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Mr Nickname
Mr Nickname
Hi, I make NSFW adult games. From a hentai parody of Fairy Tail to a few smaller games like a teacher/student game, or even some games in twine. These games feature a wide variety of things like transformation and female muscle growth.
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Displaying posts with tag PrivateLessons.Reset Filter
Mr Nickname
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Start of May update

Things are going well on the One Piece front.
Current plan is for the art for Nami's first growth scene to be done and the writing for Robin's first growth scene to be done as well.
Once both are done I'll release the new build. It may still be a bit depending on the art. But I think it will have enough content to warrant a new update.
I'm at Robin's scene myself so I may just keep going until the art is done.
As for other games, I'm taking small steps to work on Night with Seri. I have a good idea for how the code will work, but I'm still a bit nervous. I could release a demo of the intro within a week or so but a lot of the art isn't done yet.
Private Lessons is probably the other big one I want to focus on. I know the artist had to leave, and I'm still a bit sad about it, but I've poured a lot into it already and I don't want to stop now. Current plan is to write the first draft and go from there.
I also should work on the Jill game. And maybe get a proper release made up for it.
I know a lot of people want there to be news for OPAS. And so does a part of me. I'd like to go back soon. I may take out a few things though.
Biggest problem as before is finding a new artist. I was approached recently, but it wasn't something I was happy with, so I moved on.
If anything I wanna continue it so I can do things like rocker Juvia and buff Erza and Juvia. I do wonder if I should get a different artist for the buff content though. Will need to think about it.
I feel that's all there is to say. I'm going to do my best to work more this month compared to last month. Hope you all look forward to it!
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Mr Nickname
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Some bad news regarding Private Lessons

Sadly, the artist for Private Lessons has had to quit due to no longer being able to be a freelance artist.
It's sad, as I really liked the art that they had done so far, and was rather excited to see more.
But it happens, life goes on. But the question remains, what happens next with Private Lessons?
I do want to still release it. I'm just not sure when to look for a new artist now.
Should I find one right away, or wait till I figure out the current block I have in the writing?
Or wait till I have the first draft done?
The whole reason I got an artist for this game so early in the first place was to have a design down for the characters.
I'm undecided. But it's something I'll have to think over for a few days.
For now, I think I'll just keep going and see what comes next. Hopefully it's some good news.

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Mr Nickname
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Start of April update

Hey, this week's been busy for me so this slipped my mind till now. 
Things have been ramping up again. Been getting more art for one piece done so there's going to be some of that down the line. 
Been putting together the basics for Night with Seri and have been making decent progress. once that's done it really shouldn't be too hard to get it done. 
Private Lessons has hit a bit of a... I don't want to say roadblock, more like a possible detour?
The issue is I'm debating if Miss April should take off her blazer partway through the game. instead just wearing her shirt. it makes sense as it's a corruption game and that's a main aspect of it. But on the other hand I kind of like her default outfit a lot. I feel her without her blazer wouldn't be as nice. But I've also continued writing it with her taking it off. And it has helped me get the story rolling again. What I may do is ask for a version of a alt sprite, then maybe keep writing and if I change my mind, edit that part out. I may put it to a vote if I have both versions of her. 
Alpha of the Wild is in a odd state. If I went and finished all the temp art I needed, I could release a build. I'm just un-sure if it really works the way I want it to. Not to mention that I feel I have too many scenes that may jack up the price of whatever artist I end up getting. 
Again, may put this to a vote. 
Other then that that's all there is. I'd like to get something out soon. But part of why I haven't is due to not having all the art for things. I'd release builds of private lessons and night with seri if I did. 
I know some people are upset that I've not released anything and I keep starting new projects without finishing anything. And I'm truly sorry. It really has been a lesson learned for me. I have a lot of ideas. And I'm now doing my best to keep them back until I get some of these games done and dusted. 
Hope you all enjoy what I have planned though! Till next time!
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Mr Nickname
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Start of Month update. 

Bit late on this sadly. But that's mostly cause there isn't much to say. 
I've still been working hard yes. In fact I bet I could cobble together a demo of Night with Seri if I had all the art finished. (or just use sketches again I don't know.)
And Private Lessons has been going well also. Again, if I had the art, I'd be able to release a demo. 
Not much of a response to the Jill game but it wasn't much of a release as I would've liked. I'm just starting to get desperate to release something. I feel bad leaving you guys hanging like this, and I don't want to keep doing this. 
In more details, I'm at the point with coding the Seri game where the actual gameplay comes in. the whole story intro is now done. And if a demo was made, it'd be that whole section. 
Private Lessons I'm not sure where the demo would end. Probably fairly early then have a supporter version that has more. 
One Piece has been slow. Only recently did I actually get some new ideas for Robin's storyline that I liked. (hint: heist time!)
And in terms of the usual new idea that my brain refuses to not let me have, FF7 Rebirth has me wanting to do a Tifa game. 
I thankfully have very few ideas, so it'll be a while before that starts up. 
Anyways, I'm really hoping I can show you all something soon. even if it's just art. I'm trying hard to get to a point where I can show things, but I'm also trying to keep some surprises in line for everyone. 
That's about all I have to say, if you've got any questions, feel free to ask me here, or on discord. I hope the next update will be a new update for the Jill game, (still need a name for it). 
See you then. 
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Mr Nickname

End of January Update

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Mr Nickname
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End of 2023 update!

Well it's been quite the hectic year for me. With the OPAS artist leaving, the new one not getting back to me at all, me needing to find a new one again. 
But at least One Piece released a demo! It's been recieved well and I'm glad people enjoy it. I feel my focus will be on this for a bit. 
I've also been focusing on Private Lessons. That one's been getting well done in the writing sphere. I have a decent idea of how to structure it as I write the scenes. 
There's also been the whole patreon/subscribestar fiasco. Thankfully it's been sorted. 
I'm glad I've still been able to tinker with other projects lately though. Like Alpha of the Wild, and even toying with twine again. 
There's also my non-nsfw stuff I do but you guys don't care about that. 
There's also the comic. Which ended this year. I even had a back and front cover made. And am currently looking to get it dubbed. 
I feel the main goal with 2024 is to focus on one to two projects at a time. Like One Piece and Private Lessons. 
Doesn't mean there won't be updates for other things though. The Seri Awashima game finally has an artist. And I may release Alpha of the Wild with free updates with purely temp art till it gets to a good point I feel it can live with an artist and not take up half my budget. 
Anyways. I know I've been quiet here a lot. But I'm still chipping away at things and your support always helps. I highly recommend checking out the discord as I'm always active there and can answer your questions there fast. 
Until I see you again though, I hope you had a happy holiday and will have a happy new year!
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