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I am PhailUpLate, and I draw a lot of bondage-focused art, and have also started dabbling in making finished Poser renders, instead of only using them for drawing reference.
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Allison Pays a Visit

"Subject 48, you have a visitor."
The visor over Erin's eyes went transparent. She squinted as her eyes adjusted to the light; most days she was kept in complete darkness during the milking sessions, with the audio system providing entertainment or instruction. Once her eyes adjusted, she saw the smiling face of her friend and lover Allison.
"Morning Erin! I thought I'd pay my favourite hucow a visit before I went in to the office today."
She reached out and gently cupped Erin's right breast. She moaned a little at the touch; they had become quite sensitive over the past few months of being a hucow.
Allison giggled.

"I can tell you like that. I wouldn't mind getting smothered by these when you get out."
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Twin Petplay Hucows

"Three-quarters already? Good to see you two are keeping to your reputation."

Erin and Bec looked up and saw their friend Kelly walking towards them. Unlike their first weeks in the hucow stable, neither felt embarrassed at being seen like this by her. She was not one of the floor staff, but still occasionally took the time during her lunch break to visit them. Erin had described to her what her new job was like, but she still wanted to see for herself.

She looked at Bec.

"I heard you've been almost always naked since taking this job, even outside of work. What's that been like?"

Bec tried to form a response, telling her that she had agreed to Matt's "order" that she was only to be clothed in public, but the feeding plug rendered any response indecipherable.

Kelly quickly realised her mistake.

"Shit, sorry; brain fart.  Forgot you can't respond. I'll come over later when you're off work and we can talk."
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How Are You Holding Up?

Erin looked over at Allison. Her best friend and lover was bound in the same manner she was, and just as helpless against the teats sucking on her nipples.

"How are you holding up?"

Allison was much newer to the program than Erin, and as such was not yet fully accustomed to the milking process.

"I, ah...I'm fine. Just...still getting used to...oh...used to this. I didn't fully rea-realise how intense this would be."

"I did warn you. We h-hucows have quotas to hit. That said," Erin said, glancing at Allison's chest, "With tits like yours, you'll h-ah have no trouble making your targets."
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Weekly Update - 2023-07-01

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Happy Hucows - unmasked

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