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Naughty Attic Gaming
Naughty Attic Gaming
Naughty Attic Gaming is making erotic games.

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Naughty Attic Gaming
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Project Q : Character Introduction :: Ruby ::

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Naughty Attic Gaming
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Progress Report Week 10

This week, I'm also going to keep things a little bit shorter.
First, I hope that all of you liked the image I posted regarding the new project I am working on.
This Wednesday I'll be properly introducing the first character. :)

Sweet Affection 0.11.2

I managed to finish all work on Eve her planned content, this weekend.
All art and writing is done and I only have her diary pages left to do once I'm done with Sidney her planned content.
Speaking about Sidney, my plan is to get started on that tomorrow.
The plan is to work one week on all the art for her events and then one week to do all of the writing.
Giving me plenty of time to also finish her diary pages after that.
And I can already say that it's going to be another pretty big update. :)
I am hopeful that if everything goes according to plan, we should be able to have an
early release for Tier 3+
But as usual, I'll be able to give you guys a definitive time & date in about two weeks from now.

Project Q

In the meantime, I am also spending a little bit of time working on the other project.
Mainly practicing with lighting because that is the area where I need to improve the most.
I would like to make one thing very clear regarding Project Q.
It took me years to really learn the ins and outs of Honey Select 1.
Honey Select 2 is much more complicated when it comes to certain things.
I have been practicing with it for about 2 years now and I have feel confident about my skill to start creating the actual content.
However, at first this will be a learning process for me.
I will make mistakes with lighting or quite simply learn things later on that I currently don't know.
The end goal will be to create a 100% finished and consistent game.
But if I sometimes have to go back to update/perfect older content then I am okay with that.
And I hope you guys are okay with that as well. :)
For now, I am going to end this post and get back to work.
I wish everyone a great remainder of their weekend and I will be back this Wednesday.
Thank you to everyone who is supporting us and if you have any questions you can always reach me on here or on Discord.
- Naughty Attic Gaming
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Naughty Attic Gaming

Character Introduction New Project / Preview 1 Sweet Affection Update 0. 11. 2Here is the first i...

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Naughty Attic Gaming
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Progress Report Week 9

Because it's only the second day of the month, I'm going to keep things a little bit shorter.

Sweet Affection 0.11.2

I already started work on the March update, yesterday.
Finishing all the art for Eve's Level Up event and getting started on her Level 2 content.
My goal is to be finished with all of Eve's content around the 10th, giving me plenty of time to work on Sidney her new planned content.
And with 24 planned events in total, it's going to be another big update.
This Wednesday I will share the first preview for the new project.
This month, my goal is to introduce all the characters to you.
How they look, their names, and their roles.
I will also post the first preview for the March Sweet Affection 0.11.2 update.
Build 0.11.1 will be made available for Tier 2, this Friday.
For now, I am going to end this post and get back to work. :)
Thank you to everyone who is supporting us.
And, I will see you in a couple days.
- Naughty Attic Gaming
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Naughty Attic Gaming

Sweet Affection Update 0. 11. 1

This post also includes Mega.NZ content links
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Naughty Attic Gaming
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Progress Report Week 8 / Change-log Update 0.11.1

After last week's very long post, I'm going to keep things a little bit shorter this time.
The change-log can be found at the bottom of this post as usual.

Sweet Affection Update 0.11.1

Let's start right away with this month's update.
I am happy to say that I finished work on all the planned events for Sarah & Shannon and Hazel.
Like mentioned last week, Hazel's her diary pages will be implemented in her next update.
We started coding today and I'm expecting to start beta-testing either on Tuesday or Wednesday.
I don't expect there to be major issues though so I'm confident I can begin making all the builds on Wednesday.
If everything goes smooth, I'm hopeful that I can release the 0.11.1 build for Tier 3+ on Friday around 12:00 GMT.
At the latest, it will be around 23:00 GMT
Definitely on this Friday, 28 February though.

Sweet Affection Update 0.11.2

In the meantime, as always I already started work on next month's update.
With more focus on the side-characters in March and new content for both Eve and Sidney.
It's going to be a month filled with lots and lots of work.
But I'm happy to finally work on all the side-characters again.
It's been far too long since I worked on some of these characters.
Working on Hazel was a real joy again in February and I'm already looking forward to continue work on Eve her story in February.


Like mentioned last week, in March I want to introduce the characters for my new game.
Because I don't want to spam you guys with to many messages, I'm thinking about using the Wednesday for this.
Introducing a new character for the new project and perhaps providing everyone with a bit more information.
And then every now and then adding a preview for Sweet Affection in that post as well.
The first post will be made on March 5th.
And I will be looking forward to your feedback. :)
For now, I'm going to end this post and get back to work.
I wish everyone a great remainder of the weekend.
And thank you to everyone who is supporting us.
- Naughty Attic Gaming

Change-log 0.11.1

Sarah & Shannon Content :
Home Level E1 Sarah : 07:00 Bathroom  : 108 Images - 02 Animations - 3.398 Words
Home Level E1 Sarah : 08:00 Toilet : 099 Images - 01 Animations - 2.933 Words
Home Level E1 Sarah : 09:00 Bedroom : 117 Images - 00 Animations - 3.396 Words
Home Level E1 Shannon : 07:00 Toilet : 150 Images - 02 Animations - 4.635 Words
Home Level E1 Shannon : 08:00 Bathroom : 175 Images - 03 Animations - 5.294 Words
Home Level E1 Shannon : 09:00 Bedroom : 069 Images - 02 Animations - 2.167 Words
Diary Pages Level E1 Sarah & Shannon : 013 Images - 00 Animations - 4985 Words
(07:00, 08:00, 09:00).
Hazel Content : 
Hazel : Level Up 1 ---> 2 : 150 Images - 00 Animations - 3.843 Words
Hazel : Level 2 : 450 Images - 00 Animations - 16.373 Words
(09:00, 12:00, 18:00, 20:00, 21:00, 22:00, 23:00, 24:00)
Total : 1.331 Images - 10 Animations - 47.024 Words
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