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Course of Temptation
Course of Temptation
Creating Course of Temptation, a detailed text-based adult life simulator game.
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Course of Temptation July Update (v0.5.1)

Here's this month's update from the contributor team and myself! This update extends the major relationships update, adding new events and filling in some gaps.
All types of relationships get some new events this month, and D/s relationships in particular should be easier to come by.
Having trouble finding a dominant partner? Or an exhibitionist to join you on streams? Use the new Findr app to meet new dates and hookups with the traits you're looking for.
Added new hangout types to let you chill as a group in somebody's home or dorm, whether a friend group, a polycule, or a bunch of subs.
As always, a huge thanks goes out to the contributors for their hard work adding to this update!
If you're not aware, we're maintaining two parallel development cycles:
  • The monthly update might contain new event sets, new locations, or new mechanics, but usually focuses on extending existing content or polishing existing systems. It comes out once a month with whatever we got done in that time period... hence the name!

  • The roadmap update checks off one or more items on the roadmap, adding extensive new mechanics and a bunch of related new events in one go, often fundamentally changing how the game can be played. It usually takes multiple months.

Thank you and I hope you enjoy!
v0.5.1d release notes:

  • Added more assorted events for all types of ongoing relationships
  • Over thirty new events all told
  • In-person conversations with faculty characters are now more consistent with the framework established by after class and office hours conversations with professors
  • When talking with faculty in person, they may respond differently depending on whether or not you two are alone
  • As you gain more friendships or acquire a romantic partner, it may no longer be just the BFF waiting for you at the quad party (unless important to the storyline)
  • D/s inclined NPCs are now given some more opportunities to progress with you towards a D/s relationship
  • For NPCs, Dominant-aligned inclinations like Breaker now unlock the same interpersonal options as the Dominant inclination itself, improving consistency and increasing opportunities for these types of relationships, and likewise for submissive-aligned inclinations
  • Open relationships slightly reworked to better quantify what they actually represent: You have one exclusive romantic partner but can have sex with whomever you want
  • Polyamorous relationships slightly reworked to better quantify what they actually represent: You can have multiple romantic partners and can have sex with anyone
  • Non-Exclusive inclination renamed to Open Relationships
  • Current save’s world seed now displayed in Options dialog
  • Added new hangout type: hang out as a group, to gather several of your friends together for socializing
  • Added new hangout type: hang out as a polycule, to gather your poly partners together for socializing and fun
  • Added new hangout type: hang out with the subs, to gather your submissives together for socializing and fun
  • If your dom finds that you are not following the rules they’ve set for you, their anger value will build
  • Once their anger has passed a certain threshold, they will seek you out for a punishment scene, after which their anger will be nullified
  • The PC can now be the one to propose a romantic relationship in in-person dialogue. Careful not to ask before the time is right!
  • Added a selection of tights (contributed by funkabunk)
  • Added some sweaters (contributions by Hee Ho and Buttons)
  • Added compression shorts (contributed by Cadia Creations)
  • Added embossed collars to the porn shop
  • Added a bus event and a nighttime streaking event variation (contributed by Arcus_Caelestis)
  • Added a couple of highly requested sex positions
  • Added exercise equipment for your dorm to JT Ult’s sporting goods department, and a couple new workout stream events (contributed by Meat Glacier)
  • Added protein powder that you can make into shakes to boost your muscle gain for that day (contributed by Meat Glacier)
  • There’s a new bookmark on your phone and computer: Findr! Find dates, casual hookups, and D/s-inclined NPCs on this new app. A good way to meet NPCs with specific traits that can be difficult to run into by chance
  • Added new bulletin board screed and a couple unique Harasser in-person dialogue responses (contributed by Meat Glacier)
  • You can now edit NPC inclinations (with cheats enabled) from the View Person dialog
  • Added Always Horny inclination, putting the PC in a permanent state of being at least slightly aroused
  • The Risktaker, Sadist, and Breaker inclinations are now implemented
  • When wearing an outfit, if an exact match of an item saved in the outfit can’t be found, another instance of the item in a different style or color will be substituted, if available
  • Added a new event for the roommate and their partner to integrate them with the relationship system and unlock free interaction with them
  • Due to popular demand, added a toaster
  • Older NPCs have a chance of having gray or white hair
  • The character stats dialog now includes cheats for muscle and plumpness (if cheats are enabled)
  • NPCs who are inclined may now dress a bit more shamelessly
  • Many fixes and tweaks


Note: If you were part of early access, a reminder that the early access version will no longer be updated (until the next early access period). Please migrate your save to the current public version using the save export/import function (instructions are on the early access page).
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Course of Temptation

Course of Temptation July Update Early Access (v0. 5. 1)

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Course of Temptation
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Course of Temptation "Sticky Situationships" Update (0.5.0h)

A major roadmap update is here, adding relationships to the game (platonic, romantic, and more) and changing how you interact with NPCs. You can now officially have an exclusive romantic partner, regular FWBs, ongoing rivalries, and more. New date/hangout types have been added, NPCs now have more predictable nightlife schedules, and you can now approach and talk to any NPC at your current location.
This update involved extensive changes to core systems and intersected with basically every area of the game. As we move forward, relationships and NPC interactions will continue to be fleshed out within this new framework. Extending relationship and NPC interaction content will continue to be the focus as we move on to developing the July update.
Thanks as always to the contributor team, who added quite a lot to this update!
If you're not aware, we're maintaining two parallel development cycles:
  • The monthly update might contain new event sets, new locations, or new mechanics, but usually focuses on extending existing content or polishing existing systems. It comes out once a month with whatever we got done in that time period... hence the name!
  • The roadmap update checks off one or more items on the roadmap, adding extensive new mechanics and a bunch of related new events in one go, often fundamentally changing how the game can be played. It usually takes multiple months.
Thank you and I hope you enjoy!
v0.5.0h release notes:
  • Over a hundred new events scattered basically everywhere throughout the game
  • Friendships and romantic relationships are now a two-way street and are no longer simply defined by how an NPC feels about you — you decide whether to count them as a friend, or decide together whether you’re going to date officially
  • Similarly, you can choose to have an ongoing rivalry with NPCs who dislike you
  • Lust-based relationships can also happen, with both friends and enemies
  • Form friendships and experience positive events that help you manage your needs
  • Form more lustful relationships to get more easy and casual encounters
  • Form romantic relationships, including the ability to have an official boyfriend/girlfriend/partner
  • Form rivalries to have regular confrontations with others, with a boost to Composure if you come out on top
  • Dates, hangouts, and booty calls are now more important than ever, and help to nudge an NPC toward the type of relationship you want to have
  • Romances can be advanced through hitting particular milestones: the first date, the first kiss, and others. These can be done in any order
  • Each NPC has a favorite date location depending on their personality and interests, and taking them there is one of the milestones!
  • You can now choose your character’s turnons and turnoffs, which can impact your character’s reactions at times
  • Your character may develop crushes on NPCs if they match your turnons. You can follow your character’s whims or ignore the crush
  • Many romantic relationships are exclusive, but some NPCs are willing to have open relationships or may be polyamorous
  • Cheating on an exclusive partner is tracked, and if you’re observed, your partner’s suspicion may grow — assuming you’re not caught outright!
  • When suspicious enough, your partner may confront you, at which time you can confess or continue to lie. Results vary depending on the partner’s inclinations, your ability to lie, and whether you’ve been caught cheating before
  • If you displease your partner, they may break up with you, though there’s often a possibility of talking your way out of it. Similarly, you can choose to break up with them by first texting them and asking them to meet you
  • New date/hangout type: dorm study session, a way to get homework done while also advancing your relationship with somebody. And if you have a FWB relationship… it’s a classic pretext!
  • New date/hangout type: the Arcade. Good for fun, games, and romance!
  • New date/hangout type: the gym. Get a full workout while also having fun with a friend or date
  • Some NPCs are inclined towards D/s relationships in which the dominant can set rules for their submissive to follow
  • Some NPCs will be in exclusive romantic relationships of their own. This doesn’t make them off limits, but you’ll have a harder time tempting them, depending on their inclinations
  • New Cheater and Loyal inclinations affect how an NPC will respond to your advances when they’re in an exclusive relationship, and you can also unlock them yourself depending on your behavior
  • Existing relationships are now favored when it comes to socializing at the park, in dining halls, or at the bar, as well as picking NPCs for events in general
  • A portion of NPCs have never had sex before, and you can be their first time!
  • Added Demisexual, Asexual, and Aromantic inclinations that the player can choose at start
  • The Best Friend’s storyline has been slightly revised, giving you a path toward changing your relationship that does not require completing the quad party storyline
  • The Classroom Harasser and The Classroom Admirer storylines have both been revised, fleshing out their characters and giving them each a new event set at their own location where you can choose to interact with them daily if you want
  • Best Friend, Classroom Admirer, and Classroom Harasser storylines integrated with the relationship system
  • Attitudes will now gradually decay with people you haven’t interacted with recently
  • The Legislator menu has been refactored, making it easier to add new foods and have NPCs pick sensible items. No more vegans ordering steaks!
  • The inclination system is now smarter about prerequisites and opposites. You cannot embrace an inclination that’s the opposite of another that you have, and you cannot reject an inclination that’s a prerequisite for one you have
  • Though the River Rat is the place for casual hookups, you now have the option to ask someone for a date as you’re chatting at the bar
  • The much-asked-for ability to go for round two when you stay at an NPC’s place overnight
  • Ongoing saves will be populated with a few official friends and rivals to get things rolling
  • Gloryholes now become accessible once you have done the gloryhole dare (other ways to discover them will be forthcoming) (contributed by Meat Glacier)
  • Alternate way for male characters to become suspicious about the quad party milkshakes (contributed by sleepy)
  • New toy site added that players can discover in various ways (contributed by Enigma)
  • Added some variations to watching adult streams with different skills raised (based on contributions from Shiro)
  • NPCs now have predictable nightlife schedules, places they’ll be hanging out in the evening, that you can discover over time so you know where to find them
  • You can now approach and speak to any NPC at your current location. You can build friendship with them in this way as well as steer your relationship toward various less platonic goals, and... you can ask them their name!
  • Phone numbers are no longer automatically gained as you learn an NPC's name. Though you'll often still be given an NPC's number freely as you build friendship with them, you can also ask for their number as a separate interaction. This has also made your list of NPC contacts more consistent and less bug-prone
  • You can now discuss and renegotiate your ongoing romantic relationship with an NPC (contributed by sleepy)
  • Misc fixes, tweaks, and a bunch of other stuff

Note: If you were part of early access, a reminder that the early access version will no longer be updated (until the next early access period). Please migrate your save to the current public version using the save export/import function (instructions are on the early access page).
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Course of Temptation

Course of Temptation "Sticky Situationships" Update Early Access (v0. 5. 0)

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Course of Temptation
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Course of Temptation May Update (v0.4.27)

Here's this month's update from the contributor team and myself! This update adds some polish and extensions to several areas of the game, and rolls in a bunch of new event branches and variations from contributors.
Arcade side bets now go both ways, meaning your opponent may now also choose a punishment rather than paying out, or may ask if you'd like to roll the bet into the next day, just as you can. If they ask for a punishment, you can choose one from the list of approved punishments.
Be sure to check out the Arcade's new Disco Disco Insurrection machine and claw machine!
Dorm room decor has gotten some extension, adding some items that add to your relaxation and help you achieve a good rest, as well as a coffeemaker to let you put off a good rest as long as possible.
In encounters, you may now ask your partner to be more rough or more gentle, which has an effect on the actions they choose.
We made some changes to improve accessibility for screen readers, notably including the option to display the exact percentage of Needs bars and similar meters.
We have several first time contributors this month, mostly getting their feet wet by adding some alternate versions or new variations on existing events. As always, a huge thanks goes out to the contributors for their hard work adding to this update!
If you're not aware, we're maintaining two parallel development cycles:
  • The monthly update might contain new event sets, new locations, or new mechanics, but usually focuses on extending existing content or polishing existing systems. It comes out once a month with whatever we got done in that time period... hence the name!
  • The roadmap update checks off one or more items on the roadmap, adding extensive new mechanics and a bunch of related new events in one go, often fundamentally changing how the game can be played. It usually takes multiple months. The next roadmap update is also getting close to finished — it will be v0.5 and will add relationship mechanics to the game.
Thank you and I hope you enjoy!
v0.4.27f release notes:
  • Added extended bus groping scene with higher Disinhibition (contributed by Miles)
  • A new wardrobe malfunction event at the swimming pool (contributed by RyDog)
  • And another new hazard to your wardrobe has an event outside the Hallowell Building (contributed by KeepingItPro)
  • Sharing a public link to your toy may no longer be a good idea on esports game days
  • In fact, wearing a toy at all during esports games may be a bad idea thanks to a new event (contributed by KeepingItPro)
  • The event where you watch a girl being offered a milkshake at the quad party now has some additional outcomes (contributed by sleepy)
  • The event where you watch a girl being pressed to flash at the quad party now has some additional outcomes (contributed by sleepy)
  • One of the laundry scenes now better accommodates all genders (contributed by sleepy)
  • That other laundry scene now has a new oral variation (contributed by Enigma)
  • Added a Kind inclination, enemy of the Bully inclination, to gain Composure when being kind to people
  • Added an alternate version of a streaming event for non-breast-havers
  • Added a chance for people to get a view up the leg of your shorts in certain circumstances. The shorter, the riskier!
  • Added options to show the percentage value of meters and bars to improve screen reader support and for general edification
  • The clothing coverage dialog now has Xs to indicate which parts are covered for better accessibility
  • Added text to phone links that were just pointy brackets for better accessibility
  • The Story Hints dialog now shows a warning if a storyline is affected by disabled content options (the roommate’s partner is a common victim of this)
  • You can now ask NPCs to be more rough or more gentle in encounters. Many will comply, but if they’re at one end or another of the D/s spectrum, they won’t go against their nature
  • The football practice skillcheck events necessary to become a starter will fire more reliably and less randomly as your skills level up enough to pass them reliably
  • Made the football dash skillcheck easier to pass
  • Dorm inventory refactored to be more flexible, making it easier to add functionality to these items
  • Added dorm stuff inventory screen
  • Added some new decor for your dorm room
  • Added a coffeemaker and ground coffee for use in your dorm room
  • Loading up on caffeine now has diminishing returns in restoring the Rest need, and will subsequently cause the Rest need to decay faster. This effect only goes away with actual sleep
  • Improved logic for encounters where part access is restricted (gloryholes etc.)
  • Choosing to roll an Arcade side bet over to the next day is no longer a unilateral decision, and an NPC might refuse
  • NPCs who lose an Arcade side bet won’t necessarily pay out immediately, but may instead ask for a punishment or to roll the bet over
  • For solo play at the Arcade, you can now choose which game you want to play
  • Added a dance arcade game for some extra fun and reliable Dancing skill boosts
  • Added a claw machine to the Arcade so you can start a plushie collection
  • Starting money increased to $500. The part-time job prologue option now adds $500, and each point put into Money in quickstart adds $200
  • Some early events that have the PC blushing have been changed to be more reactive to your inclinations
  • You can now buy drinks for NPCs at the bar in River Rat
  • That one event where the roommate’s partner asks you about certain roommate activities should now fire when relevant more reliably
  • Added some clothing and hair suggestions. Lots of hair this time, especially braids and undercuts!
  • Spit or swallow? There is now an answer to this question in encounters, and some other NPC reactions to impending messes
  • Pulling out at the last second now involves passing a Willpower check
  • Added a small, occasional event set to the tend garden plot action
  • Added a branching event that can occur if the bus is very overcrowded (contributed by sleepy)
  • Added a new content option for scenes where you face namecalling or negative social consequences for having a high reputation for exhibitionism and promiscuity. Note that rumors will still spread regardless, and your stream's chat may still be mean to you
  • You will tend to learn the names of NPCs you’ve interacted with multiple times more reliably
  • Some new kinky event variations at the quad party (contributed by Narcolepsy)
  • Footsie time during a dinner date may now go a bit further (contributed by Narcolepsy)
  • More variations in catching people being frisky around campus (contributions from Enigma and Arcus_Caelestis)
  • The various star athlete characters will now tend to actually be good at their sport
  • Many small fixes and tweaks
Note: If you were part of early access, a reminder that the early access version will no longer be updated (until the next early access period). Please migrate your save to the current public version using the save export/import function (instructions are on the early access page).
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Course of Temptation

Course of Temptation May Update Early Access (v0. 4. 27)

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