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Aftermath: Michael Myers/Fem!Childhood Friend Reader (P.2/2)

"You are the worst scandal that Haddonfield had ever faced, perhaps even more so than he was..."

There were perks in living in a house with such a horrid history. No one would believe anyone that claimed that they saw the Boogeyman wandering past the filth-stained windows, or that they heard a woman screaming and crying from somewhere inside of that decrepit, old house. Just some teens pulling some stupid pranks… That’s what they said last Halloween night, when a man was murdered in his own home and his fiancee was brutalized by his killer, never to be seen again. And it’s what they kept on saying about the old Myers house, too. Just some kids… It’s only some dumbass teenagers! As long as the house wasn’t on fire, no one could care less about what goes on in there.

It was an ugly blemish. A stain on the good community of Haddonfield. They all wished the Strode’s would just tear the place down, but they were hopeful that they could still turn the place around and make it a part of the community once more. If only they knew…

What would the good people of Haddonfield think if they knew what was happening in that house? That you were not only still alive, but were living with your fiancee’s murderer and doing so willingly? The outrage would be staggering, but perhaps not nearly as much as if they were to learn what you willingly did with this monster on a near nightly basis, in the very room where he committed his first atrocity at the tender age of seven years old. Then again… maybe they just don’t care to see what was happening in their idyllic little town. All they had to do was just… look up…

The warmth from your bare back fogged up the chilly glass pane behind you. Your toes barely touched the floor as you precariously balanced on your lover’s broad shoulders. He looked up from in between your legs, eyes heavily lidded with lust as he noisily lapped at your sex. Your stomach twisted up into anxious knots as the thrill of being caught plagued your mind. S-Someone’s gonna see…!

You tilted your head back as a wanton moan rose up from the back of your throat. Tangling your fingers in his soft locks, you gently pulled in a silent plea for Michael to do anything but stop. As if he would ever leave you wanting… He always ate you out as though he were a man starved, and by the end of the night, you wouldn’t be able to stand on your own two feet without assistance.

Strong hands gripped your thighs and hips, firmly holding you in place as he delved nose deep into your slick heat. A low groan reverberated deep inside your core, and it took every ounce of your willpower to not cum on the spot. Bracing yourself on the window frame, you lose yourself in the pleasure that Michael was lavishing on you. He hasn’t even slid a finger in yet… Your legs trembled as he sucked relentlessly on your clit, all but smirking as you hit your peak with little warning.

Michael always loves watching you unravel before him, or rather, above him. You can’t hide your reactions, even if your life depended on it, and Michael fucking loved that about you. The two of you were almost exact opposites in regard to how you express yourselves, but one thing remained the same: you were the only person that ever would have the privilege to hear Michael utter a single sound and not only live but be the one to draw such genuine reactions from him at all.

He didn’t need to use words to express what you meant to him. With his hands, alone, he can tell you everything you need to know. The gentleness of his touch, the way his fingertips dance across your skin, the way he hooks into that spot just right so you see stars… And the way he looks at you? Fuck, you could cum right then and there. They say Michael is an expressionless monster? You say they don’t know what the fuck they are talking about. Your Mikey tells you everything you need to know, and he knows exactly how to read his Bunny and give her exactly what she needs.

Your release coats his chin and fingers, the dim light from outside just barely reflecting off of it. A part of you wanted to cover your face in shame, but you knew better than to do that. Michael wanted all of your reactions, everything shameful and depraved, it all belonged to him. Just as you did. Blunt teeth grazed your inner thigh before sinking into your tender flesh. His eyes flicked up to meet your own, a lustful hunger clouding his gaze.

Suddenly, he stood upright, maneuvering you so that you were straddling his hips. You squeak, flailing in a flustered panic to wrap your arms around his neck for support. Always so cute… A soft gasp escapes your lips as Michael presses his forehead to your own, a familiar hardened warmth pressing into your innermost thigh.

God, you needed him, like you needed air to breathe. Michael made you feel things that you never thought possible, and you two were truly made for one another. You fit perfectly together… Chests heaving for air, neither of you dared to break eye contact from one another. His eyes are always so intense… He never dares to look away from you when you’re laid so bare before him. So beautiful and vulnerable… One of Michael’s hands slide up from your hips all the way to your chest, stopping to cup one of your breasts briefly before settling just above your heart.

Badum- Badum- Badum-

The thrum of your heartbeat was quick and steady underneath his palm. It was intoxicating to be this close to you, to feel you this intimately. Michael was a predator, and you were like every prey he’s ever stalked and murdered in his time out of Smith’s Grove. You were small, skittish, fragile, completely helpless in comparison to his own monstrous strength and will. But you are special. You are his little Bunny, always was and always will be, and no one will ever take you away from him. You are his Bunny. His. His…

You squirm and gasp as Michael’s mouth latches onto the crook of your neck, then groan softly as you feel him align the head of his cock flush against your entrance. He’s always sure to take his time with you, now that you are his and his alone. He needs to enjoy every inch of your body; your softness, your warmth, your wetness… Fuck, you were always so tight for him. You were simply perfect to him, and Michael doesn’t remember how he managed to live without you for all those years.

He shuddered as your warmth enveloped his member, pressing you flush against the window as he grasped one of your thighs tightly. How he wished for the entire town to see him fucking you to oblivion. You tighten around him as he grazes his teeth past your pulse. The thrill of being caught was overwhelming, and though you know you should be very much against this, everything inside of you screamed for-


The back of your head bumped against the window rhythmically as Michael sets his pace. It was unbelievable how he was able to keep up such a tempo for so long, but God did you love him for it. He takes such good care of you… You twitched around him, and you sucked in a lungful of air from in between your teeth as you felt his fingers lazily wander past your navel and delve to where your bodies are connected.

Through your sex filled haze, your eyes meet his, then wander absentmindedly to where his gaze was focused as you hit another one of your highs. The window… Was someone watching? It’s possible, but you doubt it. He’s being far too gentle for that to be true. So then…? Oh, wait. The reflection…? You allow your head to loll to the side, and out of your peripheral vision, you just barely make out the reflection of your midnight romp in the filth-stained glass. O-Oh shit… Your eyes flutter shut as pleasure curled your toes tightly. Shit, that’s-!

You moan into Michael’s ear, gently nipping at his earlobe as his grip on your thigh and hips tightened. The head of his cock grinds directly into your sweet spot, making your legs twitch and your entire body shiver. Something was on the verge of spilling out of your mouth. You wanted to speak, to say… well, something, but before you could make a cohesive sound, Michael had smashed his lips onto your own. It was hard to believe that, only a few months ago, Michael had never so much as held hands with another person, let alone kissed them or had sex with them. And here he was, such a short time later and he’s got you moaning his name and cummng over and over and over again, until you can’t feel your legs and you don’t know which way is up or what time it is.

With every smack of his hips colliding with your own, you were driven further and further past the point of no return. You were so totally and utterly wrapped around his finger, just as he was with you. It was like you were the other’s drug, something they couldn’t get enough of nor live without. Every time you rolled your hips in time with his own, Michael falls more and more in love with you. How can his Bunny be so fucking perfect…? And it was all for him. Only him…

Michael’s release was always quiet, but God could you feel it. He groaned into your needy mouth, his hips stuttering subtly as he cummed inside of you. It forced yet another orgasm out of you, your body undecided between going slack and stiffening as you struggled to maintain your hold around his neck and waist. With a few, short thrusts, he pulls out, ignoring how you whine and tighten your grip on him in protest. Oh, he’s not done with you yet, little Bunny…

Your feet touched the cold floorboards as you were spun around so fast you had to steady yourself against the windowsill. As Michael’s hands roamed from the backs of your thighs all the way to your shoulders, your eyes picked up movement on the street below. Oh God… There are people out there…?! You gasped and stood upright, backing up flush against Michael’s bare chest. A hand clamped down onto your shoulder and shoved you forward, until one of your cheeks were flushed with the fogged glass. “M-Michael… Wah- Wait-! O-OHH!!”

He slams back into you to the hilt in one sudden movement. You could feel it pushing against your stomach, and you were so full that you thought you were going to faint. Just as your knees began to buckle, he pulled out, and before you could enjoy the relief that provided, you were stuffed full past your breaking point once more. This time, he was much rougher with your small frame, making sure you remained pressed flush against the glass as he fucked you relentlessly. The cold from the evening air soaked into your feverish skin, but it didn’t provide relief as much as it made you even more sensitive to his every touch.

fuck, you’re completely exposed…! You gasped and hissed as your bare breasts pressed against the chilly glass pane. Between every short, deep thrust of Michael’s hips, you groan loudly, scarcely able to keep your eyes open for more than a brief moment at a time. But Michael? He couldn’t keep his eyes off of what was reflected off of the window. Such a beautiful sight… He wanted to push you further and further past your breaking point. Michael needed to see those cute reactions of yours, hear your voice get higher and louder, feel you get tighter and wetter around him… The wet squelch that your pussy made with each thrust was music to his ears, much to your mortification. Though, you didn’t exactly have the mind to complain, anymore, especially when his rough fingers brushed past your swollen clit once more, teasing you before vigorously rubbing that sensitive bundle of nerves in a bid to wring yet another climax from your overwhelmed body.

It doesn’t matter if you find yourself unable to stand upright, Michael will be there to prop you up as he continuously fucks you where everyone can see. If they chose to do so. Those people are all purposely blind what is actually happening in their little community. They think they are so high and mighty? They all bleed and scream the same. Simply pathetic. THIS is why Michael hides you away. You are far too good for the likes of… them, and like hell would he ever share you with the world ever again. Michael saw how the world had tried to turn you against him, and now that he has recaptured your heart, he’ll be sure to never let his Bunny go ever again. Never. Ever.

For the nearly three hours that you were pressed to that cold window, no one saw or really heard a thing. Sure, some say that they did, but nobody actually believed them. Nah, just your imagination, or it was just some rowdy teenagers. Nothing to worry about. Even if- if- you wanted to leave, to get away, you wouldn’t be able to. Not without help, and here, in Haddonfield, on Lampkin Lane, no one cares to- to just… look up and see what’s really happening. There’s only one person that knows that you are in there, but unfortunately for them, there’s no one left to believe him. He’s a quack. A fucking joke, and he’s the only reason that this has happened.

Maybe Michael should pay the good doctor a visit…
He idly plays with your hair, fingers rhythmically digging into the swell of your hip as you snore away on his chest. You’ve always drooled in your sleep, but Michael has never minded. It’s rather cute… How Loomis would always look at you flicked into his mind, and Michael couldn’t help but to feel unbridled rage bubbling up from somewhere deep inside himself. That bastard used you as a means to an end, used you to get underneath his skin and make him feel. Michael had to remove his hand from your hip, lest he accidentally hurt you in your sleep. He clenched his fist, and imagined Loomis’s neck was in his grasp, popping and cracking until it finally just… snaps.

He’s only just returned… Would you forgive him if he went out on the hunt once more…? Yes, of course you would. His little Bunny would never get angry at him, especially when he’s doing this for her benefit… Michael shifts out from underneath you, gently laying you back down and placing a soft kiss to the top of your head, you shift and curl up, still blissfully asleep. Good. This hopefully won’t take long… It was something that he should have done a long time ago but knowing that “doctor” was suffering brought Michael such joy. Now, it’s time to end it. He can’t allow someone that took advantage of you to walk this Earth for a moment longer. He needs to protect his Bunny at all costs, no matter the cost. You are the only thing that Michael loves more than the thrill of the kill, and for that you’ll be his forever.

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