "Earlier this day I talked to Lina" etc. I really think this snippet was the right thing to do, release a ~20 minute long snippet to enjoy some time with Sabrina from the main game ( and prequel ). Todays render is from the small part of the snippet where you get some prequel Sabrina time, where she is blushing in MCs bedroom. I wonder why.

I'm also currently working to release a functional version of My New Family 0.14 ( Chapter 1-9 ) for Android users. I have to convert all the images, which are around 15-20k, so that will be posted on and everywhere else once it's ready. It's just to ensure that if you are running the latest Android version, you can play both, 0.14 and the Epilogue fine. The PC version being "one" release is still in the works by me, that will also release very soon ( so if you ever want to replay My New Family, you just have to download one file and don't have to save at a specific spot in the game again ). I will also remove all the Dead links from my pages, mainly the MEGA ones ( since my MEGA account got deleted back in the day for DMCA claims by some agency ). I will provide other mirrors ( pixeldrain, gofile or for My New family, please use ) for you to download my games.

Speaking of My New Family, if I'm not doing much for the Chapter 4 snippet or the prequel, I'm still spending most of my time in Honey Select ( 1 and 2 ). I feel like it's very important to keep going back, even when My New Family is already completed, just to make sure I don't unlearn anything for MNF2 ( Trust me, this happened in November 2023 when I had no idea how to do certain things for the Christmas special ).

With the german law still not wanting to hand out that one harddrive that literally only contains my daz3d files, nothing else, I'm slowly but surely drifting in a not so good place of mind again. Working on the Chapter 4 snippet has been helping a lot not getting too desperate, though, and I can't wait to hear what you guys think. It will be a one time thing though, I'm not planning to release another snippet where you do something with Bethany, I think. It all depends on what you guys think, of course. Just wanted to give you guys a brief update regarding that situation, there is nothing new yet...After 1 1/2 years.

And I think thats it for now. If anything happens or I get any good/bad news, I'll let you guys know. Until then, stay awesome!

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Hello there you super cute and very wholesome people!

Another week, another progress update!

Let's jump right into the games again!

I'm at the half point of the little snippet I wanted to release, where the MC is talking to Sabrina ( in the main game ). I feel like this talk will be pretty important for the two of them in general, mainly because of all the things that happened during the day - Like Karla and the twins arriving and of course the very important event with Jessica before. With the MC having his memories back and Sabrina realising a lot of things, they will finally be able to talk about Manny as well. Sabrina went through a lot of emotions regarding him, Karla and the twins and her hostile attitude towards them has been slowly but surely fading. You know I'm all about characters kinda "redeeming" themselves and even though it's too late for Sabrina and Manny to make up, she can still redeem herself regarding Karla and the twins. As I said a few times, these three will become a core part of the household. Having the two talk about all these things, including prior events ( which will lead to the "flashback" ) will deepen their relationship even more than it already was - Even if you didn't want to romance her. Of course there will also be some light hearted moments but overall this talk will be more emotional, as you can see in the render, the MC is hugging Sabrina ( I tried my best to recreate the MC but he now has a more prominent beard, this will just be for the snippet most likely and I will change those renders once I have my MC back. )

Speaking of Sabrina and the MC, after the events that happened during the night with Lea, Sabrina will start to open up regarding a lot of things - And the MC too. Remember, my intend for the prequel was to show how the MC became the man he is in the main game and who helped him to achieve that. Since his first intimate relationship started with Lea, the best friend of Sabrina, he is very unsure how this will affect the household he is living in with her. It's going to be funny for the most part, but I also think that Sabrina might get a little emotional when she has thoughts that go in the direction of "What if he leaves with her" etc. You know me, I like to make it somewhat corny and cheesy sometimes, with a lot of wholsome hugging.

Speaking of wholesome hugging, I also have a good idea regarding a cute little event in My New Family 2 that I had on my mind. Like I said a few times, it's such an interesting case for me to basically make a game where "all" the lewding already happened - The MC is married to a lot of women, and the "tenants" are also there already. I'm sure theres plenty of games out there who did something like that already, but I want to try to give it my own take. Let's just say that the MC stays how he is - He never pushes any of the girls in his direction but waits and see how they react. Though there might be a girl that will be in a similar situation like Alice was when she joined the household - In terms of feelings for the MC and the MC being a stupid pelican.

And I feel like that's it for now, people. Sadly nothing new to report yet and I'm really starting to lose my mind here. I hope that february will bring somewhat decent news, if anything happens I'll let you guys know. Stay awesome!

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If we reach this goal I will start to post some very lewd renders for My New Memories for all of you supporters! Renders we won't see anywhere else!

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