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Neocorona Femdom Artwork profile
Neocorona Femdom Artwork
Neocorona Femdom Artwork
Femdom Themed Hentai Artwork and Media
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Subscription Tiers

per month
Gentle Submission Tier

"Gently encouraged to submit yourself to the fair gender"

The Gentle Tier exists for those who simply wish to bask in the glow of my continued existence by tributing a bit to help me bring more femdom creations to the world.

Every little bit helps and your contributions are appreciated greatly. I intend all my work to be publicly available so your small contributions will help provide content for everyone.

45 subscribers submissive
per month
Slave Tier

" Those whose masculinity marks the, unfit for freedom."

Along with benefits from the previous tier, you will obtain the role of slave in the discord, allowing you to express your desire to be enslaved to the women that haunt your dreams.

You will be given the role of slave on the discord, and when commissions are available only people on the slave tier or above will be able to make requests.

You will also be allowed to access my back catalog of images and legacy collections as I make them availbe.

62 subscribers slave
per month
Service Tier

"Any male can be a slave, but it takes training and dedication to be of service."

Currently aside from the flex of the man-servent title there isn't a specific benefit to the service tier other then allowing those who are generous to give me a bit of a helping hand. Your support is very much appreciated.

I am hoping we will be able to have interesting projects and rewards for this tier in the future, but currently we are busy transitioning from Patreon.

10 subscribers man-servent
per month
Livestock Tier

Currently aside from the flex of the Livestock title there isn't a specific benefit to the service tier other then allowing those who are generous to give me a bit of a helping hand. Your support is very much appreciated.

I am hoping we will be able to have interesting projects and rewards for this tier in the future, but currently we are busy transitioning from Patreon.

3 subscribers livestock
per month
Eternally Edged Tier

"Your manhood is your sin. Your manhood is eternal. Your sin must be punished. Eternally."

This tier is madness - but if what I do means that much to someone out there that can afford it, I certainly want to thank them for it :P

Currently aside from the flex of the Eternally Edged title there isn't a specific benefit to the service tier other then allowing those who are generous to give me a bit of a helping hand. Your support is very much appreciated.

I am hoping we will be able to have interesting projects and rewards for this tier in the future, but currently we are busy transitioning from Patreon.

2 subscribers Eternally Edged


  • Help support me to make Femdom Artwork for everyone!
  • Supporters will be invited to my Discord community.
  • Other features like commission access will be coming soon(tm)

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Neocorona Femdom Artwork
Public post

Commission - Community Service Femdom

Thanks to Skylar Ross for their commission request - and quite a large request this turned out to be after a few rounds of discussion. Thankfully it was just under where I would have had to draw the line so we were able to get it done in the end.

There is a lot of specific content and kinks on display here in both visuals and text. I enjoy trying to make these things seem coherent and believable beyond the initial hyperfemdom premise, but I didn't have the best start on this image and was worried it wasn't going to come together well, but I think a decent job has been don't now its all put together properly. :)
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  • Means to reaching out to the Creator directly via Instant Messenger.
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