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Caroo profile
I make kinky Video Games and Animations!
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Subscription Tiers

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Give Caroo Treasure!

This is the tipping tier. You get my thanks for your support. You're awesome!

This tier does NOT give access to Video Games and Animations.

7 subscribers Treasure Givers
per month
Support Caroo's Epic Quest
  • Access to ALL Video Games and Animation Sets
  • Access to the Development Discord with a Supporter role
  • View design docs for games in development.
88 subscribers Supporter Crew
per month
Give Caroo a 1UP!
  • Access to ALL Video Games and Animation Sets
  • Access to the Development Discord with a 1up! role
  • View design docs for games in development.
  • A shout out on my Fur Affinity Page! (If you have an account there.)
1 subscriber The 1UP! Crew
per month
Give Caroo THE POWER!!!
  • Access to ALL Video Games and Animation Sets
  • Access to the Development Discord with a Power Crew role
  • View design docs for games in development.
  • A shout out on my Fur Affinity Page! (If you have an account there.)
1 subscriber The Power Crew


  • At the 2nd tier ($10 USD) sub you'll get:
  • Access to ALL Video Games and Animation Sets
  • Access to our Development Discord.
Disclaimer: The Bindmancer is at the early stages of development. Please support this SubscribeStar Page if you want to help The Bindmancer continue its development!

All other content like Ticklish Tessa, Who's a good girl?, and the Animation Sets are complete products!




Note: These games are made for Windows PC

I'm Caroo and I make NSFW Video Games and Animation Sets!

This SubscribeStar Page allows me to make this content for you full-time!

Your support at the 2nd tier ($10 USD) or higher gives you access to all playable builds, demos, and art of the video games I make! Including completed games. It also gives you access to an exclusive Discord Server where I update my content and dev progress more often.


The current and second Project on SubscribeStar is a much bigger game featuring multiple characters and an engaging gameplay experience! It's called The Bindmancer!

It's an Erotic Dungeon Delver where you free trapped prisoners and defeat devious enemies inside a kinky dungeon.

Give the free demo a try and consider supporting its ongoing development and getting new builds with more content by supporting the SubscribeStar Page at $10 or more.

New playable builds of the game are delivered to my Patrons at least once a month!


I've completed two other games so far:

The first one's called Ticklish Tessa and it's a soft BDSM and tickling-focused dating game.

In Ticklish Tessa you can:
  • Pick Tessa's gender appearance as female, male or in-between.
  • Interact with Tessa in eight different ways to tickle, tease, and pleasure them.
  • Use bondage and pick different outfits for Tessa.
  • Engage with Tessa over multiple sessions and dates.
  • Watch tons of lovely animations and reactions.


In this game your goal is to help out Tessa: A stressed-out corporate mouse with many responsibilities.

For Tessa's circumstance that help involves some playful tickling!

The 2nd complete micro-game is called: Who's a Good Girl?

In this micro-game you play as the town mayor who compliments your ever reliable and lovely Town Assistant. An action that leads to more and more escalating events.

In this NSFW micro-game you'll experience some very cute and kinky consensual interactions with tickling, teasing, and softcore BDSM elements.

Other Features:
- Full Voice Audio for the Assistant
- Original Music Tracks
- Fun and Fluid Animations



Every once in a while I also create animation sets! These sets are usually focused around the kink themes of bondage, teasing, and tickling and each has a story to tell!

These set are made in Unity and can be viewed in either interactive galleries' at 60 FPS or viewed at 30 FPS via video files.

Here's the animation sets currently available by subscribing at $10 USD or more to the SubscribeStar:

I hope you enjoy all the games and art that this Subscribestar has to offer!
- Caroo

Displaying posts with tag PublicPost.Reset Filter
Public post

Public Post - New Bindmancer Free Demo Out Now!

Hi everyone! :D

I'm excited to announce a new free demo for The Bindmancer!

This is the first free demo update in about six months and rolls in a whole lot of new additions to the game!


Being that this is a public post there's not a lot of screenshots I can show off due to the game being very, very kinky. But to describe what's available:

  • Intro Cutscene that gives context for the game. - Kinky!
  • Tutorial Level that teaches you how to play.
  • Lore Entries you can find with erotic illustrations. - Kinky!
  • New Prisoners to rescue. - Very Kinky!
  • Enemies move around the environment.
  • Improved lighting.
  • Levels and a level select screen.
  • Prisoners and Cultists Plead and Taunt. - Kinky!
  • Cultists can now be punished. - Kinky!
The Free Demo lets you play 2 out of the 5 levels currently available in the full version.

I hope you all enjoy this new free demo! :D
- Caroo



  • Playable on a PC using a Windows OS.
  • The game will boot up full screen and set to your monitors native resolution.
  • You can now change the resolution in the options menu to an adjustable windowed mode where you can set it to your preference.
How to Install Demo:
  • Download the zip file from Mega.
  • You MUST unzip all the contents of the zipfile to any folder. The game cannot run from inside the zipped file.
  • Windows can unzip it by itself. You don't need to download any third party software like WINRAR.
  • You can run the demo by entering the unzipped folder and double clicking on the file named: The Bindmancer
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Public post

Public Post - May 2022's Progress on The Bindmancer!

Shoutout: The finalized cutscene art is being made by the ever talented

Hi everyone! 

Its been a few months since I made a public post to showcase what's been going on, so let's do just that!
Work over the past month and a half has been focused on The Bindmancer and its all steam ahead on continuing to develop the game to be fun, interesting, and quite kinky.

So what got developed in May?

Game Intro Cutscene

I've created the temp sketch art needed to craft an animatic of the intro cutscene. It showcases the context and tone for the game and the adventure to come!

More goes on in it then shown here but a lot of the imagery isn't appropriate for a public post.
And from that sketch art we're now on the way to creating a combination of final art and audio to make a game that wants to engage you with its world.
More to come during June on this front!

A Tutorial Level

The game's been in need of tutorial level to help explain how to play the game for a while now. It was just a matter of taking the time to sit down and dedicate time and effort to making it. It took about 2 weeks to really craft this tutorial level out.
The tutorial level is now playable at the start of a new game and teaches players what they need to do to play the game.

Game Warning

A tiny addition but one that's been needed. I also got a content disclaimer that comes up the first time you boot up the game.

Lots of small but helpful gameplay tweaks

Time was taken in may to also work on a number of important game tweaks and bug fixes that alone isn't note worthy but all together improves the gameplay experience!

Such as; Lore entries are now much more responsive to interact with:
And in-game dialogue is a lot more dynamic. Enemies now taunt the Bindmancer!
There's tons more to explore in the newest build of the game for those who subscribe at the 2nd tier or higher. :D

What's coming up next in June:

Here's some of the key things I'm working on during June!

1: A New Prisoner Predicament:
A new fun and interesting prisoner bondage and predicament that I think fans of this game will love!
2: Dungeon Floor Completion Screen: A screen that showcases what you accomplished when escaping and exiting that dungeon floor.
3: Continued improvements to gameplay.
4: More work on the intro cutscene.

I hope you've enjoyed this public post and consider supporting me and development of The Bindmancer!
- Caroo

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Public post

Happy New Year! + No Content in Jan + Dev Plans for Next Year

Hi Everyone!

I'm currently in Australia (I'm a resident of and living in Canada) visiting my family and generally enjoying some time off. (Although the work-a-holic in me is very much missing making cool things for you all to enjoy.)

I want to wish you all a happy new year into 2022!
It's a few days early but I might not get the time to do this write up later over the next few days.

A reminder about January's lack of content.

If all goes well with travel (Fingers crossed) I'll be back in Canada and back to working hard on the final week of January with something new to post at the start of Feb.

So a reminder that next month wont have any new content in January

I'd obviously appreciate it if you'd like to keep subscribed anyway to help support me but no worries at all if you'd prefer to save your money. 

If so, please check back and resub on the 1st of February for new and ongoing content!

Dev Plans for 2022

There's a lot of awesome possibilities for both the Bindmancer and some smaller micro-projects I want to get into for next year.

For the Bindmancer some next steps drive towards getting progression into the game and include:

  • Deliver on much more lewd traps, enemies, and prisoners.
  • Making multiple levels that the player progresses through.
  • Getting some narrative into the game to give context and direction to why you're in the dungeon.
  • Designing the experience of what the player does outside of the dungeon.
  • Continue to improve the gameplay feel.

Micro Projects
For Micro Projects the main idea I had was to make lightly interactive animations that multiple characters can be slotted into and bundled as sets.

These will probably be bondage and pleasure focused. But I think you'll all enjoy what's planned for these micro projects.

And that'll be it for 2021! Thank you all so much for your support. I can't wait to make you all great things next year!
- Caroo

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Public post

Happy New Year! + No Content in Jan + Dev Plans for Next Year

Hi Everyone!

I'm currently in Australia (I'm a resident of and living in Canada) visiting my family and generally enjoying some time off. (Although the work-a-holic in me is very much missing making cool things for you all to enjoy.)

I want to wish you all a happy new year into 2022!
It's a few days early but I might not get the time to do this write up later over the next few days.

A reminder about January's lack of content.

If all goes well with travel (Fingers crossed) I'll be back in Canada and back to working hard on the final week of January with something new to post at the start of Feb.

So a reminder that next month wont have any new content in January

I'd obviously appreciate it if you'd like to keep subscribed anyway to help support me but no worries at all if you'd prefer to save your money. 

If so, please check back and resub on the 1st of February for new and ongoing content!

Dev Plans for 2022

There's a lot of awesome possibilities for both the Bindmancer and some smaller micro-projects I want to get into for next year.

For the Bindmancer some next steps drive towards getting progression into the game and include:

  • Deliver on much more lewd traps, enemies, and prisoners.
  • Making multiple levels that the player progresses through.
  • Getting some narrative into the game to give context and direction to why you're in the dungeon.
  • Designing the experience of what the player does outside of the dungeon.
  • Continue to improve the gameplay feel.

Micro Projects
For Micro Projects the main idea I had was to make lightly interactive animations that multiple characters can be slotted into and bundled as sets.

These will probably be bondage and pleasure focused. But I think you'll all enjoy what's planned for these micro projects.

And that'll be it for 2021! Thank you all so much for your support. I can't wait to make you all great things next year!
- Caroo

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Public post

Public Post - Randomized Dungeons & Gameplay Polish

Hi Everyone!

The start of the month means a new public post to showcase what got done over October! 

And If you like what you see below, it's all available to play in the current subscriber build of the game for those subscribed at the support tier (2nd tier) or higher.

So let's right into it!

Randomized Dungeons

This is the big addition to the game that took the lions share of time to create this month.

Previously the game had a single level space that was pretty static in nature. Not much changed over the months in terms of the layout players could explore.

Now each dungeon level is generated using pre-made tiles that link together when the level loads up.

The result is that each time the game is played the location of enemies, prisoners, chests, and the exit portal is different. Which I think is pretty cool!

As even more content is added such as new enemies and prisoners to the game this system helps to keep it all fresh and interesting.

Exit Portal Teleport Pickups

With randomized dungeons comes the fact that finding the dungeon exit is pretty tough now. Dungeons can get quite large and expansive.

So now there's a pickup that can be found that when used will teleport the player directly to the dungeon exit. It's found by defeating enemies.

Improved Beat Gameplay

A good week was spent this month fixing up the beat gameplay and making moving to the beat much more faster, along with much better feedback!

The stamina system was also overhauled and moving to the beat now recharges stamina a lot faster!

Better Camera Zooming

The camera now zooms into the scene it's showing off a lot better. It zooms in further and centers on the action.

Enemy Hit States

Enemies have had additional animation work done to communicate clearly when you've hit them with an attack. The enemy blinks a bit and shakes now.

What's coming in November due to your support?

So it's been over a month since anything particularly kinky got into the game. Last month was entirely focused on making the gameplay experience better.

So with that in mind the focus on November is solely on getting in a new prisoner type as well as seeing how I can inject some more fun kinky scenes into the game! :D

And that's what got done over October! :D What do you think?

- Caroo

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Public post

Public Post - BDSM Bunny Cop Animation Set

Hi Everyone!
It's the start of a new month and time to talk about what was created for the generous supporters of this Subscribe Star during February!

BDSM Bunny Cop Animation Set - Out Now!
While it wasn't the original intention to spend so much time on it in Feburary, the month evolved into focusing down and completing the BDSM Bunny Cop Animation Set.
This animation set contains a whopping 16 Animated Segments that tells the story of a well known Cop investigating the legal legitimacy of BDSM establishment focused on pleasurable and ticklish bondage play.
She gets a bit carried away. ;)
Of the 16 animations:
  • 6 are anticipation focused
  • 6 are tickling focused
  • 4 are pleasure and stimulation focused

To show off some Freebies:

In Debt - Unity Assets
I also released a public post in Feb called in Debt. Subscribers here also got access to the Unity files and Animation Assets.

What's coming in March due to your support?
Due to the generous support of my Patrons I'll be getting back to game development and continuing work on the 2nd video game project!
Having been some time since I last worked on it. I want to go back and continue prototyping and working on the dungeon exploration to be more interesting then what It previously was.

Thank you all. <3
- Caroo
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  • Access to Creator's profile content.
  • Ability to support your Creator by contributing – one-time or recurring.
  • Means to reaching out to the Creator directly via Instant Messenger.

Creator Stats

62 subscribers
291 posts


$550 of $7,000
per month
Total Development Stability = Hitting this lofty goal means full-time development on games can continue indefinitely. Allowing for polished, fun games to be produced with time and care!
$550 of $12,000
per month
Thriving Development! = You’re all amazing! At this level I’ll be able to actively contract skilled artists and programmers to increase the quality and scope of games made.

Other Creators


The subscription gives you:
  • Access to Creator's profile content.
  • Ability to support your Creator by contributing – one-time or recurring.
  • Means to reaching out to the Creator directly via Instant Messenger.
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