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Jasmine Reynolds
Jasmine Reynolds
I write erotic fiction for the dark and depraved. My stories are all about strong men taking advantage of weaker women. I will also do commission stories.
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Jasmine Reynolds

Beth Gets Spoiled Pt 5

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Jasmine Reynolds
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Amber Gets Taken In Pt 1

Amber slid into her desk, placing her overloaded backpack in front of her between her legs. It made for a tight fit, but nearly everything she owned was stuffed into the pack, and she would not take any chances with it. Yesterday she had turned 18, and this morning her foster mom had told her not to bother coming back to the house after school. She had three months left before she graduated, and she was entirely on her own. Thinking about it nearly brought her to tears again, and she forced herself to focus on what Mr. Harding was saying. She usually loved English class, but today she could not concentrate. The second time Mr. Harding called on her, and she could only shake her head in response, he frowned at her worriedly and asked that she stay after class. Amber let out a deep sigh but nodded in resignation. He was her favorite teacher, but there was nothing he could do to help her, and spilling all her problems would not make her feel better. She resolved to tell him nothing and spent the rest of the class with her head down, trying not to cry. When the bell rang, Amber stayed at her desk. She couldn't even lookup. She had always been quiet and shy, but now talking seemed impossible. She felt Mr. Harding approach her desk and finally forced herself to raise her head.

"What's going on Amber?" He asked gently. Amber felt a floodgate release despite her earlier resolution and told him everything. Mr. Harding laid a gentle hand on her back. "Don't worry about anything Amber, I will take care of you. You can come stay at my place until you graduate and find a husband in the spring."

The new dress Mr. Harding had insisted she wear today felt uncomfortably tight across Amber's breasts. He had also insisted she show up for some before school English program. She knew she should be grateful, and she owed him everything. Still, his quirkiness in picking her clothes and controlling her time frustrated her. She would have simply worn her own clothes, but she had come home from school to find them all replaced. She supposed he was trying to be nice, but everything he had bought felt like it was a size too small. The hallways were empty this early in the morning as she hurried toward his classroom. School wouldn't start for another hour and a half, so she was not surprised no one else was there yet. She could hear laughter coming from Mr. Harding's open classroom, and she hurried her step, hoping she wasn't late. Amber tried slipping into the room unnoticed, but a hush fell over the room as soon as she walked through the door. Everyone turned to look at her. She felt a blush form on her cheeks, and she tried to offer a shy smile. The room was nearly empty; Mr. Harding leaned casually against the front of his desk. Another teacher she recognized as the gym teacher and soccer coach stood next to him. Three students, all guys, sat in the front row, and she was nearly certain they all played on the soccer team.

"Amber! How nice of you to join us, please come in and shut the door we won't be having anyone else join us this morning." Amber did as he asked, stepping into the room and removing the wedge to let the solid oak door close behind her. "Please come here Amber and let me introduce you to the group." She walked forward hesitantly until she was standing in front of him. Mr. Harding placed his hands on her shoulders and turned her to face the other three students. "Amber here is a homeless foster kid, without me she would be living on the street, probably having to sell this tight ass for money to eat." The men laughed, and Amber dropped her face, her cheeks flushing furiously. "Fortunately for her, I will allow her to live with me until she can find a husband to care for her. I told her I would only ask one thing in return, and she agreed to do anything I asked. Isn't that right Amber?" Amber moved her head in a fractional nod. She felt frozen in shock. Why would Mr. Harding be saying this in front of these men? "Well Amber, the only thing I need you to do to earn your free ride is to let any man I tell you to use your sexy little holes." The room spun slightly as his words registered. She had never even so much as kissed a boy. She couldn't let these men touch her.

"Please Mr. Harding," she heard herself saying, "please not that." His face turned into a frown, and Amber felt her knees weaken. If he decided to throw her out, it would likely be much worse for her. A young girl did not survive long on the streets of this city. He wasn't wrong that she was likely to end up in a whore house or worse should she lose his protection.

"That's not a great way to show your gratitude for everything I am doing for you, really it won't be so bad, your body was designed to pleasure men, it's what you're good for. Here, let me show you." His hands gripped her shoulders tighter, forcing her to turn again. Then, grabbing her neck, he forced her over his desk. Instinctively she started to struggle, and the soccer coach quickly stepped to the other side of her and twisted both arms up behind her back. Amber felt tears rolling down her face as Mr. Harding held her face down over his desk with one hand and used the other to lift her short dress up above her butt. "These three young men have worked very hard for their school, getting excellent grades and excelling in sports. They deserve a little extra reward; don't you think Amber?" Amber could only let out a sob. Terror tightened her throat, and shame filled her. "None of them have gotten the chance to be with a girl yet, or even see a woman's most valued areas, so you will have to excuse them if today is more for exploring, they are very inquisitive young men and like to know how things work before they just jump in. Mr. Lee here is our health teacher, so he is going to give them a little tour. Go ahead, Mr. Lee."

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Jasmine Reynolds

Beth Gets Spoiled Pt 3

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Jasmine Reynolds
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Beth Gets Spoiled Pt 1

A cold wind slipped up the back of Beth's shirt, causing her to shiver. She considered putting on her jacket but immediately discarded the idea. None of the other girls were wearing jackets, and many of them had even fewer clothes on than she did. They were also dancing, which was something Beth had not worked up the nerve to do. She tugged at her shirt again, vainly trying to get it to cover both her breasts and her lower back. She cursed Sasha silently for convincing her to wear such revealing clothes. She could see Sasha's golden hair spinning through the crowd, her short red dress twirling around her thighs. Beth fingered her own dark curls and sighed longingly. What she wouldn't give to be as pretty and confident as Sasha for just one night. She glanced over her shoulder and saw that Brad was still watching her. He gave her a smile and raised his eyebrow in a silent question. Shaking her head, no, Beth turned away from him. He had asked her to dance earlier in the night, but he was the only guy at this party she didn't want to dance with. Brad was the campus weirdo who somehow seemed to be best friends with the hottest guy in the college. At least Brad acted like they were best friends; Beth was sure that Jason was just too nice to tell him to get lost. Jason was nice to everyone; he had personally invited her and Shasha to this party at his parents' house. He had even smiled directly at her when asking. Of course, Beth had been too shy to answer, and Sasha had quickly covered for her, telling Jason they would both love to come. Beth had not realized just how special that invitation was, the party was small and intimate, and alcohol and food were provided by Jason. Sasha and Beth were also the only freshmen at the party; everyone else was people Beth knew to be in Jason's immediate friend group. Beth smiled shyly when she finally saw the person she had been watching turn and look her way. Jason's grin widened when he saw her, he said something to the group of guys he was with, and they all laughed and glanced in her direction. Beth felt her smile slip a little, and a knot of discomfort settled into her stomach. However, she forced herself to ignore it when Jason started walking her way.

Jason kept eye contact with her the entire short walk over, his grin never fading. By the time he reached her, Beth felt like her knees would collapse; she was so nervous.
"Hey Beth," he said easily, his slow southern drawl making the simple words sound almost seductive.
"Hi Jason," she surprised herself by saying. Her cheeks felt hot, and she looked at the ground to avoid staring into his blue eyes. She flinched back slightly when she felt a strong hand grip her chin and push her face up to look at him.
"Has anyone ever told you you're adorable when you're acting all shy?" His grip on her chin didn't lessen now that she was looking at him, and she felt a shiver that had nothing to do with the cold. "I would like to give you a gift, spoil you a little. Have you met my friend Brad?" Jason asked, turning her head slightly. Beth nearly jumped when she realized Brad was standing right beside her. "I would like you to go with him inside and he will help you get ready so when I come in, I can give you, my gift. Okay?" Beth nodded despite herself, she didn't really want to go in the house alone with Brad, but Jason said he would be coming soon, so she wouldn't have to be alone with him for long. "Good girl," Jason said as he released her chin and turned away without another word. She glanced over at Brad and allowed him to take her arm and guide her toward the house. He was silent as they walked, and Beth struggled to control the growing discomfort as they drew further and further from the other guests.

Once inside, Brad seemed to change, his grip on her arm grew uncomfortable, and when she tried to pull away, he glared down at her. "Come along whore, Jason will be in soon, and we wouldn't want to keep him waiting." Beth gasped; no one had ever spoken to her like that, she would have stopped dead in her tracks from shock, but Brad's painful grip on her arm kept her moving. "Let me go!" Beth shouted angrily, yanking hard on her arm. Brad simply turned and slammed her against the wall knocking the breath from her lungs. He released her arm and grabbed her throat with one hand and her face with the other. The pressure on her throat prevented her from screaming, and he sharply turned her head so she was looking at the party just beyond the back windows. "Nobody out there gives a damn about what happens to you inside this house. You can scream and cry and not only will no one hear you over the music, but if they did no one would help you. The only thing you fighting back will accomplish is making me mad and this is already going to be painful enough for you." He smiled and released her when he said the last part, and Beth felt herself go cold. "Now, we are going to go upstairs and I am going to get you ready for Jason. He likes his girls to be submissive and docile, and I like to make girls that way."

The trip up the stairs and into a back bedroom passed in a blur for Beth. She only became aware of herself again when Brad shoved her roughly into the room. He flipped on the lights, and Beth froze in shock, unable to comprehend what she was seeing. The walls were covered in whips, chains, straps and what she could only assume were sex toys. Hooks hung from the ceiling, and a large cage was set against the far wall. A king-sized bed sat in the other corner, and a strange-looking table took up the center of the room. She turned around slowly, her entire body shaking with fear. Her eyes locked on Brad; he was leaning casually against the door frame, watching her. "Well, what do you think of the playroom?" Brad asked with a laugh.

Subscribe up a tier and find out what happens next to Beth. What are Jason and Brad planning for her and how is a shy girl like Beth going to react?

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