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Lament Entertainment profile
Lament Entertainment
Lament Entertainment
It's been a long time, since you have had any contact with your mother and sister. After a decade of separation, you have graduated from high school, and are moving to the picturesque town of Hollowbrook, to be reunited. With your sister Erica's help, you'll uncover the mysteries that subtly shroud the town of Hollowbrook, meet a cast of quirky characters, and find answers to some of your own personal questions along the way. But beware... Something sinister lurks... Hollowbrook.Ravenous will have 3 arcs. Arc 1 is story focused and has some adult content. Arc 2 will have a bulk of the sexual content as it will focus on romance and relationships. Arc 3 will have both and focus on the overall conclusion of the story.

Subscription Tiers

Followers Tier

Join for free to receive email notifications about new posts submitted to paid tiers

757 subscribers SubscribeStar $0.00 tier
USD monthly
Silver Level Supporter

At this tier, you are simply supporting my Ideas and goals. Thank you very much. You will recieve access to Ravenous 2 weeks after Gold Tier release. Some SFW non canonical renders. non canon, non-nude pinups. (revealing clothing) Participation in polls

31 subscribers SubscribeStar $6.00 tier ; Silver Level Supporter
USD monthly
Gold Level Supporter

Immediate access to Ravenous upon Subscribestar release. Access to alpha build of each update release Access to sfw/non sfw non canonical renders Participation in polls Access to Pre-release builds of The Night Gate

103 subscribers SubscribeStar $10.00 tier ; Gold Level Supporter
USD monthly
Platinum Level Supporter

Access to Ravenous immediately upon Subscribestar release. Access to alpha build of each update release. Access to non-canonical bonus renders Participation in polls Access to canonical renders, character profiles/background Information packs. Participation in polls Access to Pre-Release builds of The Night Gate

*Canonical renders, Character profiles/Background Information packs will be available as the story progresses.

18 subscribers SubscribeStar $16.00 tier ; Platinum Level Supporter
USD monthly
God Among Men Supporter Tier

This Tier is for people who truly believe in what I am doing and want to see it through to the end. Major supporter Also includes everything on lower tiers. Will receive more insight to the story plans and character development upon request.

5 subscribers God Among Men Supporter Tier


  • Early access to updates and releases.
  • Canonical renders. Non-canonical renders
  • Character profile/Background information packs.
Lament Entertainment

Regarding My Update Cycle

Hey, everyone.
I have been receiving Dm's, questions, and comments about my update cycle.
  • When's the next update coming out?
  • Is the next update almost done?
  • I'm going to unsub because you aren't posting enough info/content fast enough.
  • How long between your updates , typically?

So, I have answered this a few times before, however I realize that people joining won't have this information unless they are in Discord, or dig through my past posts.
I'll pin this message so the first thing that people see will be the info.

Updates are between 4 and 6 weeks a part with an alpha release in between.

I am one person writing, rendering, animating and setting up scenes.
My proofreader gets my scenes when they are finished, and coder gets them after that.
There will not be an update every 2 weeks.
It's not even rational to expect that.


The subscription gives you:
  • Access to Creator's profile content.
  • Ability to support your Creator by pledging – one-time or recurring.
  • Means to reaching out to the Creator directly via Instant Messenger.

Creator Stats

902 subscribers
271 posts


$1,884 of $2,000
per month
This goal is for rent and pc repair so I can keep doing this as my job. I raised the goal because the per month income is not displayed correctly .

Other Creators


The subscription gives you:
  • Access to Creator's profile content.
  • Ability to support your Creator by pledging – one-time or recurring.
  • Means to reaching out to the Creator directly via Instant Messenger.

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