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Amberlight Studio profile
Amberlight Studio
Amberlight Studio
I'm developing "The Story of Her," a primarily story-based adult visual novel with the occasional bit of sex where appropriate. Discord:
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1 assinante Tester
Amberlight Studio

Well would you look at that.

It has been a loooong road with plenty of sleepless nights, but I finally have enough of the tech nailed down hard enough to drop a tech demo out there.

As is stated on the Itch page linked below, this build only contains about 3-5 minutes of content, and that is itself a small excerpt taken from Chapter 1. I have made this build available so that I can gain feedback on the engine, visuals, and writing style before investing even more time, money, and effort into it. If there's problems, it's better to catch them early, eh?

Internally, feedback has been mostly positive and fully within expectations. There are a few things I have to improve upon but otherwise it's a rather safe bet that work on the full chapter will begin in the near future.

Download the build for free on Itch:


  • Shows you are interested in and want to support my work.
  • Get access to special behind the scenes posts, teaser images, and custom renders.
  • Get your name imortalized in the game's credits (opt-in, message me).
Amberlight Studio
Publicação pública

Crescent Bay Broadcast - January 15th, 2024

Hello there! I hope your holidays were good. I admittedly spent less time working on this project than I'd have liked, but family is family, holidays are holidays, and when you add the two together, life gets hectic.

That said I have been getting some things done with two that I can actually show off:

  • Environments: During the holiday sales, I purchased a terrain creation tool to add to my toolbox. It certainly requires some artist skill I that haven't yet developed with it, but it looks to be quite powerful. Attached is a gif showing some progress I've made while learning it.
  • Characters: Alongside Alice and Katie, there is one final love interest: Jess. She's always been a bit problematic since while I can very comfortably write her, I frankly have no mental image of her appearance. I've attached what I'll call the "current draft." I'm definitely not 100% on it and she'll very likely have some more overhauls.

I have also been learning Rust (the programming language). Although this has no immediate usefulness for TSoH, I expect that I'll be writing some Godot extensions in it at some point in the medium to near-term future. Godot lacks the ability to natively load modern video codecs, and I recently implemented support myself with an extension written in C++. However, that implementation has some quirks with multithreading which a Rust rewrite may (or quite possibly may not) help with.

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Amberlight Studio
Publicação pública

Crescent Bay Broadcast - November 24th, 2024

Hello there! This is the start of what I've decided on calling the Crescent Bay Broadcast (Crescent Bay being the ficticious town that The Story of Her takes place in.) These will be a periodic newsletter providing a general overview of progress, retrospectives, and anything else I feel warrants discussion. While I'm not committing to any particular schedule just yet, I would like to make one to two each month, and I think I'll keep them public.

As of writing, it's been around a week since I dropped the demo release, so let's discuss what's been going on since then.

First of all, a good amount of that time has admittedly been spent recovering from the intense crunch I put myself under to push that build out the door. While I did not expect it to be so exhausting, looking back on my commit graph, it turns out that it was 6 straight weeks of very heavy development. While I don't intend to make that same mistake again, given that I didn't realize how hard it was until I was done, we'll just have to see.

Regarding Chapter 1, while I haven't been doing much with the files over this past week, it's not as if I'm starting from scratch. Currently, Chapter 1 is planned to have 11 scenes, of which 7 were already written before work on the demo even started. The total word count of the written scenes is at ~11.5k so far with a reading time of ~40 minutes.

(Keep in mind that the script is first written as a screenplay which includes actions, visual elements, and comments. Those extra details are used in rendering but get stripped out when copying to the VN build.)

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