Andromeda 0.4.5 Briefing 3

Hey all, it has been almost a month since the last update. I am still working on writing the dialogue for the second sex scene as well as rendering out images, both for that sex scene as well as some other scenes. I am close to having the money needed to order a 3080, as well as a new PSU to replace my existing one because it is old (10+ years) and I am missing one more set of 8-pin connectors to power a 3080. I am hopeful that I will be able to purchase it by the end of next month.

As for the update, I don't expect it to be out probably until sometime in June unless I remove the second sex scene or not animate it (the first one is animated with two positions). 

I am also thinking about what the next update will entail, haven't started writing it yet. I guess the best way to describe it would be to call it a bottle episode, it won't use a bunch of different sets and will be focused on getting to know more of the main cast that we have currently met.