A free tier to those who simply want to stay updated.
A free tier to those who simply want to stay updated.
By pledging $1 you show you have interest in this game and want to see it grow and succeed. I will ask you and everyone else who pledges any amount of money for their feedback on updates. You also gain:
Access to the Discord with the Follower rank. Access to previews of upcoming content.
By pledging $5 you show you really enjoy this game and want more from it. Along with the previous rank you gain:
Access to the Discord with the Supporter rank. Access to each update 1 week before the public! (Pre Release Builds) Cheat Codes!
By pledging $10 you show you are truly dedicated to this game. Along with the previous ranks you gain:
Access to the Discord with the Dedicator rank. Access to the exclusive Cheat Mode! Access to the beta builds of updates whenever they're ready! Access to patron only previews of upcoming content! Request a personalized custom art of any single character in any position and clothes once per month.
By pledging $20 you show me you absolutely love my game. I will ask you for feedback first. Along with the previous ranks you gain:
Access to the Discord with the Lover rank. Access to each update 12 days before the public! (Pre Release Builds) Request one personalized custom art of up to 2 characters in any position and clothes once per month. Exclusive access to the Alpha build! Help decide which characters I flesh out more. Your name forever listed in the game! (If you choose so)
By pledging $50 you pay more than this is worth. You're crazy, and I love that. Along with the previous ranks you gain:
Access to the Discord with the Maniac rank. Request two personalized custom pictures of up to 4 characters in any position and clothes OR one animation (Threesome Max) once per month.
There is no reason to spend this much money. Along with the previous ranks you gain:
Access to the Discord with the INSANE rank. My eternal thanks.