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Public post

The big news

We have important news to share with everyone.
Development of version 2.15 is in its final stages, but there are some details you need to know.
The upcoming part of the game proved to be a real test for our small team, not only as developers, but also as friends. Don't worry, there is nothing that can't be done! 
This refers to the release date of the test version, which should be four days from now, on the 30th. We hit deadlines and run out of time, the amount of content is too much for both of us.
In fact, this situation is entirely more my fault as the artist of the project. To make it clear to everyone, I will try to explain it.

I was the one who insisted on releasing the version by all means this month to please people and not delay the already long release. Although the coder was against it, I still insisted and now I regret it a lot. I realized it when, due to overwork, lack of proper rest for a long time, and the opportunity to be in the fresh air, I began to feel not well at all, not realizing how all this affected my friend.
With his consent, I share personal details of his life.
The coder has recently had some difficulties in the family, and from general fatigue it has developed into psychological problems, resulting in a panic attack. Those who know what it is are well aware of how it affects life and its quality. Now he has to take some pretty serious sedatives in small doses to keep the problem from getting worse.

Right now I just feel terrible and very guilty towards him and that's why I'm writing this, putting it all out there.
I'm really sorry, dude, that I didn't listen to you and we both got into this unpleasant situation, I'm sorry.
I also want to apologize to all players who should not be affected by such stories, and I apologize as sincerely as I can.
Forgive me, I let not only my friend down, but you as well.

When will version 2.15 be released?
It will take some time to get things in order and the release date will be rescheduled to April 10th.
You as a reader might have a legitimate question, if the delay is so small, why was it necessary to write about it at all, wouldn't it be better to just put it in another form, otherwise it might look like excuses for the sake of being pitied.

In fact, I wouldn't want to be pitied!
While it is normal for other developers to miss deadlines for various reasons, we feel serious remorse and a sense of betrayal to the players.
In this case, if you feel that we have let you down, you have every right to be angry with us and even more to never support us again, we understand.

Now let's get to the results:
I realized that I really screwed up over my friend and I'm going to work to make up for all the damage that was done.

As a team, we realized that we couldn't handle that much content on our own and needed to get back to much smaller updates as quickly as possible.
It's not only better for us as developers, but it's also fairer for players, who will have to wait less.
We'll be sure to keep you posted on any changes.
Thanks for sticking with us even though we screw up (I do screw up).

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Test scene with a continuation and spoilers.

This post also includes Mega.NZ content links
Posted for $15, $30, $150 tiers
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Public post

Test scene. Incomplete.

For the first time, the test scene is published for all to see.
Enjoy a small part of the story.

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Public post

Public Express News 

With the release of the test version 2.15, the work is getting busier than ever before. We explained in the previous paid post why you have to wait longer than usual, and we decided it wasn't worth keeping everyone else in the dark.
In keeping with the name, let's briefly describe everything.
We tried to make more regular content for the beautiful name of 2.15 (15 scenes instead of 12 and two animations instead of one) and a little miscalculated our forces, but since the scenes were very cool, we didn't have the guts to abandon them halfway through.
We are trying our best to release the test version on March 30.
P.S. Also tomorrow or the next day we will release the third test scene, but this time it will have a certain nuance.
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Futa Quest development news#68

Posted for $2, $5, $10, $15, $30, $150 tiers
Unlock Tier

The mood of the future update in small spoilers or. . .

Posted for $5, $10, $15, $30, $150 tiers
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