Monthly Wrap-up - August

With five Fridays in the month, I figured I'd do another one of these wrap-up posts to look back on some of the polls. I think that’s what I called it when I did it a few months ago? Ahh well, this month it’s called the “Monthly Wrap-up.” I’m sure the next time I do this in a few months, it will have a different name. Lol!

I’m happy that we’ve managed to reach 100 subscribers here on Star. While the majority of them are on the Free tier to keep an eye on things, we’ve done a great job of building back support here on the new(er) platform. While Patreon has still stolen (or blackmailed?) $558.52 from us, as of right now it appears that they’re not charging anyone since the page has gone down. I did call my lawyer, but it wasn’t the type of thing they practice, so I’d have to find a specialist.

It is nice to focus on just one platform, and a platform that I don’t have to walk on egg shells around their ever-changing censorship rules. Doing the write-ups for the Lust Magic full arts is fun again since I am free to describe things however I wish. While the formatting options here really suck, and it’s difficult to embed images into posts (that don’t break in a day), I do like the array of admin controls when it comes to subs, including extending/elevating subscriptions to members. It’s nice to have options like that.

Speaking of Lust Magic, I might look back into past Lust Magics and do polls for those to make them a little more frequent. Not only does Star not have all of the past ones that Patreon had, but there are a lot that were lost in the first Patreon Puritan Purge several years ago that people lost access to. I’m thinking that, starting next week, I’ll start doing the old cards that haven’t been posted here, complete with fresh, new write ups that are not bound by digital censorship.

Looking at the polls for this month...

Leaving Reviews Poll. Looks like leaving ratings without the requirement of a written review is the way to go! I can see that, especially if you use the same account for lewd and non-lewd games. As much as I enjoy the written word, not all written reviews are particularly useful. You can go to any big steam game and see the “no one will see this so I’ll say that I’m gay” style ‘reviews.’

Still, I might have to see if there is a way (and an ethical way) to incentivize more well-written reviews. While my policy is that reviews are not for ‘me’ when they’re written about my game, I still end up reading them. I like to get a vibe check on my games post release, and verbose reviews may have insights that I might not get directly from places like discord.

Hanaja’s Body Styles Poll. It’s interesting that those who prefer the new Fusion style (HB2), prefer it a lot more than those who prefer the Mix & Match style (VB, VB2, HB), despite both sides having fans.

The Fusion style is a lot harder to write for, and was quite tricky when I was developing it. That’s due to the fact that each personality has different ways of speaking, and since the player can be any combination at the same time, every bit of dialogue or thought would have to have like, 15 variations? Ouch!

The Fusion style has a lot of complexity when it comes to adding new bodies to the mix. One of the big reasons why there wasn’t any sort of “bonus content” or “free DLC” sort of deal with this is because adding more to the game increases the work exponentially. I would not only need to do the work of another body type, but I would also need to do every single combination with all of the ones that came before it, a new Aura, new reactions for every single combination of new auras, etc... The Mix & Match style was miles simpler when it came down to adding extra stuff.

That being said, I plan on doing some extra content goals for my next game, Lust Knight Lisa, once it is announced. There’s still a lot of stuff to do, but I might make an announcement in the next few weeks to kick off the hype-train and build more support here.

Oh September, it’s going to be rough based on the way things have been going. On top of a not-so-great month financially, I have Q3 tax payments to make, and the third milestone for the LKL art to pay out. Let’s just hope shitty Windows doesn’t fucking crash my programs during their shit updates (why does downloading the update take 100% of my HDD?!?!?!?!) and cost me a days’ worth of work and two months’ worth of psychic damage.

Time to pour some coffee and get back to it! Thank you again for all of your support and for those of you not yet subscribed, feel free to do so and join in on the fun! There’s even a FREE tier to keep an eye on things without the financial commitment.