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Hi ! I'm making a game with transformation and huge proportion. Toss a coin to the dev if you want to help make it better !
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Subscription Tiers


You don't have any money to spend on this but still want to have some news from time to time and participate on the Discord ? This might be for you ! You'll have access to the game when it's publicly released.

334 subscribers Peon
per month

-Access to the game three day before the Public Release

-Access to most of the post about development

-Access to the Pinups Image before I release them publicly

-Vote for who you want to see in the next Pinup Image

18 subscribers Peasant
per month

-All the previous rewards

-Access to the game one week before the Public Release

-Access to polls and discussion about the game features

23 subscribers Warrior
per month

-All the previous rewards

-Acess to the BETA version (it's BETA, some feature might be missing, and there might be some bugs) two week or more before the Full Release

-Access to sneek peeks and more pools

26 subscribers Eromancer
per month
Perverted Hero

You really love my work and want to support me even more in my goal to make a living of my art and game ? This tier is for you. You won't have additional rewards compared to Eromancer though. But thank you so much !!! You have no idea how much you're helping.

3 subscribers Perverted Hero
per month
Bimbo Lover

-All the previous rewards, of course !

-Special request : every month, I'll make an open post where you can imagine a pinup pic (or a small pinup pic set) you'd like to see (using my characters). All paying supporters will then vote for one of those, and I'll make it !

Limited (2 out of 4) subscriptions
Bimbo Lover


  • The game will be free, but an artist got to eat, so a tip is always welcome !
  • Gain access to the dev blogs, polls, preview image and the discord server by becoming a suscriber.
  • Access to the Pinups image a few days before their public release, as well as a poll to choose who will be next !

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Public post

                     News and various little things...

Hey there !!!
   Well we're getting close to the end of the month, and while I hoped to have the update ready for it, which is not the case. So let's talk a bit about it, and about a ton of others things too. So yeah, let's not waste time, and dive directly into it !

Boobs 0.10 :
   Let's begin with what you're all waiting the most, news about the update ! I initially hoped to have it done this month, but I'm late, as always. Although a good chunk have already be done, so you should expect it around the middle of April. I've slightly changed my scenes plans too. The reward scene with Ursula will be cut for the moment, and will be added in a later update.
This is because I've made a poll about a eventual redesign for her, and how it should be implemented ( find it here : ).
   For now, the leading option (across all platforms) is a slight redesign, but you can still vote and maybe change it. But since I'm gonna redesign her soon, I might as well wait to implement it and do the scene  at this point, instead of just making a scene I'll have to redo in an update or two. Of course, I'll adapt my plans to fit this, but don't worry, you'll get your reward at some point !
Redesign test : Old vs New

Boobs 0.11 and beyond :
   Since we're getting close to the release of 0.10, I want to talk about my plans for the next incoming versions. I've talked quite a bit about it, but I don't know if everyone know it, so let's say it once again !
   The plan for 0.11, and the few update after is to focus on a big element of the game that will take me a few updates to implement and develop. But what is this element, I hear you ask ? Well, it'll be up to you to choose in a poll. I have various options (a village / add a pregnancy system / add more content to the camps / keep up with the main story), and I'll let you choose what I will focus on first ! An option winning doesn't mean the other won't be added, they will all end up in the game, but it's more about what I should work on first !
   I'll make the poll once the 0.10 is realeased, and I'll take the opportunity to take a small break from the game and work on other things, like commissions and improving my 3D skills. Which this nicely bring us to our next part !

Blender :
   I've talked about it for a while, I finally took some time to dive into Blender. I haven't made much, just the usual (but still very good) donut tutorial. With 0.10 being delayed and still being close to be done, I do'nt want to spend too much time there, but the break after it will be the perfect opportunity to dive more into it, and get used to it. I've already been able to port my models from DAZ to there (big thanks to all who helped me with this), so I'll be able to use it as a good complement to DAZ. It should help me improve many poses, props and probably animation too.
   It'll also be a good opportunity to easily share my models, allowing others to use them without too much troubles. I have some collabs plans with that, I'll tell you more about it later. But overall, it'll allow plenty of new cool things !

Expanding my reach :

   Let's face it, while not filling the fridge in itself, exposure is still really important. People need to know your stuff in order to support you. So I'm trying to reach more people, on more places. I'm already pretty active here (of course), on twitter (X, sorry), the discord (join it !) and f95zone. But last week, I've also took the time to set up a page. It's working pretty well, with the game being downloaded more than 700 times in less than a week. So I'll post the new release there too, so don't hesitate to check it :
   I also want to start posting on rule34 and, but this require time and motivation that I don't have for the moment ^^' I'll try to do it after releasing 0.10.
   If you know some site that could help share my work to more people, don't hesitate to tell me ! And if you're up to help me with posting in all those place, you're more than welcome ! Don't hesitate to contact me about all this !
A background I made for Itch. I really like it !

Subscribestar, Patreon and Boosty :

   As you probably know, I'm using these three platforms as my main income source, and that's where you can support me. I've made a Boosty page recently, there's not a lot of people there, but I'll see how thigns go with it.
   Today I wanted to talk about Patreon's new policies. You've probably heard about it, but they're once again adding stricter rules to limit NSFW content, which can affect almost any artist. And I don't think I'm an exception. I won't go into too much detail, but basically, I can get my Patreon account getting banned at any moment. I don't think I'll be first in line, but it'll probably happen eventually. So if you can, I'd recommand supporting me on susbcribestar instead, it's much safer for us, NSFW artists.
   Also, a small note about all the people following me on the free tier on Patreon : sorry, I can't post NSFW content publicly (once again, against the guidelines), that's why I'm never making public posts (this one is a real exception). Once again, I'm recommanding to switching to subscribestar, I'm making public post from time to time. Or hey, you can also join a paying tier, get much more new and also help me make a living of this ! :D
   But to sum up, Subscribestar is my main platform and they are much more okay with the content I make, so if you can, go there. I'm not really optimistic about my future (and the future of all nsfw artist) on Patreon.
   You should be able to easily find the link to it, I can't share it directly :/

A bit about me :
   Yes, this is the boring part where I talk a bit more about my life, sorry for that ! But hey, I think it's important to talk about all that. Up to you to read it or not !
   It's now been a few month since I've quit my job and went full time on art. It feels great, and I want to thank you all for making this possible. I've lived those month chilling, but now I start to realize it also brings new obligations, and things I really need to start worrying about.
   First of all, be declared as an official artist, and be recognized by the law. Because I don't really want to have goverment official knocking on my door for undeclared income. So I'm starting to fill all the paperwork and learn the appropriate way to do this, and pay taxes on my income. I'm really not a paperwork guy (not sure if there's people who like it, though), so it's stressing and taking quite some time. But it's important.
   Another thing I'm starting to care more about is myself, and my health (physical and mental). With my job now consisting of spending my days on my chair in front of my PC, it's not a really good thing for the health, so I'm trying to do sport and move outside at least everyday, to avoid becoming a complete potato. And I'm also going out quite a bit to see friends and have social contact, because once again, just being on the PC all day doesn't help much with all that.
   So with taking all that into account, I also need to find a good rythm of work and focus when I need. A big perk of this job (aside from being payed to make lewds, which is of course the best part) is that I can basically decide to stop working anytime I have something else coming or I feel tired. But I still need to make progress, and need to get a good work routine. So I'm slowly trying to balance all of these parts together. It's not easy, but I'm getting there !

   Well, I think this should sum up all I had to tell, thanks for reading all of it ! Times are a bit messy, but I'll manage to make things straights soon ! And there's plenty of cool things to wait for ! So stay tuned !!!

   Once again, thanks a lot to all of you for making this possible ! Stay awesome, and stay lewd ! Have some Blender donuts !
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Public post

                     Just a lot of coms and art trade !

Hey there !!!
   I recently got some new juicy pics I comissioned, so I thought it would be cool to share all the pics I got until then ! And if you like those, make sure to check all the other awesome arts the artists made !
So let's share all those pics, from the most recent to the most ancient.

Enjoy !!! :D
A set of Illonia havign wun with tentacles, made by Zy-Sama ( as a reward for a donation

Some YCH of Illonia enjoying big dicks, made by Sun1Sol (

A small comic with Illonia and Lothar, made by HPZ (

Yennefer riding her horse (or the contrary), made by Knyaz ( as his part of an art trade. (Sadly he can't use my models... For the moment... :P)

Illonia showing how slutty she is, made by Fanatiq (, as his part of an art trade !

Illonia relaxing, made by ThatLewdPanda (

Illonia show her sucking skills, made by Elotika ( as a raffle gift

Illonia fucking Lilith the Halfling, made by SaulSmugman (can't find their links sadly) as a reward for a raffle hosted by Waxensafe (Owner of Lilith's OC)

A fairy trapped in a gooey jar, made by SemperJack (, as a thanks for helping him

Lothar and Illonia relaxing in the bed, made by Rajang ( Actually, this wasn't comissioned by me, but by Cpt.Nutkil, one of my discord mod and a good friend. But still sharing it, cause it's great.

Illonia's busty bust, made by Karnoss (

Illonia showing her backside, made by Dabi ( as a fanart

Illonia transforming in the ultimate futa bimbo, made by Lilith (also known as Spacefur)(

Lothar and Illonia having some fun in the tent, made by YelfTea ( My first commission !!!

Aaaah, it's a pleasure to look back at all these amazing pieces !!! Thanks a lot to all these artists for being so awesome !!! And go check their work !
And yeah, I know, it's a lot around Illonia, but hey, she's the main girl after all ! And I love her !
But don't worry, there's more coming !!!

Well, nothing more to show, hope you liked the gallery ! And hey, if you have some money, and like some of the style here, contact the artists !!! It always helps a lot, and you get some awesome art !
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Public post

                              The new year big post !!!

   I hope you had a great celebration, and that you've recovered from all the food and drinks you had ! It took me a few days xD
So, a year just finished, a new one is upon us, so let's warp up a bit this year, and talk about what's to come !
A quick recap of my favorite pics of the year !

This year's summary :
I have no idea how to structure this, so let's do it point by point, because it's been quite an active year.

-The game got three new updates.
   While it's not as much as I'd like, I'm really proud of all the new content that was added, and where we are going. A good chunk of those updates was dedicated to Illonia's transformation, and to redo all the pictures and scenes featuring her new body. There's still a few missing. But I decided to do it across various updates, so there's some new content along too, not just one big update that doesn't bring anything "new". I really love her new look, and think that transforming her was a great idea, despite all the excess work it brought. But I won't transform her again for a good time xD (other characters, though...)

-It was the year I really dived into animations.
   It's usually small loops of 10/20 frames, but I'd say it adds a lot compared to the old 2/3 pics alternance. And I did some more crazy one, like for Illonia's transformation, with over 450 frames ! But hey, that's a big event, it deserved this attention ! I'm defintively gonna keep up with animation like that, I enjoy them a lot !

-Sound design also improved a lot.

   I might have started that before 2023, but I took a lot more care into sound designs, adding small sex sounds here and there, to make the scenes more enjoyable, instead of just being a mute pic. It went perfectly with all the animations.

-The gallery was reworked.
   With 0.07, we transited from a gallery where you can only see the "plot scenes", that will only happen once, to a place where you can see almost every pic in the game ! It's quite a lot of work to have everything added there, but I'd say it's worth it. I hope you're enjoying those changes and the full access !

-New maps, new characters, and more complex interaction.
   With 0.09, that was realeased not long ago, the game got some huge new maps, NPCs camps you can wander in and interact with every character, and of course, new main characters, with those camp's leader and their companion. And while it took some time and was an headhache, the interaction with those new characters really got expanded from usual, with plenty of possibilities on how it'll end. It's really interesting to make, and I'll probably do it more often, to leave you more free to make your own decisions.
I'm just gonna share some extra pics from this year I love

-A lot of preparation and planning for what's gonna happen next.
I've already said it, but 0.09 was the update where I really took some time to think of where the game would go next. Of course, since the beginning I have ideas of what I want to do, but it was more like "yeah, that would be cool" "Okay, that will happen, but it's far away, no need to think about it". With the new characters and the camps being introduced, I really took the time to get a good idea on what would happen next, and also think more about the lore and expand it. It might not seem a lot for now, but I know where I'm going. I have plans. Big plans !

-I also tried to be more active here and on social medias.
   Let's step back a bit from the game, because I think I've got the biggest lines. So yeah, I really tried to be more interactive here, posting more stuff, keeping the pinup polls and all, and also talk a bit about what I'm doing on discord. I've also been pretty active on twitter (Got from less that 5K to more than 8K, not bad !), opened a bluesky (a backup in case of death of twitter, but I'm not that active on there...), and also tried to answer all question here, on discord or f95zone. It's not been perfect, far from it, but I'd say it's an improvment, and I'll try to keep it up !

-I've done a bit more comissions.
   Not as much as I would have liked, but I wanted to focus on the game first. Comission are a cool opportunity to try new things, make cool new characters and all (and of course getting money, that's quite a big part too ^^). Although, this year, I'll try to do more of those. And starting soon, next week if everything goes to plan !!! Because the money always help.

-I slightly restructured the Subscribestar and Patreon page, and well as the game release :
   I won't go too much into details here, since I've done a big post for that not so long ago, but let's summarize it. When the update is fully done, it's now only released fo 5$ supporters and higher. The 2$ supporters will have to wait three days to get it, and it'll be one week before it goes public. With a goal of bringing more people on the paying supporters side, I completly admit it. But it also have the perks of giving me some time to patch bugs that could be found, before releasing it publicly, and that's really helpful ! I've also made a new premium tier, for people to propose their ideas for pinup sets. But for the moment, it haven't been really popular, I'll let it like that a bit more, and maybe change things (I understand that it's quite a budget though). With all that I hope to make more income from Subscribestar and Patreon, which will be crucial. Which brings me to the last, but certainly not least, point !

-I left my job and decided to work full-time on art !
   Yeah, that's probably my highlight of this year. With my job, even being part-time, took too much energy and motivation out of me, I decided I made enough money from art to give going full-time a try. It's only been one month, so I don't know if it's viable, but I hope it will !
I'm gonna work hard this year to make sure it become a good situation !

   Well, I didn't really expected to write this much, but here we are ! Quite a busy year indeed !
And now, let's talk about what the future holds !
I guess they're celebrating the new year too.

Plans for 2024 :
   While being far from perfect, I'm really happy with what happened this year ! So let's keep like that, but better !

-Keep on the good tracks.
   Like I said, I have made a lot of good progress this year, so let's keep it like that. Make the animations flow, keep on the great sound design, and bring a lot of cool new content to the game ! It's cool to have flashy new ideas, but it's also good to keep a solid basis and develop it more.

-More frequent updates ! (And other hilarious lies you can tell yourself)
   Yeah, that's a recurring joke. But that doesn't mean I won't try ! An update a month is clearly not fitting, it doesn't give me enough time to work on nice stuff, but I'll try to aim at an update every 2/3 month. That seems like something I can manage, while still having enough content to be interesting.

-Learn Blender.
   I've been talking about this for quite some time, but I want to dive a bit into Blender, I think it could help for quite a few things, like better bulges and cum effects. But I need to take the time for it, and I'm kinda scared by it.

-More comissions.
   Like I said, i really enjoy doing those, they're a good opportunity to leave a bit my usual set, and they greatly help with income. I'll need to try to find a good balance between coms and the game progression.

-Better communication, and be more active on social medias.
   I made progress, but I can still do better ! Between here, discord, twitter and f95zone, I'll try to be more around to talk, or share my ideas. And my art, of course !

-Share more of my stuff online.
   Well, I'm active on some sites, but there are other ,where, while not being specially active on it, I'd like to be there. Like having my stuff on e-hentai, rule34 and others. Have my game on more sites too, although I don't really know which ones. That's something where I could need help though, since it's easy but time consuming. So hey, if there's people motivated to give me a hand on that, tell me, I'll really appreciate it. This should be a good way to bring more people on board !

-Have a stable situation.
I guess it's the most important after all. I've decided to go full-time on art, and I really hope I'll be able to make a living out of it. I'm not speaking of making big numbers (although it could be nice, and open a lot of possibilities), but at least enough to live, and be able to take a break when needed. That would be awesome.

-Work more with others artist, and maybe a comic ?
This year, I've made a few art trades with other cools artist, and also got some art comissioned. I really enjoy it, and hope to do it more in 2024. But it's a lot tied to money, so we'll see how much I can afford it. And on that subject, I've talked to MeinFischer, probably my favorite nsfw comic artist (you probably now him, if you don't, go check his work !!!), and he'll be up to make a comic for me ! That would be in the game's universe, probably with the same characters (I haven't put a lot of thoughts into it, only that it could be extremely cool !!!). But that's gonna cost quite a lot, so I'll see if I can afford to launch this project. This whole section is pretty much tied on how good I do financially. So we'll see how things go !

   I think that should sum up the global plans for this year. I don't know if I'll make it perfectly, but hey, at least those are the objectives I want to reach.
And lastly, let's go over a small roadmap for the game's next update :
There's a some big things behind us, and as much coming in our face. It's a metaphor.

0.10 and beyond :

-0.10 will be an extension of 0.09, adding everything that was missing. that means the defeat sex against the goblin and male bandit for Illonia's new body, as well as the scenes with the new characters, where you'll leave Illonia to them in exchange for the paper Ursula wants (or just for fun, of course). And the scene with Ursula for completing her mission. I'll make a poll for those scene, to see what pose and who should be involved !

   -I'll also try to add small things here and there, like a way to fast travel, a map, small animations when using a transformation spell, more sidequest and events in the camps to change your allegiance, things like that. It'll probably won't be an update on its own, but be sprinkled in a few updates.

   -0.11 and the few next updates will focus on a specific new aspect of the game, and it'll be up to you to decide it ! I'll make a poll between various options I think would be fitting and interesting. Like pregnancy, expanding the skill trees with new transformation and lewd comps, expanding the current maps we have by making more sidequest and events, open the village to meet all the new characters, or continue with the main story. The winner will be worked on for the next few updates. As for the other options who lost, they'll be added too, but later on. It's now about what you want to see, wause eventually there'll be everything, but it's about what you want me to focus on.

   Well, I think that should conclude this huge post, but hey, I had a lot to say apparently ! Thanks for reading all this, I hope it wasn't too boring.
And let's close this year too, and enjoy what it brought, while looking for what the new one will bring !

A huge thanks, to all of you, making this possible. This fun side project I started during lockdown a few years ago is really getting bigger and better. I'm now working full time on it, and can't wait to expand it even more ! Thank for your financial support, for your feedback, for just enjoying what I do ! You're awesome !
Stay horny !
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Public post

                           The 0.09 goes public !!!!

Oh Oh Oh !!!
   Merry chistmas everyone !!! I've heard that a lot of you have been naughty and horny this year ! That's good ! So here's your reward, the 0.09 of Ballad of Outstanding Bimbo Sorcery ! Accessible to all the naughty kids out there (please, don't actually share it with kids, I don't want troubles) !

   If you're a paying supporter, there's nothing new here compared to the version I released last week, so you can skip this post if you already have downloaded it ^^ For the others, I'll put the changelog just after, but just to say that I've now made two PC versions : a regular and a compressed one (the android needs to be compressed else I can't make it work). From what I've tested, the compression shouldn't hurt the picture quality, but feel free to test both and give me feedback about it, I'm really interested in hearing it (for the compression and all the rest, of course).
As always, sharing more boobs, cause they're great to look at !

Changelog (BETA and full release changes):
 -New huge maps to dicover, on the northern part of the forest.

-4 New characters to meet (2 duo), with a lot of options on how you'll interact with them (no scenes with them yet though)

-A new mechanic : Faction Allegiance. Depending on your actions, The bandits and goblins could like you more or less. And there'll be some consequences in the fights

-New items for Illonia : Dildos. You'll get them by completing quests. There's currently 3 of those !

-A bit of a continuation of a main quest, and new side quest related to the new characters.

-New quest types : Slut challenges. If you saved Elleria, go talk to her after Illonia has been transformed, she'll give some fun challenges.

-New short animations of enemies groping Illonia or Lothar. If you have high allegiance with a faction, mobs of this faction will start to use those attacks.

-New masturbation animations for Illonia's new body. They'll change depending on the Dildo she have equipped, and the active transformations on her.

-New post-combat scenes when using transformations, for Illonia's new body. Those are complete new scenes, not just the old scenes with the new model.

-New short scenes, that you'll find while exploring the new maps.

-New short scenes in the elf's house, unlocked as you complete slut challenges.

-20 new pics to find and buy from the gnome.

-Changed the music for the first forest portions. The 45s loop was quickly getting annoying.

-Fixed a bug where opening 10 gold purse would only give you the content of 5 of them (while consuming all 10)

-Slightly improved the gold you can get in gold purses and added more of those, to avoid too much grind if you want all the pics from the gnome.

-Added a few new event after defeating the ogre, so there's a better flow and you always have a quest objective telling you what to do.

-Added three new standalone scenes in the camps.

-Added all the new content from the BETA and this release to the gallery

-Fixed a lot of bugs that were in the BETA (all of those that I've heard about and was able to reproduce)

-Fixed a bug where lewd sounds would continue even after a scene was done (there might be some scenes that I missed, report it to me)

-The usual bugfixes and changes here and there.
Really like this one, specially how I handled the cum !

And here's the download links :
PC regular version :
PC compressed version :
Android version (compressed) :

   I really hope you'll enjoy this new update and its content ! I knew it took quite some time, I'll try to have an update every 2/3 month forward (I still want each update to have enough content to be enjoyable). Anyway, enjoy !!! And as always, feedback is really appreciated !

   Oh, and also, feel free to share this version, I'll be happy if new people discover my work !!!  And if that bring them to support me, that'll be even better ! The more, the merrier (and hornier) !

   Well, I think everything has been said ! Thanks for your support, and all the love you're showing for my work ! I know I say this a lot, but you're amazing !!! Thanks to you, I had the opportunity to leave my job, and live of my art ! Let's make this work, together !!!
Keep being awesome, keep being horny ! And happy holidays to all of you !!!
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               The gauntlet of Girth if finally complete !

Hey there !
   If you remeber, some month ago I did a challenge with Illonia using bigger and bigger dildos, but I didn't do the final one. Well, it's done now, and animated on top of that !!!
And I think I'll make a small scene around these pics in the game, might as well add them ;)

And of course, here's the whole set too ! :D
Enjoy !

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                                       Art Trade !!!

Hey there !
   Last week, I did an Art Trade with Fanatic, and here are the results !
I absolutly love what he did, so if you want to see more of his stuff, here's his twitter :
Here's the result :

And here's my part, with his girl, Cecilia :
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Creator Stats

401 subscribers
346 posts


That's a good start !!! People seems to be interested in my work, so let's see where this goes !
Woaw ! That's a lot !!! Since so many people are following me I guess I won't stop there ! :) By reaching this point I'll leave you proposing ideas and choosing one that will be added in the game via a poll .
$566 of $1,000
per month
What can I say, except let's make even better !!! When reaching this, I'll choose two suscribers at random, one guaranteed Eromancer tier, and work with them to implement a small feature, scene or character !
$566 of $2,000
per month
Holy shit !!! That's incredible ! With this, it means I can safely live from the game, and i'll be able to dedicate to it full-time ! Thanks a lot, because you made my dream come true. (Also there'll be a nice bonus if we reach this milestone, I'll think of it later).

Other Creators


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  • Ability to support your Creator by contributing – one-time or recurring.
  • Means to reaching out to the Creator directly via Instant Messenger.
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