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TikTikKobold profile
I'm TikTikKobold, writer of "The Adventures of Tik Tik," a happy smut series of stories set in a fantasy world following the titular kobold wizard, Tik Tik. I also write other smut on occassion and for commission!

Subscription Tiers

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Kobold Miner

At this Level, you help me with your financial donation.

3 subscribers Kobold Miner
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Kobold Trapmaker

With this level, you get access to rough drafts as I upload them, and get a chance to help me make the stories better by commenting on the development!

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Kobold Trapmaker +

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1 subscriber Kobold Trapmaker
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Kobold Trapmaker +++

Same as kobold Trapmaker, but you grant me more support

0 subscribers Kobold Trapmaker
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Early Bird Commissioner Special

On top of all the bonuses provided by kobold trapmaker, you will receive an additional 5% discount on commissions

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Early Bird


  • Subscribers gain early access to "The Adventures of Tik Tik," a serialized prose fiction fantasy smut series starring Tik Tik the Kobold
  • Subscribers have access to special subscriber stories that won't appear in public for a long time.
  • Higher-tier subscribers get access to rough drafts, content voting privileges, and other fun perks.

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"Her Dream Come True" Now Available

"Her Dream Come True" is now Available on the appropriate galleries. Check it out through my Linktree
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