Just to say hi! Thank you very much. I’ll share what I can to keep you lot going. Tell me what you want to see more of and I’ll unlock something about it the next month.
Just to say hi! Thank you very much. I’ll share what I can to keep you lot going. Tell me what you want to see more of and I’ll unlock something about it the next month.
All the latest, then all the rest. (Tell me about any tech bugs as we get going. Thank you!!)
Vote on each month’s theme or character(s), plus everything in prior tiers. (Thank you so much!)
All priors plus drafts!
All priors, plus custom draft sketches!
Apply jiggle physics to your mind! Decide something you’d like to see in the world and let’s bring it forth, one manga page each month. (Does not rollover to avoid overwork piling up. Contact me with any questions.)
Saved the best for last. Pick and choose what you want: twice as nice! You get two comic pages of whatever you want, each month. They can be linked or separate. (To avoid overwork, these credits do not roll over the next month. Contact me with any questions.)