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Random smutty art and doodles

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• Help me afford rent and groceries!

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  • Access all finished art a month early!
  • Bonus WIPs, doodles, and exclusive progress breakdowns for each finished piece
  • Help me afford rent and groceries and whatnot so I can keep making this goofy horny art!
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🔓 [Finished Sketch] "Upgraded!" #4

⚠ CW: Teratophilia; Amputation; Dubcon/Noncon ⚠

This was sooo clooose to being done before the weekend, but then unexpected puppysitting (and then the ants) happened, so we're cutting it sooo clooose to the wire again instead! ^^;;

Anyway, let's check in on Rinnes and see how things are going over at Binsk HQ...

4 new emails
From: support@binsk․limbsys․cum
Subject: Exclusive Dragon Mount


Everyone knows our biochem corpus is far in advance of our competitors', but today you get to be the first to know about the Binsk Corporation's most recent success in genetic fabrication: actual real-life dragons (real)!
Our scientists have been so preoccupied with whether or not they could -- and it turns out they can!

What's more, as a valued customer and active participant in the Community Fuck Toy Program, and because frankly these things are too rowdy and it's becoming a problem, you've been selected to receive an exclusive preview of this incredible breakthrough.

These dragons are still in early access, and may be missing some key features (such as refractory periods, or the desire to do literally anything but breed all day and night) but we're confident we'll have all the kinks ironed out by the time we find even a single problem we can profitably shoehorn these things in as a solution to!

Until then, please enjoy your exclusive access to these exciting new creations, while they enjoy their exclusive access to you!
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$11 of $30
per month
Resume work on The Appointment comic project, publishing at least one completed page per month, with progress updates, until it is done (about 25 pages total). Finished pages will be posted to the $3 tier a month before they go public!

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