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MetalB profile
I'm making an adult horror visual novel. Built from the ground up in Unity, the game focuses on storytelling as a core aspect of its gameplay. Renpy players will feel very at home, as I've modeled the gameplay to match, nay, enhance the Renpy experience. Available on PC, Android, Mac and Linux.

Планы подписки

The Rookie

For the lurkers :P

179 подписчиков The Rookie (Free)
USD в месяц
  • Name included in the Hall Of Fame (WIP for Substar)
  • Access to subscriber feed
  • General Support for the game
2 подписчика Supporter
USD в месяц

My Precious

  • Name included in the Hall Of Fame (optional)
  • Access to the latest version of the game 1 week before release
  • Access to SFW/NSFW wallpapers
  • Access to Sneak Peaks
  • Android version with no ads
  • Access to cheat codes
  • Votes count as 2 points in voting polls
15 подписчиков Detective
USD в месяц

You have my grandest gratitude!

  • Super Early Access version of the game
  • Access to the game 1 version ahead of the official latest version
  • Votes count as 5 points in voting polls
10 подписчиков Warrior
USD в месяц

You're a GIGA CHAD!

All previous rewards.

  • You get the Super Early Access version of the game 1 week before the official release!
  • Access to Dominator Tier cheat codes
  • Votes count as 10 points in voting polls
6 подписчиков Dominator
USD в месяц

This is probably the most appreciative I could ever be. Thank you for supporting this game's development! You get a special render request, that is within reason of course.

All previous rewards.

  • Render Request
  • Votes count as 15 points in voting polls
0 подписчиков Big PP

Добро пожаловать!

  • Exclusive access to the latest version of the game
  • SFW and NSFW Wallpapers
  • Access to cheat codes

Hi There! Here's Everything You Need To Know

Latest Versions
Super Early Access (Warrior Tier)
V0.5.51 Download

Early Access (Detective Tier)
V0.5.51 Download

Cheat Codes
Dominator Tier Codes
Detective Tier Codes

About the game:
On one fateful night, you stumble upon a strange cabin in the middle of the woods. You have no recollection as to who you are, or why the hallucinations and voices in your head guided you there. After getting acquainted with the house guests, you realize all is not as it seems, and must uncover the secret behind a series of mysterious events. You must interact with the characters, gain their trust, form relationships, gather clues to uncover the truth, manipulate people, and decide their fates.

Download the Demo here:
Download Demo

Download On Steam:
Click here to Purchase on Steam!

Thanks for checking out my game! 💜

Публичный пост

Hi There! Here's Everything You Need To Know

Latest Versions
Super Early Access (Warrior Tier)
V0.5.51 Download

Early Access (Detective Tier)
V0.5.51 Download

Cheat Codes
Dominator Tier Codes
Detective Tier Codes

About the game:
On one fateful night, you stumble upon a strange cabin in the middle of the woods. You have no recollection as to who you are, or why the hallucinations and voices in your head guided you there. After getting acquainted with the house guests, you realize all is not as it seems, and must uncover the secret behind a series of mysterious events. You must interact with the characters, gain their trust, form relationships, gather clues to uncover the truth, manipulate people, and decide their fates.

Download the Demo here:
Download Demo

Download On Steam:
Click here to Purchase on Steam!

Thanks for checking out my game! 💜
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Cabin Corpse V0. 5. 51 Download (PC/Android/Mac/Linux) Early Access

This post also includes Mega.NZ content links
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Пост заблокирован прайс-планом $5, $10, $20, $50 .s
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More 0. 5. 6 Sneak Previews

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Пост заблокирован прайс-планом $2, $5, $10, $20, $50 .s
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0.5.51 Now Available For Detective Tier Members! ✨

Hey guys! Just some quick updates.

I finally finished setting up my all my dev software on my new PC build and I've started preparing the scenes for 0.5.6. Scenes that used to take over 2 hours to render now finish in 8 minutes!

I realized it's gonna take some time to finish the next update, because not only will I be working on new content but I've also been revising and redesigning scenes and characters I've already made, to make them look as perfect as I can get them. Then there's the foot injury I got a few days ago, it got slightly worse and kinda hurts even when sitting down now, so that will unfortunately cause some slowdowns as I have to take more rests in between sessions. Sigh, wasting money on hospital bills is not how I pictured this year at all.

But that's the main reason for the surprise release. I'll keep you posted once I've made a decent amount of renders to upload some more sneak peeks.

That's all for now.
Thank you all so much for your support, it means the world to me.

Stay healthy, take care, and love y'all! 💖

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Dev Update (January 13, 2025)Hey guys! Hope you're all doing great! 😊Update time! Health StuffSo,...

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Пост заблокирован прайс-планом FREE, $2, $5, $10, $20, $50 .s
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Happy New Year! 🥳

Hey guys, just wanted to wish you all a happy new year and give some updates.

So, the start of the year has been kinda of a mixed bag for me lol
On the one hand, I've been able to pay off all my debts, and even recently bought some much-needed computer upgrades, like an RTX 3090, a new CPU, and some other miscellaneous parts to help speed up my workflow. I went all out and literally spent all my money on computer upgrades.

But then I got sick a few days ago, right before New Years 😞. I've been having a fever that still won't go away. Even writing this post is physically draining. I hope it gets better by next week, because I need to assemble all the new PC parts I bought and re-install all my software in time to finish the update this month.

That's all for now, take care and stay safe everyone.

Love y'all! 💜
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205 подписчиков
64 поста


$307 of $500
per month
I add more taboo content in the game.
$307 of $1,000
per month
I can afford better hardware to increase the quality of the game, add more animations, and decrease the amount of time between updates.
$307 of $2,000
per month
I quit my job and work full-time on the game :D

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