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Thread Necromancer
Thread Necromancer
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Thread Necromancer
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 Confronting the Omnibus (Succubi Sucking 13)


Lisa’s fingers flew across her keyboard as she continued her write up on the mysterious sex needing slut that was sitting there tied up in the lofts kitchen. Despite herself, Lisa shivered a bit. Her shivering was not exactly from revulsion at the girl, but more imagining herself in the girl’s situation, and being disgusted by it. Whenever Lisa’s power was focused towards sex and relationships, it revealed the parts of people that should frankly be left unknown until far far later, their disgusting fetishes, awful habits, and the… well everything. If Lisa had to have sex to survive, frankly it would be torture. At least Taylor in combination with whatever brute and changer power she got also seemed to have gotten a ravenous need for sex, at the cost of whatever was going on turning her into a potentially hot if anorexic pinkish demon.

Though from the sounds of it, it might have been some kind of biotinker thing that her Mom had going, that or she was converted at some point by a demonic version of Nilbog-lite while also maybe retaining her free will. Her power said so, though it was also acting weird around the girl.

Like not squicking me out. Lisa thought as she remembered realising the tied up slut enjoyed what was going on with her. Despite already physically cringing away more as a reflex than actually needing to, all her power gave her was stuff that wasn’t really too bad. Considering that the girl was all about sex, Lisa would have expected her power to bombard her with information to destroy any sense of sensuality to the situation. Instead her power was rather tame with Taylor, and even… was encouraging her to interact with her.

Since she was waiting, Lisa bit her lip slightly, before glancing out the corner of her eye, looking at Taylor, her form still unchanged since when she undid her “illusion” and displayed herself in all of her kind of demonic looking glory. From how the corset pulled in on her stomach, it was obvious that any regular human wouldn’t have been able to breathe with it on. Then again, if they got that thin they’d have probably starved by now… Or they’d be a model. Taylor though was doing just fine as she sat there listening in on what was going on, which honestly since her mistress wasn’t here yet was very little. Alec was still outside, his earpiece in as he relaxed against the warehouse wall.

Kind of bored as they waited for Taylor’s mistress, Lisa thought she might as well continue asking questions. “So what’s it like being a succubus?”

“Hot, and, well actually kind of scary, though I kind of like it. I mean, becoming all of this. If, well if this is my life from now on, it’s better than the one I had before. I mean sure I’m horny all the time, but it’s better, at least, it feels better than before. I mean, I, heh, I’ve actually been interested in what comes next rather than dreading it. It, I mean, I don’t know how to say it, but for the first time in a long time it wasn’t a struggle to get out of bed, well, in the way where you just can’t motivate yourself to just do it, were you dread the day. Instead, it’s more because I’d been having a good dream, and I was really comfy. Then also because Mistress was there as we cuddled, her cock sliding between us, before she started to slide right in,” the girl moaned aloud as she did so.

[Taylor shows signs of depression, over came it with overwhelming lust. Could spiral back down into it again. A spiral would result in rampant sluttery and a retreat from thoughts other than sex. Would make a good sex slave, would please you immensely and love doing it. Would follow orders like a good little slut for you and gain pleasure from it. Her form will fill out once no longer starved. Could show you a good time, could make you cum for the first time. Instincts meant to arouse and befuddle. Tongue would feel divine, sliding into you, pressing into your most sensitive spots as you work, your breath becoming ragged as your slut eats you out and gives you the break you need as you distress while she fulfils her biological imperative and tricks yours as lust fills your mind and you cum, your growing headache lifting a bit as you look and admire her bound form beneath-]

Okay power what the fuck, Lisa thought as she grit her teeth and barely managed to tear her head away from the girl and swallowed. Lisa bit her lip but it was already a bit too late for that as she could feel herself growing wetter down there, the little lust based fantasy her power had blasted through her head suddenly making Lisa wonder if the girl was also a trump. If so, then why the hell would her power of all things be lusting after making the girl her a sex slave. Does she have some kind of negative master rating or something, making other people want to control her and fuck her? That… that might actually be a thing, especially if her power bases her off a succubus and she feeds off of sex. Lisa made a note of a possible anti-master power, before deleting it, and re-writing it to be a kind of minor possible trump effect against her specifically, before deleting that ass well. Coil will no doubt get a hold of the information on this little word doc one way or another and Lisa would rather not give him any more ammunition against her.

Despite her power going haywire, another part of her power catches her attention, other than the fact that apparently with this one girl her power will let off on the headaches if the girl makes her cum. The girl doesn’t sound like she was doing so hot before whatever happened to her. If this, being turned into a succubus was the best thing to happen to her, man, fuck high school. At least Lisa had been smart enough to get her GED and just get out of there, with a little help from her power. Sure she could become the sassiest bitch in the school, but that would mean she’d have to deal with school and all that stupid stuff. Here though she could enjoy herself.

Of course as Lisa thought that, she’d been looking Taylor, her eyes drawn to the girl as the girl’s plugs starting to buzz again and her hips shook. Lisa’s fingers started to slide down, pushing into her pants, as her lips parted while watching Taylor squirm, and make slight moans as her hand kept going.

Then Lisa touched herself. A spark of pleasure ran through her, Lisa bit down a sound threatening to rise up from her mouth and pulled her hand out of her pants and crossed her legs, pretending like nothing happened, even though she knew that Taylor likely couldn’t even tell what had happened.

“Hey T, she’s here,” Lisa heard Alec say through the mike, ignoring what had nearly happened and adjusted her earphone to listen in while she shifted the security camera to look in the direction that Alec was looking. Lisa spotted the woman immediately as she walked down the alleyway. She didn’t look like anything other than a woman who was dressed up for a day at the mall.

She pauses a moment as she gets closer, likely since she thought she was picking up the girl she is possibly mastering and doesn’t see her. Alec meanwhile steps away from the wall and casually waltzes towards her.

“Had fun?” the woman asks as Alec nods.

“Best fuck in a while, might even be getting past Lisa’s hesitance if it goes on long enough,” he said, Lisa’s brows furrowing as Alec decided to talk about her rather than getting to the point.

“Alec,” she said but the woman started talking.

“Oh? Do you have a cute blushing little maiden in there?” the woman asked, Alec giving a small chuckle before answering.

“Yup, claims she’s a-sexual and all that but you should have seen the blush on her face as we fucked your little sub in the living room, and then when we tied her to a chair. Heck, unless she ran to her room, she’s probably sitting by your girl right now. Bet if you started playing with your girl’s vibrators it’d get her even more hot and bothered,” the little shit said, not realising that the woman had already turned Taylor’s toys on, the succubus trying her best to keep quiet for Lisa but between her heady breaths, and the way she was grinding the chastity belt into the chair, driving the vibrating dildo into her pussy, spreading her legs wide. It almost…

Then Lisa realised her legs had spread as well, and her hand had been traveling down again as she’d been watching the girl out of the corner of her eye. Even as Lisa tried to look away, to focus only on her computer, her eyes were drawn Taylor, how she moved, her power slipping in her control as she looked at the girl.

[Skin unnatural, pores but no hair, sweat carries a pheromone which is an airborne aphrodisiac, non addictive and somewhat invigorating. Fluids are likely aphrodisiac as well, give a greater boost, an experiment would be prudent, a taste of the “succubus” lustful pre would be advised, a kiss is also acceptable.]

Picking up her laptop, Lisa shifted it so that the poor under-fed girl was not in her peripheral vision and making her power try to fuck her. Hopefully that would be the end of it. She’d have loved to just get away from the girl with the literal aphrodisiac sweat probably filling this place with pheromones but she needed to keep an eye on the girl all the same. 

“Alec, get to the point,” Lisa ground out, even as her legs shifted, and she felt a desire to move her hands. Even so, through sheer willpower, Lisa kept them firmly placed on the keyboard, swallowing hard as her legs rubbed as she couldn’t just drown out the sound of the succubus like girl breathing hard, and rubbing her dripping chastity belt into the chair.

Probably going to have to throw that away now, Lisa idly thought, though a part of her almost didn’t want to. A traitorous part of her mind wanted to move it to her spot at the table, her legs unable to keep from rubbing together at the thought of sitting in it, the remnants of Taylor’s pheromones making Lisa horny as she sat in it, making her power go haywire as she got to feel horny and actually getting to enjoy it. 

“Aw, isn’t that cute. Maybe one day we can arrange a play date for them? We can keep them in a room together, my girl all wrapped up, at your friend’s mercy as she gets a choice few toys to play my sub’s body like a fiddle,” the possible master said, and Lisa’s first thought jumped to the thought of Taylor, all tied up, her pussy revealed, wet in anticipation as Lisa brought a “massage” wand up to her, first just placing it on her, making the succubus squirm as she desperately whined for Lisa to-

Shut it! Lisa tried to tell her mind, but like always when she wanted her mind to stop thinking about that specific thing, it kept coming back, the scene playing over and over again in repeat, sometimes moving forward. With Lisa lightly pressing the wand against Taylor, her moans would sound like the sweetest of music as she lovingly gazed at the girl bringing her such pleasure.

Fuck this aphrodisiac is really messing with me, Lisa thought. Of course, the more likely answer was the fact that her power was actually letting her get hot and bothered and not derailing her this time. Which great, the one of the time where it would actually be useful for her power to kill the mood and make Lisa drier than the Sahara, it decides to instead begin taking a pickaxe to her damn and go all horny on her.

Shaking her head, Lisa returned to looking at the screen while she typed into document about the new facts that her power was giving them, ignoring the spelling mistakes as her fingers flew across the keyboard. If she went back to fix it, she’d inevitably read it again, and she’d just get hornier. Which was kind of a novel problem for her to have.

“Will she be down soon, or were you just interested in a chat while your friends keep fucking her?” the woman asked, and this time Lisa actually spoke into her microphone. 

“Ask her about the mastering, ask if she’s mastered Taylor here,” Lisa said.

“The later, I wanted to ask about your girl,” Alec said instead. The woman just shrugged as she crossed her arms and leaned up against the brick wall next to her. 

“Sure, go ahead, what do you want to know? She’s clean of STD and all that stuff you know. Not a chance of you getting one, unless one of your friends have STDs, they don’t right?” the girl asked, seemingly having forgotten a major oversight, though she didn’t seem as worried as she possibly might be.

[Not worried about disease, is using the question to further the illusion of being normal,] which makes sense as far as Lisa could tell.

“Nope, not that I know of at least. But that wasn’t what I wanted to ask, I wanted to ask, what’s the best way to slip a gag onto someone? Like if they’re resisting, because my friend can kind of run her mouth and it’d be nice to just shove a gag in her and keep her quiet, you know?” as Alec asked, Lisa groaned a bit while Taylor tittered a little at the jab, only a little, her plugs had died down and she was listening in on the conversation going on outside. 

“Alec you jackass, ask the question,” Lisa tried to say but the woman had already started talking again, putting her finger on her chin as she considered the question.

“Bit gag would probably be best, and the easiest if you did it garrote style, like coming up behind them and shoving the bit against their mouth. Some people will just open automatically to ask what’s going on, and then if it’s not in then, just pull on it, and eventually their mouth’ll give way, that or you’ll slip and smack their throat. Either way you’ll get it in and they’ll stop blathering.”

 “Alright, cool. Thought you’d know, you’re the mistress of that succubus upstairs after all,” Alec said, and the woman froze. It was only for a split second but it was there.

“Never heard her called that before, was she that good?” the lady asked.

“Oh yeah, I wish we could keep her you know? Say, I don’t usually ask this, but my friend told me to, so I might as well, are you mastering her?” he asked as the lady raised an eyebrow at him, so he continued. “See, your friend kind of broke down when we asked her about it. She’s pretty sure you’re not mastering her, but well, we kind of want to be sure, oh and you can change to your real form if you want, she did.”

Rather than get worried or anything of the sort, the woman’s worried expression washed away, instead she seemed to relax, her posture loosening up rather than getting even more tense, and a slight smirk tugging at her lips.

[Doesn’t see Regent as a threat, thinks that if she has to she can deal with you and Regent to regain access to Taylor.]

“Guys get ready, she might try to master Alec,” Lisa said into the mike connected to Brian and Rachel. 

“Sure little boy,” the woman said as her form started to shift, her figure filling out, her thighs thickening as her breasts bulged out. Her skin changed from a normal human colour to a light blue while her clothes shifted from night on the town, to leather and form fitting. It was a corset and panties, the corset doing little to keep her modest as the woman’s breasts practically spilled over, her nipples just out of sight but one wrong move could expose them. Her panties barely hid anything either as all they did was hold her balls and-

[Her cock would fill you perfectly, not too big and not too small. She could train you well, make you her cock slave as she brings you pleasure you’ve never conceived of. Her breasts are all natural and very soft, perfect for groping or suckling on. Her milk would sate your thirst and make you desire more as she lovingly worked you over in a way that’d leave you satisfied and devoted. She’d bind you to her both physically and mentally, making you crave her cock and attention as you compete with Taylor. You’d be lesser but still a good little cock slut as she-]

Stop, Lisa tried to cry out in her mind but her power had gone haywire, filling her mind with fantasies, each as lurid and sensual as the previous, all involving her and the cock wielding she-demon. She’d be bound in leather or latex, a doll for the sexual goddess that was on camera, lovingly sliding her cock into her, caressing her as she called Lisa a good girl. Lisa’s power like it was not with Taylor and the woman would be amplifying her desire as the only people who she could even possibly have sex with were there playing with her. They’d either be competing for Mistresses affection or working together to lick her cock up and down, licking at her pre as she petted their heads like good slaves.

[Her cock is smooth, her sack as well. The texture would be divine and the taste even better. The pheromones released will taste good and only help. Thinker headaches would be alleviated by service to her.]

“Lisa?” Brian asked through his mike which brought Lisa back to reality, and finding her fingers had already pushed into her pussy. She had two fingers in and was three knuckles deep, her body having responded to her desires, the thoughts she’d been having of licking the demon’s cock, of slobbering all of her it while tied up in her bondage, made a leather pet by her.

“I didn’t try to master Taylor, no. It’s her condition you see,” the demon with the cock explained, coming closer to Alec but not enough to be in reach, leaning against the wall as she spoke. Moving the camera, Lisa kept watching what was going on, unable to keep her eyes off the dick wielding succubi’s form, entranced by her as her fingers moved once more. She’d only ever been enamoured with one person before and that was before her powers. She knew what lust felt like before her powers, but this was so much more intense. Maybe it was the pheromones that Taylor was releasing, maybe it was the fact that her power itself was trying to get her to submit to her, either way, it was affecting Lisa in such an extreme fashion. Lisa almost envied Taylor for the chastity cage her Mistress had put on her. 

Of course if I did have on put on me I’d curse it up and down as I battled with it.

[Would be extremely arousing and fun. An extreme form of edging that would drive you further into the demon’s arms, increasing interactions, and would make the next session with your mistress more intense.] Her power suggested like it was a good thing to be made a sex slave by one of the only women it let her lust after.  Her power suggested like it was a good thing to be made a sex slave by one of the only women it let her lust after. 

I’m quite possibly literally trying to avoid that fate by being useful to Coil, why the hell would I want to just be mastered and turned into one now? Lisa tried to ask

[Because you desire it, the thought of becoming one is making you horny, and your mind is filled with fantasies of serving her, becoming hers.]

That’s your doing.

[Only partially,] 

“Fuck,” Lisa spoke, before realising it was out loud and breathy, like a moan. Lisa noticed Taylor’s head having turned to look to her, still grinding, still being buzzed by her mistress outside. Meanwhile, Lisa fingers couldn’t stay away. She had one hand on the keyboard while the other rubbed at her core. Lisa bit her lip, wanting to avoid it, wanting to keep focused on what she needed to do, but slowly, her willpower was failing her. Getting up from her seat, Lisa made her way to Taylor, reaching down and undoing the ropes binding the girl. Lisa’s power guided her hands to pull them off easily and in record time. Lisa gripped the succubi’s leash and pulled her closer so she could whisper in her ear.

“I want you to get under our table and lick me,” Lisa said, hearing the succubi’s heavy breathing, how it hitched and got excited at her order. Lisa had to swallow as well, her own breath labouring and saliva pooling as she couldn’t resist her lust. She’d never had to actually deal with it before, and at the moment this had to be the best solution.

“Lisa. What’s going on?” Lisa heard Brian ask from the computer, and Lisa moved back to it, using the leash to guide Taylor back to the table, the succubi crawling on all fours while Lisa guided her under, and then towards her. Sitting back down, Lisa could see the cock wielding Omnibus had gotten closer to Alec, the two of them leaning against a wall together, Alec’s hand on the Omnibus’ cock while her own was on his.

“I love that you’re such an open boy, though you could use more experience,” the demon said while Alec shrugged. 

“Not a lot of practice on guys, but,” as he said that, his other hand reached past the massive cock and slid behind the demon’s balls. The Demon’s tail went straight for a moment before returning to its lazy wagging.

“The two are giving each other hand jobs,” Lisa said, trying to keep the delight out of her voice as Taylor teased her, not going straight for the prize as she licked at Lisa’s legs, probably getting the fluid she’d been leaking, her tongue leaving a trail of warmth that was making her hot and bothered. Lisa’s pussy twitched, and grew wetter with each of Taylor’s licks, the aphrodisiac from her saliva likely the cause.

Fuck this was a bad idea, Lisa thought, and yet she couldn’t bring herself to even consider shoving Taylor away and tying her back up.

“Oooh, you do know how to please a girl don’t you. Tell me my effeminate friend,” the demon started, leaning in as her hand slid down Alec’s back. At the same time, Taylor had found Lisa’s crotch, and she’d started to trail up Lisa’s leg getting past the foreplay. “Ever had a dry orgasm?”

[Alec’s curious, will likely fall to the demon’s charm. Interested in new experiences, finds this novel.]

“Is Alec mastered?” Brian asked.

“No, he’s just being Alec.”

“Not really, but tell me about her condition? Why does she have a collar on her that makes her follow orders?” Alec asked, and the woman didn’t even skip a beat as they continued to play with each other.

“It’s for your own protection, if we took it off, especially now. Well… let’s just say that I’d have to intervene to make sure that you and your friends didn’t end up corpses,” as she said that, Taylor had reached Lisa’s core, a long lick sliding up Lisa’s slit, causing her to gasp as her core tightened in response, her legs shaking a bit as Lisa fought from closing them. Instead, she slid down her chair, spreading herself out more for the hungry slut. The succubus took the response as further accent and started to lick her like a dog, sliding her tongue over Lisa’s mound while sensations that Lisa hadn’t felt since she’d first started to discover sexual pleasure back before her trigger. It was like an old friend returning as Lisa fought with herself to keep from moaning, but it was a losing battle.

“Like a true succubus. Say, is this going to kill me?” Alec asked as he stopped stroking the demon’s cock and shook it about. The demon giggled a bit and shook her head. 

“No no, you’ll be fine. It’s only when you orgasm that we can drain you enough to actually effect you. And even then, it takes a few to even do more damage than just making you a bit more exhausted from sex. Taylor’s young though, inexperienced in holding back, as such she can get violent when she’s denied her fun while she doesn’t have her collar on, and I have the key.”

[Telling the truth, claws have been used, still bits of sliced fabric on them. Taylor has been in a fight. Going by the unnatural skin, claws are likely able to slice through skin,] grabbing Taylor’s leash, Lisa pulled the girl up a bit, away from her pussy, despite how reticent she was to do so. Of course, the slut’s tongue was long enough that she could still play with Lisa.

“Do you actually become violent?” Lisa asked, wanting to confirm, even though her power had basically just confirmed it already. The girl froze for a moment, her tongue sliding back in and she bit her lip with her sharp teeth before answering.

“Yes mistress, I… before mistress put the collar on me, when I discovered I was a succubus… when the illusion over me cracked fully, I kind of went berserk when she interrupted a man and I before I could fully drain him. She felt it crack, and came to get me. I… I attacked her after that,” Taylor explained. Lisa rubbed her temples, letting go of the collar, and Taylor of course went straight back down, her tongue sliding in. Lisa groaned a bit as Taylor tongue fucked her pussy, sliding up against her walls, pushing right where she needed to push to drive wave after wave of pleasure through Lisa with each thrust. One of Lisa’s hands landed on Taylor’s hooded head, pressing her up against her pussy further, using her nose to grind against her clit while practically humping Taylor’s mouth.

We need to test those claws later, Lisa thought, pretty sure if she wanted to, Taylor could have used those nails to slice her way through the rope.

“Hmm hmm hmm, I can hear you enjoying yourself with Taylor, mind if I come up and we can talk? Touch base and all that so we can get this all sorted out?” the woman asked as she giggled a bit.

[Enhanced hearing, possibly enhanced perception in general, can ask yourself if you bring her up. Generally non hostile, can be reasoned with, can likely be recruited to assist with Coil. Likely to be swayed by sex and assistance in obtaining sex,] Lisa’s power provided, and as it suggested it, Lisa grinned. Possibly taking out the boss? Certainly would do well to actually get a move on that, having a hidden trump card to use against him, or at least to protect her if shit hit the fan and she needed help that wasn’t the PRT arresting her and sending her back to her parents. Then Lisa moaned a bit, Taylor having thrust in again, pressing against her special spot, sending sensations through her as Lisa gripped her hair, but did nothing else. 

“Fuck, Brian, what do you think? She could be a nice ally if we work with her. As far as I can tell she isn’t lying, and it’d be nice to have some brutish back up in case something goes wrong. We’ll just have to get our brains fucked out as payment probably if we call on them.”

“Sounds good to me,” Alec of course decided to chime in, while Lisa heard an in different grunt from Rachel. Probably doesn’t really care so long as she still gets her money. 

“You sure this is a good idea?” Brian asked, and honestly, Lisa wasn’t sure, her eyes glued as they were to the woman’s big thick cock, while Taylor licked at her, bringing her closer and closer to her edge. She likely wasn’t in the best state of mind to figure this all out, yet at the same time, she wanted the woman up. Plus, having back up would be nice.

[Once trained, the ass can be a nice way to experience pleasure and be used as a safe alternative as payment to the demon. Demon likely prefers anal judging by Taylor’s accessible hole being her ass and from her suggestion to Regent. She could make it feel amazing as she takes your ass and reforms it into her personal cock sleeve,] her power suggested and Lisa shuddered, her ass already clenching as her breath came out heavier, her core tightening as just the thought combined with Taylor’s licking was slowly pushing her to the edge as her legs started to close around Taylor’s head and pressing up against the girl’s horns. As she did so, the succubus gave a bit of a moan, like the horns were some kind of erogenous zone.

[They are.]

“Maybe, I, look, my power is messing with me. I don’t know if she’s a trump or what but I’m not exactly in the best place to figure this out right now. I…”

I need time to think, properly think, not, not get bombarded by my power going from anti lewd to full on horny mode.

“Maybe in a day or two, like tomorrow or something, just. I need time to figure this out, to try and actually get some thinking done, okay? Shouldn’t take long, maybe tomorrow?” Lisa asked, and thankfully, Brian seemed to agree. As she asked, Lisa muted her side of the mike, focusing almost fully on Taylor now, reaching down and grabbing her goat like horns. With her hands she stroked at them, rubbing them up and down as Taylor practically purred for her, the vibrations moving down her tongue and into her pussy where Taylor mercilessly attacked her cunt. The mike muted, Lisa didn’t need to hold back her moans as she finally felt the pleasure she’d long thought denied to her. Each thrust was another step towards the edge as Taylor started to redouble her efforts, tongue fucking her box at a rapid rate. At the same time, Lisa could hear the sounds of Taylor’s vibrator increasing in speed and intensity as the two of them moaned for each other. 

“Fuck fuck fuck,” Lisa cried out as she got closer and closer to her edge, the pleasure mounting, filling her up, making her focus narrow until all that there was to think about was Taylor’s magnificent tongue sliding into her pussy, filling her up, reaching in deep and in a way that filled her and made her wanting more. Then Lisa gripped the girl’s horns and pulled by instinct, pressing the girl’s face right into her cunt as she felt that chain reaction fire off to bring about her orgasm, while at the same time the girl’s vibrators once more increased in intensity.

Sensual delight exploded from her pussy, Lisa only just barely keeping herself from screaming as she moaned into her teeth and bitten lip her explosive orgasm, while at the same time Taylor moaned loudly into Lisa’s pussy, vibrations filling her as her pussy clenched around Taylor’s tongue, squeezing it, looking for something solid to milk of cum as her own spunk dribbled from her pussy into the succubi’s mouth before both Lisa and Taylor went limp, breathing hard. 

“Holy fuck…” Lisa panted, her eyes opening back up as at some point she closed them. Looking down at the exhausted and bound up girl, Lisa reached down, and grabbed the far too thin girl by her arm pits and pulled her up. The girl straddled her as Lisa hugged the girl. “Thank you.”

At her whisper, the girl hugged Lisa back and squeezed her, rubbing her horn against Lisa’s cheek like a cat… before Lisa heard the clearing of someone’s throat.

“Uh Lisa, you forgot to mute your mike,” Brian said as Lisa’s eyes widened. She looked to the computer, and sure enough, the mike hadn’t been muted. At the same time she could hear Alec giggling while as she looked at the camera, the cock having demon was grinning from ear to ear.

[Is as amused as Alec, finds it absolutely adorable.] This time Lisa actually muted the mike before throwing it off and groaning into the succubi’s shoulder. 

“Well, Taylor and I will be around tomorrow when you guys want to meet up again, if you wouldn’t mind, send Taylor down when you can. Oh and if you wouldn’t mind, could you cuddle the cutie for me? Give her a bit of good after care okay? I’ll be doing it as well but she could always use more, and I’ll be back in half an hour, sound good?” the woman asks as she and Alec disentangle, though Alec’s hand stays where it is for a moment before letting go reluctantly. Then the succubus turned before snapping her fingers and the illusion of a woman out on the town once more fixed itself in place.

[Unknown energy used, functions unknown. Possibly taught. Could be useful to learn and figure out,] Lisa’s power said. Interestingly, Lisa didn’t even feel the slightest hint of a headache.

[Last part wasn’t joking. Taylor shows signs of body image issues, possible depression. Using her new outlook on life as an escape from reality, clinging possibly points to neglect rather than abuse. Could be assisted through repeated contact and intimate relations.] Lisa’s power spouted and Lisa frowned while looking down at Taylor’s bound form. 

I guess I can ask these questions later. Lisa thought as she pulled Taylor up a bit, helping the light and rather thin girl sit on her a bit easier while a finger moved up towards Taylor’s bindings.

“You want to get out of this fetish stuff? Let you relax a bit?” Lisa asked, and surprisingly Taylor just shrugged.

“It’s all actually kind of comfy. Not like pyjama comfy, but… well honestly I could probably sleep in all of this… but, I can also do this, so…” as Taylor spoke the corset and her other binding shifted, her outfit changing and shifting, gaining some slack as it shifted into what could be described as a big baggy hoodie and some pyjama pants to go along with it. She didn’t take off the hood or even change it though, even as she shifted.

[Clothes emanate similar energy to the illusion. Possibly same origin, or maybe something else.]

“Not the hood?” Lisa asked, but Taylor shook her head a bit.

“When mistress and Alec were talking, he asked to keep the hood on. Plus, like I said, it’s comfy so it’s no problem,” the young succubi said, to which Lisa shrugged. If she wanted to it’s up to her, although…

“You want to move to the couch? Might be a bit more relaxing than a hard wood chair,” Lisa suggested, drawing a little giggle from the succubus.

“Sure, wouldn’t mind at all,” she said, the only thing Lisa could see of her face being that of her wide pearly white smile.


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I would love to see if my stuff is good enough that people might support me and my work so I can do it more often.
I kind of want to hit 5 subscribers since it would be great to have that amount of people supporting me~!

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