Progress Report #97: January 2024

Ahoy there, adventurers!

Ready to dive into 2024's first week of development progress? We've been hard at work forging the next chapter of VoidBound, and we're excited to share the latest plans from our creative treasure chest ๐Ÿ—ƒ๏ธ

First up, updates from the artist:

Continuing our work from December, the Tripteen Maps are undergoing radical transformations! Our original designs, though befitting of an underground setting, still felt a bit too clean for a zone that is supposed to be occupied by aimless destructive bots. So, we decided to tear down the old walls and started sketching a brand new layout, one that strikes the perfect balance between expansive exploration and aesthetically suitable adventure.


A preliminary sample showcasing the new layout with the unmaintained damage the facility suffered throughout the decades.

Overall, the concept of the map wings are in place, and now we're crafting the visual tapestry that will bring them to life. Think dilapidated floors, atmospherically dark ceilings in disrepair, and leaning walls with flickering lighting fixtures that whisper tales untold. And just like the captivating maps from the new intro, we plan on sprinkling interactable objects that add depth and discovery to every corner..- well at least to a few corners ๐Ÿ˜…

Onwards to the write-.. ๐Ÿ˜ฅ

Our sincerest apologies for this section as we don't have anything of significance to report this time. The writer went off on a new year vacation in high spirits, only to return a bit worse for wear. Nothing worrying thankfully, but he will be doing some major catching up in the coming few days. Once again, Mea Culpa ๐Ÿ™‡

Finally, some Code news:

While Tripteen continues to march towards its re-envisioned debut, we haven't lost sight of the bigger picture. In fact, the coding team has been diligently tinkering under the hood, focusing on areas that can truly elevate your gameplay experience.

Take for example, the weapon modification system. Remember those trusty sidearm mods and devastating rifle upgrades you've come to depend on? .. Anyone? Maybe? ๐Ÿ˜ญ Well, we intend to remedy that by giving these accessories more bite by implementing changes to make upgrades impactful!

That means not just stat bumps, but adjusting foe skills as well, encouraging players to explore the modification system naturally. In the end, we feel that upgrades should feel exciting, meaningful, and like a game-changer in the heat of each unique battle ๐ŸŒก๏ธ

And that is all for this one! Fret not though, this is just the first few chapters in our ongoing development saga! Stay tuned for more exciting updates in the weeks to come, as we refine mechanics, polish features, and make sure every aspect of VoidBound's newest patch is better than the original!

Keep your eyes peeled, spacers, because the journey's just getting started ๐Ÿ‘ฉ๐Ÿผโ€๐Ÿš€

Kind Regards,

Cursed-Atelier Team

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