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A Sacrificial Wife

2004, Baghdad, Iraq
2 PM
"Alright, is everything set for the mission tomorrow?" asked Muhammad, the leader of one of the terrorist splinter cells in Baghdad. "Sure thing, brother" replied Yusuf, the middle child of the three brothers. "What about you Abdullah? do you remember what you need to do?" Muhammad asked his youngest brother. "Yes, I remember what I need to do and everything is set" he answered.
5 PM
a Terrorist attempted to plant IEDs in the two US bases in Baghdad but was captured before he was able to activate the bombs. He is now held is in custody until his due court trial is in order.
Asra never liked the Americans, you might even say that she hates them. Even more so now that her husband of already ten years, Abdullah Al Harbi, has been captured after he tried to help repel the invaders and help save the country by attacking their bases. She awaited his return home from his given assignment. However, he didn't return for many hours but as she was just finished changing from her gown to her burka, there was a knock on the door and she rushed to the door and opened it to see her brother-in-law, Muhammad, standing outside her door.
"Abdullah has been captured by the infidels." He said. "I need to watch over my family and subordinates so I can't help, but I'll send Yusuf to lockpick the cell door and set him free but you'll need to distract all of the guards at the same time, all five of them"
"But brother-in-law, I am but a meek wife, what can I even do against those barbaric infidels?"
"Yes, of course I want to help my husband, I didn't say I wasn't going to help"
"Then think of something fast before we'll hand you over to the Americans so that they'll hurt you as well"
"I-I'll think of something quick and help him" Asra responded. "J-just please, Muhammad, give me a few minutes to think of something"
"Good, may Allah guide you, Allahu Akbar, DEATH TO THE INFIDELS" Said Muhammad.
"Allahu Akbar. Death to the Americans"
As Muhammad was leaving Asra closed the door and sighed. "That foolish husband of mine...Why doesn't he think of our future and keeps getting dragged behind his brothers..." She said as she looked down at her stomach, touching it. "It's just a quick assignment Asra. In and out, just like that" she recalled him saying. "But...I'm ovulating, at least let us do it one time, please." she remember saying. after which Abdullah plainly told her no and went to bed.
She knew it wasn't as easy as he made it seem but she never thought that her husband would get captured by the invaders and her disbelief grew even more so as she will be a major cog in the plan to help him escape.
 She was just a normal Muslim housewife, who is faithful to her husband. She then went up the stairs to her bedroom and sat there murmuring "How can I distract the guards long enough for Muhammad to break Abdullah out of the jail..." She stood up and started pacing in the bedroom from left to right, until she reached the mirror and looked at herself in the mirror and with a low tone said "Ah..."
7 PM
The time was late as the day turned to night, Abdullah found himself being held captive in a forward camp which was comprised of a repurposed small hotel that it's reception becoming the office for the CO while the nearby stables and shacks were caged and were to act as a POW prison. The jail cell that held Abdullah and was located in the former stable with all the smell of a stable. He was given a pot as a toilet, pillow and thin blanket as the hay in the stable could work as a bed for him. Abdullah could only sleep or stare outside of his cell as to pass time and after a few hours his sleep started to become even more deep than usual. Next to his jail cell three voices could be heard talking.
"Oh man, why do we always get fucked in the ass when it comes to assignments?" said Pvt. Thomas Jay Davis
"Yeah, TJ. My thoughts exactly." agreed Pvt. Alejandro Ramirez.
"At least we're not on the fucking front lines getting ambushed by OPFOR." said Pvt. Clint Collins.
The three men complained to one another without a care in the world. They guarded the cell door in a pretty sloppy manner as all three were sitting on fold-able chairs surrounding a small table playing backgammon. Suddenly a shout was heard from the nearby office.
"Shut the fuck up, all of you!" yelled Cpl. Wesley Brown, the SiC of the squad. "What the fuck is wrong with you?! at least one of you idiots should keep watch on the prisoner himself!."
"But Wes Sir, watching this guy murmuring to himself was only fun for like, one minute then it got old..." complained TJ. 
"Look, you idiot, our job is to watch over prisoners and we don't get much action here so at least do your job properly then we can laze around afterwards, OK morons?" said Wesley "And also." he continued "don't call me sir, it freaks me out." then started laughing with the rest of his squad while returning to the office.
Baghdad-Charlie squad was an odd squad as all of it's members not only were familiar with each other before boot camp but they were childhood friends who grew up with one another and stuck with each other even through boot camp and deployment. They might call each other in slurs but it doesn't mean that they are trying to be hateful. The CO of the squad was Sgt.  Richard Long, the eldest of the five friends, while TJ and Ramirez liked complaining and Clint tried to be optimist, Wesely and Sgt. Richard Long were the more responsible and disciplined out of the group as they were the eldest.
"It's gonna be a long night. here's a cup of coffee Rich" said Wesley while entering the office
"Thank you Wes...those idiots never change huh?" asked Richard
"And that's what makes them fun, to be honest" responded Wesley
"Call in the replacements and tell our guys to go back to the barracks to get some shut eye and to return to their post at 2 AM, alright?" said Richard
"Sure thing, I might get some sleep too, you as well"
"After I'm done here"
2:30 AM
"I can't believe I'm doing this." complained Asra "This is sinful and wrong but it's the only tool I have to help distract the guards... but here we go"
As Asra said that to herself she couldn't stand up and draw attention to herself. "What if Abdullah wakes up and he see this whore-like clothing I'm wearing? Will he renounces me as his wife?" thought Asra
Asra, who usually stuffed the waist of her burka in order to camouflage her killer hourglass bombshell of a body, who also added a veil for her burka to hide her beautiful face that includes high cheekbones, full lips, straight silky black hair, small beautiful nose, slightly thick eyebrows, long eyelashes and heart shaped jawline.
But now she let her burka hug her body tightly, she wore high heels and has put sexy lingerie her friend and sister-in-law, Rana, bought for her while on a trip to Europe - sexy black stockings, black sheer bra and black panties.
She also put on eyeliner, red lipstick and copper colored eye-shadow in order to make herself more attractive to the guards.
As she was walking up to the guards she was praying to Allah to forgive her and save her soul and then said "I really don't want to do this but..." Asra then sighed "Here goes everything"
Slightly before 2:30 AM
The three friends replaced the previous guards about 40 minutes ago and they already regret not asking them to at least keep the backgammon or cards. The prisoner, Abdullah. was fast asleep  
"Maaan, and here I was hoping that something interesting would happen here already" complained Ramirez
"You know what? I don't care no more, Imma light a cigarette" said TJ
They say that in the dead of night, if it's really quite, you can hear 
"Hey, guys, have you heard that noise too?" asked Clint
"No." both men said
"I'm sure that I've heard a noise...oh well..." said Clint
"Are you getting a heatstroke man? or are you just tripping balls?" TJ asked
"Look man, I haven't seen a woman that wasn't hidden by a shit ton of clothing let alone touched one in a while, I'm pretty sure that'll make everyone slightly mad"
"Too bad for us we didn't hook up with any chick back home" Ramirez said
"Here's that noise again..." Clint said. "Yeah, we heard it too" two very familiar voices said. They were Rich and Wes' voices.
"WHO'S THERE?!" yelled Rich. "Ramirez, go grab whoever is making that noise and bring them here." he continued. 
"Sure thing, Sarge." Ramirez said. After a moment of silence the squad mates heard a loud "HOLY SHIT!" from Ramirez and rushed to his side. Only to see that the one making the noise is a woman dressed in a burka, and with the more they looked at her the more they noticed that this woman's body that is hidden underneath the burka was voluptuous and sexy, not only that her face and makeup made the combination of body and face even more sexy and beautiful.The beauty was so much all five guys were left speechless for a moment. 
Rich then asked "W-who are you and what are you doing this at this late hour?"
"My name is Asra and I came to thank you for your service by...." she said in a sultry Arab accent and then giggled " servicing you" she continued and while licking her lips she tore the burka off of  her body, throwing it off and revealing the sexy lingerie and her very light brown skin underneath.
"Care to show me the way to your rooms so we..." she giggled once more "could be more comfortable?" while she said that she traced her index and middle finger from her crotch through her mid section and up to her mouth, licking the two finger.
The vicinity of the jail cell changed its scent from one of hay, sand and shit turned into one of an enchanting smell of Jasmine perfume that could drive a man mad with lust with only a whiff of it.
"HOLY SHIT!" All five childhood friends exclaimed and looked at each other in agreement then at Rich who, as their CO would be able to cover for all of their absence. "Fine, sure just don't start just yet, keep her in the barracks and wait for me but just to keep me from forgetting my due..." as he was saying that he grabbed one of her huge soft tits and while he was rubbing her tit, he kissed her passionately.  causing her to gasp and moan as she got wet leaving her in a daze after detaching his lips from hers. "Just remember you brats, I get to fuck her slutty Haji pussy first" he said while running off to his office in order to get replacements.
"In the meantime we should move this Desert Queen elsewhere for a...closer...inspection" said Wes. "And you three stooges" he said while pointing at them, smiling "...will carry her up to our bedroom" 
"BRO!" exclaimed the trio while smiling from ear to ear and high fived their corporal.
Asra gasped and moaned once more as the each on of trio grabbed a part of her now sensitive body: The smaller black man grabbed her lower back and ass, the short light brown man grabbed her thighs and legs and the lean white man grabbed her now even more sensitive tits. At first she was disgusted by how these American infidels touched her. "I know I'm the one who seduced them but how dare these kafir pigs grab me like this" but as soon as she recalled how that soldier passionately kissed and grabbed her and how she was being handled right now she thought "Hmmm....well...maybe it isn't that disgusting, actually...I'm feeling so hot right now" although she was captured and is now about to have sex with these five American invaders, she thought "I've done my job, now its Yusuf's job to break out that husband, in the meantime it's time for me to have a bit of fun reliving this stress"
Yusuf was the youngest of the three brothers, while the eldest ,Muhammad, was a fighter and the middle child, Abdullah, was the meek teacher's pet, Yusuf was roaming the street and talked and thought like a thieving orphan in the streets of Baghdad. His hands were quick and precise, he was good at hiding from those he deemed his enemies but he was a coward. 
Yusuf didn't know much of English, nor did he care for the language of the invader but he did pick on some words "take" "woman" "away" he assumed these were describing how his sister-in-law, Asra, is taken away into custody. He then heard....nothing. "I guess it's go time" he whispered to himself but before he could go out of his hiding spot he spotted figures coming to the jail cells but these didn't look like the ones he saw earlier and they were only two.
"I need to at least take one out but killing them might be dangerous so I'll just knock them out." thought Yusuf
"-ke -p" "-ake up" "WAKE UP!" Abdullah jolted up in surprise and scuttled back from the jail cell door in fear of what's to come. Then his vision focused on a familiar figure. "Wakey wakey, sleepy head" said the figure. "Y-yusuf? what are you doing here?" asked Abdullah of his brother. "Breaking your sorry ass out of this place." answered Yusuf.
"How did y-?" Abdullah was about to ask. "I had help distracting the guards but I'll tell you after we run from here, it wont take long before the figure out that the replacement guards here are knocked out"
"Who helped you?" asked Abdullah, wondering as most of their men were either dead or captured by American hands. "Asra provided distraction it seems, and from what I gathered she was captured by them." Abdullah was shocked but he didn't have enough time to process what has been just told to him as a loud siren had been raised and the two brothers started running away from the prison into the city.
"GET THEM!" the intercom blurred with Cpt. Robbins' shout commanding his soldiers to run after the escaped prisoner and his collaborator. "Well now...I that's bought us at least 5 hours to get a taste of that sweet Desert Queen" Richard said to himself. He was about to enter the bedroom when he started to hear muffled moans of pleasure from said room, he then opened the door to see this woman, or more accurately described as plunder, on her heels as she was sucking Wes' thin and long 10 inches cock while giving in turns handies to the three privates' 9 inches long cocks with varying girths. Seeing the same man who handled her so roughly yet passionately enter the room caused Asra's pussy to begin dripping pussy juices and her mouth to water. "Well, Rich. it seems that this ho likes you the most." said Wes who's cock was still inside Asra's mouth. "How can you even know that, Wes?" Rich questioned his friend curiously. "Her mouth became much more sloppy right now, the floor underneath her is now looking wet and her gaze is fixated on you crotch, Rich" 
"I guess it's time to get this party started!" exclaimed Richard.
Asra used to think that the Americans were nothing but barbaric infidels who wanted to conquer Muslim nations and oppress them but as she was placed on the combined bed she understood something important. "All that matter now is that these are starved men, soldiers, far from home searching for women to satisfy them and I'm the only woman present here, even more so now that I've offered my body to wasn't such a bad choice", she had spent the last fifteen minutes servicing the two black men, the hispanic man and the small white man with her mouth and hands then HE showed up, she couldn't take her eyes off of him, after all, he was the first man to ever make her feel like that. 
Asra couldn't decide if that was love or infatuation for that man that she was feeling, but whatever it was, it whispered in her soul that she should prioritize satisfying this man foremost and whenever possible.
She pulled Wes' cock out of her mouth and let go of the privates' cocks and started crawling toward the lying sergeant kissing his cock and stroking it. "OH yes..." exclaimed Richard as Asra started deep throating his 12 inch girthy cock down to its hilt while looking up into Richard's brown eyes until she gags and her eyes roll back. "Oh how I love your huge infidel cock inside my mouth but I have a better place for it." she says and puts his huge cock inside her dripping pussy. "Shit guys...this bitch's pussy is so tight, I love it." says Richard as Asra starts bouncing on his cock while both she and he are sucking and rubbing her huge perfect tits driving her to cum with each pound. "Dayum, these two are really going at it huh?" asks TJ.
"Never in my life have I ever seen a slut this hungry for cock" says Ramirez
"What the fuck are you idiots waiting for?! get in there before Rich takes this chick entirely for himself!" Wes yelled at the privates. "I'll take her huge bubble bouncy ass, Ramirez you take her mouth, TJ and Clint both of you let her stroke your cocks, rotate between each other, understood?" Wes continued, ordering them to take a certain part. "YES SIR!" all three privates raised their giddy voices in elation.
 Asra wasn't prepared for the sheer amount of pleasure she is currently feeling, not only one huge cock was inside of her, already giving her more pleasure than what she ever felt with Abdullah, but now she has one in her ass and another in her mouth. the only things that she thought of at the moment wasn't her husband, the goal, her previous disgust and hatred of the Americans nor her previous religious convictions but now...all her brain was filled with were thoughts of pleasure and her natural urge to breed.
"This is going to be a long and pleasurable night" thought Asra as she was getting filled with infidel man meat and her stomach filled with cum.
Rebel base, Muhammad's house
Muhammad wasn't the brightest man in Baghdad but he had quite of a big build to him, he's marriage was fine he thought. His wife, Rana, was a beautiful and faithful woman who bore him a daughter, little Azirah, who is now 7 years old. His house most of the time smelt like cigarettes and diapers which he was only responsible for the former.
A loud knock was heard at the door and Muhammad went up to look who was knocking and to his relief it wasn't a dirty infidel but his two brother. "Welcome home brothers. I see the plan succeeded" Muhammad was happy to see his brothers unharmed and safe.
"Of course it did. You called the best lockpicker in all of Iraq" Yusuf answered smugly. "Good thing we had Asra distracting the usual guards so they had to bring those idiots."
"Wait...I remember you mentioned her when you broke me out of that cell but my mind was pretty hazy then but now...really? Did you really asked my wife?"
"Just so you know, she wasn't my first choice for the job, I talked with everyone else but they couldn't help as they had to watch over their family as well. Even Rana suggested herself as the distraction but I had to have everyone on deck just in case, so she suggested we pick Asra."
"Of course I suggested myself, it could have been my time to get back in the game and satisfy those big infidel cocks in my unattended pussy" Rana thought.
Rana Al Harbi (nee El-Zein) or as she was better known as during her trip 'Reina Arabina' isn't exactly as her husband thinks she is. She is a nasty slut for infidel cocks, Azirah might be her firstborn child but neither Muhammad nor Azirah knows that she has three younger siblings living currently in Europe. But as she started to remember her European paramours, her pussy started to drip with remembrance and longing for those times when she was pounded and impregnated by those same infidels her father and husband despise. "Oh, better go to the bathroom before they notice" Rana thought but as soon as she stood up from the ground to go the the bathroom, Azirah asked "Mommy, where are you going?" "Ah sweety, mommy's going to the bathroom for a bit, please don't interrupt daddy's talk, ok honey?" Rana asked her daughter and Azirah nodded.
Rana quickly walked to the bathroom and as soon as she locked the door she sat on the toilet shoving her middle and ring finger vigorously into her sloppy wet pussy while using her head covering as a muffler to camouflage her moans of pleasure. She, she NEEDED that distraction job but once Muhammad told her she would need to say with their child, she suggested that Asra would be the one for the distraction, after all Asra and her have similar figure. Rana was hailed as the most beautiful and sexy woman in maybe all of Iraq, with only an openly sexual Asra could be argued as her equal in attraction. She was slightly older than Asra but she was much more experienced than her when it came to sex and seduction. Asra came to her first in order to learn how to seduce westerners as much as possible and as quickly as possible and Rana complied but under one condition.
"When you are done, tell me about that the letter" She said back then.
Rana couldn't help getting so horny when thinking about fucking even more so since Muhammad was too busy playing soldier against a much superior enemy. Sometimes she even wanted Muhammad to die so she could be free from the shackles of this marriage. She was nearing the climax and with a quick shove of her fingers to her g-spot, she reached her desired outcome.
"Better clean up this mess" murmured Rana to herself and started cleaning her pussy juices that didn't get into the toilet. Once done she looked in the mirror to fix her appearance, she had raven black hair, a low nose bridge with a small nose on which she had a small hole for piercing although she told Muhammad the hole happened due to a branch catching her veil, a lie of course. She had high cheekbones and an oval face shape with full luscious lips, narrow eyes, long eyelashes and beautifully combed eyebrows.
"Honesty...I could get off only by looking at myself in the mirror..." She thought while washing her hands from her pussy juices.
"Well...guess I'll wait till sweet little Asra becomes a deprived infidel-loving cock sleeve like me, teehee <3" she thought to herself while licking her lips
 "You sure she was captured?" Abdullah asked his older brothers
"Yes, I'm sure. That's what these infidel pigs said before I took care of them" Yusuf answered
"We'll just have to wait for her return and hope she is safe and sound." Muhammad told both of them
Abdullah was worried sick, he didn't imagine his brother would use Asra to free him. Asra was his beloved wife, but because of HIS blunder, she had to act as a sacrifice for these bloodthirsty invaders.
"I'm going home, I'll wait for her there." said Abdullah
"No, you can't!" exclaimed Muhammad. "It's not safe there now, the invaders most likely have our addresses and I told Rana to say that I've ran away into the desert." he continued "For now brother, stay here"
 "Fine Fine, I'll stay here...Just...If there are news about Asra please call for me" Abdullah begged his brother, this amount of stress was much more than what he was used to. He wasn't strong nor agile like his brothers, he was a doctor by trade but not a good one and he knew it. But Asra still stayed with him and now..."I basically threw her away..." He murmured.
"This is going to be a long and miserable night it seems." Abdullah thought
"MMH! MMH! *pop* YES! FUCK ME MORE! *kiss* *slurp* NGH! NNH!." Asra was drowning in pleasure and semen, Rana taught her how to suck peni-no...cocks, she taught her how to suck cocks and pleasure them. It has been twenty minutes since her new beloved, an infidel, started fucking her pussy and fifteen since the rest have joined, filling her holes and keeping her hands busy.

Her stomach was getting full already after she gulped all these heavy cum shots the privates ejaculated into her throat. Her asshole was filled by cum twice from the large black man. "This bitch is amazing!" she recalled them saying. Her new beloved has yet to cum but she saw his joyed expression becoming one of that suggested he is about to finally cum inside her hungry pussy. "YES! CUM INSIDE ME AND GIVE ME YOUR BABY!" she yelled as she felt her fertile eggs getting impregnated by this...Abdullah and his brothers would have called them pigs or invaders, but she knew what they were. They were just better and stronger men than those she met in her life living in Iraq. "Here you go slut! the cum from the man you fell in love." He yelled as he was cumming inside her.  She already came a lot by this point but this climax...this climax was the best she ever felt.

"CUMMING!" she yelled as she came together with Richard, the largest amount of semen she ever felt inside of her rushed like a torrent inside of her completely filling and flooding her womb, surely making her pregnant.
3 hours and a lot of cumshots later
The room now smells of both Asra's pussy juices, her perfume and the soldiers' semen 
"Is it just me or is anyone else spent?" asked Clint.
"Yeah, I'm spent as well...This slut sucks like a goddamn hurricane" said TJ
"At this point I think my balls have already dried up." sighed Ramirez
All three privates were experienced with having sex with women back home, but none of those women, even the most lustful of them, was this fun and tiring to fuck.
"Wait, you guys are really leaving? how weak are you dicks?" Wes asked them while snickering as Rich as too busy sucking on Asra's erect nipples causing her to moan loudly.
"Hey Rich, the three clowns left so let's change the scenery a bit, it's getting nastily sticky in here if you catch my drift.." Wes suggested and Rich knew exactly what he wanted to do. He wanted to fuck this slut in the shower.
They moved the euphoric Asra into the shower without pulling out their huge cocks from inside her, furthermore they pulled back and shoved their cocks inward every step of the way. they soon enter the shower it was a fairly large shower room with an overhead shower head and a jacuzzi in the same room. They then pulled their cocks from within her, for a moment she thought "NO! GOD! PLEASE! WHY! WHY DID YOU STOP?!" however they only switched position with Wes face fucking her and Richard fucking her roughly from behind while holding her arms, every time he would shove it he would spank her and she would cum. This lasted for 2 more hours until Wes said "The manhunt should've ended by now, I'll go there and clean the mess while you two lovebirds could have some alone time."
Wes then departed from the shower after he cleaned himself for a bit with soap and has put his uniform back on and went outside of the room, leaving both Asra and Richard alone.
"I love you" said Asra, who now rotated herself to face Richard locking her own brown eyes with his blue eyes. Without a second thought Richard lifted her up, still pumping his huge cock into her, still looking deeply into her eyes, started to kiss her like a newly wed couple. " Hey babe" he said "let's move this to the jacuzzi". Asra nodded in agreement but that node turned into her arching her back in pleasure as Richard started sucking on her huge tit's beautifully pink nipple.
She came as soon as Richard had seated while he was still inside her. she giggled and started kissing him passionately.
She rode his cock, her luscious tits and juicy ass bouncing, cumming every time his cock reached her womb entrance, and cumming even harder when Richard either pulled on of her nipple, spanked her or sucked on a nipple.
"YESSSS! fuck me more, fuck me, give me a child!" Asra said these words so many times to count, with each time Richard complied filling her pussy with his baby batter, going flaccid for a brief moment but then rejuvenated back into fucking her naughty pussy roughly. This cycle continued until 6 AM once Asra couldn't take it anymore and fainted.
"Sweet little thing, if you have a husband he doesn't understand your true potential." Richard said, cleaning any remnants of semen from Asra's skin, drying her with a towel and carried her into his bed, putting her on top of him and hugging her with one hand.
"Good night, my beautiful Arab princess." He said while kissing her full lips.  
2 PM
"I-is that me?" Asra dreamt of last night's events, both feeling disgusted but more strongly and strangely, she felt aroused and fulfilled as if this was what she was meant to do in her life. 
She then woke up and said "I guess it wasn't a dream after all..." while looking at the huge muscular White American male she was sleeping on. She couldn't believe that she went with that deed but she wasn't sure about how to feel about it. At first she hated the idea but once she's done it...Abdullah still had some place in her heart but he was no longer her beloved, Richard already took that spot with his personality and looks.
She thought about leaving but looking at herself she thought "This is a Muslim country, I can't go out there butt naked with these torn stockings and heels." She was about to leave but as she pulled the covers she looked at Richard's huge cock standing erect. "Well...I can't leave my man unsatisfied like this." She thought and then wrapped her huge knockers around the shaft in front of her going up and down, she couldn't help but sucking on it. Feeling the cock buckle in her mouth she started shoving it deeper and deeper into her throat until she felt that oh so familiar feeling of a huge wad of cum flying into her stomach, filling it.
"Good morning Asra, that felt great. I thought you would have went by now, so why?" Richard asked while smiling. "Well.." Asra looked at him and said while pulling his cock from her throat "I'm doing a wife's responsibility for her beloved and also.." she licked her lips and with her thumb picked a small wad of cum from her chin licking and swallowing it as well, "getting breakfast" she finished while giggling and moving her hair behind her ear.
"Better go to the shower before you go back home, I'll join you" Richard said as both of them got out of bed, holding hands and kissing.
They took an hour to shower as Richard used the opportunity to clean both himself and Asra's body, touching every nook and crevice of it, causing her to come several time.
"Hey Rana, can you come by the base with a spare burka, please?" Asra asked her sister-in-law/friend. "Just don't forget our agreement." Rana said with a smile on her face. "Oh don't worry...I have A LOT to share with you." Asra responded giggling as she watched Richard put on his fatigues. "Alright, you little wild thing you, see you in about 10 minutes." Rana said and hanged up.
"Well Asra, it's been great meeting you in this hell hole of a nation." Richard said while kissing her before veiling her. "We'll surely meet again my beloved." said Asra while putting her elbows on the huge American's muscular shoulders. "Tell the rest of the guys I send kisses as well." she continued.
She was already missing those misfit privates, Wes the ebony giant and Richard...her beloved White crusader. She started walking toward her home with Rana holding her hand to keep her steady while walking.
" was it?" Rana asked Asra full of anticipation. "I'll tell you once we're in a spot no one could see us nor hear us, so please wait a bit." Asra knew that if she was to tell what happened last night in the open, both of them would be stoned to death for adultery. As soon as they got into the abandoned shack that was once a tool shack of one of Rana's neighbor, both of them looked around so to make sure not a single soul saw them enter the shack. Asra then locked the door and sat on a stool opposite to the one Rana was sitting on. "So then...Asra...tell me in detail what occurred after I lent you the clothing and shoes, oh and don't worry about the clothing I can always sew them back together." Rana said as her hand was getting ready to finger herself, Asra herself couldn't judge Rana actions as she started to do the same as she was recounting the events to Rana.
They exited the shack after 30 minutes and went to Muhammad's house.
3 PM
Muhammad's house
"ASRA!" Abdullah yelled as he ran to his wife hugging and kissing her. Asra was disgusted both by her actions but more by how much of a fool and a weakling Abdullah is. "God...You don't even compete with those infidels, you make me sick." she wanted to say these words but her remaining love for him managed to manifest as her saying "Abdullah, you are safe!". "They suspected something so I was interrogated and those men, those infidels..." she said, looking at Rana, winking "...they interrogated me, asked me to give out information, I told them nothing." 
Asra couldn't tell what actually happened else she'll be done for. If she was near the base she could have run to them, selling the brothers out to them and Rana and herself would be free to get fucked by those men.
"I'm especially tired after these events, Abdullah, please...let us go home to rest." Asra looked at him with fake puppy eyes. He could never refuse such a powerful mental attack. "Alright, let us go back home." He responded, smiling. "Don't forget to keep in touch!" Rana raised her voice as they were exiting the house. 
Asra could only smile under her veil as she was holding Abdullah's hand while walking home.

==================================THE END================================

Writer's notes:
That was my first ever story and a porn story at that...was pretty fun to write it. Comments will be much appreciated. 

PS. It was my first ever story so it might not be up to par but hey, its a learning curve.
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