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3D girls in bondage, chastity devices and high heels. Creating NSFW 3D objects for Blender.

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Displaying posts with tag GeometryNodes.Reset Filter
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Tentacle Curve v1 & Blue Tentacle Dimension 

This is a Blender Geometry Nodes setup to easily turn any single curve into a tentacle.
- Adjustable Pointiness.
- Auto-extending mesh without stretching.
- UV unwrapped.
- Seamless procedural noise texture included (other materials work nicely, too).
- Custom object attachable at the root, like the included magic circle. (Attach an 
  Attribute node with the name "UVMap" to your custom object material.)
- Make sure to increase spline resolution to the max in the curve properties.

Blue Tentacle Dimension background environment available with my latest rendering setup.

(Latest download in the pinned post for Advanced subscribers.)
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[Update] V2 Auto Rope

- Added scaling in x- and y-axis along the curve. Use tilt to turn the control points.
- Added built-in subdivision surface modifier for smoothing.
- Material Tilt stays stable when lengthening the curve and adjustment is now a float value instead of integer for more fine control.
- Removed 'Reverse Tilt' option, you can just turn the material tilt below zero.
- Filled ends of the rope.
- Custom objects for endcaps now possible.
- New procedural texture, also includes FTSC v1.7 for Goo Engine.
- Renamed 'Width Resolution' to 'Sides' (you can make a square curve shape).
- There is a slight texture seam when using a cyclical curve.

(Latest download in the pinned post for Advanced subscribers. Original post:

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[DL] Rope Curve Blender Geometry Nodes

This is a Geometry Nodes setup to easily create textured ropes or any textured tubes in Blender from any curve.

- Append the Nodetree to your project.
- Create a curve and increase the resolution in curve settings.
- Add the geometry node modifier to the curve and tweak the settings to your liking. 
- Use the "Material Tilt" setting to rotate the textures.
- Be mindful of the "Merge Distance" setting. It can be used to merge the ends of the curve shape together. Especially useful for cyclic curves.
- Enjoy your Rope without any texture misalignment, twisting or stretching issues.

For Blender 4.1+
I made this setup to mitigate all the issues I faced with using normal bevel geometry. The endcaps are really nice, too. As a first time user of geometry nodes, there may be bugs. Please report any issues.
You still have to make the curves yourself.  The loop knots in the demo file were made by billhails on Blend Swap. They have a CC0 license, so they are free to use.
Textures from ambientCG.
If you like, you can tag @finathai on X/Twitter. I'd love to see what you've done with this, although that's not necessary. I also accept suggestions and I'm happy to help.
- After purchase, you can freely edit node setup in any way you like.
- No reselling or sharing.
- Do any renders that you like and selling them is allowed.
- Attribution is not required, but it's always welcome.
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