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Hey there! Thanks for dropping by! You'll find early access, WIPs and sketches of my passion project Neighbors, as well as18+ material. Hope you enjoy your time here!
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2 поста
до достижения этой Цели
When I hit this goal, I'll be able to use the payout from SubscribeStar to pay my phone bill!
до достижения этой Цели
Hitting this goal allows me to pay all my utilities: phone, car insurance, and internet! Wowee!
до достижения этой Цели
Hitting this amount will allow me to take care of weekly groceries, as well as my utilities!
до достижения этой Цели
It's a pretty big amount, but this goal is everything below as well as part of my current rent!
до достижения этой Цели
Now we're racking up big numbers! This goal is roughly equal to my bi-weekly paycheck from my day job!
до достижения этой Цели
Truly, a pipe dream. This goal is roughly equivalent to my entire monthly earnings from my current day job. If I can hit this goal and consistently keep it, I'll essentially be pulling four paychecks a month!
[I'm not gonna set goals higher than this one, because I don't wanna tempt fate. My day job, while rough, is still stable enough to keep me going while I plug away at Neighbors. Basically, I'm not gonna quit until it's a sure thing that I *can* quit.]
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