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[New Mod!] Wompy Womp - Random Sexy Edition v1 Available! [Palworld Mod]

EDIT : Uploaded a v2 versions which just allows you to set 'Max Wompage Count' to 0 which disables random Wompage. Someone on LoversLab mentioned they couldn't do a boss fight properly because there was too much Wompage! This allows you to disable Wompy Womp before entering such a serious situation!

People have been asking for a gamplay mod for SCake constantly, and, well, here's one that's reasonably usable! Is it great? No. Does it exist? YES! Wompy Womp - Random Sexy Edition is a quick mod I put together more-or-less to prove a point and show you can make a usable gameplay module for SCake in a very short period of time, and here's the result!

Wompy Womp - Random Sexy Edition is a mod for Project Sugar Cake which periodically scans for characters and starts random erotic animation events with other characters nearby, making them Womp! The player is only considered for random events if they are above 200% Sex Heat, but if the player is in a solo animation then WompyWomp will scan for another character to add into the Wompage! There's a handful of other things, like there's a menu for customizing how often WompyWomp tries to start an event, how many events can run simultaneously, and how many attempts WompyWomp will make before waiting again. Matching is also done on a distance basis, first checking the closest character when matching so if you're doing a solo womp-session, make sure to be close to your favorite womper!~ =^.-=
Wompy Womp is an example mod and has Source available! You can either get it on Discord (for free) or in the restricted post on SubscribeStar for Subscribers! (I have an upcoming blog post covering why it's restricted within the next week)

This mod is the result of a conversation in our Discord, The Broken Chatbox!

A shout-out to Shenova for suggesting this when I had nothing better to do (apparently), also a thank you for testing it! If you'd like to join in discussions like this, see live dev updates, or just hang out, please don't forget to join The Broken Chatbox!~ (
- Wompy Womp - Random Sexy Edition -
- Changelog -
v1Added :
  • Periodic (defaults to every 15 seconds) random scanning for matching random characters for animations, randomly chooses between 3 distance fields (Near/Mid/Far) and selects a random target in that distance to match with other characters nearby, matches are only considered valid if they are within a certain distance of each-other
  • Added a feature which adds the Player to the random scan if they are at 200% Sex Heat or higher (also adds summoned pal if they are at 200% sex heat, but I think they were already added in near scans anyways)
  • Added if the Player is in a solo animation then when a scan is performed it will try and match the player with another character nearby without doing any normal scans
  • Added all scans are done by distance first, so closest character is checked first then gets progressively farther as attempts fail or are considered invalid
  • A max animation handled count meaning only a certain number of random animations will be triggered at once (defaults to 1), more random animations won't trigger until these events have ended, player solo animation check is excluded from this value and will check regardless of how many animations are going
  • Added a simple menu to customize the frequency of random checks, the max number of random events going at once, and how many scan attempts are allowed per-check all with descriptions, does not persist between sessions and must be editted when loading into the game if desired

What's Next?

So this is a bit of an odd one, because this isn't really a long-term project or anything. Instead, Wompy Womp was just an off-the-cuff project that only took a few hours to put together and acts as an example of a simple gameplay mod for SCake. We've been struggling to get more people on the coding side of Palworld modding so the goal here is to show how quickly and easily you can get something up and running. It only took 15 minutes to post the first iteration, then I logged 4.5 hours on this project before having what we got here (sans some spelling corrections I just did last minute... I wish I could spell properly Q.Q). I'm also providing the source so other modders interested in making modules for SCake can see a simple example and use it as a reference or jumping off point for their own ideas. There are some complications with sharing source files with Unreal Engine I'll be covering in a future post so I won't go over it here, but I do need to be careful with where and how I share these source files so they won't be posted publicly and instead be restricted to Discord and a restricted SubscribeStar post for now until some concerns are addressed. (I am NOT trying to paywall the source, because of how unreal assets work it's just not safe to share the source as openly as other types of code projects unfortunately, however I will be using this method to distribute the code for all the modules I make and eventually SCake/Altermatic/UniPalUI as well)
Currently there are no plans to expand Wompy Womp - Random Sexy Edition, instead these features are going to be expanded upon and included inside the 'Palicious' gameplay module I've been working on.
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Project Sugar Cake v0.5 DEV Available! [Palworld Mod]

(New Custom Objects!)

Hmm.. where do I even begin with this update.. It's been much longer than intended since the last update for Project Sugar Cake (sorry! >.<). From accidentally not releasing 4.3, to finding all new issues which required massive reworks, to requests for the API that wouldn't work with the current system, this update has been a bit of a mess internally! But either way, it's here and it's a massive change! (At least on the backend, more about that later!)

Honestly, at this point, I can't even REMEMBER what the goals of 0.5 where, but I sure hope I hit those goals! This update featured some massive changes for the backend as well as integrates UniPalUI! (Note : UniPalUI is now a requirement for full functionality!) The first major change comes in the form of custom data objects, previously SCake used a lot of structs but we found that could cause issues with future compatibility when integrating with mods so I decided to move a ton of things to custom objects so they can be more easily accessible and simplify/speed-up some internal systems while also exposing those objects and their variables to the SDK, allowing more complex modules! I'll be expanding on this in the future, but other changes include the transition to UniPalUI for the UI and input, new debug controls that allow more than just 2 actors, a FreeCam mode while in animations (heavily requested!), and a TON of bug-fixes! There's also new detection methods for persistence which should help make it more reliable/performant!
- Project Sugar Cake -
- Changelog -
SCake Version 0.5 DEV (Beta)Notes :
  • This version comes with the all new detection methods for faster, more performant, and hopefully more reliable detections for tracking and stats! If you notice new issues with these detection methods, please let me know ASAP!
  • This version switched to UniPalUI for both input and UI handling, UniPalUI is now a hard requirement for SCake to have full functionality!
  • Do-to saving changes and fixes to the persistence, "SaveSystem" and "SavePal" files from older SCake versions have been invalidated and will reset when loading with the new version. If you wish to keep your old save data despite the changes you can change the save file's "SCake_ModVersion" to "5000" in the associated SCake_SavePal_WorldID.json file, however a lot of data may not load.
  • This version adds functional Altermatic integrations, requires Altermatic 0.4.0 DEV or newer to take advantage of them! If an older or no version is present then the integrations won't function. (Altermatic is not a requirement, just listens to calls made by SCake for certain functionality)
  • Adjustment profiles have been reset since the way they are tracked and saved has changed

Added :
  • __Create_Load_List__.bat will now try to scan .json files for UniqueAnimID and UniqueEventID to try and predict if the json config actually contains animation data (the ID is required for anims/events to register, so if they are excluded then it most likely isn't an anim config JSON)
  • Started transitioning to the new Unified UI system (May release as its own framework in the future)
  • Improved and re-enabled Async systems on the Register, this will drastically reduce the freeze-up on initial load but anims will take a short bit to register after the game starts up (Lock-ups can still happen depending on what anim packs you have installed and your hardware, packs with excessively large AnimJSON files will cause a lockup when loading in since the parsing of their data couldn't be fully asynced this update, solution is to create an async parser or have creators split up their json files into small chunks)
  • "SCake_GetAnimObj" API Function, this returns the AnimObj which stores the data for an animation
  • "SCake_GetEventObj" API Function, this returns the EventObj which stores the data for an animation
  • Register now also sends the "Report" to UE4SS's console when "Set_ReportRegFails" is enabled (Still sends an in-game notification)
  • Added new FreeCam mode which triggers while controlling an animation, use WASD for forward/horizontal and QE for vertical, mouse controls camera direction (Disables while the adjustment menu is open, no gamepad controls for now)
  • Animation switching in Animation Control menu will now show the Animation Event details in the description box similar to the Animation Event List
  • Aroused Morphs now apply to all mesh components on an character (enables replacers that use alternate replacer methods or for add-on mesh objects to have functional Aroused morphs)
  • SCake will now have integrations with SCake and be able to call certain functions when required (Only available on Altermatic 0.4.0 DEV and newer!)
  • "SCake_ED_SexEquipChanged" Dispatcher, this is called whenever the SexEquip for a Pal Character with an associated PalComp changes (should also trigger when a new comp is first created, however using SCake_ED_TrackPalEnabled is better for that kind of use case)
  • Added new randomized gender/sex equipment spawning system, now when characters are first detected they will be assigned a random gender based on the user's preference settings (on a technical level, the sex equip is now stored in the PalComp which is used for tracking)
  • Added Player gender as its own separate setting so it is no longer tied to the no-longer existing hard gender swap system
  • Added an all new detection system which is replacing the old 'forced' detection system, this new method hooks into game functions and is much more reliable but still needs testing to find edge cases (the old methods still run as a fallback but at a drastically reduced rate)
  • "Natural Sex Heat Rate" added to the menu, this configures how quickly Sex Heat changes naturally over time before any multipliers or additions

Changed :
  • Most defaults were changed from their initial 'debug convenient' settings to more gameplay focused settings
  • - Max Event Duration (90sec > 300sec)
  • - Base Pleasure Gain Rate (120 > 80)
  • - Pleasure Loss On Orgasm (80% > 95%)
  • Drastically reduce default Sex Heat Gain over time (Multiplier * 1.4 per hour > 0.4 per hour) (This should reduce how often characters get aroused and allow more dynamic systems in the future, this should cause heat to 'fill' after a couple in-game days)
  • Characters should no longer gain Sexual Pleasure or Sex Heat while orgasming (should freeze at the reduce value)
  • "SendReportMessage" aka Notifications now show through the Unified UI system (UniPalUI)
  • Most input is now handled by UniPalUI
  • Animations and Events are now stored as custom Objects (SCake_AnimObj and SCake_EventObj), this allows more flexibility, is more stable to expose to the SDK, easier to use for modules, and should be faster in more complex scenarios
  • Extended fail conditions for the Register to now fail when non-critical stuff is also invalid such as climax definitions (should help to ensure better compatibility, reduce confusion, and help modders debug their JSON files)
  • Changed some menu wording/titles
  • Completely transitioned to UniPalUI for all settings and configuration
  • Completely transitioned to UniPalUI for all input registers/handling
  • Changed all controls invalidating all previous keybinds
  • - Debug targetting changed, now you use the debug keys to select targets and hold a key to start an animation with all targets (This allows animations with more than 2 actors at a time to be triggered in debug animations, previous trace limitations still apply)
  • - Shift+K : Open Animation Control for Target (Hold for summon)
  • - J : Touch Self / J with Debug : Target Self for Animation (Hold to touch self)
  • - G with Debug : Target For Animation (Hold for summon)
  • - H with Debug : Clear Animation Targets (Hold to start animation)
  • - R in Anim : Open Adjust Menu
  • - Shift+[ with Debug : Increase Sex Heat of Targets (by 10)
  • - Shift+] with Debug : Decrease Sex Heat of Targets (by 10)
  • Extended distance all debug keys are able to function at
  • Sex Heat now caps at 1000
  • During Animation Control, pleasure bars now show at the bottom of the screen and have a different look to them
  • Increased the time orgasms add to animations without a climax animation to 8 seconds (was 5)
  • Slightly changed default gender assignments for NPCs (All NPCs should now assign as either Male or Female with Male being the 'default')
  • Re-organized the Preferences menu to show gender options first, separated Player Gender as its own option within this menu instead of a sub-menu, added appropriate menues for other additions
  • Preference Settings now contains the Player Gender on it rather than in a sub-menu (it's its own setting now)
  • Changed hard gender switch menus to "xxx Gender Spawn Rates" for the new dynamic gender spawning system, this menu allows you to set percentage chances for different gender spawns
  • Changed hard gender switch for human characters into a "base gender" menu where you define what in-game gender each NPC type should be recognized as by default (in-game NPCs have their gender set to 'None' however SCake no longer takes in none as a gender and instead defaults to Male, for female NPCs this setting should be changed to "Female" while the rest can be left as is)
  • SCake no longer uses "none" as a default gender type and instead assumes male for all undefined genders, none was removed from menu selections (Note : None is still used when defining requirements as a "no sex equip required" type setting, characters will just no longer have a 'none' option)
  • Requirements for pals to persist have been made more strict to prevent non-relevant pals/npcs from accidentally being tracked while also adding additional systems and checks to make catching when a pal should be persistent much more reliable
  • Adjustment profiles now account for all characters in the animation when determining a profile to use, this should prevent issues where animations are available for multiple sizes (this update resets old adjustment profiles with this change, uses scale factor which is mostly untested so hopefully it works but if not we'll have to try again with a different method)
  • Changed some key values in the SaveSystem JSON (since it was being reset this update anyways, figured I could simplify it a bit and remove unnecessary prefix')

Removed :
  • API Events "SCake_RegisterAnim" and "SCake_RegisterAnimEvent" have been removed to help streamline loading and removed some dependency on Structs (A future version of these functions will be made which allows you to directly create the necessary datamap which will work the same way JSON registration currently does, this allows more features to be utilized with BP anim registering and prevent breakage between versions)
  • API Function "SCake_AdjustAnimCamPos" has been removed along with the old camera system (Replaced by freecam)
  • Removed old menu and menu control (Menus are now handled by UniPalUI)
  • Removed "Game Settings" from SCake's menu since it had no options within (Will return if there's ever anything to add in there)
  • Removed cam position saving for animations and removed this param from the adjust profile (May be possible to add back in a new form but with the new free-cam the old system no longer functions)
  • "Use Global Cam Adjustment" has been removed (Made invalid by new FreeCam)
  • Hard gender switch settings and system completely removed (replaced by dynamic gender spawning system)

Fixed :
  • __Create_Load_List__.bat will now properly run in admin mode for all users regardless of your environment set up (while in windows at least)
  • __Create_Load_List__.bat now properly checks for the .json extension before adding to the list
  • Anim compatibility checker was sometimes checking SexEquips in reverse, making Futa/FullFuta/Andro types not always behave as expected
  • The __Create_Load_List__.bat file should now work in file paths with spaces in them
  • Debug Input for starting solo target anims should now report errors like other debug functions (should be easier to understand what's happening, the lack of a notification was just an oversight)
  • Registration no longer ends early when an AnimJSON used UniqueAnimID or UniqueEventID but included more than one register variable
  • Co-op skills should now be disabled during player involved animations
  • Andro should now proper register in compatibility for animations and not break the compat settings (was being skipped in the parser and messing up the compatibility map)
  • Optimized the JSON parser to save directly to the anim/event object which is a decent speedup
  • Minor optimization to JSON parser (new method is being investigated which could both save more memory and be much faster, however implementation is difficult)
  • Removed a lot of unused/unnecessary data which should improve memory usage (and potentially performance?)
  • Event Register should now properly compare compatibility across all animations and only register with compatible matches
  • Minor optimizations to save/load functions (switched some methods around for a theoretical 10-25% speed up with their use, but will most likely have no meaningful impact overall)
  • When calling "SCake_GetPalComp" with a valid pal but no associated PalComp exists, one will be created and properly initialized (This is how the internal function already worked but the API wasn't using it, now it is)
  • Fixed pals not always being set as persistent when loading from the persist file, causing their stats to reset randomly after a game load (the new load system uses a persist value within the tracker itself now instead of relying on live status read from the game, the original issue was caused when loading a persistent pal's data but it was invalid so it could not check if it should persist)
  • Fixed certain NPCs and Pals from events being accidentally marked as persistent (the game does not properly flag all NPCs/Pals which caused strange and hard to debug save bloat, stricter requirements and new manual persist methods work around this issue)
  • Added a delay to saving to help reduce potential stutter from saving at the same time as the game does (reduces processing on a single frame and splits it up a bit better)

New Custom Objects!

If you hadn't seen it, check out the previous update post for Altermatic which goes over a new custom save method which uses custom objects! That method isn't yet implemented into SCake (still need some internal changes before that is viable) but is something coming down the pipeline, but one thing I'd like to briefly touch on here is custom objects! Now it's fairly common in object oriented program to create your own custom objects, but a lot of people don't quite understand what that means, especially in regards to engines like Unreal Engine which have pretty much all the common objects built and ready to use by default. But further still, how does this related to modding? What's the benefit?
To quickly explain custom objects, in object oriented programming like C++ which Unreal Engine uses, you can define specific objects with different properties and you then can use copies or modified versions of these objects however you see fit through parent/child relationships. The specifics are complicated, but for those less technically incline just consider this like a custom basket you can make where you decide what goes inside, how you open/close it, where and how many handles there are, ect. Typically for mods you don't need these all that much since you're generally working on in-game objects, but if you want to implement your own systems it may become necessary depending how things are put together!
Originally SCake was designed to just use dynamic arrays and structs, structs allow you to have a set amount of 'data' in a specific structure which you can pass around like any other variable like a number but it has some major limitations. The first is that a structure has to be broken down and re-built when interacting with the contents, secondly you can't reference specific variables within it, and thrice they can be very tricky to work with and break between changes on them which would cause modules to need updates any time a struct changes. These things combined have honestly made me kind of hate working with Structs in Unreal Engine, especially since we're stuck to Blueprints where they can be even more trouble. The alternative was going through and making/using custom objects.
In contrast, objects are able to be referenced however you want, you can reference individual variables, and you can add/remove content without causing crashes from modules! Fixes all the problems, right? Well, mostly, because while custom objects do solve many problems they can also be tricky to work with in code. They must be created with a parent relationship, in this use case we parent directly to SCake's main actor which prevents the objects from being garbage collected. Objects also can't be passed as variables, instead you pass around references so this change required a complete sweep of the code to change how all these functions worked and how data is passed around. Other than that though? It's honestly been amazing and much easier to work with than structs! The major trade-offs we have to consider in the future however, is that Objects take slightly more memory and can only pass as reference so if we want to, say, clone data or use pointers instead of values we have to do all those calculations manually which could be a pain if ever required.
Generally though, I think this is a massively beneficial change and something I should have done from the start! Technically I was already using this method before with Actor Components, which are objects but with additional functionality like running OnTick and contain several other features a raw object type lacks. Stuff like the Animation Player runs inside it's own component called SCake_EventComp which each animation has its own instance to prevent accidental cross-talk, so it makes sense I'd also move things like Animation/Event data into custom objects as well!

What's Next?

Ok, we've been talking about multiplayer for quite a long while now, but I think it's actually going to happen. In the Discord we've been talking about it here and there and I plan to try and get a meet-up going in voice chat so we can get people together to test some various multiplayer stuffs! People seem really interested in getting it all going, so it's certainly the next major step! I'd also like to mess with getting audio (the next most requested feature) but right now there's some issues working with WWise that Palworld uses and isn't version safe so I may need to run with Unreal Engine's default systems and see how it goes. I haven't messed with audio for quite a few updates, not since I messed with subsystem injection, so that may be tricky. I also want to work on Palicious Lust, which is the Gameplay Module I said I'd work on and may release some early test version on Discord soon! (Also going to be trying to implement some animation related stuff, like getting mesh restrictions working and implementing the callbacks during animation systems implemented fully)
Current Road Map
1 ) Work on getting multiplayer working properly
2 ) Investigate audio integration
3 ) Work on Palicious Lust gameplay module
4 ) ???
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Project Sugar Cake v0.4.2 DEV Released! (BETA) [Palworld Mod]

Last update wasn't too long ago, but man was it a mess! Not the update itself but rather the situation surrounding it. If you aren't caught up, my last blog post was about Palworld and the packaging changes involving IO Store. This is the first release where I'm actually exporting both versions into the same package and just kinda hoping for the best, but also shortly after this post I do have another mod to reveal related to Palworld! (If you're in the Discord you've potentially already seen it ^.-) Short write up for this update as it's not super major, but it does feature a critical fix!
I'll admit the last update's release was a bit rushed near the end and that lead to a pretty nasty bug residing in some new functionality. I was already planning a small update to coincide with Altermatic but this critical fix made it even more important! AdjustProfiles unfortunately had a memory leak! @.@ It was reported by a community member, and their AdjustProfile reached 17mb!!! I wasn't able to find the source but did confirm it 'could' happen, just didn't know what exactly was causing it. So I did what any reasonable programmer would do... I re-wrote the entire implementation, leaving only tertiary code untouched. Benefit? AdjustProfile code is a lot faster and uses a more complex-to-make but quick-to-process system. Since the profiles would be experiencing bloat I invalidated all previous profiles with a version cut-off, so you'll need to re-adjust your alignment again. >.<

Additionally it was suggested to add another Gender, which we've dubbed "Andro". Andro is a setting for "Vagina Only" definition and is now fully supported within SCake!

- Project Sugar Cake -
- Full Changelog -
SCake Version 0.4.2 DEV (Beta)

Note :This update invalidates old AdjustProfiles since fixes were made.

Added :
  • "Andro (Vagina Only)" Sex Equip definition (Can be configured in JSON for compatibility as well)
  • AdjustProfile now records the last SCake_ModVersion it was saved on

Changed :
  • Doubled debug input's trace distance (how far the game scans for selections)

Changed/Fixed :
  • Cam Adjustments are now properly determined by EventID rather than AnimID, this should fix inconsistant behavior when animation events start on different stages (same cam position for the full event)

Fixed :
  • AdjustProfile saving null values ("0.0") in the SaveAdjust JSON
  • Cam Adjustments should now load from the SaveAdjust file properly
  • AdjustProfile save duplicating/not removing redundant entries and vastly improved performance (completely re-wrote large sections to use a new system similar to how I assign custom genders)

What's Next?

I... think multiplayer support? Or, rather, at least 'testing' multiplayer support and seeing how far I can get. There's been an increasing number of people interested in multiplayer support, and while I've been saying it's part of the plan I'd not made any major advances on it in a good while. So, I think it's a reasonable time to try and push on that front given the recent big update has given the game a large spike in players. In the immediate future however I have the other Palworld modding project to tend to as well, Altermatic! That mod will have its own post so I won't cover it here, but if you've been in the Discord you may have seen us testing it, and it's exciting! (Well, I'm enthusiastic about it at least >.<)

Current Road Map
1 ) Release Altermatic and work on integrations
2 ) Work on anim packs and try to expand releases
3 ) Test/work on multiplayer support
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Project Sugar Cake v0.4 DEV Released! (BETA) [Palworld Mod]

UPDATE 2024-06-28 :
PocketPair reverted their package changes which means the new io store packages are now broken and old packages are working again. I've release a repackaged version of SCake (0.4.1) and the Anim pak, downloadable through the same link as before!
Emergency update for SCake!!!
Well, not really an emergency per-say, but critical non-the-less! The large Sakurajima update for Palworld broke mods when they changed their packaging method for the game. This didn't break too much in terms of actual mod compatibility, but it does mean all mods need to be repackaged with 'Io Store' enabled, this includes SCake, Anim Packs, mesh replacers, ect. I was already working on a decently sized update before so there's still some really cool stuff in here, just sucks that a lot of other mods may take a bit to get updated!
Alright, so lets cover the Sakura in the room, what did SCake need for compatibility with the Sakurajima update? Well, 3 things, firstly I just had to re-package ProjectSugarCake with the new format (enabling 'Io Store' in UE5's packaging settings), which was simple enough, then the mod was able to start up. After that however, I quickly noticed after re-building my SCake_BasicsAnimPak into a new Anim Pack (also released along-side this update, called Spirit's Naughty Human Anims, though it's just the same animation with updated info for now X.x) the loader code for SCake no longer worked! This meant I had to build a new loader (wasn't too difficult since I already had the research for other potential methods) then create a translation layer that re-formatted existing file-paths so the JSON formatting didn't need to change.
Simple stuffs! Now, generally everything else 'seems' to work fine, but this update is slightly rushed with not a lot of testing so there could be some new bugs or issues with features, especially new features, but I guess that's why this is a DEV version, right!?
Anyways, other major additions, AdjustProfiles are now a thing! Currently SCake is only set up to have a single profile, but this allows position and camera adjustments between animations to carry over between animations/sessions! (Finally don't need to re-align every single time, it'll save and re-apply it now!). Made some major improvements and finally finished the Validators for registering and playing back animations! This means things should flow much more smoothly and help modders see where their anim-packs are failing better. Restrictions were also added for when animations can play to prevent breakage, along with some minor adjustments to positioning code. Added a ton of additional features for modders within the SDK and exposed a bunch of variables for easy access, this should allow more advanced Modules to be created! Of course there's more, check the Changelog for details!

- Project Sugar Cake -
- Full Changelog -
SCake Version 0.4 DEV (Beta)

Notes :
  • The Sakurajima 0.3.1 update broke older mods and SCake's old loader function, this means all mods need to be re-packaged to the new format before they will work correctly, this includes Anim Packs. I've created a translation layer within SCake to the new loader format so the old JSON format should continue to work!
  • This update works on major improvements to various validators to ensure animations register and playback correctly, if something was incorrectly set in animation pack .json files before but wasn't validated, they may now fail to register or behave differently

Added :
  • Made a new Loader and Translation layer for loading animations after the "Sakurajima 0.3.1" Game Update (Old loader stopped working and this new loader won't work on older versions of the game) .. - "ActLocations" has been added to API Function "SCake Get Compat Events" .. - "ActLocations" has been added to API Function "SCake Start Anim Event" .. - API Function "SCake Get Compat Events" now accounts for the input Aggressors and Act Types/Locations input (Note : Animations without Aggressors or ActTypes/Locations configured as expected will not return with these optional parameters) .. - API Function "SCake_GetPalComp" which pulls the associated PalComp for the referenced Pal Character (PalComp stores all tracked data for a character, use this reference to pull that data without a function call)
  • Added Variables to the SDK for direct reference, this allows modders to directly reference these variables without any API calls, many of which were not exposed previously by a function call
    • ProjectSugarCake Var Exposed : Pal_Player, Pal_PlayerController, SCake_ModVersion, Data_EventCompArray, System_InputState, Data_PalsInAnim, Data_PalCompMap, Key_Menu, Key_Select, Key_Up, Key_Down, Key_Left, Key_Right
    • SCake_PalComp Var Exposed : PalReference, InstanceID, CharacterID, SexualPleasure, CloseToOrgasm, SexCount, OrgasmCount, SexHeat, IsAroused
    • SCake_EventComp Var Exposed : PalList, EventID, AnimID, NonErotic, Aggressors, AnimRoot, PlayAnimDuration, PalsHaveOrgasmed
  • Validator now checks for Mounted/Gliding state for all characters and checks if player characters are currently riding, will invalidate these states for animations to prevent various issues
  • SCake's internal version number now shows in the start-up message pop-up
  • API Dispatcher "SCake_ED_AnimSwitch" which is called any time an Animation Event switches animations
  • Finished all critical validation for the Animation Register, now should check and validate all critical parameters and prevent registering broken animations while also purging some out-of-scope data (note if an anim json file has incorrect data it could still cause playback errors, this validation only prevents incomplete or invalid data passing)
  • Finished validation for Animation Event Register, now checks and validates all parameters to ensure they are consistent while setting variables automatically instead of making assumptions (this means stuff like actor count, compatability, NonErotic, ect. all validate and set automatically) .. - "NPCID" and "BPClass" for 'Human' characters can now optionally be used in JSON configuration for animation packs, allowing defining animations for very specific Human NPCs .. - "Player" can now be used in JSON configurations for animation packs, allowing specifically only allowing the Player character (Note "Human" still includes the player)
  • Positional Adjustments are now saved for each animation into an AdjustProfile, which is saved as a JSON config file named "_SCake_AdjustProfile_Slot0.json" which stores position adjustments made for each character within an animation, this allows positional adjustments to save across Events/sessions
  • Camera position is now saved per-animation and saves with the AdjustProfile (the JSON that stores position adjustments) .. - "Use Global Cam Adjustment" added to Preference Settings, while enabled the cam position reverts to using a global position and ignores the new AdjustProfile system .. - "All HumanIDs Match" added to the System Settings, while enabled "Human NPC" IDs will all be compatible with one another (all considered as "Human" like before this update)
  • "Player Matches HumanIDs" added to System Settings, while enabled the player will be compatible with all "Human NPC" IDs, including 'Human' and 'Player', otherwise only the player is only compatible with 'Player' in CharacterID compatibility checks (Enabled as the default behavior but allows future support for Player Unique animations when players use replacers that are non-human or have unique anatomy and wish to configure which anims do/don't work manually or install anim paks dedicated to that replacer)

Changed :
  • Re-enabled animation asset validation in the register with new code that reduces redundancy and should be much more efficient (A very small number of users may experience increased load times from this change thanks to a strange UE5 bug, however that increase shouldn't be nearly as long as before, I tried running validation as a batch to work around this issue but then I ran into yet another UE5.1 bug that prevented that method from working so we're just going to have to deal with it)
  • SCake's UI should now show through the Loading Screen and in-game menus (Done for debug purposes, this behavior will most likely change again in the future) .. - When registering Animation or Events, Invalid Climax Variants will now cause the Anim/Event fail to register (previously just removed the climax var, to make the experience more straightforward and enable better debugging this has changed, also allows some optimizations during playback)
  • Default behavior for camera handling during player involved animation events now uses the new AdjustProfile by default (may need to adjust the camera each time a new animation crops up depending on your preferences, or enable the "Use Global Cam Adjustment" setting)
  • API Dispatcher "SCake_ED_AnimStart" now calls after an Animation Event has actually started playing an animation rather than during initialization, this ensures all parameters are set by the time the Dispatcher is sent

Removed :
  • API Function "SCake_GetEventCompParams" is no longer in the API since it's made redundant with variables now exposed (removing the function is better for future compatibility)
  • "Auto Save Frequency" in Game Settings removed since it's a normal in-game setting now

Fixed :
  • Human Sex Equip settings not being switchable in the menu (Caused by mis-named callback variable)
  • Added additional validation checks for when an invalid UniqueID is passed, allowing earlier failures with more predictable behavior
  • If an animation fails to load during playback, an error is now displayed in the UI and the animation should end. This check also forces the animation to load before attempting playback, which should fix the rare instance of animations refusing to play even if they are installed properly
  • Animation Handler should now only try to unequip equipment when an animation is starting and not when an animation ends
  • Removed a fail case where the camera could be adjusted if the player bugged out the UI and was able to be in an animation while controlling another animation (This bug was inaccessible without external modules)
  • When controlling an animation the menu entries should now properly update if the Animation Event switches to an animation with a different slot order

What's Next?

We all expected the Sakurajima update to break stuff, however I don't think we quite expected it to break literally every single mod! So this puts me in a bit of a strange position and has basically forced an immediate shift in focus. After the update was announced I decided to hold out on a couple of things just to see what the update changed and how things progressed, specifically I waited on working with the Lust Module and Model Replacer idea, just doing a bit of internal game research in the mean time while working on SCake itself. This ended up being a double edged sword... I didn't expect all mods to break, I just expected 'aspects' of mods to break, but since they all broke this means the framework our community was using for gender-based model replacers no longer works! This means I'm immediately shifting focus on trying to build the flexible model replacer framework. It would have been nice if I already had a framework rolling, but it's also good to know I don't have to re-build things after a ton of work, especially since Palworld now has a new 'skin' system and.. hats? So I'll be able to freely investigate how those things affect these systems and maybe add support/compatibility directly into the design of the framework!
After that I'd like to work a bit on getting multiplayer working, but I have a feeling the model replacer framework is going to take a good bit of time to get rolling. I do have another 'secret' release coming up though, nothing too interesting, but it 'may' spark some additional interest... maybe?

Current Road Map
1 ) Build Model Replacement Framework
2 ) Work on anim packs and try to expand releases
3 ) Consider/Test multiplayer support
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Project Sugar Cake v0.3 DEV Released! (BETA) [Palworld Mod]

I think I’ve just settled into doing large updates for SCake, honestly. Wasn’t really the plan but, honestly, there hasn’t been enough movement in lewd Palworld modding to really justify more intense releases or pressing features. But you’re not here for the preamble, so let’s get sweet!

Alright, so this is another big version release similar to SCake 0.2 DEV, though there’s no ‘breaking’ compatibility like last time (those JSON changes were necessary though >.<). This update focused on getting some validation working properly, implementing preferences and gender options, as well as requested feature additions like animation selection/switching. My personal favorite additions this update is the custom gender settings and the new expressions settings for animations. With custom gender settings you can define how a M/F character will actually be recognized by SCake, this allows you to make all pals, regardless of the in-game gender, be recognized as a single gender, swapped genders, futa types, ect! This will be super helpful if you use replacers which replace both in-game genders, or if you want some futa body goodness. Expression settings (FaceExpress/Climax) allows animators to set the facial animation of characters in an animation, which should help make some animations more expressive and interesting!
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- Project Sugar Cake -
- Full Changelog -
SCake Version 0.3 DEV (Beta)
(Note : This version temporarily removes the Animation Montage validation when registering animations. If you're making anim packs, ensure the animations play properly in-game before releasing your pack if possible.)

Added : Whether Sexual Heat is rising or lowering is now recorded by the save file (was just defaulting to always increase)
Added : API Function "SCake_StartAnimEvent" which gives access to all animation options at once with defaults (Passing no EventID will scan for a random animation to play, similar to other start anim functions)
Added : API Function "SCake_ValidForAnim" which checks if a character is valid to start an Animation Event (I'm transitioning validity checks into these kinds of functions for more general use and reduce redundancy)
Added : API Function "SCake_GetCompatEvents" which returns the EventID for compatible animations for the passed params
Added : FaceExpress and FaceExpressClimax to JSON for animations while allows setting the facial expression for while the animation is playing and for orgasms respectively (check the templates for possible settings)
Added : A hidden setting "Set_ReportRegFails" was added to the SaveSystem file, switch this to true and a long string will be sent to the report output covering all failed Anim/Event Register returns, may be useful if animations fail to register and you need to debug which failed (Note : The parser wasn't designed with these returns in mind so it may not always return useful data, to enable you must edit the SaveSystem JSON for the save you are testing on)
Added : Compatibility checker now checks the Size parameter registered with Animation Events
Added : "Excluded Tags" is now functional when starting animations through the API
Added : "Preference Settings" submenu to SCake's main menu (Note : Most preference settings will be checked with the compatibility checker, if a mod starts anims while bypassing compatibility checks these may not function as intended)
Added : "Block Female Only Anims" to Preference Settings, attempts to block/invalidate anims with 'Female on Female' intentions
Added : "Block Male Penetrated Anims" to Preference Settings, attempts to block/invalidate anims with 'Male on Male' intentions
Added : "Block Straight Anims" to Preference Settings, attempts to block/invalidate anims with 'Male on Female' or 'Female on Male' intentions (This also blocks all futa animations if futa flags are set)
Added : SCake's UI now supports menu pages, can navigate between pages through a defined count
Added : Animations should now fail to start with characters that are knocked out/dead (Technically a fix for characters partially reviving when triggering SCake animations as well)
Added : Animations will now fail to start with characters that are in a sleeping state (Technically also a fix for sleep animation issues, if you want to start animations with sleeping characters try waking them up first)
Added : Animations now end when a character involved takes damage
Added : SCake now has the ability to assign arbitrary genders separate from the game's assignment, only used when specifically checking gender through SCake
Added : "Change Gender Assignments" to the Preference Settings which 'should' list all possible CharacterIDs and allows manual assignment of SCake genders, which should save into the SaveSystem JSON file. (Note : All 'human' characters share the same ID within SCake, which includes the player as human)
Added : "Game Settings" submenu to SCake's Main Menu which covers Palworld native settings
Added : "Auto Save Frequency" to the Game Settings menu which alter's the in-game auto save frequency (In effect also changes SCake's auto save frequency since SCake saves alongside the game's normal save)
Added : When animations switch during playback (like when switching stages) compatibility will be re-checked and slots re-assigned (allows dynamic Animation Event switching and arbitrary animation playback, as well as fixes slots not aligning properly through events)
Added : Human NPCs (well, non-pals at least) now show their BP_Class when their name is displayed for easier finding/editing in SCake's settings (This change will most likely be temporary until better solutions are found, most notable place this shows up is in the control animation menu)
Added : If no facial expression is set for an animation, default behavior will now take over with 'HalfClose' defaulting for animation playback and "Close" defaulting for orgasms
Added : The Animation Control menu now shows the currently playing animation event
Added : Placed an example LoadList in the AnimJSON folder, "_LoadList_Example.json" which shows how to build the load list and includes all currently known released anim packs

Changed : SCake now loads animations synchronysly instead of async like before, this will cause the loading screen to stall and take a bit longer. (Discovered some odities and people kept complaining about the async loading, so we're just going to do it all in a single frame for now)
Changed : SCake's default loading method for spawning the "ProjectSugarCake" actor (Using a new Subsystem Injection method which should have SCake load sooner than before but also load more reliably in multiplayer by bypassing UE4SS's injection method, UE4SS is still required and the old method is used as a fallback should subsystem injection fail)
Changed : Sexual Heat is now gained during Erotic Animations independant of natural Sexual Heat gain, this rate is x25 stronger than natural generation and stacks
Changed : Moved validity checks outside of the Animation Player so it runs before an animation even tries to start (this is an optimization, if you bypass the API and try to start an animation directly from the EventComp, it may now fail to start/play correctly, if there's a valid reason not to use the API ensure you are validating everything is compatible beforehand)
Changed : "Valid For Animation" checks and systems overhauled for better modularity and additions (should also perform faster in situations where multiple compatibility checks must take place within reasonable actor limits, however large numbers of actors (more than 4) in a single scene may perform worse in some situations but will not suffer from random failures)
Changed : Character arrays passed for animation playback should now act in a deterministic way (Compatibility is now done in a non-random way, previously while the functions were linear in comparing compatibility they were passed as TMaps, which do not resolve into a deterministic array meaning outcomes where seemingly random, the Pal Character Array is now passed directly and not altered through-out the process.)
Changed : "Settings" are now "System Settings" to help differenciate between other new settings menus
Changed : Animation List and Animation Event List in the menu now divides into pages with 20 entries per-page (Should be much easier to navigate, note the page sorting is not consistent because of how UE5 handles hashing)
Changed : In instances where the game doesn't assign a gender, 'Male' will now be used by default (Only affects like, 2 human NPCs at the time of writing, felt this was the best option to make compatibility settings work closer to expectation but may still cause some strangeness. More advanced methods/exceptions will need to be implemented in the future.)
Changed/Fixed : Minor UI related things (spacing, readability, typo fixes, ect)
Changed/Fixed : While in an Erotic Animation, characters who orgasm will now continue decreasing in Sex Heat and no longer gain the increase for being in the animation itself until reaching zero or triggering an increase in Sex Heat from another source to trigger Sex Heat back into a rising state.

Removed (Techincally?) : Removed multiplier to Natural Sexual Heat generated while in Erotic Animations (Was technically broken in 0.2.1 since I had incomplete changes left in there)
Removed : API Function "SCake_StartAnimEvent_Advanced" is no longer available, use the new "SCake_StartAnimEvent" API Function which includes all the same variables and more
Removed : Register no longer validates if Animation Montage paths are valid (This validation step will become a debug option in the future, the current validator causes some issues for some players and extends loading time as it calls the Asset Registry, no idea why)
Removed : Characters no longer play the "Happy" action after anims (This also added SAN and affected AI behavior, may replace with a more dynamic system)

Fixed : Sexual Heat triggering a decrease when values were too close to 0.0 (Float percision error I didn't account for, now fixed)
Fixed : Natural Sexual Heat progression should now properly increase instead of constantly causing a decrease. (was caused by float percision error)
Fixed : "Valid For Animation" checks should no longer suffer from sporadic behavior/failures when comparing actor counts above 3
Fixed : After checking the Animation Event List, closing the menu without backing out first, then entering a player involved animation should no longer get the description box stuck on-screen with the details of the last viewed Event item
Fixed : Animation Events should now properly cull duplicate tags (worked before, but some variable changes broke the function somehow)
Fixed : Player should no longer have duplicate references within the tracker, fixing a number of issues (May not be fixed for mulitplayer, was caused by extra IDs being coded to point toward players when loading a game, current fix makes an exception and ignores these IDs)
Fixed : Aroused morph for the player should no longer act unpredictibly or 'flicker' (caused by duplicate reference fix)
Fixed : "SCake_ED_PalAroused" will now only call if a character went from not aroused to aroused as intended (Was calling any time Sex Heat changed before)
Fixed : Sex Heat getting stuck increasing after a character had been in an Erotic Animation
Fixed : The animation player now calculates its on-tick/per-frame functions after physics have applied, preventing a couple of issues (Fixes some odd positional flicker when playing at high framerates, fixes expressions not always applying correctly, fixes some logic interfering with other functions which tick during physics)
Fixed : CharacterID should no longer parse incorrectly within SCake's logic code fixing strange inconsistencies and lucky/alpha pal compatibility (For example, 'JetDragon' should not register as compatible with other other IDs that end with 'Dragon')
Fixed : Automatic compatibiltiy checker for CharacterIDs should now work for Lucky/Boss/Variants properly (Fixed with internal CharacterID processing fix)
Fixed : SCake should no longer run as if it's in-game when entering a game then heading back to the title screen (implemented a better title screen detection method)
Fixed : Animation Events now correct slots while switching animations/stages so Events that don't have slots aligned through-out should now correct themselves during playback (as-in, if slot 1 switches to slot 0 from stage 1-2, the animation should correct itself rather than breaking or stopping the animation)
Fixed : Animation Events not starting with proper offsets configured on an animation's start (was only applying offsets after the first stage had started, should now load properly on the first stage as well)
Fixed : Animation Player should now properly track how many characters have orgasmed and how many times
Fixed : Expressions not applying to all characters in an animation at all times, also fixed expressions applying too rapidly causing some strangeness (Most notice-able on the player if their expression was forcefully changed)
Fixed : Animation Player calculating character positions multiple times per-frame
Fixed : Animation Player causing some AI weirdness (SCake's Action Override had some flags set that could change AI behavior in some rare cases)

What’s Next?
Ok, so I’m going to talk a lot on ‘what I would like to do’ but can’t guarantee any of this will actually become a reality soon or anything. My goals from last week didn’t end up happening as priorities shifted as requests for the same few features did show up a lot, so in regards to SCake itself I’m effectively on the same goals as last release. However, there’s some other things I’d like to work on besides just SCake, specifically I want to actually get some animations out (I’ve been really slow about it X.x) and introduce breeding/lusting. Breeding may end up being part of SCake itself as an integrated feature, which would make sense, but for Lusting this would be a gameplay module where different pals would automatically ‘lust’ after other characters automatically as their Sexual Heat rises higher and higher while also introducing random sexual encounters. We’re still lacking a lot of animation compatibility so one feature I was looking at implementing was a system for “animation sets”, TemTemLover has been making animations that are cross compatible with each-other to cover a large number of pals all in one go. While I had talked about this type of things in the past and started my own system for it, I think integrating this kind of thing for automatic configuration in SCake would be a great idea as well, but I don’t know how complicated this would be to implement in a user friendly way so I’m still not sure if I want to officially add this to the plans quite yet.
Additionally, I spent a rather embarrassing amount of time researching and reverse engineering Palworld to learn more about its internal systems beyond what I needed to just see what was possible and, man, there’s a LOT that’s possible. One of the more interesting things I investigated related to SCake however, is the idea of making a more dynamic and SCake compatible model replacer mod framework. There is currently 2 frameworks that sort of do this kind of thing, one is for player textures and another is for pals and their models, however both of these are limited in ways I don’t really like and may not be sufficient in the long-term should Palworld lewd mods ever really take a strong hold. So, I’ve been discussing the possibility of shifting some focus on making a model/texture replacer framework that is much more dynamic with json configuration and SCake integrations with additional unique features like supporting additional genders (SCake integration exclusive) or configuring body morphs and clothing set-ups. This would, of course, be another massive project so I’m not promising anything, but the more I think about it the more interesting it sounds, so I may take a stab at it to see where it leads!
Current Road Map
1 ) Create Lust Module
2 ) Work on making some animations (seriously)
3 ) Research sockets system for dynamic attachments and furniture support
4 ) Investigate/prototype model replacer framework
On Hold ) Work on multiplayer support
On Hold ) Introduce a built-in SCake Notif-system for animations to trigger certain effects (like changing arousal meshes or changing eyes/mouth)
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Project Sugar Cake v0.2.1 DEV Released! (BETA) [Palworld Mod]

Yep, I botched the release a little bit. This is what I get for trying to finish up a release while super tired, but hey, only a day later and I have some exciting new stuffs to show anyways! This’ll be a quick one with no write up.

Last patch had a few bugs I didn’t catch and I also forgot to add the new Sexual Heat system into the save file (I was the big dumb Q.Q) so this update fixes those as well as adding some requested features for the SDK. There is a big new feature hidden here though (which is why it gets its own post ^.-), I added the ability for modules using SCake’s SDK to add arbitrary stats that can then save and load with SCake’s systems as well as integrate into the mod directly! I call these “ArbVariables” or Arbitrary Value Variables where modders can register an Name variable with an associated value which can then be seen and modified by any other mod by the name variable! For this first implementation I just added the ArbString which is enough for modders to do whatever they need to do, but in the future I’d like to add a float and int versions as well with more configuration options like automatic decay/buildup/caps/so on. This is not just a “sex” framework, but also a Stats Framework, and here’s the first major step in that!

SCake Version 0.2.1 DEV (Beta)

Added : API Function "SCake_TrackReturnAll" which returns all characters currently tracked by SCake (useful for initiating modules that need to apply/check status)
Added : API Function "SCake_CheckStat_SexHeat" which returns a character's Sexual Heat stat and if they currently have enough to be aroused
Added : API Function "SCake_Stat_AddSexHeat" which adds the specified amount to the character's Sexual Heat stat and returns their new value along with if they have enough to be aroused
Added : API Function "SCake_Stat_ArbChangeString" which adds/changes the arbitrary string to the designated character (useful for modules to start tracking their own systems)
Added : API Function "SCake_CheckStat_ArbString" which returns the arbitrary string associated with the given name for the designated character
Added : ArbString element to the Pal Tracking system, this allows modules to input arbitrary strings with a name for their own use cases, these can be set to persist in the save file as well so they can exist between sessions (modders will need to be extremely careful when using persist, only use it when absolutely neccesary)
Added : When Sexual Heat rises or lowers it will now set Sexual Heat to continue naturally in that direction (in other words, if Sexual Heat decreases it will continue to naturally decay until zero, then start going back up, alternatively if it goes up it will continue to increase, I planned this for last update but I forgot to implement it)
Added : API Function for starting animations now check for null and empty arrays, failing faster with proper error code returns (Also a slight optimization)

Changed : If an SCake stat value is zero or null it won't be included in SCake's pal save file anymore, saving space/processing time

Fixed : Stage Order not registering correctly when defined in the animation's .json, messing up animation playback
Fixed : An issue with the .json parser not parsing integers correctly has been fixed (Not aware of all this affected outside Stage Order)
Fixed : A potential soft lock issue if very specific params were passed in an animation .json import
Fixed : Sexual Heat not being included in the save file, thus lacking persistence (I forgot to add it, sorry!)

What’s Next?
Same as yesterday… though thinking about it over the day I really do want to start getting more animations going as well as maybe start on the Lusting system? We have the stats for it now so I can probably start getting that going and a lot of people are really interesting in potential breeding mechanics, so I may try to do that before worrying about furniture support.

Current Road Map
1 ) Investigate Breeding and Lusting mechanics
2 ) Work on making some animations
3 ) Introduce a built-in SCake Notif-system for animations to trigger certain effects (like changing arousal meshes or changing eyes/mouth)
4 ) Research sockets system for dynamic attachments and furniture support\

On Hold ) Work on multiplayer support
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