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Friction Press profile
Friction Press
Friction Press
writing distressing erotica for filth loving queers
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Títulos de Assinatura

Free Tier

Keep up with any announcements, general updates, or free stories!

40 assinantes
USD mensal
Small tier

Read ongoing long projects as I write them. No extras. This is a special tier for folks who don’t have a lot of money but want to read anyway. I will open up new slots if I get over 75 subscribers

Assinaturas limitadas (11 de 20)
USD mensal
Medium Limited Tier

This is another limited tier for folks who can’t quite commit to the full medium tier. It’s limited, so if you have the means to pledge more, please do so to leave room for folks on a budget!

Assinaturas limitadas (4 de 12)
USD mensal
Medium Tier

Read all ongoing projects as well as any experimental short pieces or one-shots I decide to try.

19 assinantes
USD mensal
Big Tier

Read all ongoing projects as well as any experimental short pieces or one-shots I decide to try, AND get the finished versions of every piece in PDF and EPUB format for easier reading before they go up on itchio/ao3

9 assinantes
USD mensal
Huge Tier

Same as the $10 tier but for people who have more and are willing to give it! I appreciate you.

3 assinantes
USD mensal
Massive Tier

All the benefits of the previous tiers, and the simple joy of knowing you’re making my life easier. Maybe I’ll put some stupid secrets messages up here. Who knows. Mostly this exists for people who have more and want to give unconditionally. Thank you.

5 assinantes

Bem vinda

  • Access to all work in progress as it develops!
  • Read work that may never get published elsewhere!
  • Get finished PDFs and EPUBs before public release!

Friction Press


+ 8 other attachments
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Friction Press
Publicação pública

Tag Directory/Post Schedule

Welcome to my page! I write trans and gay erotica featuring all sorts of bodies and genders under the he/him and they/them umbrella. Every tier on my page will get you access to updates. The only difference in the tiers right now is YOUR personal financial abilities. Everyone will get the same WIPs, but I will only post edited PDFs/EPUBs here for the $10 and higher tiers. Otherwise, completed works will show up for free later on.

Check out my free work!
tip jar:
free originals:

My socials:

If you click on the tags on this pinned post, it will link you to every other post with that tag on it, so I'm using this as a directory for all of you. You can only use six tags per post so I will either cycle things in and out or I'll just make more directory posts as needed.

#SomeThoughts - any of my blog style posts 
#PostMortem - the wrap up and debrief I do after finishing certain pieces! 
#VelvetSeasonTwo - the current ongoing second part of VELVET
#NightPrince - any progress on the second volume will be tagged with this
#AdemAndMarius - any pieces with Adem & Marius 
#FakeRacingGame - fake racing game progress

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Friction Press


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Friction Press

VELVET S2 Tines 18

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Friction Press

VELVET S2 Tines 17

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Friction Press
Publicação pública


Due to the 2-way tie, I have chosen Sunday March 2nd at 1pm est for the DoL stream in discord! I'll make a post here and on bsky on the day of with the temp link for the server. Reminder, you will be placed directly into the voice channel for the video stream, it will be a restricted server so you won't be able to do anything except watch and interact with that specific chat. If you leave the server, you won't be able to get back in except for using the invite link, which will be set to automatically expire after I'm done! So: you will not be joining a server, you will simply be in a temporary chat to watch the stream itself.

If you would like me to stream again sometime at a date/time that is more convenient for you, please let me know! Comment here or on bsky. I won't know if you don't tell me so it's up to you.

Thanks! See you on the 2nd at 1pm.

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  • Acesso ao conteúdo do perfil da Creator.
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  • Significa entrar em contato com a Estrela diretamente por meio do Instant Messenger.


87 assinantes
83 publicação


$334 of $500
per month
I hope to be able to make up for the slow months when my day job isn't able to give me enough hours! Let’s get a reliable monthly income!
I would like to make enough money to be able to buy food when I'm too tired to cook after chronic illness flares.

Outras Creators


A subscrição dá-lhe:
  • Acesso ao conteúdo do perfil da Creator.
  • Capacidade de apoiar sua Estrela contribuindo - uma vez ou de forma recorrente.
  • Significa entrar em contato com a Estrela diretamente por meio do Instant Messenger.
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