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Thread Necromancer
Thread Necromancer
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Thread Necromancer
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 Entry 5 – Red Slime


Slimey the red slime wallowed in her dark pit, where the sun didn’t shine and the days were long and really really boring. Sure she had the few subordinates in here with her, but they were just copies of her, and like her, they were bored to. If they were out of the pit, then they may be able to go and find some husband, or maybe just find a nice cock to drain while out and about, but ever since she went into that metal box after she’d found a delicious man all tied up, his cock hard and blush red when he saw her, her life had ended up boring as heck. Sure she got to have some fun with the guy for a nice long while, and that kept her from worrying, but then she and the man she was enjoying got dumped into the pit. Then the man she wanted to make her husband was taken away as well! It wasn’t fair! 

So Slimey just wallowed in the pit with the sealed roof, waiting for the day when the kind man would throw another man down here. Though so far he’d just given her some scraps as he masturbated over the pit after unsealing it. 

Oh how wonderful it would be if the kind man would just give her a husband to love, then they could fill their day with fun fucking rather than sitting around being bored all day. Then, she heard the sound of the roof of the large pit opening, and looked up to the lip of the pit. Slimey smiled as she saw the kind man, and even saw a boy and a girl standing there, worried expressions on their faces. Trying to indicate to the kind man, she reached out towards the one boy and then swinging her arms back to show her interest so that maybe the kind man would throw him down and let them have some fun. Instead of that though, the kind man started talking with them.

“This here is my red slime, starved for cock, and like an animal which is starved; it will take you over and over again Vincent unless your wife does as I wish. Of course, you can choose not to Miss Dimp, it’s up to you, but know that if you refuse; I’ll throw your husband down there myself, and leave him there, and take you anyways.”

“Wait, why does Vincent have to be thrown in there!?” the woman demanded of the kindly old man in a white robe.

“Because you my dear can’t take a dive in there without becoming a succubus, and I care far less about Vincent here,” there was silence for a long moment as the three faced off above, staring at each other, no one making a move, and it seemed to drag foreeeeever! Wasn’t interesting at all and Slimey was about to get back to making interesting shapes with some parts of her. After a while however, the kind man seemed to get as bored as her, and shook his head.

“You disappoint me, fine then, throw him in,” the man said and Slimey’s smile grew. Yes! The old man was going to feed them now. There were exclamations from above but Slimey didn’t care. Another man to have was about to fall down into the pit. Slimey couldn’t wait! 

Then Vincent was tossed down the hole, slamming into the wall of the hole before bouncing off into Slimey’s loving arms. Slimey couldn’t help but squealing because she got him! She got to fucking him and suck him and do all sorts of fun stuff with him. As he landed on her, Slimey shifted into a more fluid like consistency, enveloping Vincent, her Vincent, before she shifted once more, taking a more solid form above him. Slimey couldn’t help but giggle a bit as she rubbed herself on him, sliding across his pelvis, feeling his hardening cock against her pussy lips, making her shiver to her core. Despite not needing to, her instincts had Slimey panting like a human. At the same time she smiled down at Vincent, her face scrunching a bit as her smile moved the slime in her face around. All the while, Slimey started to push parts of her into him, and Slimey gave a slight moan as parts of her vibrated, the liquid she was slurping up and the parts he was making move like that, sending pleasure through Slimey all the way to her core. They were truly meant to be if he already knew how to pleasure her. Slimey’s smile grew even larger now, ever growing as she rubbed up against Vincent, moving down and kissing him on the lips as more slime filled him, filled his ass, sliding into his cock, moving into his mouth, everything. Slimey was even moving into his other orifices, not for pleasure but to clean him, to swipe away his sweat, his dirt, and even the lint in his belly button. Slimey surged in, knowing that he’ll love it. She could even see the ecstasy on his face as his eye bulged and his pupils contracted as he became full of her while she rubbed her breasts against his chest. 

Slimey reached down and pulled down her soon to be husband’s pants, and with a deft hand started to stroke him, her fingers sliding up and down his length while she continued to kiss him, using her semi fluid body to do both at once. Her husband’s moans grew quieter, more sensual as Slimey continued to touch him, as her slime continued to invade into his deepest parts. Her slime filling his ass was making his stomach larger while in another place the slime pressed on further into his throat while making her slime taste pleasant. As a part of him filled, Slimey instinctively started to transport air into the two hollows in her husband’s chest, making sure he got a proper amount of air, and ensuring that he’d never have to worry about water going down the wrong tube. All the ways he moaned, how he squirmed, the feeling of his cock in her semi solid hand as her slime traveled down to his balls, their kiss. It was all too much, and despite herself not needing to breath, Slimey was panting now. She needed his cock! 

Straightening his dick, and lining it up, Slimey used her other hand to spread her pussy lips, a shiver going through her as even that movement caused further pleasure to push through her, before she slid down onto his length in a single move. The pleasure was like a strike of lightning blasting through her. Slimey moaned into her husband’s mouth, parts of her vibrating within him as well to let him know how much she loved what he was doing. Then, Slimey began to slide up and down him, using his arms and body as leverage to fuck herself on his dick while still rubbing her sensitive breasts across his still clothed chest. Slimey loved every second that they fucked, her core shivering within her as pleasure overwhelmed her senses. To show her love even more, she started to shift the pupils in her gooey eyes from holes to hearts, to show her husband her love, and unlike with so many of her lovers, this one didn’t have a harness on to pull them out. 

Thank you, kind man! Slimey thought as she continued to love her man, finally moving into that wonderful place where there was lovely slime in that man’s head, enveloping the deepest part of him, and making love to him even more.


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I would love to see if my stuff is good enough that people might support me and my work so I can do it more often.
I kind of want to hit 5 subscribers since it would be great to have that amount of people supporting me~!

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