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Ruykiru profile
Creating 3D Adult Visual Novels focused on various taboos
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Títulos de Assinatura


(This tier never charges any money so you can stay in it forever)

  • Development Updates in SubscribeStar only posts. Stay up to date with news in your feed.
  • Exclusive Channels in my discord server. (Free previews, private chat, behind the scenes stuff...)
482 assinantes Follower ; SubscriberStar $0.00 tier
USD mensal

(Includes all previous rewards) +

  • Early Access of 1 week to the latest version of my visual novels.
  • Previews of future releases.
  • Polls to vote and shape some of the content and development of my projects.
38 assinantes Supporter ; SubscribeStar $5.00 tier
USD mensal

(Includes all previous rewards) +

  • Early Access of 2 weeks to the latest version of my visual novels.
  • SPICY Previews of future releases.
  • Super HD Version access. It has the best visual quality and the sharpest details (2560x1440 resolution renders and animations with barely any compression).
29 assinantes Premium ; SubscriberStar $10.00 tier
USD mensal

(Includes all previous rewards) +

  • Early Access of 3 weeks to the latest version of my visual novels.
  • Bonus Gallery in my discord server. (Super spicy previews & past requests by VIP+ subs)
  • Bonus Package access. Includes most of the exclusive renders I've ever made, sorted by folders. I update it whenever I have a good batch of new ones. Contents (as of Update 3): 527 renders + 1 animation. Download link: pinned post or
10 assinantes Legend ; SubscriberStar $20.00 tier
USD mensal

(Includes all previous rewards) +

  • Special Package access. Like the bonus pack above, but with some very "forbidden" scenes too that only SubscribeStar allows ( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°) 🍭. Password protected, of course. Contents (as of Update 3): 218 renders. Download link: pinned post or

Disclaimer: the special package is very spicy and I update it occasionally, but there's no other consistent rewards here, nor extra early access. This is mostly a donation tier for those who like my work a lot.

21 assinantes VIP ; SubscriberStar $30.00 tier
USD mensal

(Includes all previous rewards) +

  • Custom MONTHLY Request of a nice batch of renders with any characters from my novels doing WHATEVER you want (including ANY variations you can come up with). Send me a private message here or in discord.
  • My Eternal Thanks for wanting to support my project to this level. If you are on this tier I can't thank you enough! You are crazy and you must really love the game <3 <3 <3
Assinaturas limitadas (2 de 5)
VIP+ ; SubscriberStar $50.00 tier


Latest Subscribestar Release: -> Sinful Summer Chapter 2.6 <-
Free Release (2.6) + Previews: -> Sinful Summer at <-
Discord Server: -> Invite link <-
Bonus Renders Package (Legend Tier): -> Bonus Package (Update 3) <- (527 renders)
Special Renders Package (VIP Tier): -> Special Package (Update 3) <- (218 renders)
DeadMoon Survival: -> Version 0.9 <-

Welcome to my page! If you like taboo stories with well developed characters, highly erotic scenes, and a daring visual style with unique angles, sounds, animations, and music, you've come to the right place...

Currently developing my adult visual novel: "Sinful Summer: A Tale of Forbidden Love"

Paid tiers charge upon subscription which repeats in 30 day cycles, NOT from the day 1st of the month. Please don't abuse that.


  • Early access to versions of my visual novels!
  • Previews and development updates of upcoming releases, plus voting for some future content!
  • Access to very exclusive renders not included in my games!


579 assinantes
149 publicação


This amount shows me that there's some initial interest in the project, a very good motivation to move forward!
I already got some good hardware but with this I can spend way more time developing! I can also buy licenses for various things like private mods (assets for the game) or music services, among others.
I'll be solely focused on developing adult visual novels, full time!
$1,857 of $2,500
per month
I can commission/hire someone else to help. For example if I'm making a big project that requires a lot of coding or work in general. Or probably just to make high quality custom animations...
$1,857 of $5,000
per month
Are you crazy?! What am I going to do with all this money? Buy a robot maid? Retire? Build a local server to train autonomous AIs with my visual novels to produce updates in 0.1 picoseconds???

Outras Creators

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