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My handle is Baal7734. I've been working on adult games for the last 3-4 years now. Most noteably would be Superpowered, an adult resource management game, with a humor/superhero flavor. My content is for a 18+ year old audience.

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Change Log v0.11.00

What's New ?

  • New Jay Archtype: Mostly A Flirt
  • New Jay Archtype: Mostly A Babe
  • New Tilley Archtype: Queen Bee
  • New Diane Archtype Path: Cosmopolitan Mother(5 star) -> Resigned Mother(5 star)
  • New Gina Archtype Path: Girlfriend <-> B. Fucker(5 star)
  • New Gina Archtype Path: B. Fucker(5 star) <-> S. with Benefits(5 star)
  • New Gina Archtype Path: S. with Benefits(5 star) <-> Bartender(5 star)
  • New Location: Jays House
  • New Inventory Feature: Dedicated Clothing Slot
  • New Game System: Perks
  • Upgraded Player Skill Screen
  • Consolidated Menu Screen
  • New Feature: Advanced Starts
  • New Advanced Starts 1: Creep, Dealer, Photographer
  • New Advanced Starts 2: Slacker, Party Animal, Hacker
  • New Focused Starts 1: Good Brother, Good Son, Good Neighbor
  • Dynamic Party Screen
  • New Tag: Jealousy
  • New Party Mechanic: Jealousy
  • New Jay Outfit: Naughty
  • Online Profiles: Jay, Tilley
  • Crap Load of New Topics
  • Ghostbar Reintroduced
  • Tons of under the hood upgrades

What's it mean?

New Jay Archtype: Mostly A Flirt
New Jay Archtype: Mostly A Babe
New Tilley Archtype: Queen Bee
New Diane Archtype Path: Cosmopolitan Mother(5 star) -> Resigned Mother(5 star)
New Gina Archtype Path: Girlfriend <-> BrotherFucker(5 star)
New Gina Archtype Path: BrotherFucker(5 star) <-> SWBenefits(5 star)
New Gina Archtype Path: SWBenefits(5 star) <-> Bartender(5 star)
The new AT's for Jay and Tilley are mostly self explanitory.
You can now transform Diane from (5star)Cosmopolitan to (5star)Resigned, making her completely capable of transitioning Between her 3(5star) AT's now. I also updated those AT's with some new 5star specific content.You can also Transform Gina from (5star)Girlfriend all the way back to (5star)Bartender and back again. I've also added a bit of new content for all the 5 star versions of Bartender, SWBenefits, and B-Effer.

New Location: Jays House
You will be able to unlock Jay's house and visit her on some days. You can get there from the park.

New Inventory Feature: Dedicated Clothing Slot
There is now a dedicated clothing slot for Nathans various outfits, that clearly state all thier benefits upfront, and do not take up one of your precious inventory slots.

New Game System: Perks
I've condensed a lot of skill upgrades into Perks to make it more readable in the skill screen. I will over time be replacing most skill requirement text with perk requirement text.

Upgraded Player Skill Screen
As I kept expanding the game and adding new systems, the skill boxes became more and more crowded, and kept looking uglier and uglier in my opinion (see Below).
So, I created the perk system to allow me to condense some explinations into a tooltip. As seen below, every line item on your skill screen now has it's own Tooltip to explain what it does.

Consolidated Menu Screen
I've done away with all the random little menu's where one screen will let you save/load your game, while a different menu was used to modify scaling, audio, or exit to main menu. Now, if you press esc, you'll get a single menu that will show your current hotbars as well as give you access to the Inventory screen, Wardrobe screen, character screen, skill screen, save screen, load screen, exit to main menu, exit game, as well as volume, and scaling sliders.
Not all options will be visible all the time. This is intended. For example, I don't let you save the game when in a conversation with a character, so the save game option might not be visible if you open the menu.

New Feature: Advanced Starts
This is just the first step of this feature. There are now a few categories of game starts to choose from. Advanced Starts will focus Nathans early game toward specific skills, while Focused Starts will focus on specific people. These starts are recommended for veteran players, as the customary Primary trait (Physique, Smart, Charm) along with it's level 1 Passive skill are not granted, which makes it a touch more difficult in some ways. Stick to basic starts if you're new to the game.
New Advanced Starts 1
  1. Creep: A game start focused on stealth, Family, and technology...Very explotative.(Not recommended until I can get more spycams in the house to be honest.)
  2. Dealer: A game start focused on being an entrepeneur...of sorts.  
  3. Photographer: A game start that is focused on photography. This Start comes with it's own Permanant topic with the traits (Photography, Social Media, Trendy).

New Advanced Starts 2
  1. Slacker: A game start focused on being the laziest POS you can be. Grants a 10 hour sleep option, let's you rest for 3 hours one additional time, and comes with it's own Permanant Topic with the traits (Oblivious, Chores, Exercise).
  2. Party Animal: A game start focused on being the life of the party. Reds, Blues, and Pinks hit harder and last longer. You also always have access to Perscription drugs, even if you embraced the Healthy Lifestyle.
  3. Hacker: A game start that is focused on being a L33T Ph1 F33Q. It grants some serious xp boosts some of the harder XP's to level, and gives you a permanent topic with the traits (Hacking, Psychology).

New Focused Starts 1
  1. Good Son: A game start focused on Nathan getting along well with his parents. He'll be able to modify Diane and Richards Preferences much faster, and have some skills that compliment these two characters early game AT's very well.
  2. Good Brother: A game start focused on Nathan getting along well with his sisters. He'll be able to modify Becky and Ginas Preferences much faster, and have some skills that compliment these two characters early game AT's very well.
  3. Good Neighbor: A game start focused on Nathan getting along well with his neighbors. He'll be able to modify Charlie and Jesses Preferences much faster, and have some skills that compliment these two characters early game AT's very well.

As I said previously, this is just the first step. I will eventually be adding in some start specific content. For example a Focused start for Jesse, where Nathan starts the game already dating her, or at least banging her. I also plan to add even more advanced starts called Expert Starts. One example: Paragon- A start where the player is permanently locked to the Tidy, Order, Healthy, and Moral Lifestyles, but get's some real big boosts elsewhere. I also plan to add smaller start content as well, such as the Dealer start possibly having encounters with Lisa when Nathan is drug dealing. But that's content for future me to deal with.

Dynamic Party Screen:
So this was a big one, that took a lot of work and still has a bit of work to go. Over the last few updates, I've been slowly moving the Friday Night Party scene away from being completely Becky centric. Previously almost every trigger, and scene was referencing what AT Becky was and I knew that was gonna cause problems in the future, if I kept doing it that way. So I completely rebuilt the party system from the ground up. The character Avatars at the party will now give a lot more information. For example, the image below shows Jay giving you some sort of look, cause you've been vibing with her all night.
Where as this party pic says Becky and Jay are on drugs, and are currently vibing with each other. Speaking of Vibe... I added a special Tooltip behavior to the party. If you hold shift when mousing over a character action, you'll see the normal experience overlay, but you'll also see that characters current Vibe rating with you. This is the rating I use to determine which character picks Nathan during the Afterparty.

New Tag Jealousy & New Party Mechanic Jealousy:
I've added the new tag Jealousy to Selfishness XP pool. And with the more dynamic Party screen, I decided to make it a more tangible Interest. Currently only Tilley can get an interest with the jealousy tag. If Tilley has the Jealousy Tag in one of her interests, she can become a bit disruptive. Should she ever take the lead in 'Vibe' with 3 or more, she will begin interferring with anybody else that might have vibed with you at the party. The example to left shows Tilley being Jealous of Jay and Nathan trying to start a conversation with Jay. The normal conversation screen doesn't appear, and instead Tilley kinda cockblocks you.

New Jay Outfit Naughty:
I've added Jay to the Boutique, and you can now buy her some new duds, though this is only available for the Mostly A Babe AT.

Online Profiles Jay & Tilley:
I've added Online Profiles to both Jay and Tilley. You can access them just like Becky's. Public Pictures are character specific(for the most part), however private pictures are shared between all posted parties, so if there's a conversation between two characters on a social media post, that post will show up in both characters private profiles.With two new Social Media Profiles, I've also added two new targets to hack.

Crap Load of New Topics:
With the new tag Jealosy, and a focus on characters that haven't yet recieved a lot of attention, there are quite a few new topics in the game focusing on new, or less prevalant tags. This ones my favorite from this release.

Ghostbar Reintroduced:
With the all the kinks of the new Inventory system more or less being ironed out, I can now start implimenting some of the features of the old inventory system that I felt were worth keeping. Ghostbar being one of them. When you use a topic, an ghost of the topic will remain on your hotbar, and upon entering Nathans room, your hotbar will attempt to replace all ghost topics, if you have them in inventory/storage. To remove that ghost, you just have to put another topic in it's hotbar slot.

Tons of under the hood upgrades:
I ended doing a lot more revamps than I had initially planned. I've been slowly removing more and more manual character updates from the scenes and creating automated systems for them. 
For example, If I wanted a charater transformation to include unlocking a new location, previously I had to add the unlocking of that location to the scene in which the character transformed, which isn't a big deal, until transforms are makeing massive changes to the game, because all those changes have to be proccessed by the scene controller, before the scene ends...which makes the engine drag. 
By moving some of these changes to the actual function of the transformation, then those changes can happen in the background, and the scene controller becomes less cluttered...i.e...less drag. I pretty much remade how player data is stored, with the introduction of the perk system. I also built a large framework for a future refactoring I will be doing to give character data the same treatment that player data got this update. This probably doesn't mean much to you unless you're one of those folks that edits your save files.

What was cut?
I had initially planned to have a Diane, Charlie and Gina AT in this update as well, but...time is a beast. And That was honesly way to ambitious of me. The additional content, and transformations scenes for Gina and Diane took almost a month which was 3 weeks longer than I had planned, and with the Party Controller annoying me to the point where I felt I had to remake it, There was absolutely no way I was gonna be able to do 6 AT's and a new location on top of the menu consolidation.

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Changelog for SuperPowered2 v0. 02. 00What's New?Stephanie's Base ScheduleNew Location Hub: Colle...

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Change Log v0.10.00

So, I've finally gotten this update more or less finished. I'm gonna give it one more day to cook (bug hunt) But then I'm gonna release it. Here's a pre-emptive changelog.

What's New ?

  • New Becky Archtype: Precarious
  • New Gina Archtype: Girlfriend
  • New Diane Archtype Path: Scorned Mother -> Resigned Mother(5 star)
  • New Diane Archtype Path: Resigned Mother(5 star) -> Scorned Mother
  • New Diane Archtype Path: Resigned Mother-> Cosmopolitan Mother(5 star)
  • New Character Feature: Livestreaming
  • New Character Action: Date
  • New Inventory Screen
  • New Wardrobe Screen
  • Improved Item Tooltips
  • New Interaction Functionality
  • New Save Engine
  • New AT Functionality: Delayed Change
  • New Character Stat: Grades
  • New Becky Outfit: Skinsuit
  • New Tags: Oblivious & Bimbo
  • New Functionality: Clothing Auto Change
  • Inventory Access: Nathan's House
  • Under the hood: Pretty much a whole new engine

What's it mean?

New Becky Archtype: Precarious (self explanitory)
New Gina Archtype: Girlfriend (self explanitory)
New Diane Archtype Path: Scorned Mother -> Resigned Mother(5 star)
New Diane Archtype Path: Resigned Mother(5 star) -> Scorned Mother
New Diane Archtype Path: Resigned Mother-> Cosmopolitan Mother(5 star)  You can now transform Diane back to Resigned Mother, though as a 5 star version, it's now a bit different. You can also transform from Resigned(5 star) back to Scorned. You can Transform Diane from Resigned(5 star) to Cosmopolitan(5 star), however currently this is a one way trip until version 0.11.00, so just be aware.
New Character Feature: Livestreaming   Some characters may decide to start livestreaming. If they do, You'll now be able to watch thier livestream when they are active. You can find this option in the characters social media screen (currently only Becky).
New Character Action: Date There's a new system available for Diane's Resigned 5 star and Cosmopolitan 5 star Archtypes. You take them on an official date, and are locked into that date for the duration.
Dates Replace your standard stat pools, with date stats. The stats are Fun, Excitement, Romance, Sexy, Boredom, and Anger. Depending on those stats different actions can become available, as can different Endings to date...If you're boring all night, the person you're dating may sudden come down with a headache...on the other hand, if you get them all hot and could be had.
During dates, a characters bans and interests play a major role in affecting the Dates stats as every action you take has 5 tags and interested tags may add to the date stats, while banned tags may piss them off. This includes secondary interests, so you can play with a person's secondary interests just to see if you get different outcomes or possibley different options. The tooltip even gives you hints, if you've got the appropriate skills to see those modifiers.
In the tooltip, you'll see different glows to represent the different stat changes, such as a red glow coming the bottom middle of the tooltip represents anger. You can also look at the pools to see which interest is causing the change in date stat.
New Inventory Screen The inventory screen has been completely rebuilt from the ground up to allow for drag and drop, and as such all the old buttons are gone. Now if you want to add a topic to your hotbar, you only have to drag it into the hotbar slot.
In order to ponder or trash an item now, you just need to drag the item onto the appropriate area. There is also a toggle at the bottom of the screen. When turned on, you can use the slider to set a minimum amount you'd like to keep. So in the example to the left, if you dragged a stack of 5 topics onto the ponder area, while the toggle was set to 3, you'd ponder two of the topics, and keep three. If the toggle is turned off, then you only ponder or trash a single topic at a time.
With the removal of the Query button, I created a filter system so that you can filter visible topics as needed. By clicking on the different tag filters, you can cycle that tag between Visible (yellow), Hidden (blue), and Forced Visible (Red).
Topics with Visible tags will show so long as those topics do not have any Tags that are hidden. Topics with Forced Visible tags will show regardless of if there is a hidden tag.
There is also two buttons above the filters that can set all tag filters to visible, or all tag filters to hidden.
I've also changed the Interest helper to operate with the tag filters. So one simple way to see all the topics that will benefit a certain character is to hide all tags, Press F1 to open the Interest helper, and then press the Force Interests button. Then when you press F1 again to hide the Interest helper, you'll only see topics with tags that your choosen character is interested in.
New Wardrobe Screen  Similar to the Inventory screen, The wardrobe has been updated as well to allow for drag and drop. For the most part the screen still operates the same as the old one, though there are a few minor differences. The magnet button in the stash is the new "Pull" action to draw all the drugs into your stash, though it will ignore any drugs you have on your itembar.
The "Pop Pills" button has been replaced with a drop area similar to trash or ponder inside the stash screen. It's the area with the Pac-Man icon. The area next to it is the new cut drugs area where you can turn quarterbags into joints, and bottles of pills into individual pills.
Some items have hidden stats that were only ever visible in the shop, or in specific screens. But I've updated the system to show the bonuses granted, for example what kind of wardrobe bonus your clothing will grant with the clean yourself up action in the Wardrobe bonus screen.
New Interaction Functionality  I've added your Item Bar to the Interaction screen, when you want to discuss topics with a character. This more or less represents your pockets, so you no longer need (or even can) move items into your hotbar.
New Save Engine I was previously using a save system I bought in the Unity Asset store, as I was not that comfortable with coding around persistant data. My first save system was a freakin mess. While the purchased save system is a very strong and versatile save's slow. While fixing bugs, I kept running into timing issues, and a lot of those issues came from the fact that I had to slow certain parts of the game down, in anticipation of loading a saved game, with the very slow save system.
So, I bit the bullet and got myself much more familiar with creating save files, and the new save engine is very fast, and much better than my first attempt. Your old saves still work, though I have moved them into a back-up folder in your save folder. You can tell the old save files from the new ones by the color of the time stamps. Red timestamps are the old saves, and white timestamps are the new saves. The new saves are standard JSON format so, for all you cheaters out there. Rejoice.
New AT Functionality: Delayed Change Some Archtypes for one reason or another may be locked into place for a while. When that happens, you'll get a message in the potential AT section of the character screen telling you how long you have to wait. Currently only Girlfriend Gina has this effect, though more will be coming eventually.
New Character Stat: Grades With both Gina and Becky being concerned about the grades, it only makes sense to track em now. Though currently Becky is the only person affected.
New Functionality: Clothing Auto Change You'll no longer miss out on going to a party with Becky, or going on Date with Diane because you're wearing the wrong clothing. Now if an action requires a specific style, and you own some clothing with that style, You will automatically switch to that outfit when you push the button.
Inventory Access: Nathan's House You can now access your inventory from anywhere inside your house. The wardrobe is still limited to your room, as is locations outside your house, but to save on some excessive clicking, I've added the Inventory button to all rooms within Nathans home.
Under the hood: Pretty much a whole new engine By building a new inventory system to add in drag and drop capabilities, I ended up uncovering older buggy systems that I had made when I was still learning unity and C#. While fixing those buggy systems, I had to remove some Code snippets I had been using to help me make the game easier to modify on my end...which resulted in me having to rebuild most of the button logic on all buttons in the game. I also had to redo how the scene player was loaded, how characters were stored, how archtypes were stored, how the user interface was loaded, as well as how unity handled transitions between levels (locations), and how all the data in the brand new schedule system I made last update was dispersed.
...So... Locations, Buttons, Scenes, UI, Characters, Archtypes, Inventory, Save engine, and Schedules...that's pretty much all the major systems my game uses...and I more or less remade about 80% of them in order to deal with bugs, and excessive game delays. That being said...The game runs very smoothly now. It's much faster, and responsive, and saving no longer makes you think the game just locked up. was a lot of work, and required an immense amount of help from my Discord to help me track down all these bugs.

What was cut?

Gina's backward compatibility.  Unfortunately I just ran out of time  to render the transform scene for Gina to revert back to B Fucker 5 star.
Diane's additional 5 star scenes for her older AT's. With Diane able to return to Cosmopolitan and Resigned Mother as a 5 star. I plan to add some interactions to those AT's that are only available if you've gotten her to 5 stars. I just ran out of time.
Diane's Transform from Cosmopolitan 5 star -> Resigned 5 star. Diane is intended to be able to switch between Cosmopolitan, Resigned, and Scorned...However I need another Date location created for her transition back to Resigned 5 star, and it takes a fairly large amount of renders to make a Date. So I decided to put that transform option off until next update.

That's it?

Yes. If that's not enough, you can die in a fire.


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SuperPowered 2 v0. 01. 00 ChangelogFinally got this puppy out! I've been grinding away non-stop f...

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Loser v0.09.00 Released!

It's taken me a touch longer than planned, but I finally got this update out. I'm sure you'll see why it took so long below in the Changelog!

What's New?

  • New Becky AT
  • New Diane AT
  • Diane Sex Minigame
  • New System: Scaleable Actions
  • New System: Passive Income
  • New System: Social Media Profile
  • New System: Room Upgrades
  • New System: Spy Cams
  • New Scaleable Action: Park Cleanup
  • New Scaleable Action: Profile Hacking
  • New Scaleable Action: Daytrading
  • New Passive Income: Stocks
  • New Passive Income: Video Hosting
  • New Social Media Profile: Becky
  • New Spy Cam Location: Beckys Bedroom
  • Expanded Tech Skill
  • New Skill: Hacking (early WIP)
  • Refactored Schedule Engine
  • Lot's of New Topics

What's It Mean?

New Becky AT = Fairly Obvious. Though...This took a lot of time due to the change in hair color. That meant I had to make all new versions of her party scenes with the new hair color.
New Diane AT = Fairly Obvious. This is the end of Diane's 'Vanilla Route'. Once I've made Backward transitions to get Diane back to Cosmopolitan/Health Nut (next Update) I'll be holding a vote for what's next for Diane.
Diane Sex Minigame = As is normal for the end of a Cornerstone AT, a sex minigame is added.
New System: Scaleable Actions = I've wanted to add in actions that gave you the ability to transfer topics with common tags, into topics with less common tags for a while, and this is one of the methods I've come up with. It's also a good way to put more time management int he players hands.
New System: Passive Income = Every week (Monday at 0:00) your passive income will be processed (if any). See below for more details.
New System: Social Media Profile = A new button will appear on characters in the character page that will open up that characters Social Media Profile if they have one. Not all characters will have one however.
New System: Room Upgrades = There are now upgrades to rooms that will persist onward, and be needed for specific other systems to work.
New System: Spy Cams = In order to allow dirtbag players to play dirtbag characters, I've now add the ability to install spycams as a Room Upgrade.
New Scaleable Action: Park Cleanup = Tired of all those Tidyness and Chores topics clogging up your temporary topic inventory? Now can convert them into conservationist topics for an all new set of tags.
New Scaleable Action: Profile Hacking = If you'd like to get a deeper look into someones Online Profile...such as seeing thier Private Messages, or perhaps tracking down less savory activities of thiers...With the hacking skill, and the correct selection of tags, you can see what else the person is up to online...
New Scaleable Action: Daytrading = If your investments aren't growing fast enough, one way to increase that growth is spend time day trading. 
New Passive Income: Stocks = You can now invest money into a stock account from your computer, and it will generate money every week. How much depends on how much is invested, how long it's been sitting there, and if you've been daytrading to increase it's value.
New Passive Income: Video Hosting = With the introduction of spycams, it would seem a shame if you didn't monetize all that content. Well now you can! By visiting OldEgg and buying yourself a Server, you can now upload video's that you capture.
New Social Media Profile: Becky = As with all new systems. I introduce it with one character, and then expand over time. Since This system requires a lot of back tracking, I'll have to introduce social media profiles over the next few updates, and with this update being so focused on Becky, she seemed to be a good starting point. 
New Spy Cam Location: Beckys Bedroom = For the same reasons above I've introduced this system to Becky's Bedroom first, as I needed to render specific older scenes, from a set camera angle...yada yada yada... more rooms to come over the next few updates.
Expanded Tech Skill = The tech skill will be needed for some of these new systems, and in anticipation, I've added a 'Research Computers' action to the computer which  will help you gain xp, and topics.
New Skill: Hacking (early WIP) = While it's been in the game engine as a placeholder for a while, I'm finally starting to build out what the skill actually does. The introduction for this skill comes from either leveling up your Tech high enough, or from some topics you get when researching computers.
Refactored Schedule Engine = I've been planning on doing this for a while. As the game get's bigger, older systems that worked fine for a smaller game, become too clunky to keep using as the game get's bigger. The old schedule system is a good example of that. I started with a location specific event system. Then made a character specific event system, then made a Archetype specific scheduled system, and the newest iteration is an archtype specific, scheduled event system. Long story even longer... It's easier for me to make character schedules and to bug hunt/bugfix schedule issues.
Lot's of New Topics = As is usual...

That's It?

Yep...Unfortunately...I planned to have a Gina AT this update, along with possibly a Jesse and Jay AT as well, but having the first 3 weeks of the Dev Cycle hindered with a faulty driver release from NVidea, followed by the holidays kinda screwed my schedule up, which is why there's so much Non AT related content this update. I needed to work on something while I waited for NVidea to unscrew the pooch, so I could render again.
That being said...Next update will have only one refactoring project, which will be me remaking the inventory system to be click & dragable. So that I have plenty of time to make Gina's next AT + her backtrack path, along with Dianes Backtrack path to Cosmo/Health Nut, and a new Becky AT along with a new Jay AT. Jesse if there's time.


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ChangeLog for v0.00.50

What's new?

  • Maggie Normal Events: Many New Events  
  • Character State: Impulsive  
  • Maggie Impulsive Events: Many New Events  
  • Location: Maggies Bedroom 
  • Location: Stephanies Bedroom  
  • Location: Coffeeshop  
  • Job: Barista  
  • Implimentation: New Flaw
  • Mechanic: Dice Explosions  
  • Power Ability: Psychosism - Dreamscaping  
  • XP Progression      

What's it mean?    

Maggie Events :
Maggies Default Normal Events have been finished. I.E. Cooking, Working out, Watching a movie, and Sleeping.     

Character State: Impulsive 
If a character's impulse rating is 10 at the beginning of a new day, they will gain the Impulsive Personality trait, and every day will get a new impulse. Each character will have thier own set of impulses specific to thier personality. Impulsive characters gain a new schedule with new events.    

Maggie Impulsive Events :
Maggies Default Impulsive Events have been finished. I.E. Dancing, Working out, Watching a movie, and Sleeping. Also one additional Day event has been made if Maggie has the correct Impulse.    

New Locations :
Maggies Bedroom, Stephanies Bedroom, Coffeeshop (self explanitory)

The Coffeeshop will unlock shortly after gamestart. (one day).    

Job: Barista
You can now work in the coffeeshop to earn money. Though there isn't anywhere to spend it yet, except to get coffee... Jobs will have short random encounters, where you can encounter characters, or events based off your current game state...such as Impulsive Maggie forgetting to get dressed... All jobs will operate like this to some degree.   

 Implimentation: New Flaw
I've added in mechanics for if you happen to walk around with Super Strength. The lesser versions open up options for when you encounter sleeping characters...the extreme version however, can force you into certain actions.    

Mechanic: Dice Explosions
Every character now has a maximum amount of Dice Explosion (default: 1). This amount increases based on how much Super Senses you have active. During challenges that requires a dice roll, for each dice explosion you have, rolls of 6 will get an additional roll and add both totals. A single die can explode multiple times so long as you have remaining unused explosions.    

Power Ability: Psychosism - Dreamscaping
Most social/mental powers require subject to be awake. Since Psychosism interacts with a person's subconscious mind, you can now use some psychosism abilities on sleeping targets.    

XP Progression:
Billy can now earn xp for certain actions. Currently he's limited to what he can learn from Maggie. Maggie also has xp now, though she is limited as well. More options to come in the next update. 

Lots of new traits :
Traits are a good tool for making SP2 less micro-managey, as you can give a character effects that last for a few days, and go focus on other things, so I'll continuously be adding in new traits for that purpose.    

Lot's of UI tweaks, Refactoring, and bug fixes have implimented. I had to rebuild the save system ... again, so saves from the first Tech Demo will not work. But I don't forsee further save compatibility issues in the future.         

That it?   

Globex -
Unfortunately, Early on I realized that I needed more time than I had to add globex this update. I decided to cut it so I could finish the XP progression, because having a bunch of powers that always fail is worse, then having a few powers, that you can train to improve on.  

Stephanie -
When making Maggies Impulsive state, It took a lot of time...400+ rendered images worth of time. Which left me with very little time to add in Stephanies content.  


I don't know what to call this. It's not a tech demo...But It needs a bit more before I'd call it a full build release....  Buildv0 works I guess. 


At the time that I'm posting this these are still uploading.

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