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adult games and art

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331 subscribers
USD monthly

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By choosing this level of support you can have a finished version of the game before the public release.

Read posts only for patrons and be able to communicate in discord in the special section only for patrons.

  • Access to "patrons only" posts.
  • The opportunity to get a test version 5 days before the public release.
  • Our gratitude!
4 subscribers
USD monthly
Big Subscriber

Get the game before everyone else and participate in the voting and discussion to change the game to your liking with your vote.

Spoiler posts showing aspects of future versions.

  • Getting new information before everyone else.
  • Participate in polls.
  • Opportunity to view posts with spoilers.
  • Getting the test version 14 days before the public release.

✚ Everything aforementioned

9 subscribers
USD monthly
Bigger Subscriber

The hottest and juiciest spoilers start only here.

Perpetuate your name in the credits of the game, and leave your mark in future references on the background of the pictures.

Only you can choose interesting clothes in which to appear your favorite girl in the next update.

  • Participate in polls on the most important aspects of the game. You help us make the game better.
  • Priority for your vote.
  • Getting big spoiler posts.
  • Posts with your suggestion of a reference in a future background. The best will be definitely added.
  • Voting for new costumes that will appear in new updates.

✚ Everything aforementioned

0 subscribers
USD monthly
Biggest Subscriber

A firm handshake and my utmost gratitude.

A separate discord VIP area that I'll be checking more often than others with top-secret spoilers exclusively for you.

Only you get new mechanics of the game or even individual scenes to pass in test mode.

  • Your vote counts for 5.
  • Golden nickname in the game.
  • Alpha versions of scenes.
  • Maximum spoiler posts that can be made.
  • Special VIP zone with new mechanics.
  • Utmost gratitude that can ever exist!

✚ Everything aforementioned

6 subscribers
USD monthly
Heaven's blessing

For those who want to support us more than the standard tiers. ✚ Everything aforementioned

0 subscribers
USD monthly
Rich Sponsor

Ask your bank if you can spend that much.

If you really have the ability to help us with these amounts, then you are doing well with money.

  • In the game, there will be a statue with your name on it if anyone ever decides to make such a crazy way to spend money.

Write your nickname after you join, and we'll make your statue.

0 subscribers


  • You will get access to Susbcriber only content
  • You can participate in polls and make the game better
  • You will get the test version before the public release

Public post

Express News 

Hey guys, just wanted to let you know about two pretty exciting things we're doing right now.
The first piece of news is about the animation.
Usually we have one full animation with 3 speed choices, but now we are developing one with several different model angles and many small sub animations.
 To make it clearer, I'll compare this to if we gave you 1 big candy with 3 strong flavors, and now we give you 2 big candies with 5 not so strong flavors.

I hope that makes it clearer and that we haven't confused you further. It's pretty hard to simply explain without creating unnecessary spoilers.

The second news is the next test scene we plan to release this month.
They usually go beyond a high subscription level, and we realize that not everyone can afford it. So, we want to make a little New Year's gift and divide it into two parts. It's just perfect for such an opportunity.
The first part of the test scene will be available for Big Subscribers and the second part will be released as usual. 

Although we are afraid that the first part will make people very eager to find out what happens next. But aren't trailers based on the same technology…?

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Posted for $5, $10, $15, $30, $150 tiers
Unlock Tier

Test scene 2. 15

This post also includes Mega.NZ content links
Posted for $15, $30, $150 tiers
Unlock Tier
Public post

This year's latest development news

The last weeks before today's date were not as pleasant as I had planned.

First, in the outgoing year I managed to catch something like a pretty bad flu (I didn't call a doctor, but preferred to take a week of sick leave at my own expense, so that the next long after that week I would be walking like a zombie from weakness). Next time I won't do that and would rather stay home until I'm fully recovered.
Just recently, I had a system disk die on my computer and had to spend money and time to get it fixed (I described the situation in more detail in the post below). Thank God, don't worry, no information about the game was lost. You can once again thank the coder separately on this occasion.
Phew! Despite not the most joyous life situation, I got off easy, and albeit at a slower pace, but game development didn't stop.

In version 2.15 there will be a new castle location (will be appreciated in the game by those who will play the test scene that we will release whatever it costs us before the 31st).
 “Some” changes to the former head maid's costume have already been drawn.
 There are also some similar changes to Kate's costume (far less significant and more hidden, whatever that means)

While I was sick and couldn't draw so actively, the coder installed and customized me stable diffusion (a variant of home neural network). It's a pretty complex and interesting thing that I was able to master at a super basic level.
 You remember my attitude towards neural networks (creativity comes first, and this is all for super little things that won't affect the main drawing, and until I get better at drawing them myself). Anyway, I tried to make a passable natural background (large open natural places are the worst things I can do so far). I can tell you right off the bat that it wasn't very good, but I was still able to cut out some of the best parts. Still, it was a lot faster than if I had tried to torture my modest skills in that area.
It will be interesting to hear later from people who play the test scene what they notice.

In the end, I can say that no matter how the passing year tries to make our lives harder, we are not upset and continue to work even harder for the benefit of our favorite game.
P.S. Well, and of course to the delight of our fans, how could you be forgotten.

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Posted for $2, $5, $10, $15, $30, $150 tiers
Unlock Tier

Just some spoilers

Posted for $2, $5, $10, $15, $30, $150 tiers
Unlock Tier
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