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Thread Necromancer
Thread Necromancer
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Thread Necromancer
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 Entry 9 – Werewolf


Fran scowled as the spot she’d been stabbed was still itching. Somehow, the humans managed to miss everything important in their attempt to kill her and she’d turned out fine... after she drank that healing potion back at her and Fren’s cave. Hell, she might have only been down a husband if Fren hadn’t gotten herself kidnapped! Now she’s gotta save both of them! Gaaah!

Thankfully, the human had let slip something she might be able to use. Order guys usually like to execute “heretics” and the town likely has seen a few executions if those Order inquisitors are anything to go by. Sure, her husband wasn’t likely to get executed just because she blew him a few times. He hadn’t turned after yet after all.

But Arin’s sister didn’t know that.

Now if only she could find the bitch! 

“Maou dammit!” Fran cried as she slashed her cool new sword that her husband had dropped at a bush, the shrub’s leaves and branches flew away, revealing a girl squatting behind it looking at her. The two stared at each other for a moment, trying to process what exactly had happened, when Fran noticed what furry limbs she had, and what big furry dog ears she had.

“Uh,” was all Fran could say as she realised she’d found who she wanted to find and-

Oh shit! Fran mentally cried out as the werewolf pounced at her, knocking her sword aside and pinning the goblin to the ground. The wolf girl grabbed Fran’s hands by her wrist, pinning them down while the werewolf pinned her leg and-

Fran’s eyes widened and she gasped slightly as she felt the leg of her attacker press against her down there, pushing her toy further in. The goblin went very still as her toy pressed in, the feeling was good and Fran swallowed. Even so, the werewolf grinned down at her while her leg fucked the goblin, any fight in the smaller monster girl leaving her as her toy betrayed her. Where once it served it’s master faithfully, giving her pleasure on those lonely nights when she got a bit too enthusiastic with Fren and made her fall unconscious. Now it was beholden to a new master, who was using it now to bring a disarming delight to the goblin. Fran bit her lip, and made a slight sound while the werewolf began to smile. She smelt her, and smelt her arousal. The wolf girl came closer to Fran, sniffing her closely and looking the goblin girl straight in her eyes as she continued with the assault below. Pleasure bloomed from the dildo as the girl continued to play with her, fucking the fight from a little goblin like herself. 

On instinct, Fran used her one free leg to open her up wider, and planted her foot down on the ground. Doing what she could to spread her legs for the person who was so obviously dominating her. As she did, she started to move her hips a bit, grinding and shifting the dildo, trying to add just a bit more to the sensations filling her. Her sister was safe at the moment, they wanted her as a hostage anyways, and her hubby was fine too. 

Feeling a bit more daring, Fran used the opportunity to push her face forward, and planted a kiss on the werewolf’s lips. The wolf girl backed up immediately, accidentally pulling away from Fran’s arms, and forgetting to keep pressing into Fran. The goblin girl almost frowned as the wolf pulled back… until she realised she was free and brought her arm in front of her to point at the werewolf.

“I Bind Thee!” she incanted and soon enough black ropes spewed from the ring as the wolf was grabbed. The werewolf girl cried out in a loud “yip” before collapsing on her side, her arms pulled to the sides as the ropes secured themselves to the various branches and sturdy bushes around. The ropes were smart like that, and Fran giggled as she looked at the now helpless werewolf.

“Oh how the tables have turned,” she said, a wide grin spreading across her face as she looked at the bound wolf girl. The werewolf didn’t look too happy if the growling was anything to go by, but if she decided to be a bad dog, then Fran knew exactly what she needed to do shut her up. Looking the werewolf over, she was about the right height still despite being suspended above the ground a bit, so this should work.

The wolf girl continued to try to be menacing to Fran, and even started barking, before Fran merely reached up, and pulled her pants down. 

“Gah- Hey!” the werewolf cried out.

“Ah, so the wild werewolf speaks. Look I need some answers and you’re going to give ‘em to me,” Fran ordered but the werewolf girl just looked away, still growling as she did.

“Why would I tell you anything? You came into our hunting grounds, with a silver sword might I add, and attacked me. Why should I tell you anything goblin?” she shot back her gaze turning back to Fran who wasn’t particularly impressed by the resistance. 

“Because while you talk, I’ll do this for ya,” Fran said as she grinned and leaned forward, before giving the werewolf girl a nice, long, lick, and then dove in a bit to circle her clit with her tongue before pulling back. As she licked, the werewolf stiffened and let out a soft gasp while trying to pull her legs together. Of course the ropes were too strong for her and so she was just left hanging, her pussy getting wetter as Fran grinned up at her.

The werewolf herself looked down at the goblin, her lip pursed, a blush clear to see on her face as she warred with something within her. Likely pack loyalty, before finally she seemed to get her answer. In a more hesitant voice, she asked: “O-okay, I’ll talk. What… what do you want to know?”

Fran’s grin spread out wider as she knew she’d won. “Okay Wolfy, can I call you Wolfy, first off I need to know if you actually have a pack or did they get killed or something, and if you do have a pack, do you have a member with an uncorrupted brother by the name of “Arin”?”

As she finished, Fran grabbed the wolf girl’s hips and once more put her rug munching skills to work. With her tongue she gave the girl another long lick, pulling another gasp from her lips as Fran began to lick her all over, dipping her tongue into the snatch every few licks to show her what might come. As she did this, the werewolf answered in a bit of a strained voice:

“Yeah, I do have a, a pack. And, and we do have a girl, ugh, a girl named Ashley. She- fuck where did you learn that?” the werewolf asked but Fran pulled away, a not so impressed expression gracing her blushing face. 

“Right, you’re doing the asking,” since she seemed to get it, Fran gave her another lick, and pressed into her slit a bit more, tasting the sweet nectar from the werewolf as she did so. The werewolf’s breathing was growing harder as Fran licked her. Meanwhile she could feel her own arousal gathering in her core, adding logs to the fire as it were, her pussy growing wet and her lower lips becoming puffy, but she had to focus, especially if she wanted her answers without resorting to more extreme methods. 

Like post orgasm torture.

“Yeah, ah, fuck right there, yeah, mmmmh, fuck, Ashley, she joined, she joined in a deal with the pack mother, her, ah, her actual mother as well before she got bit. If the pack kept away from the town she and her brother lived in, then Ashley would join willingly. Fuck I wish I could have done that, been heroic and stuff. Mmmf, but I just got jumped and bit,” the girl babbled as Fran licked and licked at her core, driving her tongue deeper into Ashly, spelling out words as she did so, the werewolf’s cunny dripping for her, and even starting to spasm around her tongue. Fran moaned a bit, letting the vibrations flow through her tongue into the girl as her moans grew louder and louder. She wasn’t talking anymore but that was good enough for Fran, she could talk to this “Mother.” Wolfy’s hips shook more, trying their best to press her hips into Fran’s face while Fran herself pulled the slutty girl closer. Fran gripped on her hips and started to dive deep. At the same time, snaking a finger closer, Fran nearly smiled as she drove her tongue as deep as she could, humming as she did while her finger slipped in behind. 

The werewolf cried out in surprise, and then as she hummed, her nose pressing into the girl’s clit hard, that cry turned into a howl as like a flood gate, the werewolf began to cum, her sweetness dripping onto Fran’s tongue as her pussy began to try to milk her tongue. It pulsated and pushed down, twitching and clenching on her as Fran pressed her nose harder into the werewolf. Wolfy’s hips started to jerk, humping Fran’s face as she did her best to keep licking at the girl, to make her cum more for her. At the same time Fran’s own legs pressed together, and did their best to push her dildo into herself some more to limited success. 

Though finally Fran needed to come up for air, and sucked in greedily the lust perfumed air near her new friend’s cunny. Giggling a bit, Fran gave her wolf friend another lick, right on the clit, drawing a pitiful moan from her as her hips jerked once more. Stepping back from her work, Fran once more was grinning like a loon as she looked at the wolf, who had been so defiant, had submitted to her. She hung from the ropes, her pussy lips engorged and drooling, her hips and legs shaking from the power of her orgasm, and her head drooped. 

Then a firm and heavy hand landed on Fran’s shoulder and gripped it tightly. A heavy, clawed hand with fur. A shiver went down Fran’s spine as she slowly looked back to the owner of that hand, and saw a massive milf of a woman with mega mommy milkers standing imperiously over her, looking down at her with a similar grin to the one that Fran had used when she’d captured the wolf girl. The massive werewolf woman licked her lips, and Fran heard the sound of giggling around her and realised that not only had she been caught by the biggest freaking werewolf she’d ever seen, but she was also surrounded.

“That was quite the performance, allow us to return the favour,” she said, her voice melodic and alluring. It promised pleasure beyond anything that Fran had ever and could ever dish out; it promised a one way trip to nirvana that she might never walk away from. As Fran opened her mouth, the canine mega milf shushed her with a simple digit to her lips.

“Shh, the time for talking is over,” as she said that her finger left Fran’s lips and trailed downwards, into Fran’s coat, and from it she pulled a ball gag from it.

Fran gulped, “Yes Mommy.”


Ugh, you know, I think I use pleasure way too much, and yet in the times I look for an alternative, little seems to work when actually in the middle of the action. Ah well, any who, if you enjoyed this, please like, comment, and subscribe to my Subscribestar if you are feeling extra generous~!

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Thread Necromancer
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 Entry 7 – Goblin


Fran smiled up at the big human standing in front of her as she held onto the edges of her long coat. To the uninitiated, it almost looked like she was holding her coat close because she was cold. As a monster though, Fran would have been fine even going around naked on this cool spring morning. Course the human didn’t know that. Hell, he didn’t even seem to know she was a goblin despite her horns. This is great; Orderites really are a bunch of morons aren’t they!?

“So, you wanna see my wares?” Fran asked, biting her lip to keep from giggling. The big strong man while he’d been cautious, had resheathed his short sword upon realising she was “just a trader,” which was a load of bullshit. Goblin thief thank you very much! And kind of on the run from the Mamonoo authorities of the monster nation of Usseldorf because she got a bit too grabby on some sex toys she didn’t feel like working to pay for… that and this cool ring she stole after knocking that succubus unconscious.

Fuck you succu-bitch, your mama can make you another cool ring!

The man continued to look down at her, a troubled expression on his face, probably to do with her grin. She couldn’t help it! If her plan succeeded, this big, strong, dumb human would be her husband. She just needed to claim him!

Course she’d need to actually take him down because that sword looked sharp and she wasn’t exactly wearing any kind of armour to protect herself. She could probably use her club but she’d put that down to bring him closer. 

Despite his frown deepening though, the human never went for his sword. Rather he just stood there, looking at her with a thinking pose. As he continued to look at her, Fran was getting nervous, and… horny. Her little surprise had been driving her mad all morning, and now, she was getting closer and closer to her breaking point. Soon enough if he didn’t take the bait, then she’d just have to wing it. But no, she must restrain herself. If she failed then this human would more than likely run her through before she could finish the incantation for the stolen ring.

“Okay… sure,” the human said, and Fran’s grin grew wider as she flung open her long coat. In an instant, the human’s eyes widened as he saw what Fran had underneath. Toys of all kinds hung from pockets in Fran’s coat, but the more enticing thing Fran thought was the sight of her nearly naked body. She’d stolen many things from that magical sex shop back in Usseldorf. One of which being a bondage harness on her now, perfect for showing herself off to any that looked. There were straps going everywhere and putting her on display. Her breasts and ass were framed and looked larger, there was room among the straps to let a mamonoo wear it even while pregnant, and her pussy, oh Maou her pussy.

Attached by buttons there was a vibrating dildo drilling away at her cunt, her arousal dripping from it as toys buzzed at her nipples. She was so full down there, and with Sabbath magic, it never would run out or even numb her to the delight that was flowing through her little body. 

The human took a step back, stunned by her lewdness as Fran let go of her coat and pointed at him with the ring she’d stolen. 

I Bind Thee! She cried out watching as the human took action, trying to draw his short sword. He got it out of the scabbard just as she finished the incantation for the magic item, the momentary shock at her lewdness saving her from a jab to the gut. Black ropes spewed forth from the ring and began to wrap up the human. The human managed to slice his sword once, cutting down a few of the ropes before they overcame him, and started to restrain him. At the same time, Fran let her long coat drop to the road, her free hand going to her pussy, pressing up and against her dildo. The man cried out as he was slammed into the road and left spread eagle by the ropes. There were other ways of tying people up with the ring Fran was pretty sure, but other than a hogtie, she wasn’t sure what. Though, this suited Fran just fine as she started to salivate, falling down to all fours, and then crawling towards her husband.

As she crawled to him, he tried to struggle, to move in some way as she approached. But it was no use. The ropes had tied themselves to anchor points that Fran had set up herself, all hidden among the bushes alongside the road. As she continued to crawl to him, the human panicked more.

“Get, get back!” he shouted at her, but Fran didn’t listen. Her prize was here now, and as she crawled to him on all fours, she could see how he was starting to get hard, how he needed release. He continued to shout up until she reached him, and then her fingers reached the hem of his pants. Only then did he stop, though he still kept a fearful eye on her. Silly husband, he has no reason to fear her. 

With a pull Fran pulled her husband’s pants down, springing his lovely and thick erection free. The smell of it, the alluring and thick smell invaded her nostrils like Fren’s club smashing her in the face. Despite herself, Fran couldn’t help the slight awed moan before she pushed herself forward, pressing her face into her husband’s lovely and wonderful dick.

As she did so, he made a sound, almost seemingly shocked at the feeling, and it made Fran giggle. She’d gotten a cute virgin for a husband! Not only that, but one who didn’t know the joys of pleasure. Perfect! Giggling, Fran flicked her tongue out and started to lick that meaty member up and down with her tongue lick a cocksicle while she moaned. Her husband meanwhile bit on his lip to keep quite while Fran turned all of her attention to his cock. After a few desperate licks, it was too much and Fran grabbed a hold of her husband’s cock and wrapped her lips around his lower head before the both of them moaned as she did so. His dick was so soft, it honestly felt amazing on her tongue, the soft texture, the delightful smell. It was better than anything she’d ever experienced before. Maybe using one of the man whores back in Usseldorf would have been better, but isn’t not like she ever had the money to use one, plus it wouldn’t net her a husband.

But that wouldn’t be a problem soon enough. Her husband was here now, and soon he’d be able to let go of that dumb human morality and love her. Needing more, Fran began to properly suck her man, moving her head up and down his cock, sucking on him properly while giving him no teeth. At the same time, Fran rubbed her legs together, her shifting pressing her dildo into her further. More, she wanted, more. Continuing to make sounds for him, Fran looked up to her husband who looked down his shirt at her. His fearful expression having softened to surprised arousal as she sucked him, his cock twitching, a blush spreading across his face and heating him up. 

He liked it! Fran always knew she was a good cock sucker, or at least a good enough one that a virgin like her husband was left speechless. It wasn’t the same as eating Fren out, no it was better, not that it wasn’t fun to kiss and make out and fuck her wonderful and amazing big tittied sister as well, but it wasn’t the same. Her husband’s cock, his wonderful, thick, long, and delicious cock. By Lilith she could suck on it all day. Maybe if this wasn’t a road she’d do just that, sucking him off, and as she reached down, she started to play with her hubby’s balls. They were nice and thick, and while it was likely her imagination, Fran could imagine feeling the roiling sea of virile spunk being produced in them. They were practically as big as some of the balls of little shota incubi who have “undersized dicks,” which is still larger than the average human’s in truth. 

Fran almost wanted to suck on them right now, and get them in her mouth. She wanted to feel those balls with her tongue, and shine them up. Yet she couldn’t bring herself to leave that lovely cock behind, so she didn’t. Fran kept at it, bobbing her head on her husband’s meat, her hands playing with his nice big balls while she looked dreamily at her helpless husband who’s face had looked so lovely as he was slowly being dragged into sexual rapture. His eyes were half lidded, and his mouth was open, panting, while his hips shook. He was going to blow, and so Fran increased her pace, pressing down and deep throating his nice thick cock. More, she wanted him more.

As he started to moan more Fran felt it. His balls twitched and then contracted, and she knew it was time. Pulling back from him, Fran left only the tip in her mouth as she reached down. Her fingers gripped the edges of the dildo in her pussy, and started to violently slam it into her sopping wet cunt. Her feminine fluids flew from her onto the road as she started with the other hand to pump on the shaft as she swirled her tongue around his lower head. Then he grunted and moaned some more as his cock started to twitch in her hand, and then, and then.


It was like the best thing she’d ever tasted filled her mouth. A rope of cum came blasting in and hit the back of Fran’s throat. On instinct she almost swallowed. But then the taste, oh the taste! It was truly indescribable other than the best thing she’d ever had and ever would have. Fran moaned along with her husband as her hand fucking herself turned frantic, its thrusts becoming both long and fast as pleasure exploded in her mouth while rope after rope of thick, virile spunk blasted her mouth white. 

After a moment of the spurts stopping, Fran lifted herself up while still fucking herself, and opened her mouth. She opened it and tilted her head just enough to show her husband that she had his cum, and swirled her tongue around inside of the pool of white. Then in a mighty gulp, Fran drank it all, shuddering as it felt like the single most amazing thing she’d ever done. She’d gotten her husband, and eaten his seed. Life truly was perfect. 

Looking up and down the road, and then back at her once more hardening husband, it might not be too bad for them to have another go.


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I would love to see if my stuff is good enough that people might support me and my work so I can do it more often.
I kind of want to hit 5 subscribers since it would be great to have that amount of people supporting me~!

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