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Usurpman profile
I enthusiastically and professionally write copious amounts of hardcore NTR, Femdom, and Corruption erotica. You can find my content in HF and AO3 by the same name.

Subscription Tiers

Lurker of Degeneracy

You are afraid to make the conversion from vanilla to degenerate, but the curiosity is eating away at your soul.

This tier allows you to follow my page for free. You will be able to follow my monthly newsletter, where I highlight what to expect for the month, and know whenever I post public content.

352 subscribers
per month
Patron Of Degeneracy

You will be charged upfront and then again on the 1st of each month

The degenerate army that keeps the vanilla barbarians at bay is only made possible thanks to the funding provided by enlightened individuals such as yourself.

Here are your rewards:

Access to Exclusive stories;

Access to General Polls;

Access to phase one of Prompt Polls.

Exclusive stories remain exclusive for an undetermined amount of time. Eventually, someday, they will go to my HF and AO3 pages.

General Polls have to do with general topics (such as gathering feedback) and have no pre-planned frequency to them.

Phase one of Prompt Polls (also known as Prompt Deathmatch) is where everyone votes to determine the top 5 prompts that move on to phase two, where the ultimate winner is chosen to be turned into a full story.

Prompt Polls have no pre-planned frequency; Also, not all Prompt Polls may have two phases.

If you have trouble paying through Subscribestar, hit me up via e-mail or Twitter and we'll figure out a way for you to subscribe.

185 subscribers
per month
Fighter of Degeneracy

You will be charged upfront and then again on the 1st of each month

The masses thank you for risking your life in the noble quest of spreading degeneracy to the world by granting you special rights.

Here are your rewards:

Access to Exclusive stories;

Access to General Polls;

Access to phase one of Prompt Polls;

Access to phase two of Prompt Polls;

Access to all AI images generated for Exclusive stories;

Access to Drafts/WIPs of Exclusive stories.

You may submit a prompt of your own on Prompt Polls for an extra 5 USD if enough slots are available (ABSOLUTELY message me with your prompt before paying this fee).

Phase two of Prompt Polls (also known as Prompt Election) is where voters decide which of the top 5 prompts from phase one shall be evolved into a full story. This may be a one-shot or a multi-chapter story, depending on my own personal criteria.

Prompt Polls have no pre-planned frequency; Also, not all Prompt Polls may have two phases.

If you have trouble paying through Subscribestar, hit me up via e-mail or Twitter and we'll figure out a way for you to subscribe.

171 subscribers
per month
Merchant of Degeneracy

You will be charged upfront and then again on the 1st of each month

The steady flow of degenerate goods and services is only possible thanks to you, who manage the supply and demand of degeneracy for everyone’s consumption. Heroes and nobility be damned; You run this country.

Here are your rewards:

Access to Exclusive stories;

Access to General Polls;

Access to phase one of Prompt Polls;

Access to phase two of Prompt Polls;

Access to all AI images generated for Exclusive stories;

Access to Drafts/WIPs of Exclusive stories.

You may submit one prompt for Prompt Polls, and an additional two for 5 USD each if enough slots are available.

If there are too many prompts submitted into a Prompt Poll, I may not be able to accept all prompts (though this has not happened yet). Please keep that in mind before joining this tier.

Prompt Polls have no pre-planned frequency; Also, not all Prompt Polls may have two phases.

If you have trouble paying through Subscribestar, hit me up via e-mail or Twitter and we'll figure out a way for you to subscribe.

13 subscribers


  • Access to exclusive degenerate stories, AI images, Drafts/WIPs, and voting rights on prompts!
  • Your support allows me to do this full-time, which is an endeavor I recently took!
  • The world becomes a bit more degenerate with each passing day!

Displaying posts with tag SantaOfDegeneracy.Reset Filter
Public post

Santa Of Degeneracy Winner!

Hoh, hoh, hoh, everyone!

Lots of people voted in our Santa Of Degeneracy poll and a clear winner was found: The Black King Piece - Chapter 1.

Therefore, as per the masses decided, the chapter shall be made available to the public this Christmas! Thank you all for participating in this moment of generosity toward the world!

Just in case anyone misunderstood the poll: The purpose was to choose which Subscribestar-exclusive story would be made publicly available this Christmas. As in, taken from Subscribestar and posted on HF/AO3.

No one thought I'd outline, write up, revise, and image up a full story in 24h, right?


On another note: Stacy's Got The Wheel - Chapter 2 is written up and fully revised! I am in the process of sorting out AI images. Due to festivities, I might not have still this weekend, but I hope to have it early next week. The other story scheduled for this month is currently being outlined (it might push into early January). I also have another commission about to wrap up and another in the works (though, likely for January).

On another, another note: I might fully close up commissions early in January, 2024 to help me fully clean up my commissions and Subscribestar-exclusives queue. I haven't decided yet, but I am making a small note now to avoid catching anyone by surprise. If you have an interest in queueing up and have been waiting, don't take your time.

On another, another, another note: This month's Story Continuation Poll comes out in a couple of days. This month, two winners shall be taken. However, I might choose one of the winners myself. I haven't decided that yet either.

Once more, thank you all for your Christmasy degeneracy!

Happy holidays and Happy Christmas to all!
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Santa Of Degeneracy Poll!

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Posted for $3, $5 tiers
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The subscription gives you:
  • Access to Creator's profile content.
  • Ability to support your Creator by pledging – one-time or recurring.
  • Means to reaching out to the Creator directly via Instant Messenger.


With this much in monthly earnings, I should be able to continue encouraging my cats' delusion that they are royalty.
With this much in monthly earnings, my cats will start an embezzlement scheme purely out of spite for me.
$1,394 of $1,500
per month
With this much in monthly earnings, I can hire a group of elite assassins to fend off my cats and their ever-growing empire in my home.
$1,392 of $2,000
per month
With this much in monthly earnings, I can appease my feline overlords after my group of elite assassins turned on me.

Other Creators


The subscription gives you:
  • Access to Creator's profile content.
  • Ability to support your Creator by pledging – one-time or recurring.
  • Means to reaching out to the Creator directly via Instant Messenger.
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