Regarding My Update Cycle

Hey, everyone.
I have been receiving Dm's, questions, and comments about my update cycle.
  • When's the next update coming out?
  • Is the next update almost done?
  • I'm going to unsub because you aren't posting enough info/content fast enough.
  • How long between your updates , typically?

So, I have answered this a few times before, however I realize that people joining won't have this information unless they are in Discord, or dig through my past posts.
I'll pin this message so the first thing that people see will be the info.

Updates are between 4 and 6 weeks a part with an alpha release in between.

I am one person writing, rendering, animating and setting up scenes.
My proofreader gets my scenes when they are finished, and coder gets them after that.
There will not be an update every 2 weeks.
It's not even rational to expect that.
