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VicekillX profile
Uncomfortably Beautiful - Mother of Serpents - Lover of Monsters
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Who are you?

I go by VicekillX, or Vice for short. I am an independent artist specializing in horror, macabre, erotica, and combinations thereof. If you've ever wanted to fuck a monster, alien, or robot, I'm your guy. Big teeth, big claws, and big dicks. Chef kiss.
Outside of art, I'm a hardcore zoology nerd, especially herpetology, arachnology, and ichthyology, in that order. I went to school for marine bio (no degree, unfortunately) and own a menagerie of reptiles and tarantulas. I love superheroes, horror lets plays, hunting games, and any and all things pasta.
I'm not shy about what I do or what I'm into and I encourage other people not to be as well. The world is shit enough without judging each other for what makes us happy. I much rather enjoy what I enjoy with people who enjoy the same thing. I spent too long trying to conform to what an Artist TM is supposed to be instead of being what a Vice is supposed to be. I want to be informal, unashamed, and unhindered, so I am. In my house, there is no such thing as a guilty pleasure.
Kill your vices. They were never vices to begin with.

Why SubscribeStar? 

SubscribeStar is the best way for my fans (that's you guys) to help me do what I want to do and to have a more hands-on role. It's a way for people to support me if they can't afford commissions or merch, want to have a finger on the pulse of my projects, or just want to give a little extra. And it's a way for me to give back to you for showing that support and helping me get to where I am and where I'm going. It lets you see more than the public face, and be part of my creative process from start to finish. It makes you part of my art. 
At this time my primary source of income is from commissions. And while I enjoy this part of my job immensely, it does mean my personal projects can be forced to the sidelines, and my portfolio is kinda at the mercy of my clients. By supporting me on SubscribeStar, you are directly helping me shift some of the focus to my personal projects. SubscribeStar can alleviate the pressure of a long commission queue, which gives me more freedom to go balls deep in the art, characters, and stories I'm passionate about. And without the prying eye of certain other judgmental subscription platforms looming over my shoulder to keep me in line.

How does it work?

You choose which tier you'd like to join. As soon as you join, you will have access to the three most recent posts on my page for the first 30 days. Once those 30 days are up, you’ll gain access to the entire archive and all future posts as long as you are pledged. This process is merely to prevent people from subscribing, collecting a bunch of exclusive content, cancelling their subscription right away, and posting said exclusive content publicly. You can view, like, and comment on all new posts, as well as all of the previous ones. You will be automatically charged every 30 days from the day you subscribe to get continued access until you upgrade, downgrade, or cancel. 
To join the discord server and gain your exclusive role, click the Discord Chat button in the top left corner of my page once you’ve subscribed.

What gets posted here?

As of right now, all pledge tiers get the same rewards. I want you to sub because you love what I do and want to see more, not to sell you things. 
I’ve made the mistake of overpromising rewards that I couldn’t keep up with in the past, and it's even harder to stay on top of when I dunno what the fuck I'm doing with my art in general. So for now, this account is primarily a tip jar. The only reward I can commit to with any consistency is high res art packs every month. I might throw some other things on here occasionally, but until I get that shit figured out, you're basically just donating because you like my art and you want me to keep doing it. And I love you for that <3

Displaying posts with tag Update.Reset Filter

[UPDATE] QandA Now on Discord!

Posted for $1, $5, $10, $25, $50 tiers
Unlock Tier
Public post

UPDATE: 2024

It's no secret that I have a hard time staying on top of this place. 

I made it a tip jar last August with monthly high res packs as the only guaranteed reward, and frankly, the only reason I was able to stay on top of that is because I scheduled all 12 high res posts in January. I just did the same for this year, so that's taken care of.

I think the main reason I struggle with this is the lack of engagement here. Of course I'm not implying that your money isn't "enough" or that I'm demanding more than that. But the objective truth is that it's hard for my neurospicy ass to pay attention to platforms where I don't really get to interact with anybody. The same thing happens to Pillowfort, Deviantart, etc, but at least for those I have the benefits of a) posting the same thing there I do everywhere else as opposed to exclusive content, and b) Postybirb. I can't really do either of those here.

But I also feel...different, this year. In a good way, I think. I feel like I'm tired of being complacent and riding coattails. This month has been a whirlwind of getting my shit in line. So far I:
  • handled two serious family crises smoothly and picked myself back up quickly from both
  • called my health insurance (phone calls have historically been an hours-long meltdown-inducing debacle for me) twice to switch my PCP because the previous one was consistently booked 3-6 months out and she just forgot to mention the inhaler I pulled out of my bag to show her at my first appointment so I couldn't get a refill on it or my nebulizer when I had COVID; that's been getting put off since August of last year
  • made an appointment with said new PCP for Feb 1, and I'm hoping they'll be able to refer me to a dentist and optometrist because I desperately need both
  • got back into therapy with an autism/ADHD specialist who can help me manage those specifically after my previous therapist didn't understand why I couldn't just Do It™; also have assessments lined up for both to get diagnoses
  • pay more attention to my health in general, including diet and exercise. I'm already down about 10 lb
  • restructured my planner to include a mood tracker and sleep tracker, and have been better about staying on top of it
  • got Trello up and running and so far it's working really well for me
  • have been doing my house chores more consistently, namely cleaning litter boxes and taking care of my snakes and tarantulas (roommates have been picking up my slack but they shouldn't have to, they're my animals)
  • am able to work more consistently on my designated work days; before it was a lot of chipping away and putting things off rather than sitting down and making actually decent progress
  • am finally starting a tattoo sleeve I've wanted for a very, very long time as a belated birthday gift to myself
  • am consistently filling stream sketch slots, which means I can actually make money and pay my bills on-time (and a huge, huge thank you to everyone who signs up, I'm pretty sure this is the primary reason I've been able to pull myself out of the hole. Financial stability is a hell of a drug)

This year I wanna try really hard to keep the train moving along this track. If things keep going the way they are, I could potentially make some pretty big changes in the not so distant future. Some things I'm brainstorming:
  •  UnholyFans
  • merch other than stickers (seriously I have so many designs in mind, I just haven't had the drive to work on them or the upfront capital to order inventory)
  • more monster/demon adoptables
  • I would really like to collab with some other artists, it's been too fuckin long
  • website restructure
  • picking up my side business (I did literally zero pieces for it last year oof), ideally with a rebrand
  • get back into conventions and try some new crowds: reptile/exotic expos, tattoo conventions, oddities expos, sex conventions, BDSM groups...
  • push the stream setup to be more professional
  • rekindling the spark for my personal stories and headworld projects
  • more I have written down somewhere but can't think of off the top of my head

And to be clear, I'm optimistic, but also a realist. I know from experience that shit changes and I could hit a massive depressive slump in a month or two and be back to where I was for most of last year. I'm still not going to promise anything I'm not confident I can deliver. However, that doesn't mean I shouldn't try.

I already got sidetracked with this post, so I'm gonna make a second to get to my original point and I'll come back and add a link to this one when I do. But suffice to say I want to try - again - to breathe some kind of life back into this place. I have some ideas in mind, but I want to hear yall's opinions on it too. 

Watch this space ♥

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UPDATE: 2023

Posted for $1, $5, $10, $25, $50 tiers
Unlock Tier
Public post

18+ Art on DEVIANTART!?!?

It's no secret that I'm primarily a porn artist. Tbh, that's probably a large part of the reason I haven't invested too much time in DA thus far.
But, new TOS guidelines mean that's about to change! I've gone ahead and made two new galleries for NSFW content. At the time of this journal, they're priced at $2US each (or whatever the equivalent in points is), and afaik, it's a one-time payment that will grant access to those galleries for as long as your account is active and said galleries are up.
I don't super love the idea of hiding my 18+ art behind a paywall, but the new guidelines require it in order to post it at all. And in a world where every major social media platform has banned it outright (except for twitter, and even that one is tenuous at best) and many others are increasingly less tolerant of certain themes, I will happily accept charging a small fee if it means an art platform titan like Deviantart will loosen its restrictions rather than tighten them. Like...seriously, that is unprecedented. I hope it paves the way for other sites to do the same.
Anywho, I can still technically make the charge optional with a workaround. If you want to see my adult art for free, you still can on Twitter and FurAffinity I'm most active (and interactive) on Twitter, but it's not great for organizing or finding older art, and things might get lost in your feed if you don't have push notifs turned on. I still post regularly on FA but don't interact as much; it has better organization and archiving, but I don't post as many sketches or WIPs there. And of course, there's always my website, but this is a curated portfolio rather than a full gallery, and doesn't allow for comments, likes, shares, etc.
Ultimately, the $2 charge can either be just a convenience fee for those who don't have accounts on those sites or just don't want to switch, or just a way to show your support and appreciation. Of course you guys are already doing that here, but I figure it doesn't hurt to mention it anyway.
These are the new galleries: 
Spicy 18+ (finished pieces)
Happy oggling <3
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EXCLUSIVE: New Website, Personal ProjectsI got some exciting news for yall~For a while I've wante...

Posted for $1, $5, $10, $25, $50 tiers
Unlock Tier
Public post

UPDATE: Reward Changes

Howdy yall!

The past year has been hectic for all of us, both good and bad, myself included. There's a lot going on on my end - family emergencies, social circle drama, lifestyle changes, you name it. That includes experimenting with my artistic process and, once again, reanalyzing the structure of my business. I feel like I've come to a fork in the road, and I have to decide whether to continue on the path I'm already on, or clone myself and split up to take both paths.

I don't want to go into too much more detail at this point, but you guys will of course be the first to hear about it when the time comes. In the meantime, the changes have thrown my routine completely out of whack, but I'm not sure that routine will even work for me anymore.

All this to say I'm gonna be nixing some of the rewards here to lighten my stress workload. Namely I'm going to put early access on hold, and while I might still drop in with an occasional exclusive or blog post, I don't feel I make them frequently enough to advertise them the same as a consistent reward. You will still be getting high res files, and at the $5 tier or higher, free Gumroad content and store discounts.

TLDR: Lots of life changes, no more early access; high res, image packs, and store discounts unaffected.

If you want to lower or remove your pledge to reflect the change, that's totally okay! No offense taken :) If you don't care one way or the other, feel free to ignore this post. You can stay at your current tier.

Thank you to everyone for sticking with me while I figure myself out. It means the world to me <3
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Creator Stats

30 days
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16 subscribers
207 posts


Takes the edge off! Thank you <3
$111 of $300
per month
My rent is covered <3<3
$111 of $500
per month
Rent + business expenses covered <3<3<3

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  • Access to Creator's profile content.
  • Ability to support your Creator by contributing – one-time or recurring.
  • Means to reaching out to the Creator directly via Instant Messenger.
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