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Hi ! I'm making a game with transformation and huge proportion. Toss a coin to the dev if you want to help make it better !
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You don't have any money to spend on this but still want to have some news from time to time and participate on the Discord ? This might be for you ! You'll have access to the game when it's publicly released.

346 subscribers Peon
per month

-Access to the game three day before the Public Release

-Access to most of the post about development

-Access to the Pinups Image before I release them publicly

-Vote for who you want to see in the next Pinup Image

18 subscribers Peasant
per month

-All the previous rewards

-Access to the game one week before the Public Release

-Access to polls and discussion about the game features

21 subscribers Warrior
per month

-All the previous rewards

-Acess to the BETA version (it's BETA, some feature might be missing, and there might be some bugs) two week or more before the Full Release

-Access to sneek peeks and more pools

33 subscribers Eromancer
per month
Perverted Hero

You really love my work and want to support me even more in my goal to make a living of my art and game ? This tier is for you. You won't have additional rewards compared to Eromancer though. But thank you so much !!! You have no idea how much you're helping.

2 subscribers Perverted Hero
per month
Bimbo Lover

-All the previous rewards, of course !

-Special request : every month, I'll make an open post where you can imagine a pinup pic (or a small pinup pic set) you'd like to see (using my characters). All paying supporters will then vote for one of those, and I'll make it !

Limited (2 out of 4) subscriptions
Bimbo Lover


  • The game will be free, but an artist got to eat, so a tip is always welcome !
  • Gain access to the dev blogs, polls, preview image and the discord server by becoming a suscriber.
  • Access to the Pinups image a few days before their public release, as well as a poll to choose who will be next !


The game's characters : The full lineup !

Posted for $2, $5, $10, $20, $40 tiers
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And the 0. 10 is finally here ! ! !

This post also includes Mega.NZ content links
Posted for $5, $10, $20, $40 tiers
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Here we go, the 0. 10 BETA is here ! ! !

This post also includes Mega.NZ content links
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Posted for $10, $20, $40 tiers
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Sneak Peek : Last one before 0. 10 !

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Public post

               Dev blog : let's summarize everything !

Hello there !
   It's been some time ! Once again, that's on me. Lately, I've been doing good work and progress, but I've been pretty bad with communicating it. Also while I like the progress, I don't think it can be considered as really fast. The scenes and animations I make are getting always more ambitious, and take longer to make. But hey, I love the result, so it's worth the time investement I'd say !

   I have many things to say here, some might interest you, some might not, so I'll try to split it in various points, so you can easily go to which subject interest you. There's quite a lot of summary of the previous posts, but also some news. Hope you're excited about all that !!!
Woaw, so much text to read !!!

About the 0.10 of BoOBS :

   Yeah, might as well start by the news you're interested the most about. Last week I said I'd have the BETA this week, but I gravely underestimated the time the last one anim would take to do. So I'll delay the BETA, but just slightly, to be there around the middle of next week.
I initally planned to release whatever the state, since it's been too long, but since there's only one scene missing in it, I'd rather delay a bit and have the most important parts in it (specially since stuff I add after the BETA are the one that are often bugged, because no one else playtested it beforehand). So yeah, for you Eromancer and higher Tiers, keep your eyes peeled for the BETA next week. Promise ! (unless you know, something horribly bad happens, but let's hope not).
That's a dick waiting to be sucked if I ever saw one !

But what's exactly in 0.10 :

-3 brand new bed scenes to fit Illonia's new body. Those were the ones you could have when interacting with the bed in your tent. They weren't up to date, featuring Illonia's old model, and some pretty janky animations. These will be quite an improvment.

-2 brand new defeat scene to fit Illonia's new body. Those happen when you loose against the goblin, and the Male Bandit. Same as the previous, they weren't up to date, and those are brand new (and much more spicier) scenes.

-A reworked threesome scene, with Lothar, Illonia and Eris. Once again to fit Illonia's new body. This time, since I really enjoyed the base scene, I just took the old one (I always keep my saves), replaced Illonia's model and added proper animations. But it was way more exhausting than planned, and took quite some time to make (while also being less interesting since there's nothing really new to make). But the result is really cool and massive (3 different anims in the same scene). And with that, all the game content should be updated with Illonia's new body ! One good thing done !

-A new scene with each of the new characters duo, being Skadis & Bambi, or Doggob & Gobdog. When I added them in 0.09, I didn't had the time to give them proper scenes, it is now done. You'll have those play when asking them to get their paper, as an option to leave Illonia with them. And if you already have it, don't worry, you can still tell them that Illonia would want to have fun with them, and you'll get the scene ! So those are fully repeatable !

-Some quality of life improvments : when loading a save, you'll get a short popup screen that'll quickly tell you where you are in the main story, and what you need to do next, to refresh your memories. Also the allegiance system with the faction should now be much clearer, introducing ranks to give you an idea of how it'll influence your game (instead of just the numbers, which on their own, were too confusing).
The reworked scene ! With bigger boobs and better bulges !

   About Ursula, I intially planned to give her a big scene in that update too, but since people voted to redesign her, I didn't wanted to make a scene that I'd had to remake in the next update. So I'll delay it a bit more, for when I'll tackle it at once.
I also wanted to say that I'm really proud of the scenes that are coming in this update. I've tried new things, being more interesting camera angles or pretty spicy poses, and I feel like it's been working really well, and I've overall progressed as an artist. Specially the lastest animation I finished yesteraday, featuring Illonia, Skadis and Bambi. It took a while to make, but man, this is the best animation I've ever done !

Well, you'll tell me what you think when you'll be able to play it !
As I said, the BETA will be next week, so you can expect the full release this month. Once again, I've taken much longer than I initially planned, and thanks a lot for your patience and support. I hope it'll be worth the wait !

A second project ?

   Alright, I know this title should bring a lot of attention to this part, so let's explain it right aways : I've been hired as a dev by a big artist to work with them on a RPGM game.
   Let me start to reassure you : It's only part-time, so it doesn't mean I'll completly stop working on my own project. Definitively not. But it was a big opprtunity for me, to get some extra income that will really help, have the opportunity to explore other gameplay ideas, and get more familiarized with RPGM and also work with a big artist, that will probably be able to help me get better with 3D, and offer quite a lot of visibility at some point.
   They came to me telling me they needed someone to develop their project, and it's the kind of opportunity you almost never get, and that you'll probably regret if declining it, so yeah, I jumped on the opportunity. While of course, still having in my conditions that I had my own project, and that I wanted to work on it too.
   I won't go into too much details about the game, because I don't know how much is public about it for the moment. As for who's that artist, if you like 3D art, and futa, you've probably heard about him, it's Serge3DX. If you haven't, go check his content, it's really good (if you like futa) :

   But yeah, it was an awesome opportunity, and I'm glad he asked me to work with him. I know some people would rather prefer that I fully work on my project, and I can completly feel that, but it's massively helping with income, and also will have a ton of other benefits for me in the long run. He's an excellent animator and 3D artist, and I'm sure I'll be able to progress with his advices, and that'll help with my own project.
   I wanted to be really honest with you about this though, because I know it's quite a big deal. I hope you'll understand my decision for that, and don't worry, I won't stop to work on the game because of it.
Out of context, but hey, have a gobbo gangbang !

A break on the game after 0.10 :
Well, that's a poor transition from what I've said before, right ?
Let me explain :

   When 0.10 is realeased, I will take a short break (one month or two) without working on the game. It doesn't mean I won't do anything art-related, I'll take the oppoertunity to really dive into Blender, as well as take commissions and thigns like that.
There is multiple reasons behind that :

-I need to change my mind a bit from BoOBS. It's a project I absolutly love, but lately, I've had quite a lack of motivation to work on it. I've been working on this project since 4 years now, and take me a lot of time. And doing too much of a same thing can be tiring in the long run. I guess that's why a lot of game devs are starting to work on new projects while their main one is still running. But I don't want to make another project, and leave the main one behind. I just need to change my mind a little, without pressure, knowing I'll be back on it when the time is right.

-Blender. I've been talking about it for a long time. And while I took a few days not long a go to make the base tutorial, I didn't go further, since I didn't had the time. With a real break and no real time constraint where I'm not telling myself "I need to be back at it as soon as possible", I'll be able to take the necessary time to learn it correctly.

-Planning. As you probably know, 0.11 and the next one are going to be massive updates pusing heavily in a direction you'll be able to vote. And I don't want to rush or poorly implement this part (like every part of the game though, of course), but since it's gonna be massive and span on mutiples updates, it's good to take some step back, think about it and how to make it work perfectly.

-Commissions and other side art. I've skipped quite a few pinup sets, and it's a shame, because I like working on those, but I really wanted to focus on the update. I also have a lot of people waiting for me to open commissions, and I've been delaying it (since I wanted to open after releasing 0.10). So yeah, other art to change a bit, it's always nice, and can push me try new things. And let's be honest, commissions help a ton with money, and it's always a very good argument for it.

   And don't worry, I'll quicly be back to the game, with renewed motivation, and a good idea on where to go. And this should be much better than just the usual breaks I take when I'm just to exhausted to keep on working...
Enjoy this pic, Patreon won't see it...

   As just a few small info, I'm doing pretty good myself. I'm  starting to get into a good rythm between work, rest and boring things that needs to be done, like paperwork and things like that, while also taking care a bit of myself, going to do some sport everyday, to avoid staying too much inside in front of my PC all day. I'm still working on finding a perfect balance, but it's getting better and better. I've left a bit this side of the internet lately, and I've done a poor job with communication while working on all that, and it's now something I really need to get better on. But hey, this blog is already a step in the good direction !

   Well, I think that's all I had to share, which is quite a lot. I know that overall, this is not the most hype dev blog I could have done, with small delays, breaks and side projects, but hey, that's how it's going, and I think it's the best for the longer run.

Thanks infinitely for your patience and support. There are some ups and downs, but the project is still going, getting bigger and better with time. And it's all thanks to you. STay awesome, and stay horny ! See you soon !

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                                Small post, some news

Hey there !!!
   Yeah, I've been pretty bad with updates and news lately, really sorry about that... I wanted to make a big dev blog, and pushed it more and more, and now i don't have the time to make it this week, so I'll do it a the beginning of next week.

Just to give you some news, work is adavncing nicely, although I have plenty of other thigns taking time, I'm happy with what I'm doing. as for a date, I'll release the BETA next week ! SO the update won't be long after all that !!!
In the meantime, here's a preview of the only anim I need to finish ! I think it's gonna be a hot one !

See you next week, and thanks a lot for your patience !!!
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                                                Small info

Heyo !

Just popping here quickly to say that I've made good progress, I planned to do a dev blog to talk about all that, but I have a relly big event this week (since two days actually), and couldn't find the time to write it.
But I just wanted to make a small post to say that everything is going nicely ! Expect more news next week !!! See ya !
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That's a good start !!! People seems to be interested in my work, so let's see where this goes !
Woaw ! That's a lot !!! Since so many people are following me I guess I won't stop there ! :) By reaching this point I'll leave you proposing ideas and choosing one that will be added in the game via a poll .
$628 of $1,000
per month
What can I say, except let's make even better !!! When reaching this, I'll choose two suscribers at random, one guaranteed Eromancer tier, and work with them to implement a small feature, scene or character !
$628 of $2,000
per month
Holy shit !!! That's incredible ! With this, it means I can safely live from the game, and i'll be able to dedicate to it full-time ! Thanks a lot, because you made my dream come true. (Also there'll be a nice bonus if we reach this milestone, I'll think of it later).

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