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Lost Then Found: Michael Myers/Fem!Childhood Friend/Nurse Reader Commission (P.1/2)

"You were his Bunny, and he was your Mikey. He might have lost you once, but now that he's found you, he won't lose you again..."

   Your closest childhood friend was largely unremarkable. Quiet, but not exactly shy, he always tailed closely behind you, practically glued to your hip. You couldn’t help but to drag him around by his hand, blabbering about this and that, though he never really seemed to mind too much. Being one of the very, if only, few children that frequently played with him throughout his youth, it would be an understatement to say that he was rather attached to you, just as you were to him. You even made him promise- pinky promise- that when you two got older, you would marry one another, no exceptions. He was your Mikey, and you were his Bunny, even if you never really knew that. There was no future that you could possibly imagine where you were without your best friend. Until that fateful Halloween night…

   It all happened so fast- one night, the two of you were having fun, trick-or-treating and running around unsupervised, and then the next… You were told that you wouldn’t be able to see your friend anymore. Full stop. None of it made any sense to your seven year old brain. Michael… did something bad..? What was it? Why would he just… go away, just like that and not say goodbye..?! It was devastating, and you didn’t even get to learn the real reason why Michael vanished out of Haddonfield until you were in high school. 

    …He killed Judith?! No, no fucking way-! It wasn’t possible. Why would seven year old Michael kill his big sister..? He adored her, from what you could remember, and not only that, but why would they even assume that he was responsible for such a horrific crime from the beginning? It just didn’t make any sense… A part of you grew obsessed with getting to the bottom of what really happened that night. No one wanted to remember what happened, and it was treated as a completely open and shut case. It drove you mad.  

   What seemed to be a terrible injustice to you is precisely what spurred your dive into the healthcare profession. It shocked everyone, but your parents hardly complained with their baby girl fitting into such a well paying industry. You largely kept your little obsession of Michael Myers to yourself, lest your family or friends try to talk you out of your career choice. You needed to know the truth, and there was only one way that you would figure it out. It was a lot of work, a lot of blood, sweat and tears, but you finally did it. You were a licensed nurse, with a specialization in psychology. 

   Smith’s Grove Sanitarium always felt… understaffed, almost unprofessional, though you couldn’t quite put your finger on it. You kept your ulterior motive to yourself, and just focused on working normally for a while. Much to your surprise, not only on your first day, but the first hour there, you were warned about a specific patient. One known to be extraordinarily violent and that must have constant and vigilant supervision at all times. Michael Myers… It was surreal hearing someone talking about Michael like that. This person that they were speaking of… he sounded nothing like the meek boy that you grew up with. You didn’t believe it- how could you believe it?! They were talking about him as though he was some unfeeling monster and not a living, breathing human being.

   Somehow, you were immediately thrown into the spotlight. You had heard about Michael’s doctor- Loomis- briefly in your time while getting your degree and residency. And… you weren’t very impressed. He seemed like one of those quacks that uneducated people warned their friends about, dissuading them from seeking legitimate, professional psychiatric help. Unbelievably, he already knew about you. Dr. Loomis already knew that you were Michael’s closest, if not only, childhood friend. Glossing over that this was incredibly creepy and unnerving, he tried to approach you with a specific goal in mind, all but cornering you in one of the many tiny break rooms of the Sanitarium.

   “You want me to do what now?” A part of you was genuinely offended on your old friend’s behalf. How can you possibly take this man seriously when he was treating one of his patient’s like they were some feral animal and not a human fucking being with serious psycological trauma. Dr. Loomis sighed, exasperated.

   “I can understand how… odd of a request this may be, especially for… you.” An uncomfortable amount of emphasis was directed at your person. Your frown deepened. “But! I think that something may come of this.” You couldn’t hold back your scoff.

   “Really? The only thing that will probably come of this is another shitty book, isn’t it?” You gently scooted around him and left the break room, completely disgusted with the doctor. 

   He wanted to use you to get to Michael. To make him upset. To and trigger some kind of response from him. Any response. It wasn’t right. As his doctor, he shouldn’t be poking at Michael like he’s some sort of trapped animal. He’s a human being for God’s sake! It only hardened your resolve. You’re sure that they must be mistaken. Michael may very well be violent, but from how everyone is treating him, you don’t think you can blame him. You’ll be tasked to watch over him, soon. That’s when you’ll show them all that he’s not some monster, but a human being, just like the rest of them. 


   It was truly surreal catching your first glimpse of Michael Myers after so many years apart. He has certainly grown up, and my oh my, how tall he has become! Handsome, too. It was difficult to focus on such pleasantries, with how chained up he was. A necessary precaution, you were told, and maybe they were right, but it was nonetheless still hard to stomach. You thought about how his time at Smith’s Grove was. Lonely? Scary? Claustrophobic? Did he have any visitors? Any family let whatsoever? You had heard that he hasn’t had any visitors in nearly a decade, and that simply broke your heart. It must have been terrible to be so alone in such a hostile place… Something told you that Loomis’s fear mongering certainly had something to do with it, despite the fact that you had no solid proof. Though you certainly couldn’t do much, you hoped that you could ease some of his worries, if only a little bit. 

   You were startled out of your thoughts suddenly as a guard none-too-gently ushered you out of the way as Michael was escorted into the small recreation hall of the Sanitarium. You were tasked with watching a handful of them, and today was finally the day you’d see your old friend properly, face to face, after so long apart. Your heart skipped a beat when he finally emerged from the long hallway, flanked on either side by armed guards. It almost seemed ridiculous to have such tight security for only one patient, but you were assured numerous times that this was indeed necessary. Would he even remember me..? A strange anxiety washed over you as Michael passed you, appearing as though he wouldn’t be sparing so much as a glance your way. It would be a lie to say that it wouldn’t be disappointing if he didn’t recognize you, but if he did? His dull blue eyes briefly flick in your direction before setting forward once more. Before you could even process his nonreaction, his head suddenly snaps in your direction. 

   Apart from his eyes subtly widening, Michael’s facial expression remained completely neutral. Some things truly never change… You mused silently, fighting a losing battle against your upturning cheeks. The three guards escorting him became prickly, all but shoving him forwards and away from you. Without thinking, you immediately say: “W-Wait! It’s alright. I- We grew up together, and I suppose he’s just surprised t-to see m-me?” You finished far weaker than you intended, all but wilting under their harsh gazes. One of the guards tried to push Michael along once more, only to have him firmly stand his ground, shrugging off the hostile hands firmly gripping onto his biceps and shoulders. A silent panic began to rise in the room. Nurses and guards alike seemed to go on the offensive, preparing for the worst. Even the other patients began to show signs of unrest, fidgeting and mumbling as they worked themselves up into an anxious mess. You suddenly felt small and vulnerable. All eyes were on you and Michael, staring and silent as though they were to be a crowd onlooking something truly terrible. Did… you make a mistake..? Surely not! B-But Michael is just…- He’s silently staring at you, unmoving and barely blinking. It was always difficult to tell what he was thinking, and right now you were completely in the dark. Was he angry? Upset? Happy? Neutral? …something else? You genuinely didn’t know, and with how the guards were going for their weapons, you were certain someone was about to get hurt. Or worse… The tension was becoming unbearable, and if this keeps up-


   Dr. Loomis’s voice broke the stalemate of silence. Staff members straightened up and quickly shook off their shock, opting to rush to their patients’ sides and tend to their panicked states. The guards remained poised and defensive, one attempting to worm his way in between the small space between Michael and yourself, but falling just short. They’re all terrified of him… If that’s the case, then why did Loomis bring a stop to it..? Your eyes jump in between Michael and his doctor, unsure of the strange man’s intentions. Loomis firmly places one of his hands on a guard’s shoulder, silently urging him away from Michael. They all look unsure and hesitant, but end up giving him some space. All the while, Michael hasn’t so much as looked away from you, quietly studying your features as though trying to remember something, or rather, trying not to forget. He made no move to step closer or further away from you, and just out of your peripheral, you could see Loomis all but salivating at the possibilities laid before him. 

   “Let’s all just… calm down, yes? Michael was just… surprised to see his old friend, that’s all. Right, Michael?” Your old friend doesn’t acknowledge his doctor in the slightest. Anyone else would have been seriously unnerved by the way he was looking at you. Anyone, but you. Somehow, you weren’t afraid in the slightest. You just knew that Michael would never do anything to hurt you, and this would be the perfect moment to show everyone that he was just as human as they, themselves, were. 

   “H-How’s about Michael and I take a seat and- uh, just, um-” You didn’t want to simply say “So we can catch up with one another'', that would have been terribly unprofessional of you, yet you were unsure of how else to put it. Thankfully Loomis cut you short and gestured towards an unoccupied table.

   “Perhaps it would do Michael some good to have some… familiar company?’ Something inside of you cringed. Looks like the quack got what he wanted in the end… You were a little annoyed, but the strange girlish glee that you felt being able to finally speak with your friend greatly overshadowed any drawbacks you saw of it. 

   Awkwardly scooting between the guards and Michael, you motion for him to follow you to the nearest empty table. To everyone’s shock but your own, he trails behind you without complaint, mutely taking a seat across from your own as you clasp your hands over one another on the table’s top. It’s smooth and cool surface helps steady your nerves as you make slightly awkward small talk with him, before eventually relaxing as he subtly leans in as though hanging on to your every word. Everything to do with Michael revolves around subtleties. All of his reactions, all of his emotions- everything was almost imperceivable to the ordinary person. But somehow, you managed to just barely catch onto his little cues early on in your young friendship, and for Michael, having someone that seems to understand him with such ease as yourself meant more to him than he ever realized. 

   He didn’t know until he first glanced at you, but he missed you. He missed you. He missed your voice, he missed the way you scrunched up your nose when you smiled, he missed that little glint in your eyes whenever you talked to him about something you were passionate about, he missed the way you would always talk with your hands, all your little quicks… Michael missed you so damn much… He had almost forgotten what it was like to feel… something, anything, let alone something as strong as… this. His heart wouldn’t stop slamming stubbornly against his ribcage and his mouth was almost painfully dry. It annoyed Michael to no end that Loomis was still sulking around, doing everything in his power to sour the moment, no doubt. But he wouldn’t give that quack what he wanted, and neither would you. You made your distaste for the doctor no secret, and that pleased Michael to no end. You haven’t changed a bit, and for that, there’s no way in hell that Michael would ever let you go ever again. 


   Your visits with Michael had become a regular part of a daily routine set forth by Dr. Loomis. Along with your regular duties, this was another part of a normal day for you, though you certainly couldn’t complain. According to Loomis, Michael’s behavior had improved dramatically. Suspiciously so, as stated by him. You couldn’t help but to roll your eyes. Of course he’s doing much better now! Michael actually has someone to talk to, now! It seemed pretty obvious to you, but Loomis thought something more… sinister was at play here, but decided to keep it to himself. With you here, he’s able to observe a side of Michael he didn’t even think he had, let alone could express at all. It was as fascinating as it was maddening, and he wished his patient would just… open up just a bit more… 

   Even with you, however, Michael never did speak. You were asked how much he talked as a child, and thinking back… you couldn’t remember. Odd, but you never thought anything of it. He didn’t need to talk as far as you were concerned. Michael did interact with you during your little visits with him. He was always attentive when you spoke, and he appeared thoughtful at times, as though fully digesting what you were talking about. He would silently work on some masks under your supervision, and was almost completely docile under your watch. It shocked everyone at Smith’s Grove, and the staff were simultaneously grateful that he was more under control and very disturbed by it. Some were worried that his temperament would change on a dime, like it usually did, others were worried what would happen if you were to miss work for any reason. There were too many uncertainties, but no one could deny the effect you had on him. 

   Candy was one of your biggest assets. Michael always had a massive sweet tooth, and when you brought an entire bag of candy corn in to share with him and the other patients, you could have sworn that you saw him drool. Somehow, no one ever figured out that he simply loved candy, and you began to genuinely wonder if Loomis was even trying to connect with Michael at all in the many years he was his doctor. You made sure to bring a little bit of something for him as often as you could. Sticky pockets and a lighter wallet were well worth seeing the glint of glee in Michael’s eyes everytime you brought him something sweet to eat. Every time he seemed surprised you got him something, and every time you couldn’t stop yourself from smiling ear to ear. 

   Life was good to you. You had a job that you loved, you are giving back to the community, you’ve reconnected with an old friend, and you’ve managed to meet someone new… It all felt like a dream at times, a very, very good dream that you desperately didn’t want to wake up from. You’ve made it a point to keep your personal and professional lives completely separate from one another. Your boyfriend knows that you’re a nurse, but that’s about it. He never pries, and you're thankful for it. Things have begun to move quickly in your personal life, and before you knew it, the question was popped, which you screamed a high pitched YES too. Though you never said it aloud, most of your colleagues noticed, but other than a few quiet ‘congratulations’, not much else was said. Some of your coworkers did actively ask about your personal life, but you always leave it purposefully vague as to not insinuate anything. Something tells you that Michael might not like to know such things, but you could be wrong. For now, it’s best to just leave things as they are. For now, at least. 

   You’ve been working at Smith’s Grove for nearly a year now. Huh, a whole year… It’s all flown by so quickly, though not in a terrible way.  You thought you’d never get to this point, but here you are; comfortable in your new career and more or less respected by both your colleagues and your superiors. Something crazy or dangerous happens almost every single day here, at your work, but so far it’s not been anything you or your peers can’t handle. They say their jobs have been far less exciting since you’ve started working here, though in a good way. No one has had any close calls with Michael since you reentered his life, and really you don’t feel like you can take much credit for that. All you do is treat him like a fellow human being, and he seems to respond quite well to it. They say that it’s only like that with you, but you don’t see how that can be true. Loomis must be putting crap into their heads…  

   How is it possible that such a biased man could become a doctor, let alone a psychologist? You scowled at the rapidly cooling cup of coffee that was set in front of you by a colleague. Yeah, Loomis was good at spreading shit, and unfortunately for you he’s learned about your private life somehow, and it’s left you anxious and uncertain. He had asked you here, in one of the many break rooms of the Institution, to talk about… something. This must be some kind of breach of… something or another, surely! Your private life has nothing to do with your professional one, and if he so much as insinuates that he’s going to tell Michael to get a rise out of him, you will report him to the higher ups and kick his ass while you're at it. 

   You don’t understand why he’s so damn interested in making Michael upset, especially when you are the subject matter. Loomis says that he’s never seen Michael act like how he does with you. Ever. You point out that you are the only one treating him like a human being, and Loomis always waves you off. ‘You don’t understand! Michael is very abnormal! This is abnormal, even for him! What if we could get a genuine reaction out of him?! Wouldn’t you want to see that as well?!’ No, no you fucking wouldn’t want to see that! Michael is just… Michael! He doesn’t need to be anything else, and it’s assholes like Loomis that have stunted any possible healing or growth that Michael could have possibly experienced! A part of you was genuinely worried about your old friend, with how Loomis’s obsession with your relationship with his patient seems to be getting more… extreme. Surely he wouldn’t do anything stupid and jepordize Michael’s well being. Would he?

   “Thank you for taking time out of your busy schedule to-”

   “Whatever it is, no.”  

   Loomis balks, halfway in between standing and taking his seat across from your own. You don’t care if you come across as unprofessional. At this point you’re past being polite about the shit Loomis is trying to pull. He sits across from you, sighing heavily. Loomis knows that you can’t stand him, and that any bullshit that he tries to pull would be completely stonewalled by yours truly. He held up his hands, showing that he had surrendered. You eyed him suspiciously, taking a long sip of your disgustingly cold coffee. After a few more awkward moments, the doctor dares to speak up once more.

   “Alright, I know that we might have gotten off on the wrong foot since you’ve arri- Wait! Please, just allow me to finish, first!” You closed your mouth against your better judgment. You couldn’t help but to at least give him another chance. But only one! “We most definitely got off on the wrong foot, and for that, I apologize.” You quirk your brow, but allow him to continue. “My intentions with Michael have always come from a good place, but it would seem that I have taken several missteps in my treatment of him. Not only that, but I’ve damaged the trust between the two of us not only as a superior and a subordinate, but as colleagues, as well.” Your shoulders relax ever so slightly, as do your facial features. Is… he actually serious, or is this some sort of ploy to get something he wants..?

   “Now, I have noticed that, recently, you’ve been engaged- Wait! All I want to say is that maybe it’s time for you to take a little break from work, that’s all!” You frown. What? Is he serious? It takes you a moment to fully digest this information. Why would someone superior to you actually want you to take some time off? Sure, you have neither called in sick or called out at all this year, but you genuinely enjoy your job, and would rather not leave unless there was cause to. But, well… then again… You would like to spend just a little more time with your new fiance… 

   “Okay, but what’s the real reason why you’re bringing this up? What are you planning, doctor?” Loomis relaxes in his seat and you can’t help but to watch him carefully. Something’s up, what, you don’t know, but it’s surely nothing good… 

   “There is no ulterior motive, I assure you. You’re a good nurse and a hard worker. I believe that you deserve a break to enjoy this engagement of yours, that is all.” You stared at your cup thoughtfully. Damn, you’ve barely had any time off all year… And this was a special time that you should have the chance to enjoy… But, then again…

   “I assure you, everything will be alright without you here. Just… think about what I proposed, hmm?” As Loomis stands, he leans over and pats you on the shoulder. You can’t help but to glower at him, causing him to quickly retrieve his hand before awkwardly clearing his throat. “Ah, w-well then… Good day?” He quickly scurries off and out of your sight, leaving you to sit to yourself and think. Would it really kill you to take just a little time off to yourself..? Surely, it was something that you deserved, and it wasn’t like you didn’t have the extra vacation time to spare. Not to mention, it is a fully staffed hospital full of trained staff. It’s not like anything terrible would happen in the few days that you would be taking for yourself, right? 

   It took a lot of back and forth with yourself, but you finally decided that some time off couldn’t hurt. And it seemed that Loomis had already put a word in with HR, since they were more than prepared to give you an entire week off. Just like that. Really, you were grateful, but also a little anxious. It would be odd for you not working for a week, but really you aren’t complaining. Michael, however didn’t seem too happy with your soon to be absence, but didn’t cause the fuss that Loomis claimed he would cause. Everything seemed to be more than fine, and you were excited to spend some quality time with your fiance. Though, unbeknownst to you, shortly after you had said your goodbyes to both Michael and your coworkers the day before your break, Loomis had spent the first quality time with Michael in years.

   “So, Michael, how are you today, hmm?” Like always, Michael doesn’t respond. He barely even acknowledges that he is being spoken to. No matter. The doctor certainly has something that will pique his patient’s interest…

   “I’m sure you’re aware of your friend’s little vacation, yes?” A blank stare like always. Loomis couldn’t help but to be irked at how you were able to pull such genuine reactions from Michael without even trying. It was as fascinating as it was disturbing, and he’s sure that Michael is completely infatuated with you, even if you don’t realize it and he doesn’t outwardly express it. Why else would he modify his behavior to something that you, personally, would approve of? Or hang onto your every word as though mesmerized by your voice? How could Loomis possibly pass up an opportunity like this? To finally get an honest reaction out of him…

 “She won’t be gone for much longer than a week, I do believe.” No reaction. “Though I suppose she would be missing work at a later date…” Barely perceivable movement of Michael’s eyes narrowing ever so slightly. Interesting… “After all, she will be celebrating her engagement with her new fiance-” 

   There was a new quality to his lack of expression, almost as if he was in genuine shock. Eyebrows lifted ever so slightly, and his lips just barely parted. Loomis had never seen such a look on his patient’s face, and it only spurred him to draw further reactions out of him. Michael could scarcely hear anything else that was said to him. You… are going to get married..? You are going to get married… You are marrying someone else..?! Every subsequent jab that Loomis directed towards Michael only fueled the rage that he felt crawling underneath his skin. ‘Why, she looked positively radiant, didn’t she, Michael?’ ‘Did you see how bright her smile was?’ ‘Such a shame that you won’t be able to attend the wedding, isn’t it?’ ‘I’m sure that she’ll be sure to send plenty of photos your way so you won’t miss a thing…’

   Security had to be called for the first time in nearly a year to restrain Michael. It was a miracle that they made it in time at all with how quickly he had jumped up and tried to strangle Loomis in spite of the restraints binding his wrists together. Even after they heavily sedated him, Michael was still a burden to force back into his room. To everyone else, it was confirmation that Michael was a monster that had some sort of dependency on you that you either weren’t aware of or didn’t care to acknowledge. To Loomis, this proved everything that he thought to be true. Michael really was just a sick animal, an animal that had a bizarre attachment to you, personally, and he would never get any better. Ever. With or without you here. You might keep him docile for a while, but when you leave? It won’t matter. He was a monster that needed to be kept under lock and key, away from the public and all decent people, no matter what. 

   Even with such high security in place, could they really hope to contain an evil like that indefinitely? Surely, sooner or later, a mistake would be made and just like that, he would be able to slip away leaving a trail of destruction in his wake unlike anything the State has seen in decades. There wasn’t any time. Loomis knew that he had fucked up in a major way. Guards and staff were dead, and though he knew exactly where Michael was headed, there was no one that would give him the time of day. Everyone believed him to be a quack, a poor excuse of a doctor, and he couldn’t agree more. He was a joke, and a terrible one at that. If no one would listen to him, then- then perhaps he could take things into his own hands. If he can just… reach you in time, then maybe he can put a stop to this before it goes any further. At least, that’s what the doctor hopes…  


   It’s been a long, but quiet day for you. You had to run a few errands that had run a bit late, and by the time you were finished, the sun had already set and kids were already out and about with their parents and older siblings. Huh… It was Halloween, wasn’t it? How could you forget..? It was a holiday that you always enjoyed. Cursing yourself slightly for forgetting such a beloved holiday, you make a mental note to keep better track of things. It’s only been two days and I’m already getting dull… Sighing, you check your phone. No calls or texts. Odd… Your partner would have at least confirmed that he saw your texts of you being late tonight. They haven’t even been read..? Something was up, but he could be as absentminded as you are right now. No need to jump to conclusions. Everything’s probably fine. Maybe he’s already started dinner…  

   You didn’t pay it much mind. Focusing on making it home as quickly as possible, you ignored the underlying dread that was creeping up your spine and settling at the base of your neck. Though you weren’t sure why, every hair on the back of your neck stood on end the closer you drew to your shared home. That dread grew even more intense as you realized that all the lights were off in your home. That’s… What’s going on? Was he hiding from trick or treaters or something? Something was unnerving you. You tried to call his cell, but it went straight to voicemail. Against your better judgment, you rushed to the door- Locked..? What the hell is going on here?! You shakily jam your key into the lock and open the door.

   Quiet. It’s very quiet, and you are getting very uncomfortable. You call out to your fiance, but there is no response. Panic blinds you to the obvious actions that you should be taking: back out, call the police, wait for help. But if he’s hurt… if he needs your help..? You check the bottom floor. Nothing out of place. You began to check the second floor. So far: nothing. As you reach the bed room, you nearly slip and fall on your ass. W-What the-?! Your shoes squeak as though something liquid is underfoot. 

   Then you
smell it.

   You nearly gag and start hyperventilating. Blood. It’s blood- fucking blood it’s blood why is it blood oh GOD-! You shrilly cry out your fiance’s name, hoping against hope that this wasn’t actually happening. That this was a dream, or a really, really shitty joke with a punchline that was far too long- No response. Even though your instincts screamed for you to run- run and get away and hide- you didn’t. You threw open that door, even though you knew you wouldn’t like what you would find in there. It was much worse than you could ever hope to imagine. 

   There was blood everywhere, on the walls, the floor, the furniture, the fucking ceiling- He’s dead! Oh GOD HE’S DEAD-!! A scream was bubbling up somewhere inside of you, from the depths of your soul, but it wouldn’t be released. A hand was clamped firmly over your mouth. It was much, much larger than your own, and it was warm and had the stench of fresh blood all over it. You gagged and attempted to fight back. Biting, kicking, screaming, scratching- fucking anything for this… MONSTER to unhand you unharmed. They didn’t so much as flinch at your pathetic attempt to fight back. That’s it… this is it..! You’re going to die. Your fiance is dead, and now you’re going to die as well… Tears welled in your eyes, overflowing and streaming down to your attacker’s hand. To your utter shock, your mouth is released. Before you had the good sense to start screaming again, the hand goes to just under your eye, catching one of your heavy tears before smearing it across your cheek. 

    W-Wha-..? You stared down at the hand. There were a few scars littered here and there, along with angry, irritated markings around the wrist that your eyes were immediately drawn to. No, wait. Restraints? This person was restrained recently..? Your heart suddenly drops to your feet and your ears begin to ring. Slowly, painstakingly slowly, you turn your head. The assailant makes no move to stop you. No… Please, God… Please don’t- You were going to vomit and faint.



   It wasn’t fair. All Michael ever wanted was you. His little Bunny… That’s how he always saw you. A little rabbit. Small, skittish, fragile, precious… You were always precious to him. Always. That never changed, even after he was forced into Smith’s Grove. And after so long, there you were, once again. His little Bunny had returned to him, safe and sound and all his. It was like a weight was lifted off of his chest. Everything was so clear and bright… But then… he learned that you were stolen away, right from underneath him. It wasn’t fucking fair..! He had to be locked up and away from you?! He had to allow some… some perverted bastard lay his hands all over you?! No, no he couldn’t fucking stand it..! He had to make you his. You were already his! Don’t you remember..?! You promised him that you would be with him forever! You didn’t forget, did you?! He would make you remember! You don’t make promises like that and just… break them like they don’t mean anything, God damn it..!

   Your lips were split wide as Michael slammed his face into yours. You squealed in pain and terror as you struggled to back away from his grasp, only managing to lose your footing, slipping in the copious amounts of blood coating the floor. Using this to his advantage, Michael pins you to the floor, mere inches away from your dead fiance. You struggle, kicking and flailing and crying and biting- but it’s no use. Michael doesn’t even flinch, and you are left helpless and screaming as your partner’s still warm blood begins to soak through your clothing. You want to vomit and you gag, giving him enough time to shove his tongue in your mouth. 

    God, this isn’t happening to me..! You whimper as your struggles die down along with any hope of escaping this attack alive. Wrists pinned above your head with one of his large hands, the other began to roam your body, roughly exploring over your clothing before quickly diving underneath it, excited to finally be able to touch you the way he’s only dreamed about. Shame and humiliation and revolusion rapidly curled your toes as Michael grew more bold the more noises involuntarily left your throat. When his hand dove past the waistline of your pants, you cried out and squirmed under his hunched over form. You couldn’t create any distance, and the more you struggled, the more it seemed to excite him further. It was pressing into your upper thigh. A thrill ran down your spine, and you moaned inadvertently as unskilled fingers mapped out your slick sex. 

   More nausea crashed over you as your hips bucked against your will as he shoved two fingers inside of you. You thrashed around, trying to renew the fight as you struggled beneath him. You weren’t going anywhere, little rabbit. The more you resisted, the further it pushed Michael along. He needed to show you how you made him feel. No one has ever made him feel anything at all! He needs to make you feel what he feels, then you’ll understand why you’re so important to him! The kiss is broken, and you cry out as loudly as you can. No one will hear your cries tonight. It’s Halloween, after all, and dumb kids are always playing dumb pranks in this neighborhood. What’s a screaming woman crying for help on a night like this..? Nothing but background noise. And what beautiful noise it was to Michael… Between heaving breaths, you beg for him to stop. To just fucking stop- Michael I thought we were friends how could you do this…?! How could you- NNGHH-!!

   It was against everything you wanted. You were sick. Fucking sick and hot and wet- Why did it have to feel so fucking good..? You cried as your pants were roughly yanked down, past your ankles and tossed carelessly to the side. God knows you don’t want this… Y-You don’t want this… All this time, he’s been staring at you, dead eyes glassy and stained with blood. You don’t want to see him. You fucking don’t- A tight grip on your hip makes you cry out, but it’s quickly choked back as Michael’s hardened cock brushes past your inner most thigh. No- No, don’t- You tried to push him. You tried but you were too weak and small and tired- All you could do was grip onto his shoulders as he pressed painfully inside of you. 

   You wanted him to stop. It fucking hurts..! Michael was so much bigger than anything that’s ever been inside of you, and you thought you would faint before he got it all inside of you. If only… He couldn’t wait for you to adjust. He’s waited for so fucking long for this exact moment..! It was all you could do to not choke on your own tears and bile. Dried blood stuck to your body in a filthy film, making you gag along with every uneven thrust of Michael’s hips. God, he was looking..! Y-You didn’t want- You don’t want-! A reflexive moan escapes the back of your throat as that sensitive spot inside of you was suddenly slammed into. Tears of shame welled in your eyes as Michael buried his face into the crook of your neck, his mouth latching onto your throat as you continuously moan wantonly into his ear. 

   The coil in your gut was already about to snap in half. WIth the way your head was forcibly tilted, you had no choice but to look your dead husband to be in the eye as his murderer forced an orgasm out of his wife to be. You are desperate to say it was forced, that it was completely painful and sickening, and it was- But it wasn’t. Michael was forcing noises out of you that you’ve never made before. He was hitting places that you never knew existed. He was making you feel fucking good, and you hated yourself for actually enjoying it.  You don’t enjoy it. He murdered the love of your life. He’s forcing you to look him in the eye as he rapes you- But why does it have to feel good…

   Michael’s sudden release inside of you spurred yet another orgasm from you, forcing your legs stiff and your back to arch off the crusty floor. The soreness inside of you was painful, much like the broken and raw skin of your neck from where he was constantly mouthing and marking you. Is it over..? Is he going to kill you, now..? Michael gently grasps your face with both hands, the pads of his thumbs brushing over your flushed cheeks. The way he’s looking at you. Something sickening twists inside of you as he leans in and gives you another awkward open mouthed kiss. No, of course he isn’t going to kill you. Michael would never hurt his Bunny. Don’t you realize that he loves you..?

   Maybe it would take some time, but you would understand what you were to Michael. You wanted to never see him ever again, even though when he went out on his hunts, you would get incredibly anxious for his return and feel genuine relief when he made it back safely to you. You hated his guts, but couldn’t bear to see him suffer and alone. You wished that he would never touch you again with those filthy hands of his, but you couldn’t deny that no one has ever made you feel this way, not even him. Especially him… You wanted to lie and say that you never fantasized about him taking you, there in the hospital, in his room or in an empty rec room, but you could only lie for so long. Everything inside of you is all twisted up and wrong. Michael fucking ruined you. You’ll never be the same ever again, and you will never leave his side, even if you wished him death every single waking moment that you were granted by his love and his love alone for you. God, you fucking hated him, and you hope that you’ll be with him forever…

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