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Mr Nickname profile
Mr Nickname
Mr Nickname
Hi, I make NSFW adult games. From a hentai parody of Fairy Tail to a few smaller games like a teacher/student game, or even some games in twine. These games feature a wide variety of things like transformation and female muscle growth.
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  • You'll get access to images from my games before the newest builds are released. From NSFW CGs to even new sprites. Not to mention voiting on polls, and early access to newer builds.
Displaying posts with tag Opas.Reset Filter
Mr Nickname
Public post

End of June update

Well the last week and a half I've been on a bit of a vacation so I haven't done much work coding wise, but things progressed regardless.

For starters, all the art I need for the next One Piece update is now done. So all that's left to do is finish writing Robin's growth scene then find a voice actress for Nami's scene then I can release it.

I can now confirm that an update for One Piece will go live in July.

Will probably release this early to dinner tier then have it go public in two weeks like I do the others.

There's a faint glimmer of hope that the original artist for Private Lessons may one day return so I'm going to hold onto that and keep working on it.

As for OPAS, the new artist agreed to work on the work for that on the side so I'm hoping that one day soon I can actually update you guys with something for that.

Night with Seri is going well coding wise. Artist is a bit slow lately but I'm hoping to release the intro for it soon.

Only other game to mention is the Jill valentine game. I'm really wanting to finish that as it's shorter in scale so I can write it off quickly and focus on the others more.

It's been a crazy time for me as a project that's not hentai/porn game related has recently picked up steam and it's close to becoming a reality. So I'm focusing a bit on that as well.

Hope you all are excited for the new update! I'm personally itching to get OPAS up and running again a bit. All the 100 year quest anime hype has me in an FT mood.

Still, that's gonna be slow. Last thing I wanna do is release an OPAS build with temp art. It just doesn't feel right to do that.

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Mr Nickname
Public post

An important end of the month update...

This one's early cause this is gonna go into a bit of detail regarding things like OPAS.
So I guess we'll start there.
If you're on the discord, you may know that I started looking for a new artist for OPAS again.
The good news is, I found one.
The bad news is, they have another project and I have to wait until they're done for them to work on OPAS.
Now you may wonder, why not use someone else? Truth is, I did look at others, and a few did some test images, but none came close to what this artist did.

 Yeah. Pretty good huh?
Looks like it's right from the anime.
So, after a lot of thought, and discussing in the discord, I decided to wait for this artist and spend the time working on getting one of the other projects done.
I've been doing a lot for both Night with Seri and Landlady's workout. I also found an artist for Alpha of the Wild in the whole thing and their art is pretty good as well. So I may finally have something for that.
And with only one final CG needing to be done for Nami's growth scene, there isn't much left too do for the new update of OPAL. I'd like to get a voice actress for that scene and finish Robin's growth to add to it. So hopefully that'll be soon. Personally hoping for sometime in June if I can.
No promises though.
I also want to try and finish the Jill valentine game as well. that's much smaller in scope so it shouldn't be too hard to finish compared to my other projects.
Again, if you want to keep up to date. I highly recommend checking out the discord. I'm always around to answer questions and stream my screen as I work on these games.
I hope that it isn't long before I actually release something again. Boy I miss the days when it was just a few small ideas for one game. But my head won't stop with these ideas, so I'm gonna do my best to keep thing's going.
Till next time.
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Mr Nickname
Public post

Start of May update

Things are going well on the One Piece front.
Current plan is for the art for Nami's first growth scene to be done and the writing for Robin's first growth scene to be done as well.
Once both are done I'll release the new build. It may still be a bit depending on the art. But I think it will have enough content to warrant a new update.
I'm at Robin's scene myself so I may just keep going until the art is done.
As for other games, I'm taking small steps to work on Night with Seri. I have a good idea for how the code will work, but I'm still a bit nervous. I could release a demo of the intro within a week or so but a lot of the art isn't done yet.
Private Lessons is probably the other big one I want to focus on. I know the artist had to leave, and I'm still a bit sad about it, but I've poured a lot into it already and I don't want to stop now. Current plan is to write the first draft and go from there.
I also should work on the Jill game. And maybe get a proper release made up for it.
I know a lot of people want there to be news for OPAS. And so does a part of me. I'd like to go back soon. I may take out a few things though.
Biggest problem as before is finding a new artist. I was approached recently, but it wasn't something I was happy with, so I moved on.
If anything I wanna continue it so I can do things like rocker Juvia and buff Erza and Juvia. I do wonder if I should get a different artist for the buff content though. Will need to think about it.
I feel that's all there is to say. I'm going to do my best to work more this month compared to last month. Hope you all look forward to it!
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Mr Nickname
Public post

End of 2023 update!

Well it's been quite the hectic year for me. With the OPAS artist leaving, the new one not getting back to me at all, me needing to find a new one again. 
But at least One Piece released a demo! It's been recieved well and I'm glad people enjoy it. I feel my focus will be on this for a bit. 
I've also been focusing on Private Lessons. That one's been getting well done in the writing sphere. I have a decent idea of how to structure it as I write the scenes. 
There's also been the whole patreon/subscribestar fiasco. Thankfully it's been sorted. 
I'm glad I've still been able to tinker with other projects lately though. Like Alpha of the Wild, and even toying with twine again. 
There's also my non-nsfw stuff I do but you guys don't care about that. 
There's also the comic. Which ended this year. I even had a back and front cover made. And am currently looking to get it dubbed. 
I feel the main goal with 2024 is to focus on one to two projects at a time. Like One Piece and Private Lessons. 
Doesn't mean there won't be updates for other things though. The Seri Awashima game finally has an artist. And I may release Alpha of the Wild with free updates with purely temp art till it gets to a good point I feel it can live with an artist and not take up half my budget. 
Anyways. I know I've been quiet here a lot. But I'm still chipping away at things and your support always helps. I highly recommend checking out the discord as I'm always active there and can answer your questions there fast. 
Until I see you again though, I hope you had a happy holiday and will have a happy new year!
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