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To provide a sample of my writing, here is a 100% clean One-Shot I wrote with supporting characters Fwethrobaen and Eketim. It is 2,392 and serves as a peek into the tensions present in the general narrative of the world.

Please remember that all my completed works are available, for free, on my website.

Shop Talk

Fwethrobaen found herself buried in research long after assignments had been distributed. The others had finished their prep and were on their way out, leaving just herself and Eketim left in the month's modest meeting location. She glanced at the room Eketim had commandeered for his personal operations. The door to the sparse office was open, a rarity, one she took as a sign that she might find him in a more favorable disposition.

With no others around to witness her actions or hear her, Fwethrobaen meandered to his office, restless and craving some personal attention. She had always been attracted to Eketim, it didn't matter who or what he was, or what he looked like, it was his finesse and competency that drew her in. She had attempted to solicit him in the past, though he spurned her advances, but this only served to make her more interested in him.

Looking into the office, Fwethrobaen could see Eketim leaning over the desk, not bothering to sit, a tablet, laptop, and a couple open boxes of files took up residency on his desk.

"May I have a word with you privately?" Fwethrobaen coyly announced her presence leaning on the frame of the door.

Eketim's voice was always filtered through his helmet, obscured by modulation and subtle reverb.

"You may." The answer was flat, but that was typical of his usual demeanor.

Fwethrobaen closed the door behind her, a precaution in the event anyone doubled back while they were speaking, before advancing from her position. She spoke as she walked.

"I don't suppose you've changed your mind about fornicating with your business partners; offer's still on the table." Fwethrobaen smoothly sat herself on the corner of the desk with the conclusion of her statement, the very offer in question.

Eketim didn't bother turning his head in Fwethrobaen's direction, comparing notes on his tablet to whatever he had on the laptop on the desk. "As tempting as that is, my answer is still and forever will be, no."

Fwethrobaen held a disgruntled grimace and attempted to press again.

"You that afraid of me learning who you are by what you're packing?" She leaned in, no attempt to hide the obvious glance to Eketim's groin.

Still unmoved from his focus, he answered. "There are more identifying elements to an individual that sex illuminates that are not limited to the physical. Being ignorant to that is how you become compromised." He was pointedly belittling in his answer.

"And so what if I learn some more personal information about you?" There was a hiss in Fwethrobaen's voice that indicated her irritation. "If this is an issue of trust, you know that I have no incentive to risk any of this. Compromising you means our whole organization would be compromised."

"I have no doubt you'd be diligent in guarding certain information, my rebuke is not fueled by any doubt of your loyalty. My concern is in the subtle and unconscious way that specific information could unknowingly betray you. I would think you'd know well enough, it is not always through confession that secrets are divulged." Now, ever so slightly, Eketim's helmet turned in Fwethrobaen's direction.

With a hiss of defeat, Fwethrobaen hopped off the corner of the table. She only took a few steps away from the desk when she considered another approach, turning to confront Eketim once more.

"Is it identification you're really worried about, or is it because your sexual preferences are- contradictory to your usual demeanor?" She needled. "You afraid the crew might perceive you as lesser if word got around that you like the softer side of things, maybe even that you prefer being ordered around."

Eketim stiffened in a way that was subtle, almost unnoticeable to anyone not looking for it, but Fwethrobaen had worked with him for years and knew how to pick up on behaviors he attempted to mask. Something she said had irritated him.

"Emotion has nothing to do with my decision." Eketim's tone was measured, but holding back a sharpness. "News of any sexual proclivities I have would not negatively impact my ability to lead nor in the acceptance of it."

Fwethrobaen wasn't entirely convinced of her own accusation about Eketim's preference, but his reaction to it was enough to want to continue prodding him, to see where it went. "Is that why Zorn got kicked out of our little organization, because you knew he wouldn't listen if he found out our leader prefers taking orders in his downtime?"

"Zorn parted ways because he chose his indulgences over cohesion." Subtle contempt was heard in Eketim's tone, either over the accusation, the conflicts that lead to Zorn's parting, or Zorn himself, or all of it together.

"His 'indulgences' were fucking his marks, not his co-workers." Fwethrobaen refuted.

"Complacency leads to vulnerability, and there is no greater catalyst for complacency, than sex." Eketim continued. "Even if he abstained from assaulting his targets, he would have caused just as much vulnerability to us all from his rampant sexual appetite."

"Was it really his sexual appetite that was the problem, or the fact that he was just stupid?"

"Both." Eketim answered curtly.

Fwethrobaen chuffed and shook her head, at least they agreed Zorn was stupid. Though, she was still motivated to needle Eketim further, to see what he would bristle at. "You really focused on sex as a form of weakness, you sure you're not just a prude? Afraid of sex?" She permitted herself to be more overtly teasing in her delivery.

"You opened this little discussion with sex, there is no greater reason for the focus than that." Eketim dodged the accusation of being a prude. "But to ensure there are no misgivings, all indulgences are vectors for vulnerability."

"Even murder?" Fwethrobaen teased.


There was a shift in the tone, the sound of raised lip through the filter, Fwethrobaen picked up on the sounds of Eketim's amusement.

"Yes, even the nature of our very job." Eketim elaborated. "I've witnessed such forms of complacency for myself."

"As have I." Fwethrobaen responded quietly. She was running out of subjects to needle, Eketim had sealed the opportunity she had pried opened up earlier. Something to keep in her mind to dig into, another day.

"Speaking of murder, it's time I took care of mine." Fwethrobaen announced, walking to the door with the intent to leave, this time.

"Before you do, while we are on the subject of weak links to our organization-" Eketim raised his voice just enough to indicate importance.

Fwethrobaen stopped and turned, there was something ominous about the way Eketim announced the change in subject. Eketim didn't wait for her to answer before continuing.

"With Zorn out of the picture, you are the only member of our organization that operates with exposed flesh. While this has not been a problem in the past, as you have always been diligent about covering your traces and preventing witnesses, in the operations going forward-"

"What- No- Hold on." Fwethrobaen interrupted Eketim, fully aware of where exactly he was going. "Not all of us have the luxury of covering ourselves from head to toe. You know this. And it has never been a problem in the past." Her posture and tone read of rising distress, taking a few steps back toward Eketim's direction.

"That is not entirely true. It has not been a problem recently, but it has been a problem in the past." Eketim responded with a condescending tone he didn't bother hiding.

"What do you me-"

Fwethrobaen's protest stopped dead when Eketim presented the tablet screen to her with a blurred photo that she immediately recognized. She remembered that job early on in her career, a camera that had caught her, her orange skin stood out bright against the white backdrop of the room.

Eketim took up her silence. "You did not destroy the evidence as thoroughly as you first thought."

Fwethrobaen gathered her embarrassment to compose herself for her rebuttal. "But that was one-"

"I also have eye witness testimony from investigation transcripts, spotting a figure in dark clothes and orange skin." Eketim interrupted, flipping the tablet back around to himself to bring up the text in question.

"But that's got to be at least ten years old by now."

Fwethrobaen didn't bother reading the screen when Eketim presented it to her once more.

"They are," Eketim admitted. "and their age is the only reason why I have not sought your termination earlier."

"Then what was the point of this intervention?" Fwethrobaen asked cautiously.

"To emphasize the importance of obscuring as much identifying information as possible." Eketim sounded more obviously annoyed than he had previously. The screen was turned back around to face him once more.

"So, what, my options are either to leave or suffocate?" Her voice was more audibly distressed, she could no longer hide the fear in her expression. 'Leaving' could mean her death, and she knew it.

"You're being dramatic." Eketim sighed with an exasperated heaviness, while tapping through menus of the screen he was using. "I am aware of your species physical incompatibility with most forms of total coverage, and I may have a solution."

Fwethrobaen paused, watching Eketim work on the tablet. "I'm listening." She was intrigued but still felt a creeping sense of dread, nonetheless.

"I'm working with a very discreet subcontractor that works in nanites. There is a prototype covering that would both cover your exposed locations and permit the flexibility for your vents to operate as needed." Eketim changed the screen, flipping through prototype photos and video, displaying what looked like a moving fabric, covering skin expanding over it and receding back.

Fwethrobaen looked on with fascination, even a bit of excitement at the additional options such a thing would afford her. She couldn't cover the vents of her skin very easily without it causing some complications. It had been a long-standing concern of hers, but it was also one that made her the most careful of the team, she was the best at erasing that kind of evidence of anyone in the group, save for possibly Eketim.

"That should provide an additional level of obfuscation that should possibly prevent you from being linked to your previous mistakes. Or any new ones you may make." It was now Eketim's turn to needle at his teammate.

Fwethrobaen remained quiet for a moment longer, taking in the new information as well as Eketim's demeanor. "If this hasn't been a problem before, why bring this up now?"

Eketim pulled back the tablet, quietly setting it down on the desk. Once he stepped away, hands behind his back, he answered.

"There are plans of mine in motion that will bring us under more explicit scrutiny than we have before." Eketim walked at a slow, idle pace to nowhere in particular. "I have spent months looking for any possible remote link for all in the organization that could be used to identify any of us, in even the most obscure ways. Because if it exists, if something in the past can be linked to any of us as we are now, she will find it."

"She?" Fwethrobaen paused in thought, her eyes lifted when it dawned on her. "Zephyra?"

"Correct." Eketmin paused his walk to face Fwethrobaen when stating his answer.

"Is all this planning related to what you bragged about, that you figured out who she was?" The sense of revelation Fwethrobaen was experiencing held in her voice. There had been jobs Eketim had been either partaking in or distributing to others that had caught her curiosity, and now they were starting to make sense. "You ever going to let us in on this discovery? I feel like it would be a boon to the whole group if we all knew."

"No," Eketim answered sharply. "I have my own reasons for keeping this information close at hand, it will make the play I have in mind all the more potent once it is set. But yes, what I have planned will involve her very explicitly and directly."

"If you're planning on using us in going to war with Zephyra, we should know what you know." The latent dread Fwethrobaen had been holding was beginning to show in her tone.

"Nothing is preventing you from uncovering the answer yourself." Eketim's answer evaded the matter of using his teammates for his own gains. "Her identification was quite easy to uncover once I knew where to look. If you knew what I knew, you would understand the motivation for my discretion."

"Then why not just tell me now if it's 'that easy'?" Fwethrobaen mocked Eketim's tone in the final phrase. "No one else is here if that's what your issue is."

"As I said before earlier in our conversation, there are passive ways one may divulge deeply compromising information. You are familiar enough with social engineering to understand this." Eketim sounded irritated, lecturing her once again.

"Right. I get it." Fwethrobaen sounded equally as irritated.

She turned to leave the room for good this time, when Eketim's voice stopped her journey to the door once more.

"I have a proposal for you." Eketim stated clearly.

Fwethrobaen rested a hand on the frame, turning to face Eketim but saying nothing.

"If you can determine who she is on your own, I will let you in on the explicit details of everything I have planned and you will be the first to reap the benefits of its outcome once all is over." Eketim offered.

"Can't say I care about what these 'benefits' are without knowing them, but I'm always up for a little competition." Fwethrobaen's voice held more weariness than enthusiasm. "But could I get some sort of starting point?"

Eketim was quiet for a beat, then spoke. "Motivation."

"Motivation?" Fwethrobaen repeated back, looking for elaboration.

"Search out her motivations, where her focus is, what she seeks out. That may be far more illuminating than you'd expect. It is not the cipher, but it will lead you to it." Eketim walked back to the desk to immerse himself in the work Fwethrobaen had interrupted him from.

"Right. Her motivations. I'll get right on that." Fwethrobaen's tone didn't sound as convincing as she attempted to present herself as. She left the room without another word between them, a looming anxiety held with her.
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Chapter 5 WIP

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