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Thread Necromancer
Thread Necromancer
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Displaying posts with tag Hornet.Reset Filter
Thread Necromancer
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 Entry 18 – Hornet


Harriet hummed a gay tune as she walked along with her various purchases meant for the hive. Despite the hive being self sufficient, luxury goods and demon silver weapons helped the hive prosper, thus the trip to Usseldorf’s slave market to sell some slaves and gain some items. This time she’d traded in a spare bee slave for a backpack full of demon silver spear heads, enough to equip the parties that raided Order territory.

As Harriet walked though, something caught her nose as she walked towards the southern gate. Something that was disgustingly sweet, enough that Harriet pulled a hand up to her nose as she smelled it… and yet as she continued to smell it, it became more alluring. She nearly walked off, but after a moment she realised what it was. Alrune nectar. 

“Fucking Honey Bee whores,” Harriet muttered to herself while keeping a hand on her iron sword’s pommel. She’d heard stories of hornets being taken by Honey Bees and how they did something to the Hornets they kidnapped. She wasn’t about to end up like those poor souls. Moving once more but this time with a bit more purpose and caution, Harriet continued on her journey south. 

Only as she passed an alleyway, when she looked down it, there was a massive hand floating there. Harriet’s eyes widened, she began to draw her sword but the hand then reached out and grabbed her. Harriet tried to scream, she attacked it with her stinger, she tried it all at once, but the hand wrapped her up before with a quick movement pulled her into the alleyway. 

Then it tossed Harriet into the alleyway before disappearing. Without time to respond, Harriet landed in the alleyway with a thud, and landed on her backpack. Harriet gasped as suddenly pleasure filled her back, spreading through her body, and she could feel that some of the demon silver heads had driven themselves into her. Magic left over from forging the spear heads spilled into Harriet as an enchanting sexual desire, the magic having been corrupted into a lustful spell of arousal. Harriet’s body shook, her nipples hardening, and she brought her legs together. Her hands shot down to her crotch while her eyes widened. Harriet let out a strangled cry while her fingers started to slide up against her clit, and then press into her lower lips. She bit her own lip as she tried to suppress her moan, when she saw three honey bee girls standing over her. One had on a witch’s hat while the other girls wore the standard Honey bee’s garb.

Without a word the witch hat wearing girl lifted a jar and turned it over. A sickly sweet smelling liquid poured from the jar, and as it splashed onto her Harriet’s eyes widened. Sensation spread across her skin and she gasped, a terrible idea, as heat spread into her core, the smell making her head go mushy, a fog filling her mind as she lay there. She tried to call out, to scream, to cry for the guards, but all that came out was a series of lewd moans. It was like a wall was set up between her mind and her mouth, the message getting jumbled as she tried to cry for help while she continued to buck her hips and slide her fingers into her slit. Pleasure arced through her as she masturbated in front of her attackers, unable to hold back as her lust betrayed her and assaulted her body. Even her poisons worked against her, her already low level of lust only having helped to amplify the Alrune nectar power, turning the low smoulder that was always burning in her core to a roaring bonfire of intense sensation and need. She needed dick, she needed cock, she needed something to fill that horrible void and just FUCK HER! 

Harriet whimpered and whined as she continued to thrust her fingers into her slutty snatch, making a lewd scene and she heard people walking past the alleyway, looking down it. She even heard a far off laugh before they disappeared. 

Nooooo~ Come back~! Harriet wanted to cry, but her mind was too clouded and enchanted by the nectar to think straight beyond letting out a small moan that sounded vaguely like a long “No” but it was drowned out by the snickering and cackling of her attackers. 

“My, she ‘s quite loud wouldn’t you say dearies?” the witch bee asked as her two lackeys nodded and grinned even wider before the witch continued: “luckily I have just the thing.”

From a bag on her hip, the witch produced a large ball gag. As she knelt down, Harriet tried to keep her mouth closed, pressing her lips together even as she let out muffled little whimpers while she touched herself. All the witch did though was press it against her mouth, before looking up at the other bees. 

“Show this slut what she’s missing,” she said, and like a succubus on a cock they descended on her. Fingers slid across her nectar doused skin, each touch driving a tingling sensation through her, their fingers sliding up, each grabbing one of Harriet’s bountiful breasts, their fingers squeezing down, lightly pinching her nipple, sending sparks of delight through her as the hornet whined, her body squirming under their assault. The strength of her jaw lessened, but she was still able to keep the gag from slipping in. She… she needed help, her only hope was to hold out until someone realised her situation, another wasp, or some who realised she was being raped, pleasure forced upon her that was rapidly growing harder to resist. Yet Harriet knew the consequences were far worse if she did submit, if she was broken by these bees. They’d turn her, their pheromones filling her mind and driving her insane with lust. She’d turn into nothing but a bimbo, forgetting her hive, forgetting it all and turning into a hedonistic sex slave of the bee girls, she couldn’t let them win!

Yet the touches, the assaults from the bees were never ending, their fingers sliding across her thighs, slipping in beside hers. Harriet whined more as she felt their digits slip in, all of their fingers spreading her wide, filling her with their fat digits, spreading her like a cock would. Harriet moaned, her eyes losing focus as their fingers slid in, in and out finger fucking her, three fingers from each of the two while her own only added to the sensation as her palm pressed into her clit, her gentle caresses having grown more forceful, her desires ever expanding, ever growing. She needed to be fucked, she was so deliberately horny. Harriet’s moans by now had grown louder as they continued fucking her, pleasure spreading through the hornet, making her body shudder and shiver, her hips shaking while unconsciously her legs had spread wide to let the bee girls fuck her more. The lustful fog in her mind even started to take over, her focus frazzled from the fucking, the strength of her jaw dropping rapidly, and Harriet could feel herself getting closer, her desires bubbling and the assault of sensation adding fuel to the fire that would bring on a cascading climax through her. Slowly being driven mad, Harriet let go of her control, letting her body take the lead, her hips shaking and she even shook them to try to fuck herself more on those fingers. Enchanted by the coming climax, Harriet squirmed and lifted her hips, pleasure the only goal as she spread her legs wide and fucked herself on her fingers, her palm practically grinding into her clit, her fingers firing into her cunt like the strikes of a mantis as the sensation continued to build, the pleasure becoming too much, and… and…

“OOOoooh~!” Harriet cried out as she let out a screaming orgasm, her cunt squeezing down on all those fingers, pressing up against them hard and pulsating as her biology took over. Feminine cum sprayed out, dripping down those fingers as her legs came together and she was paralysed by her body. Sensation was her mistress now, until suddenly she felt something round get pressed into her mouth, and she bit down, but it was too late. In seconds the back of the gag was tied up. As Harriet tried to reach up her arms were pinned by the girls and the Hornet was left to spasm and writhe on the floor as her lust hadn’t finished her off yet. The nectar and her own poison keeping her arousal high as she started to slip her fingers in again, moaning into the gag this time as she’d already failed. 

“There’s a good slave, tie her up girls, she’s coming with us,” the bee witch declared before throwing rope to the girls there as they started to giggle and cackle with glee as they began to bind Harriet. So lost already in her arousal, Harriet didn’t resist too much as they wrapped her up in rope, the cords slipping between her legs, binding her breasts and even wrapping around her neck. When she did try to shake off her captors, a simple caress, a kiss and suckle on her breasts and her lust once more began to take over as she gave into her hedonistic desires, unable to stop herself as she leaned into the honey bees hands that slid into her pussy and spanked her ass. 

Eventually Harriet found herself in a daze, her mind clouded with desire and her body bound by rope. Each movement spread sensation wherever she moved, the ropes digging in and spreading desire through her. Her ass and pussy were the worst, even the slightest movement fired off the sensitive nerves there, spreading arousal through her and making her pussy wet and her ass twitch with need. Her holes were empty and as soon enough Harriet started to whine and squirm, driving the rope in deeper, practically humping the air to let the robe slide up and down her slutty slit. The three bees laughed at the sight, at the haughty hornet being brought so low by mere bees. 

“What a slut, she’ll make a good little bimbo for the hive, come on whore, time to bring you home,” the witch declared before she tugged on the rope that acted like a leash. Without much choice, Harriet followed, her thighs rubbing together and the rope arousing her with every step as they left the alleyway. The quartet of bug mamono started making their way northward while people waved and didn’t even pay Harriet a second look other than to blush and smile before moving on. Somewhere deep in Harriet’s mind she despaired as each step brought her closer and closer to her now inevitable bad end. 


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I would love to see if my stuff is good enough that people might support me and my work so I can do it more often.
I kind of want to hit 5 subscribers since it would be great to have that amount of people supporting me~!

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