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KennoArkkan profile
Doing adult comics of my characters from "My life with Fel, the webcomic" (and alternative universes)

Планы подписки

USD в месяц
Alex tier

Access to the ongoing comics! which typically are: +3 to 4 "After-hours" comic pages/month +1 Guest "After-hours" comic by Mizarusketch (TM) +Early access to 10 or so Q&As done on the first week of the month +1 weekly sketch comic page +Access to any other assorted artwork done that month.

28 подписчиков Substar supporter
USD в месяц
Muggs tier

Same as the previous tier plus:

You get to provide input and vote on future after-hours comic pages.

You also get the option to appear in the credits of the commercial versions of After-hours comics once they go on sale to the public.

3 подписчика Substar supporter
USD в месяц
Soph Tier (instant archive access)

oh, you Horny horny. You want INSTANT, PAID-UPFRONT access to the archive, skipping the whole ordeal of subscribing for months until you reach the $250 milestone.

This tier includes the benefits of the $10 and $20 tier, at least while you're in it.

Do change to a more reasonable amount once your first payment goes through and you've gotten what you need. (unless you really wanna pay $250 bucks a month 🙉) Once you're on a lower tier, I'll manually adjust your tier to a regular "archive access tier" so you continue having said access.

0 подписчиков Substar supporter

Добро пожаловать!

  • $10/month: Access to the ongoing comics! 3 to 4 "After-hours" comic pages/month +1 Guest "After-hours" comic by Mizarusketch (TM) +Early access to 10 or so "Q and A"s done on the first week of the month + One weekly sketchcomic page (Sometimes more.These are stories written by me!) +Access to any other assorted artwork done that month.
  • $20/month: same as above plus input on After-hours comics, and your name in the credits.
  • People who amass $250 of gross support given, get access to "The MLWF archive", with all the MLWF art and comics I've made since 2013, as well as all my commission work in high resolution, no ads.
What to expect from this SubscribeStar page
Wanna support me?
Don't like my Patreon page, or Patreon fucked up something again?
You wanna pay upfront and get instant access to my work? (Instead of waiting a whole month like on patreon.)
Do you prefer a monthly subscription as opposed to the "per update" system over there?

Then this SubscribeStar page is for you!

**UPDATE January 2025
the archive milestone of "total given support throughout your lifetime" changes to $250

I used different girls for this tiers just to be fancy, but as you can imagine by the prices: subscribestar's $10/month = the $5/per update of patreon.
subscribestar's $20/month = the $10/per update of patreon.

Differences with patreon:
Patreon's "per update" system remains more flexible in that you could set monthly maximums, so for example, on the $5 tier you could pay only 1 weekly paid update, 2, 3, 4, or no limit. (so you could pay 5, 10, 15 or 20 bucks for the same $5 tier rewards). BUUUT you have to wait a whole payment cycle (usually a month) before i get your support and you recieve your rewards.

Here on Substar, everything is once a month and upfront. Instant access to the weekly rewards.
  • 10/month for comics/art access
  • 20/month for the above, plus input on after-hours comics and credits. 

I plan on changing the tiers and rewards around Q2 this year, stay tuned for that.

Thanks for supporting my work!!

Публичный пост
What to expect from this SubscribeStar page
Wanna support me?
Don't like my Patreon page, or Patreon fucked up something again?
You wanna pay upfront and get instant access to my work? (Instead of waiting a whole month like on patreon.)
Do you prefer a monthly subscription as opposed to the "per update" system over there?

Then this SubscribeStar page is for you!

**UPDATE January 2025
the archive milestone of "total given support throughout your lifetime" changes to $250

I used different girls for this tiers just to be fancy, but as you can imagine by the prices: subscribestar's $10/month = the $5/per update of patreon.
subscribestar's $20/month = the $10/per update of patreon.

Differences with patreon:
Patreon's "per update" system remains more flexible in that you could set monthly maximums, so for example, on the $5 tier you could pay only 1 weekly paid update, 2, 3, 4, or no limit. (so you could pay 5, 10, 15 or 20 bucks for the same $5 tier rewards). BUUUT you have to wait a whole payment cycle (usually a month) before i get your support and you recieve your rewards.

Here on Substar, everything is once a month and upfront. Instant access to the weekly rewards.
  • 10/month for comics/art access
  • 20/month for the above, plus input on after-hours comics and credits. 

I plan on changing the tiers and rewards around Q2 this year, stay tuned for that.

Thanks for supporting my work!!
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March archive access

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Пост заблокирован прайс-планом $250 .
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March week 3 rewards

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Пост заблокирован прайс-планом $10, $20, $250 .s
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After-hours 39 p13 is up, what's next?

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Пост заблокирован прайс-планом $20, $250 .s
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Archive update

Комментарии (2)
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Пост заблокирован прайс-планом $10, $20, $250 .s
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Trace fanart!

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Пост заблокирован прайс-планом $10, $20, $250 .s
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Показать следующие публикации (6 / 318)

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33 подписчика
318 постов


$317 of $600
per month
If we get here that'd be a ton of money tbh. That'd allow me to hire a second artist every month for even more guest after-hours comics!
$317 of $900
per month
With this amount of money, i'd be able to hire an artist for a third guest-comic page per month!! that's three times as much after-hours goodness! Four times including my own comics!!

Другие Звёзды


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  • Доступ к контенту на этой странице.
  • Поддерживать автора контента материально - единоразово или на регулярной основе.
  • Возможность общаться напрямую с автором контента через чат на сайте.
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