Weekly WIP #69

  •  The Incredibles - Helen Parr/Elastigirl
  •  Sancus Program 2 (Mass Effect - Miranda Lawson)
  •  DC Comics - Zatanna Scene Build

  •  As I said in one of the Biggest Fan postings, I really wanted to do something with Helen Parr/Elastigirl. So I thought I'd hint at it in the ending of #3, then do something with her later. Well later came a little faster than intended. Just getting the basics of it sorted so far. Might have to do a poll just to see whose butt is nicer; Helen or Violet. Helen might have the size, but Violets is nothing to ignore.

  •  Sancus Program 2's extended section is, in my and my 'Quality Control Viewer's opinion, turning out better than the starting section. I like her position more in it. Just feels more 'grr'. The butt pic is section one pose, the face is from section two. Section two is also going to be nice for people who like feet. Also trying something new for me; crying. Hopefully it turns out nice. So far, it's pretty decent; at least enough to keep in it, not that it was a major showing anyways.

  •  Lastly for this week, a DC Comics Zatanna scene build. On my Discord awhile back there was a conversation about magic themes, and she was brought up in it. I knew of a half decent, if not very cannon for body size, model of Zatanna and an idea was formed; so I started to build a scene around her putting on a magic show.

  •  Posting this I see last month was a pretty big month for releases. They might not have been huge ones like Valentine's Day, but they took over the Weekly. Also, if I'd noticed earlier that this was Weekly #69 I would have at least made a poster on a 69 theme as a 'funny ha ha' thing. Alas, I did not.

  •  No ETA on Sancus 2, in case anyone was wondering. I have a small trailer for it to be released the week prior. Not staying 100% focus on a single thing is keeping me from burning out, but it does slow down a specific projects creation since I bounce around and even get lost. I should probably forcefully limit myself on how many things I have going.