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I make kinky Video Games and Animations!
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Displaying posts with tag Publicpost.Reset Filter
Public post

Public Demo = Who's a Good Girl? Available now!

Hi everyone!
I'm excited to announce a new free demo for my newest micro-game called "Who's a good girl?"
In this micro-game you play as the town mayor who compliments your ever reliable and lovely Town Assistant. An action that leads to more and more escalating events.

In this NSFW micro-game you'll experience some very cute and kinky consensual interactions with tickling, teasing, and softcore BDSM elements.

Other Features:

- Full Voice Audio for the Assistant
- Original Music Tracks
- Fun and Fluid Animations

The Demo Includes:

About 40% of the content you can explore in the full version.

This Demo can be played on any Windows OS PC and can be downloaded from the attachments of this post!

Unzip the contents of the folder and run the file "Whos a good girl" to play!

I hope you all enjoy it.
- Caroo

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Public post

Back from Holiday & Shaking off the Dust!

Hi everyone!

This is just a very quick message to let you all know I'm back from my holiday and family visit.
It was a great time. I hadn't seen my family for three years and being able to catch up with them and even settle some family matters made a massive difference.
But I'm also very, very happy to be back home and happy to get back to work! :D

What's coming up?

There's only one week left in January, so my plan is to create a quick and kinky animation to "Shake off the dust" of being away from work for a while.
Something bondage and tickling related most likely.
Then starting in Feb I'll be getting back to development on Bindmancer as well as a animation set side project I want to explore. :)

Thanks for everyone's support during my time off. It means so much to me that so many of you stayed on while I was away!

With love and commitment

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Public post

Public Post - Prisoners: Males, Gender Selection, & New Peril

Hi Everyone!

It's a new public post to showcase what got done over November.

And If you like what you see it's all available to play in the current subscriber build of the game for those subscribed at the support tier (2nd tier) or higher.

You can also play the public demo here. 

Gameplay Video 

You can watch the current state of the game in-action via a gameplay video listed here. 

This gameplay video is just under 4 minutes and showcases all the updates over the current free demo.

New Prisoner Peril

A new prisoner peril was created that utilizes floor tiles instead of wall tiles. Giving a lot more flexibility to where a prisoner can be placed. 

This new peril exposes the prisoner to some devious vibration teasing and they're locked under a magical shield that needs to go before they can be freed. The player has to deactivate the gems connected to the contraption to free them.
And of course there's a female model for the same peril.

Male Prisoners

For the currently existing wall perils I've also added male models to that can be freed!

These models much like the original female ones can range in hair, head and color styles.

Prisoner Gender Selection

Going in-hand with all these male prisoners, players can now choose what prisoner genders they want to appear in the game.

Players can choose for their to either be females only, males only, or both present.

This gives you the choice in who to rescue.

What's coming in December due to your support?

December will be a month of one more build update before I head off to see the folks down in Australia for a month around mid December.

The focus is going to be on gameplay improvements and polish to leave the game in the best state possible before I head off for a month. :)

Thank you all so much for your support and love. <3 I hope you like what you see!
- Caroo

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Public post

Public Post - Enemy AI - New Enemies - More Peril

Hi Everyone!

There's lots of new and fun content to show that was developed during September for The Bindmancer.

And If you like what you see below, it's all available to play in the current patron build of the game for those subscribed at the support tier (2nd tier) or higher.

With that, lets get into what's new:

Enemy AI

This is the big feature for this month. We've got in the enemy AI and pathfinding logic that allows enemies to detect, follow, and attack the player character.

It's not 100% complete yet (in that enemies can't stop themselves from moving into each other.) But they do successfully navigate around the walls and static objects of the dungeon and move to the beat!

Enemies moving around the dungeon gives the game a much more dynamic gameplay experience. You have to move around to defeat enemies now!

New Enemy: Golems

I've also added a 2nd and new enemy type into the game: Golems.

Golems in the long term will have a range of attacks as enemy development goes on. But mainly they're designed to be fodder enemies that will drop resources when defeated and don't have a release / punish option once defeated. 

They're the cultists automated servants of the dungeon.

The current model uses its wrapper arms to bind up the character if they're not careful!

New Peril: Bindings

When the Golem attack hits the player it wont drain any health on its own but it will instead bind up the character and render them immobile, leaving them open to attacks by other enemies and traps!

Players must rapidly struggle to free themselves of the bindings before other enemies approach!

Of course, you should take a moment to appreciate how cute the Bindmancer Looks all bound up and helpless. <3

Dungeon Lighting

Another big change this month is the adding of a 2D lighting system to the dungeon level.

It gives the game a lot more atmosphere and visual polish to boot!

Many of the light sources are tied to lit objects like glowing crystals. Overall the new lighting makes the dungeon feel much more like a devious space that holds helpless captives.

Polished Dungeon Wall Assets

I commission my friend and fellow artist ALTART to do an improved version of dungeon assets and this month he was able to get wall assets in and they look fantastic! 

These additions add even more polish to the visuals of the game.

What's coming in October due to your support?

There's a lot of great stuff that could get in. Things I'm going to focus on include:

  • Making "Lore" Pickups in the dungeon.
  • Making another prisoner bondage type that's placed on floor tiles rather then wall tiles. Giving us more places to put prisoners to free.
  • Polishing a lot of the content already there. I feel like a solid week or two of just working on improving things would do a lot of good as well!

I hope you enjoyed this public update! Your support drives me to make this game better and better! 

And of course I'd love to hear your feedback!

- Caroo

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Public post

Public Post - August Progress on Bindmancer

Hi Everyone!

I've got some fun content to show off for all the work done during August for The Bindmancer. 

All that I'm showing off is also available in the newest Patron Build available to those who sub at $10 or more. :)

Let's get into it all!

Treasure Chests Art Revision

Treasure Chests have gotten a lot of love and attention in August. Mainly because the original asset was out of sync with "camera perspective" of the dungeon and I wanted to make it look a lot more akin to the dungeon environment itself.

Not only that but I also went to the trouble of "splitting up" elements like the locks and chains which now break apart in the opening animations.

In addition the treasure inside is also split into multiple pieces and it's now picked up as you interact with it:

Overall I'm quite happy with how the new artwork turned out!

Mimic Chests

I also created a new type of chest that's a trap for the player! Mimic Chests:

These chests can do devious things to those who aren't careful and don't get out of their way in time.

At the moment there are three different mimic types the player can run into that do different things!

If you do get caught then you need to wiggle around to escape!

Locked Chests

Another chest type I created was a "Locked" Chest that requires a key to open.

Keys can be picked up by either redeeming enemies or found in the environment.

Resolution and Audio Volume Support

A requested feature was also getting in resolution and audio volume support. Which was also propagated to the free Public Demo.
This gives you the freedom to play the Bindmancer in a resolution that's best for you!

New Environmental Assets

More new and interesting environmental art is coming in from artists I've contracted and they're looking amazing!

The highlights for this month include an animated floor-gear:

As well as a number of pillars that look wonderful and very on-point for the dungeon itself:

Improved Stunned Logic

And finally some extra coding work was done to make getting "Stunned" more meaningful gameplay wise. Now the player is unable to attack while stunned:

What's coming in September due to your support?

There's three things I want to get started:
  • Documenting and designing the logic for enemy movement. (It's actually quite involved to make that happen.)
  • Make "Lore Pickups"
  • Design and create a new enemy type.

Enemy movement is the big one but it will be a case of getting it started rather then fully implemented as I'll need the help of a programmer to implement the logic for it.

So it might take a while to get done but once it's in-game that'll make combat much. much more dynamic!

I hope you enjoyed this months public update! Thank you all for your support!

- Caroo

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Public post

Public Post - July's Progress on Bindmancer

Hi Everyone.

It's been one month since the public release of the First Free Bindmancer Demo!

The response to the demo has been fantastic! :D 

And I'm very, very grateful to everyone for their feedback and appreciation!

Of course I haven't been lazing about during that time. Over the past month of July I've implemented a number of new features and tweaks to the Subscriber Exclusive builds!

So lets get into them...

Game Over State and Screens

The first half of July was spent on this: by far the most requested feature from the Demo was getting in a proper Game Over failure state and sequence.

And so it's now in the Patron build! Now when the player character runs out of Willpower they get taken to this Game Over screen.

There are 6 variations on this Game Over scene that show the Bindmancer in different states of bondage and ticklish or teased distress.

Prisoner and Cultist Appearance Variations

Previously the Prisoner on the wall mount was just a single character design. I spent the time to create new hair styles, ears and tails, body types, and color templates and then created a "randomizer" that applies all those things to each prisoner. Creating much more visual variety.

And for the cultists I've made many more color templates that are now randomized on them!

New Attack Effect and Animations

The player now has a much more clearly defined attack animation that plays to show they're interacting with the world.

Stunned Effect

Players are now stunned when attacked successfully by enemies. Better communicating when damage is taken and when to escape the radius of the attack!

Stamina changes

Stamina now recharges over time instead of being a drained resource. This makes the stamina management gameplay more interesting :)

Some other bug fixes and bits and bobs got in as well. So overall a pretty productive month!

What's coming in August due to your support?

There's tons to work on and it's gonna be a busy August! To name some key stuff I'm looking at:

  • Resolution and Adjustable Windowed Mode Settings
  • Revised Treasure Chest Design
  • Lore Pickups
  • Possibly start work on a new enemy type

I'm excited to keep working hard to develop the Bindmancer into a fun and kinky RPG! :D

- Caroo

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$524 of $12,000
per month
Thriving Development! = You’re all amazing! At this level I’ll be able to actively contract skilled artists and programmers to increase the quality and scope of games made.

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