Wait, we're halfway through the month already?! PUBLIC Poll - August

So, I just noticed that last week's poll post was labeled "July" instead of August. I must have been crazy out of it. T.T

Although maybe it was a sign of how crappy the week was going to be. Ugh! Aside from almost losing MONTHS of work thanks to windows update crashing RPG Maker during the 2 second time window that it was SAVING THE PROJECT, I also had some massive mystery bug bites, including one on my ass that decided to become very itchy.

While the crash/update bullshit could have been a LOT worse, it still cost me a day of hunting down variables and re-labeling thing and verifying that things still work. Now, down the line some things could still be fucked up because of SHIT-crosoft, but for now it's trying to make up for lost time.

Reviews?! Who writes all of those, anyways?

For this week's fun poll, I'm curious about who here leaves reviews for the games that they play, be it written reviews or just ratings.