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Dec 30, 2024 11:53 pm
Public post
This content was created for artistic and entertainment purposes FOR ADULTS ONLY and may include pictures and materials that some viewers may find offensive. If you are under the age of 18, if such material offends you or if it is illegal to view such material in your community please exit the page IMMEDIATELY. All depicted characters are fictional. No live victims were produced during this content creation and no harm was imposed upon any live creature. All characters depicted in sexual situations are 18 years of age or older and of the age of consent, even if it looks otherwise. Acts depicted are all consensual.
Hi everyone! Before the year comes to a close I have one last update for you all. This update is largely focused on polish, fix-ups, and some fancy new icons.
New Icons
So, a couple weeks back, I ran a little review of development to identify anything that could be holding the project back, and one of the biggest time eaters thus far has been developing choice portraits. I enjoy making them, but it's been such a great time expense that I’m worried it’s going to make it troublesome to add more boons, and banes in the future. I don’t want the game to be in a place where there are constant “no image found” gaps in the character creator, so the solution I’ve landed on is to replace blessing/curse/item portraits, with simplified icons in a similar vein to the current faith icons. Creating an icon, or just finding ones I can use without trouble is far quicker than whipping up a whole portrait. It took less than a week to create / assign icons for all our choices, and this solution also benefits another objective I've been thinking about, which is how we display traits to the player once they’re in game. My instinct has been to use trait icons. They’re easy to read at a glance, and can be shrunken down into a little panel. Portraits, just don’t work as well when shrunken down. All the details get lost... I believe using the icons between both the character creator, and main game would also create a better sense of consistency. Arkavite - Just some of the new icons which have made their way into the update~
If you loved the old art, I’ve left it hidden behind a " Classic Choice Art " settings option. Finished or not, it's worth keeping the legacy system, on the off chance Arkavite becomes a glorious success, and I can wangle an artist into making art for me in my stead. Unfortunately, we’re not quite there yet, so I’ll keep doing my darndest in the meantime.
A New Perspective
As for other roadblocks I’m hoping to remove, I believe the main camera perspective requires some rethought. My initial plans were to have a third person over the shoulder camera as well as a top down view the player could either toggle between manually, or would switch between dynamically based on location. While this plan is not impossible to execute, in practice I have found it does pose a number of additional challenges as compared to say, focusing on a single perspective. The issues really became apparent when working on combat, where animations, control scheme, and aiming end up tied to the camera view. Were we to then have a top down combat framework on top of this, it would only add to the complexity and warrant quite a lot more work. It is not so much a matter of practicality as it is time required to implement and polish everything to a degree I’d be pleased with.
How exactly I intend to get past this, is by flipping things on their head, and focusing on one perspective. But which one? I think we should use top down as the main perspective, while still allowing a manual toggle to over the shoulder cam. If the player initiates combat, we will simply force them into the main view. Ultimately, this depends on how the world is constructed. I believe top down combat does have simpler control/animation demands compared to over the shoulder, and it is more in line with my original vision for Arkavite.
This may also lead me to testing isometric views as I’m curious to see how a Transistor-esque type perspective would feel. I think something like that could also lend itself well to the tiled structure of dungeons. This is something I haven’t dedicated enough time to playing around with, so I think it’s at least worth a shot. If it doesn’t work, so be it, I’ll revert and try something else.
End of the Year
This has been quite a tumultuous year for me to say the least. I’m glad it’s finally over, and I’m excited for all the new things I’m going to try in the New Year. I’ll be pushing hard for the sandbox to come out in the first quarter of 2025. Probably on more of a ready or not basis. Should be exciting!
There are also a couple of extras I’ve sneakily been working on. The first of which might not be for everyone, but I believe it will benefit the project as a whole, and help us grow.
Thank you for joining me this year, and following me on this march. None of this would be possible without your support, so once again, thank you! I hope you are enjoying the jolly season, had a very merry Christmas, and I wish you all a Happy New Year!
See you next year. Take care! Arkavite - Main menu texture update
Full Changelog
- Added [Enable Classic Choice Art] option under "Settings>Gameplay>Character Creator". - Removed [Enable Compact Choices] option under "Settings>Gameplay>Character Creator". - Replaced Blessings, Curse, and Item art with choice icons. - Fixed: Issue where selecting the [Unstable] curse would result in crash. This was caused by a miss-input value id. - Fixed: [Curse of a Thousand Maidens] - this choice now requires the player select Female as their character sex. - Fixed: Issue where pupil Size slider was inverted. - Fixed: Issue where there appeared to be duplicate color options in the character creator. They options in question were using different pallets, however their default display colors were incredibly close to one another. The default display colors have now been changed. - Fixed: Issue where hair attachment buttons weren't highlighting on auto-selection of a new hairstyle, which would in turn prevent the user from selecting the last selected attachment option. - Fixed: Issue where switching to the male build would not highlight the correct hairstyle option on auto-selection. - Change: Refactor to the CYOA system backend. The key areas of change are point calculation, condition handling, free gains, and data loading. - Change: Refactor to the backend framework used by most Buttons has been reworked. - Change: Main menu textures upgraded to 2k resolution. The Arkavite planet texture has also been updated to match the surrounding aesthetic. Added more layering and blur to the background. Increased animation speed to lessen the amount of stutter. Updated panel grid texture and some of the UI colors. - Change: The loading screen transition has received some minor alterations to fix a seam issue visible at some display resolutions. - Change: Updated Credits Page with new names. - Change: Credits page supporters are now ordered by level of support within each tier bracket. The previous ordering was a little random, so I'm making this change to add some consistency and fairness to how names are listed. - Added Lulajze Jezuniu to the character creator playlist. - Added a couple Easter eggs. Try and find them!
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