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Hello. This is InitialA. or some may also know me as ffxivinitiala (twitter/ffxivInitiala) and InitialA from pixiv (user/82713435). I'm a beginner NSFW animator. I mainly animate Final Fantasy girls and some random girls I like from the games I play.You don't need my permission to share or dub/voice any of my animations. feel free to do so.
Hello! I hope you are well~ the dearly beloved Master is here to debut~ the one and only. who else? PIXIV MEGA
wanted her to wear her tough face during the action, but I also want her to wear her soft kind face too. and I tend to stick to only one, just because it creates such a nice flow. I decided on the latter because that's the face I love the most on her. that face could link to any hearts...imo, she doesn't even need a Keyblade. though, maybe I'll do her when she's wearing her tough face too later.
It's Fran/Fren this week. The previously unnamed NPC from the OG now have a name. crazy. Still a bit salty that somehow they give Costa girls a name but not the 7 infantry Commander. ...maybe in part 3?
And she is such a beauty too. I just know I'm going to do a 4 some with Naomi and Yorda too at some point. ...if I don't forget. But I have a feeling I wouldn't forget. for minor NPCs, they make them so beautiful..
Oh I got quite amount of DMs telling me about Stellar Blade coming to PC too. I've checked, and there are a lot of crazy top tier animations of the main girl already though? tbh it's not really on my must to do list. if I'm going to do a character from it, it's probably that Lily girl or some other side characters that have not yet animated just to fill the empty space on the internet. never played the game nor the sister games too. but I'll play anything with sexy beautiful girls in it as long as it's not a gacha game. gacha is just not my thing.
Cirina is the next to debut for March's FF14. probably going to go easy on her here. her rig is not the best one I've got ngl. It has so many problems. I have to fix stuff often as I animate her. one of those "the more I fix, the more problem occur."
I'm in the middle of setup for Annabella too for next month's 16. might be a bit of a spoiler for those who haven't played the game yet as you can see. but you've probably seen worse spoilers on Youtube thumbnails. Oh and I've said this before, but I know people are going to ask anyway. so I'll say it again : I'm not going to lewd Olivier. best I'd do is just like the screenshot above. Well that's it. the default cube awaits me in Blender.
Thanks for your kind support and donation as always. m(_ _)m
Wishing you all the best luck in whatever you do in life. stay safe and take care! see you next week~
Hi! And Happy holidays! what a tiring week~ at least for me. anyway, the usual PIXIV MEGA
Did some easy poses for the KH girls since there was some time crunch involved. just playing it safe. It was supposed to be just Kairi, Namine and Olette, but I end up adding extra cameo anyway. I did sacrificed some sleep time for them, but whatever. I'll do their full focused set when they debut just like any other.
Feel like I should do a little retrospect because it's the end of the year, but I feel like I didn't really gain any major improvement unlike last year. I learnt a thing or two about bugs in Blender though. And I'm really grateful that I can upgrade my workstation PC and have better workflow balance this year thanks to the donation and support from you. so, Thank you! m(_ _)m.
I find myself still lacking some I'm still watching works from my favorite animators and still having a hard time trying to learn from them. I'm still watching beginner tutorials too. sometimes I even forget the basics. but I do love animating girls. even though Blender has been a pain lately with the bugs and all. so....Idk how long I'll be doing this, but I'm still enjoying it. I'm not quitting anytime soon. too many girls on queue anyway lol. ...obviously can't please everybody, but I'll still continue.
and sorry for being slow paced.
Also Sorry for not replying to all the messages. I'm just playing it safe. I'm not a native speaker after all. I'm sure you've noticed my grammar error here and there.
but I do take ideas and requests from time to time, and grateful to all the messages people sent. I'm also grateful to those who share my works and even voiced them. Thank you very much for this year m(_ _)m
Back with another one from a dead game. Yurie from NieR Rein. She might be one of my favorite design wise. I almost forgot how to do dynamic shots. then I remember a tutorial that taught me a simple cheat : "just add wind". idk if it works actually.
Anyway, I heard that she is a sister to Marie. I wouldn't know that at a glace ngl. but I did only read the summary...So, a threesome is in the plan for sure. ...if I don't forget...I have a memory of a goldfish after all. So how many Nier Rein Girls rigged up to now? must be a total of 8. 9 with Kaine. which I don't remember if my Kaine model is from Rein or not.
I'll take a break next week. I don't think I can even animate since I will be out of town for couple of days and be too tired. It's new year after all. it's an odd date anyway. I'll post again after I'm back (week after). but I posed some girls already for Jan.
Maybe I could finish 1 Lucia animation before bed. anyway, thanks for your kind donations and support as always m(_ _)m
Happy holidays, Happy new year, stay safe, and may good luck be with you in all you do. See you next year~
Hello hello! are you well? I heard some part of the world experiencing terrible heatwave. please be careful wherever you are. Anyway, guess who is here to deliver Divine Ass-ault. PIXIV MEGA
Decided it's Lenneth this week.
Valkyrie Profile have a lot of cute beautiful knight girls serving as loyal einherjar. don't think many people know about them though. me included.
Animating her reminded me that my skill is still not quite there yet. I had to revise some animations couple times even though the poses are quite simple. I still think something look off, but I can't figure out what. usually I'll notice the mistake once I look back at it in retrospect much later on. if you love drawing, you know how that works and feels. it is similar.
I plan to release Olette next week, so might as well rig another KH character. A supporter mentioned her not too long ago. so she has been on my mind since. it's Aqua from kingdom hearts.
Don't have any ideas on what to do with her yet, but at least I get her model ready to animate. Still trying my best to match the ingame shader and lighting. I think I'm slowly getting there. Aqua is such a sweet girl. I have no plan for the Anti version of her currently. but who knows maybe I'd be in the mood to have her Anti version sooner.
Right now I have Xion, Larxene, KH3 Yuffie and KH3 Aerith waiting in line. no rush. let me know if I'm missing some characters you'd like to see. If they have a high res model especially. Also, I'm not really big fan of Disney nor their characters. so no promises on those. at least for now. but I could be persuaded, as you all know.
The usual drill for petite character next week, If you're on FANBOX, I'll direct you to "read" her article on my other blog.
Something about Olette being so cute I can't resist the urge to do her rough. at least that's the idea for now.. I might change my mind later and do more soft stuff. Also, maybe Ryne and Minfilia threesome in their oracle form next after Olette before I forget about the pairing.
That's all for this week!
Thank you for all your support and donations, also for the kind comments. thank you m(_ _)m
Hello once again. faring well? You know who it is. But are you sure she is really here and not just here because she altered your memory? BJ BJ Nude Leg up Leg up Nude Prone
I should be able to make a threesome with her and Kairi in the future. ...maybe when I finally upgrade my PC "memory". KH models are not heavy, but it'd cause me less headache managing disk cache for baked simulation if I had extra ram space.
Speaking of memory, For those who don't know, I use cloth sim for hair animation. 16 gb of ram can only handle few cloth simulation cache. the more complicated the hair model is, the larger the cache is. And of course, game engine's cloth sim is not the same as 3D software's cloth sim. For heavy detailed characters, usually I rely on disk cache instead of ram. For FF14 and KH characters though, my 16gb of ram is more than enough. at least it's not making the viewport playback animation at 5 FPS like Stranger of Paradise character.
However, I'll prioritise getting a new GPU first. Because "team green" GPU is super expensive over here with import taxes etc. and they are only getting more expensive. idk how that works. and according to many Blender render benchmark, "team green" is the better value for faster 3D productivity than "team red". is what it is. I'll update you once I'm able to upgrade.
The new model this week is Lyna from Shadowbringers. I was on a fence between rigging her or Sadu. decided to rig Lyna first. Aura is more complicated with their scales. and not to mention they'll get a texture upgrade soon for the scales. Maybe I should wait until then before I rig any new Auras. There was also an argument about how Viera feet should look like. some people said "it should be digitigrade", some do say "it's human like", "in 12, it's digitigrade","in 14, it's human like feet" so on and so forth. maybe I should just hide her feet with shoes. ....oh and there is also the "is there tail or no tail?" situation. She is the only Vierra I know beside Fran. I will animate Fran too one day, I'll probably use the FF14 version of Fran though. As the FF14 model is way better than FF12's in geometry.........unless, I find a better model of her. And I know there is SFM model of Fran somewhere. I'll decide based on which version looks better in Blender.
just small random FF15 animations to fill an odd date. after them, I want to animate Princess Sarah from SoP. I'm also doing stuff on some characters for the 14th of feb. could be anyone, but I already posed some of them. I'll add more if I can make more time. also, the above is not representative of the final product... I could change their pose,lighting etc if I deem necessary. Well then, That's it.
Do take care, and Thank you for your kind donation and support as always m(_ _)m See you next week!
Apparently she is considered the mommy of the group according to the wiki. seems 13 has a lot of "mommy" trope characters. Even lightning is kind of mommy like. in Dissidia, she babysit Squall like she can't leave a kid alone. In LR, she knock some sense to Snow and act like a big sis. There is also Lightning and Hope combination.
I crashed a lot rendering all 3 of her animations every 10 - 30 frames. after some troubleshooting, I managed to reduce the amount of crashes just by merging her body vertices distance. idk how or why that works. the memory usage is not even as heavy as when I animate Stranger of Paradise characters.
..And speaking of mommy, This week I rigged Nora Estheim from 13. I don't know how I'd animate her. Knowing me, I'd probably go a little bit dark like I did to Ifalna or Ameliance instead of wholesome. but we'll see.
Now before anyone asks, I won't do anything to Hope. I could make him watch as we pound his mom though. ...that is unless I decided that I go with the Wholesome route.
I also remake Venat and Ameliance rig. I made their proportion a bit more human like. I think it won't be too noticeable once I animated them. And their shoulder is still broad similar to Elezen features. new body Here some comparison between their old and new body. they both use the same body. front arms side Most problematic proportions have been fixed. I could try to fix their old bodies by adding some corrective shapekeys, but it's way too low poly for my taste and it could create more UV problems subdividing it. so I just replace them with a new body instead.
I'll use this base body model for all NPCs using Elezen body type in the future (Elezen,Vierra,Garlean,Ancients). Some might prefer the old body type, but they create more problems in some difficult poses, so I'll stick with this one.
who? You know the drill for this one. As usual. if you are on Fanbox. I'll direct you to my other blog to "read" her article. And the week after Namine is a weird date. I'll try to think of something to fill.
That's all! Thank you for you kind support and donation as always m(_ _)m Take care!
Hello! Time for another animations and still renders. New year comes with new challenges. I hope you are all doing fine and keeping yourself safe no matter where you are. m(_ _)m But I'm here to do what I do. I'll start this year with Aranea. PIXIV P3DX MEGA
What'd it be like to watch fireworks during new year's eve in an hotspring inn? ...well...I wouldn't know. So that's the theme this time. While I was animating this one, I noticed several new problems in my rig that's bothering me, so I'm going to redo her rig again later on.
Haven't decided on what to do with her next month. probably just Valentine stuff.
It's Olette from KH3. I rigged her for no reason really. I just found her model somewhere and try to custom rig her with similar setup I did to Kairi/Namine. NSFW Alternative Render ver : HERE NSFW Alternative Render ver : HERE
I also have KH3 version of Yuffie and Aerith as well. Rigging and animating them in the future seems fun. I put them on my later list for now. afaik, only Yuffie and Aerith made it to KH3. I'd love to get the better version of KH Fujin, Selphie and Tifa,but no dice. maybe we'll get them in the next game. NSFW Alternative Render ver : HERE
Like Kairi & Meteion, I don't think I can post my fanart of her on PIXIV/FANBOX, So if you're there, I'll redirect you to my SS blog to "read" about them as usual when the time comes. And I'm planning to animate Namine soon. Probably near the end of this month.
It's Alisaie, and just Alisaie for now. I put Ameliance in there as a background to spice up the scene a bit. Right now I'm considering replacing Ameliance's body or any character that uses Elezen body type to a more basic human propotion. Similar to some 14 female bosses I rigged. With the Elezen body type, some poses really do look weird imo. But It's still in consideration. Also, I think I can still post Alisaie on PIXIV just fine like Ryne and Gaia.
I'm still not out of my busy schedule, so there is still that small chance of being late in posting next week animation.
Aaand, That's it! Thank you for all your kind donation and support as always! m(_ _)m Take care and stay safe everyone!
(I almost forgot to add download links. I must be more tired than I thought lol)
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If I reached $200/month, I'd be able to allocate 50% of it for future hardware upgrades instead of 30%. And the other half still goes to hardware insurance & 3D models backup in case of hardware failure.
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