2024 Q1 Roadmap: January to March Adventures

Calling all VoidBound voyagers!

We're charting a course towards exciting new features launching throughout early 2024. We proudly present our roadmap for the months of January-March, leading up to a special tease at the Hentai Expo 2024!

Without further ado, lets start off with:-


Full Render: The Dungeon Awaits ๐Ÿ“

In January, we have dedicated most of our time on completely re-imagining Tripteen. As the first main dungeon players will encounter, we felt that Tripteen sorely needed a makeover to match the quality of the newly revamped intro.

Most notably, we updated the graphical visual of the dungeon to be on par with the most recent areas we developed. We showcased the new vision of one of the maps in our Progress Report #97, as well as another map above.

With new stealth and light manipulation mechanics, players will be able to switch various lights on and off to reveal secret areas or hidden enemies lurking in the dark, and strategically use the light mechanics to their advantage.

Keep an eye out for future progress reports on the development of Tripteen!

Combat Clarity: Health Bars Unveiled ๐Ÿ“Š (Work In Progress)

We are excited to announce two new additions to the combat system! Firstly, we added HP Bars for the enemies, to aid players in making efficient decisions based on the HP bar displayed next to each sprite.

The second addition is an info panel at the bottom of the screen that can be toggled on and off with a press of a button. This interface will showcase more detail than the HP bars, such as the numerical values of the enemies' current HP and total HP, to help players strategically plan their next move.

Weaponry Revamp: Mod Mania โš™๏ธ

We have also been rethinking the weapon modifications to make the the existing weapon modding system more enjoyable and ultimately benefit the players in a meaningful way.

For instance, if you want to turn a single target attack into an area of effect attack, no problem! Want to turn a long range single shot into a piercing shot, go ahead! ๐Ÿ‘พ ๐Ÿ”ซ

As the weapon modding is still in the concepting phase, we hope to reveal more information on this in the future progress reports!


Penning Passion: H-Scene Symphony โœ๏ธ

February will be the month where we heat things up with steamy H content.

To ensure that all our scenes are up to the same quality as our recent ones, we are going to re-render and also re-imagine the encounters Caly had in the Tripteen dungeon. Don't fret as nothing will be cut - the old scenes will be accessible in the gallery while the new rendered versions will be placed in the dungeon alongside some brand NEW scenes.

We have a new artist on board! Our new artist will help with the lineart and sketching phase, working together with Doppel to bless VoidBound with more lewd art at a faster pace!


In March, we are aiming to release an update that will feature the entire first planet re-imagined. We are working hard in hopes that we can deliver the update with ample time for testing and bug fixing.

If time allows, we may add an additional scene to the update as well.

Final Note: Beyond the Roadmap ๐Ÿš€

Lastly, we want to thank you for continuously supporting us throughout our journey to create VoidBound.

We are excited for the updates we plan to make and are thrilled to share this Roadmap with you to showcase some of the big changes coming to the game.

Stay tuned for future updates on our official channels! ๐Ÿฆ And don't hesitate to reach out if you have questions, suggestions, or feedback for us.

With Well Wishes and Warm Regards,

Cursed-Atelier Team

Wishlist Us @ https://store.steampowered.com/app/2500710/VoidBound/